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作者:Daniel Li









Solana的强势复苏与其强有力的领导力密不可分。Solana的联合创始人Anatoly Yakovenko在构建高性能操作系统方面拥有近二十年的经验,他的技术专长为Solana的成功奠定了坚实的基础。Yakovenko曾因开发"PoH(Proof of History)"而广受赞誉。另一位联合创始人Solana Raj Gokal同样是科技行业的知名人物。他们都对Solana充满信心,认为它有潜力成为加密世界的"苹果"。




压缩NFT技术:Solana推出了压缩NFT,这项技术将改变加密市场对NFT的看法,并带来以前看似不可能的全新用例。通过压缩NFT,NFT创作者只需以50 SOL的价格铸造1亿枚NFT。这对市场参与者来说具有重要意义。实际上,压缩NFT使得游戏工作室可以将游戏中的每个物品或角色铸造成NFT,社交媒体平台也可以更轻松地将NFT分配给每个用户。未来,我们可能会看到数十亿的实物资产在区块链上流通。压缩NFT技术的引入推动了NFT市场的发展,并扩大了Solana生态系统的应用范围。

Neon EVM:Solana推出了Neon EVM,这是一个兼容以太坊虚拟机(EVM)的解决方案,使开发人员能够在Solana生态系统中运行基于以太坊的智能合约。Neon EVM的引入为以太坊开发者提供了更多选择和灵活性,他们可以无需修改代码,直接在Solana上运行他们的智能合约。这促进了开发者的迁移和Solana生态系统的增长。


除了技术领域的持续创新之外,Solana也投入了比以往更多的精力和资金来促进生态项目的创新和发展。2023年,Solana基金会推出了一系列的增长计划,如Convertible Grants和AI资助基金,为Solana生态系统内的项目提供支持和投资。通过这些计划,Solana基金会鼓励和激励创新项目的发展,并为其提供资金和资源支持。


另外,Solana还开始注重加强与加密生态系统中的主要参与者的合作,通过建立战略联盟为生态系统提供多样化的用例,并推动了加密货币领域的进一步创新。在2023年,Solana新增了一些战略联盟,包括Chainlink (LINK)、Serum (SRM)、ChainSafe、Sabre Lab、Bonfida、Raydium (RAY)等。这些战略联盟的建立为Solana带来了更多合作机会,扩大了其在加密货币领域的影响力,并为生态系统的发展提供了更多的支持和协同作用。


Solana的强势复苏引发了投资者对其代币SOL的渴望,然而这种强烈需求并未带动Solana生态的流动性大爆发。相较于SOL的惊人涨幅,Solana的总锁定价值(TVL)涨幅差强人意。Solana以美元计价的总锁定价值(TVL)上涨了200%,这看起来令人印象深刻,但仍然低于FTX崩溃前的100亿美元的低谷,并且对于以SOL计价的TVL 而言,今年实际上下降了 45%,凸显了该项目生态系统流动性的有限。




在2023年11月22日,Jupiter Exchange启动了JUP代币的社区空投计划。该计划将向符合条件的95.5万个Solana钱包空投总量为10亿枚的JUP代币。空投将通过Solana钱包地址进行,每个符合条件的Solana钱包将获得1,050枚JUP代币。Jupiter Exchange计划进行4轮空投,每轮的代币数量和比例将根据社区反馈和市场情况进行调整。此外,Jupiter Exchange还宣布将为项目的早期会员赠送独家NFT,并在代币发行时优先将代币分发给Jupiter的用户和社区早期支持者。

随着空投计划的推出和NFT的发行,Jupiter Exchange准备进一步建设其社区,并围绕项目创建一个繁荣的生态系统。该项目注重社区参与和用户体验,有望推动广泛采用,并成为基于Solana的DEX领域的领导者。通过持续的发展和创新,Jupiter Exchange将为Solana生态系统的发展和推广做出重要贡献。



11月28日,Jito宣布将于2024年1月1日启动代币空投计划。根据计划,Jito将发行治理代币JTO,并将10%的总量用于社区追溯性空投。这次空投将对Jito的社区治理起到关键作用。持有JTO代币的用户可以参与设置JitoSOL权益池的费用,控制StakeNet参数更新委托策略,管理JTO代币的DAO金库和JitoSOL的收入,以及为Jito Network的增强做出贡献。

JTO的总量为10亿枚,其中10%将进行社区追溯性空投。空投对象包括持有JitoSOL的用户、运行Jito-Solana MEV客户端的Solana验证者,以及积极使用Jito Network的MEV程序的用户。具体的分配明细为:社区增长占34.3%;生态系统发展占25%;投资者占16.2%;核心贡献者占24.5%。


Pyth Network

Pyth Network是一个建立在Solana区块链上的去中心化预言机项目。它的目标是将链下金融数据聚合到区块链上,为DeFi和传统金融领域提供高质量和高保真度的数据。该项目获得了众多机构投资者的支持,并与一些顶级合作伙伴合作,如纽交所最大做市商GTS、机构交易平台LMAX、FTX和芝加哥交易公司等。

为了推动Pyth Network的发展和去中心化,该项目于2023年11月20日宣布了空投计划。空投将持续90天,开放领取时间为2023年11月20日22:00,空投领取页面有效期至2024年2月18日。该空投计划是一个广泛的跨链空投,覆盖了27个链上的9万多个钱包地址。所有对Pyth Network生态系统作出贡献的社区成员以及使用Pyth数据的个人用户都有资格参与。

Pyth Network的空投计划将激励社区参与链上治理,并推动项目向去中心化、自我可持续和无需许可的状态发展。作为Solana生态系统中的预言机网络,Pyth Network的发展壮大也将提高Solana生态系统的可持续性和去中心化程度,吸引更多的参与和关注

As a representative of the old public chain, the author is slowly recovering from the heavy blow. With this wave of bitcoin market, tokens have also begun to rise strongly. In recent days, their rise has exceeded the above tokens. According to the optimistic estimation of the forecast, their prices are expected to reach three-digit strong rise by the end of the year. On the one hand, their prices have been hit hard in the past, and their market value has been seriously underestimated. With the impact of the incident, they have been steadily building their high-performance blockchain. Infrastructure has aroused investors' interest again. In addition, the recent concentrated outbreak of airdrops in ecosystem projects has also aroused unprecedented concern in the market. Investors are generally optimistic about the future of the company, or will be expected to take advantage of this wave of market to return to the peak of the past. The Jedi counterattack year of the sleeping giant is a heavy blow to the entire encryption industry. Numerous encryption institutions have frequently thundered, and as an old public chain, they have not been spared. The market value of the company has plummeted due to many challenges such as network interruption and bankruptcy throughout the year. The value dropped to a precipice-like decline, and the whole cryptocurrency market was depressed. The lowest price fell to the US dollar and barely stabilized and rebounded. By the end of the year, people seemed to have lost hope for the future. It was widely speculated that they were about to fall into a death spiral. However, after entering the year, they did not fall into a death spiral as expected by the public. Instead, with a wave of rebound at the beginning of Bitcoin, the US dollar stabilized from the lowest point and gradually climbed above the US dollar in the first quarter, although Bitcoin has since then stabilized above the US dollar. There has been a sharp correction, but the price has been stable around the US dollar until the market entered a large-scale rise in June, and the market began to continue to rise. Its increase once broke through the highest level of the US dollar, and the price of the US dollar has nearly doubled compared with the lowest point at the beginning of the year. At present, the strong recovery of tokens in US dollars has also caused investors who had no expectations to turn to crazy hoarding in this wave of rise. According to reports, Koreans, a group keen on speculating in coins, have also played an important role in the past few months. The Chinese won ranks second only to the US dollar, and the quotations on the Korean exchange and the Internet are US dollars and US dollars respectively, which are higher than the global average price of US dollars per unit. This shows the crazy enthusiasm of Koreans for buying. At one time, they occupied the first place in the trading volume of South Korea's largest encrypted exchange, accounting for the change of market attitude in the total trading volume of the exchange. Apart from the amazing increase in its tokens in the past year, they also saw a series of measures taken by the project side for recovery in the past year. These measures have made the market optimistic again and attracted the attention of investors who had lost their expectations. Why can the strong recovery rise again be inseparable from its strong leadership? The co-founder has nearly 20 years of experience in building high-performance operating systems, and his technical expertise has laid a solid foundation for his success. Another co-founder is also a well-known figure in the technology industry. They are all full of confidence that it has the potential to become an encrypted world. It is precisely because the founder of Apple is full of confidence in its future that it continues to promote continuous improvement and innovation in the technical field when the market is no longer optimistic that it has a strong recovery. In 2000, it introduced a series of new technologies to improve the performance of its blockchain and promote the development of its applications. The state compression technology was introduced to improve the performance of blockchain, reduce transaction costs and enhance the tradability. This technology hashes the transaction data in the ledger and makes a tree. The account is verified for application in smart contracts, which means that the compressed state compression technology can be created on the chain in a similar way, but the cost is only a fraction of the previous one. The compression technology has attracted more users and developers' interest for providing higher throughput and lower transaction cost. The compression technology has been introduced, which will change the view of the encryption market and bring new use cases that seemed impossible before. By compressing, the creator only needs to cast 100 million pieces at the price, which is for market participants. It is of great significance. In fact, compression enables the game studio to cast every object or character in the game into a social media platform, and it can also be distributed to every user more easily. In the future, we may see billions of physical assets circulating in the blockchain. The introduction of compression technology has promoted the development of the market and expanded the application scope of the ecosystem. This is a solution compatible with the Ethereum virtual machine, which enables developers to run the intelligence based on Ethereum in the ecosystem. The introduction of contract provides more choices and flexibility for Ethereum developers, who can run their smart contracts directly on the Internet without modifying the code, which promotes the migration of developers and the growth of the ecosystem. It also introduces a tool for writing smart contracts on the blockchain, and other programming languages provide more choices for developers, who can use it to write efficient and safe smart contracts and deploy them on the blockchain, which further improves the developers. Friendly and usability have attracted more developers to join the ecosystem. In addition to continuous innovation in the technical field, they have also invested more energy and funds than before to promote the innovation and development of ecological projects. In 2000, the Foundation launched a series of growth plans, such as providing support and investment for projects in the ecosystem with funding funds. Through these plans, the Foundation encouraged and encouraged the development of innovative projects and provided them with financial and resource support. In addition, the community is also playing an active role. By promoting participation and contributing code, the attention of the development community has increased to attract more developers and users and promote the growth of the ecosystem. In addition, it has begun to pay attention to strengthening cooperation with the main participants in the encryption ecosystem, providing diversified use cases for the ecosystem by establishing strategic alliances and promoting further innovation in the field of cryptocurrency. In, some strategic alliances were added, including the establishment of these strategic alliances, which brought more cooperation opportunities and expanded its presence. The influence of cryptocurrency field has provided more support and synergy for the development of ecosystem. The strong recovery of airdrops attacking the ecosystem or about to erupt has aroused investors' desire for its tokens. However, this strong demand has not led to an explosion of ecological liquidity. Compared with the amazing increase in the total locked value, the increase in dollar-denominated total locked value is not satisfactory. This looks impressive, but it is still lower than the pre-crash trough of 100 million dollars. For pricing, the actual decline this year highlights that the limited liquidity of the project ecosystem is very important for ecological development. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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