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2023 年,比特币生态展现了连续的亮点,新协议层出不穷,围绕 Ordinals、闪电网络、Stacks、RGB、Atomicals 等协议的生态系统迅速丰富。

特别是最近随着 Ordi 价格近日突破 60 美元,其涨幅超过了万倍。这种显著的财富效应使得比特币生态成为投资者热切关注的焦点。

虽然许多比特币相关的协议还处于发展初期,但在 Ordi 之外的铭文生态中,Brc-20 还出现了许多其他值得关注的热门投资标的,经过详细调研,我们会在本文中介绍近期市场热度较高的 Brc-20 生态项目。



BitStable 是一个基于比特币网络的去中心化资产协议,它允许用户在全球范围内生成与比特币生态系统相关的抵押资产$DAII 稳定币。这个平台采用双代币系统,主要包括$DAII 和$BSSB 两种代币,同时支持跨链操作,增强了与其他区块链网络的兼容性。




$BSSB 代币

BitStable 具有双代币系统,代币为 $DAII 和 $BSSB。

  • $DAII 是一种稳定币,其价值和稳定性源自于比特币生态系统的资产,如 BRC-20、RSK 和闪电网络等。DAII 的设计旨在通过其跨链功能将以太坊社区引入比特币生态系统。该代币的总供应量定为 10 亿枚。

  • $BSSB 则是平台的治理代币,它用于维护系统和管理$DAII。BitStable 还通过分红和其他激励措施鼓励$BSSB 的持有者。BSSB 的总供应量为 2100 万枚,代币分配如下:空投占比 4.1% ,公开销售占比 41.2% ,质押奖励占 42.9% ,团队占比 5.9% (锁仓 6 个月后分 15 个月线性解锁),LP 占比 5.9% 。


  • $BSSB 当前市值 20.81 M

值得注意的是,在 2023 年 11 月 29 日的 IDO 中,BitStable 在 Bounce Finance 平台遭受了 DDoS 攻击,导致代币分发不均衡。为了解决这一问题,BitStable 采取了一系列措施,包括销毁 75% 的 BSSB 代币,并保留了 25% 供索赔。由于高昂的 Gas 费用和其他额外费用,这实际上增加了参与方的成本。

总的来说,BitStable 通过其独特的代币系统和跨链功能,为比特币生态系统提供了更多的流动性和稳定性,同时也给社区成员提供了参与和影响平台发展方向的机会。

Multibit($MUBI):BRC-20 资产的桥接器


Multibit 是一种新兴的桥接协议,于 2023 年 5 月推出,专注于将 BRC-20 资产连接到 EVM 网络。这个协议使用户能够在以太坊(ETH)链、币安智能链(BNB)和比特币(BTC)网络之间无缝转移代币。


Multibit 的运作原理相当简化和高效。首先,用户将 BRC-20 代币转移到专用的 BRC-20 地址。一旦确认,Multibit 协议开始工作,在以太坊或 BNB 链上铸造出等量的代币。这些代币随后被安全地储存到一个统一的冷钱包中。当用户需要提取代币时,Multibit 协议会从 EVM 链中销毁相应数量的代币,然后将等值代币从冷钱包转移到用户手中。

11 月 26 日,Multibit 还上线了质押系统,允许用户质押 MUBI 代币,并在 Mutibit 平台上以 ERC-20 或 BRC-20 代币形式获得奖励。目前,用户可以通过质押获得 NHUB 和 BSSB 代币,截至目前已有超过 3.6 亿枚 MUBI 在 Mutibit 平台上质押。




$MUBI 代币

Multibit 的代币 MUBI,总供应量为 1, 000, 000, 000 枚,目前已全部进入流通,当前市值$ 154.2 M。

$MUBI 代币是 MultiBit 平台的核心组成部分,它为用户提供了一系列功能和权益。下面是 $MUBI 代币的持有者的权利:

  • 治理权利:持有 $MUBI 代币的用户在 MultiBit 平台的治理中拥有话语权。他们可以对平台的重要决策进行投票,包括但不限于平台升级提案、新代币上市、费用结构调整等。

  • 用户可以将他们的 $MUBI 代币在 MultiBit 平台上进行质押,以赚取 ERC-20 或 BRC-20 代币形式的奖励。这不仅增加了平台的流动性和安全性,同时还为质押者提供了额外的代币作为回报

  • 此外,MultiBit 收取的交易费用中有一部分将被代币化,并分配给 $MUBI 的质押者。分配如下:

  • 50% 用于增长,包括 5% 用于核心贡献者、 5% 用于团队财务、 20% 用于发展、 20% 用于营销。

  • 另外 50% 分配给质押的 $MUBI 持有者,作为 Multibit 交易所产生的协议收入的一部分。

  • 注意,由于缺乏公开资料,当前代币具体分配情况不明。



Chamcha 是一个基于 Ordinals 资产流动性协议的平台,专注于提供一个安全、便捷的环境,用于购买、出售、赚取和托管 NFT 资产。它结合了区块链技术和智能合约,将传统金融场景与循环和流媒体 NFT 资产的潜力相结合。

Chamcha 还采用了 BRC-20 跨链协议,并推出了 CHAX(Chamcha 代币)来支持新的跨链桥。这个新桥梁旨在缓解因 MEXC 和链上价差较大导致的用户提币请求过多而引起的老跨链桥堵塞问题。目前,已有超过 2000 万枚 CHAX 代币跨链至以太坊网络。


推特:https://twitter.com/0x Chamcha

$Chax 代币

$CHAX 代币总供应量 2, 100, 000, 000 ,当前市值$ 15.7 M。

代币分配如下:公开销售占比 68% ,生态系统增长占比 12% ,质押奖励占比 10% ,流动性储备占比 10% 。


$CHAX 不仅是平台的参与代币,还向持有者授予治理收益,激励他们积极参与平台发展。CHAX 的使用场景和好处如下:

  • 治理:$CHAX 代币持有者可以参与治理流程,行使投票权,影响平台发展的重要决策。这确保了社区在塑造 Chamcha 生态系统方向和发展上有直接发言权。

  • 流动性奖励:用户为 Chamcha 流动性池提供流动性,并参与自动做市商(AMM)系统,可获得 $CHAX 代币作为奖励,以此鼓励流动性提供,促进健康的交易环境和平台流动性。

  • 质押:$CHAX 代币持有者可以质押其代币以获得额外奖励,包括平台交易费用的一部分或其他激励,从而赚取被动收入。

  • 平台实用性:CHAX 代币在 Chamcha 生态系统中具有多种用途,包括支付交易费用、访问高级功能和服务,以及参与特定代币销售和活动。

总的来说,$CHAX 在管理平台、激励流动性提供、提供质押奖励以及在 Chamcha 生态系统中的各种活动和交易中发挥着关键作用。

TurtSat($Turt):Ordinals 项目发射平台


TurtSat 是一个基于 Ordinals 的项目发射平台,类似于 Ordinals 生态的 Gitcoin。它通过建立基础的 PSBT 捐赠协议,支持开源开发者和社区参与 Ordinals 生态建设,从而获得收益。TurtSat 致力于创建一个积极的、社区主导的 Ordinals 生态,并与一些有影响力的组织合作,共同推进 Ordinals 协议和比特币生态系统的发展。

TurtSat 已支持 BRC-20 和 ERC-20 双边市场,BRC-20 用户可以通过 Unisat 和 OKX 进行交易。自上线以来,TurtSat 平台已累计发射了 4 个 BRC-20 项目,包括资产协议 CHAX、跨链桥 MUBI、Ordinals 聚合平台 NHUB 和 Ordinals 借贷平台 DOVA。这些项目都是 BRC-20 基础设施的早期建设者,项目发射后涨幅不错。

随着 TurtSat 带来的财富效应,已有多个 Ordinals 建设者和开源平台在 TurtSat 申请项目发射,表明了其在行业中的影响力和吸引力。



$Turt 代币

TURT 是 TurtSat 的平台代币,同时也是基于 BRC-20 的乌龟概念的 MEME Token,当前市值$ 17.17 M。

$TURT 是一种具有独特性质的实验性 BRC-20 MEME 代币。 旨在凝聚 BTC 与 Ordinals 价值共识,让更多个体了解并参与 Ordinals 生态发展,回归 BTC 网络。

TURT 的总发行量为 10 亿枚,公募价格定为 2.5 Sats。至今,所有代币已通过 IDO 和空投等方式实现全流通。

代币分配机制如下:公开销售占比 80% ,空投占比 7.5% ,私人捐赠占比 7.5% ,未来捐款占比 5% 。


Dova Protocol($Dova):比特币上的 DeFi 协议


Dova Protocol 是一个新兴的去中心化金融(DeFi)协议,专注于比特币(BTC)生态系统,旨在弥合比特币生态系统与兼容 EVM 链之间的差距。随着 DeFi 的发展,Dova Protocol 旨在为比特币网络引入部分 DeFi 功能和流动性。

Dova Protocol 技术的三大特征:

  • 无信任双向锚定:Dova Protocol 提供比特币资产与在 EVM 链上代币化的 BTC 资产之间的无信任双向锚定。这允许比特币生态资产在 DeFi 生态系统中的更广泛应用。

  • 双锚定机制:在比特币区块链上锁定 BTC 资产,同时在 EVM 链上铸造代表这些锁定 BTC 的代币,这些代币可以兑换回原始的 BTC 资产。

  • Multi-Bit BTC-evm 桥梁:该桥梁为通过 DeFi 扩大比特币的应用案例提供了基础,使得贷款、抵押、链间互操作性等功能成为可能。

Dova Protocol 主要产品和功能:

  • Dova 借贷协议:用户可以将 BRC-20 持仓出借,获得有吸引力的收益机会,并赚取独特的 BRC-30 S 代币激励。用户可以在比特币网络上锁定 BRC-20 资产,同时将 BRC-20 代币提供给 EVM 链上的借贷池。

  • Dova 抵押协议:在比特币原生区块链上的比特币持仓在兑换为 EVM 链上代币化的 BRC-20 之前无法进行抵押。Dova 将实现 BRC-20 抵押,允许比特币持有者参与更多 DeFi 协议,并获得 BRC-30 s 激励。

$Dova 代币

Dova 代币总供应量 2, 100, 000, 000 枚,当前市值$ 55.56 M。

代币分配情况如下: 60% 铸造, 10% 团队分配, 10% IDO 轮募集, 5% 国库, 10% 空投分发, 5% 流动性池子。具体代币职能没有详细介绍。


Traverse ($TRVS):加密资产保险库


Traverse 是一种为Web3设计的安全解决方案。鉴于区块链的复杂性和隐私性,它已成为网络黑客的天堂。目前区块链用户对Web3应用体验较差。Traverse 的愿景是将区块链转变为一种无缝且无压力的技术。

尽管 Traverse 在官网并没有明确地和铭文资产产生联系,但是其反复出现在铭文市场上,目前热度不小。


  • Traverse 的首个产品是一个免费的、用户可拥有的保险库,它将传统的安全特性如多因素认证(MFA)带到区块链上。

  • 所有资产提取都需要 MFA 批准,即使种子短语被泄露。通过使用一种新迭代的安全问题,它允许用户利用情景记忆(即人们更可能记住与某一事件相关的细节,而不是来自不同事件的无关细节)来恢复丢失的保险库。



$TRVS 代币

$TRVS 代币是一种跨链、跨协议的实用代币,当前市值$ 3.7 M。

$TRVS 主要用于

  • 减少平台费用,如去中心化交易所(DEX)、NFT 市场和商业交易费用;

  • 帮助用户改善 Vault(金库)外观,优化 UI 设计等功能。

BRC-20 公平铸币将占总跨链代币供应的 33.33% 。总的(跨链)代币供应量为 3000 亿,其中 1000 亿构成 BRC-20 代币供应。代币分配如下:Fair Mint 占 33.33% ,合作者激励占 13.89% ,悬赏奖金占 19.44% ,平台激励占比 19.44% ,项目团队占 13.89% 。

Traverse 旨在通过将传统的网络安全功能和策略融入区块链技术,改善Web3用户体验。它的产品和代币经济策略显然着眼于增加用户参与度、提供更高的安全性,并在多个链和协议间提供服务,从而增强整个区块链生态系统的可访问性和可用性。

In 2008, the bitcoin ecology showed a continuous bright spot, and new agreements emerged one after another. The ecosystem around lightning network and other agreements was rapidly enriched, especially recently, with the price breaking through the US dollar, which increased by more than 10,000 times. This remarkable wealth effect made the bitcoin ecology become the focus of investors' eager attention. Although many bitcoin-related agreements are still in the early stage of development, there are many other hot investment targets worthy of attention in the inscription ecology. After detailed investigation, we will be in this article. This paper introduces the recent ecological project with high market popularity. The introduction of stable currency system based on bitcoin is a decentralized asset agreement based on bitcoin network, which allows users to generate stable currency of mortgage assets related to bitcoin ecosystem on a global scale. This platform adopts dual token system, mainly including supporting cross-chain operation with two kinds of tokens at the same time, which enhances the compatibility with other blockchain networks. The popular project of inventory ecological practicality narrative is official website Twitter token with dual token system tokens. Weihe is a stable coin, whose value and stability are derived from the assets of Bitcoin ecosystem, such as Hehe Lightning Network, which is designed to introduce Taifang community into Bitcoin ecosystem through its cross-chain function. The total supply of this token is set at 100 million, which is the governance token of the platform. It is used to maintain the system and manage the total supply of holders encouraged by dividends and other incentives. The total supply of 10,000 tokens is allocated as follows: airdrops account for the proportion of public sales, pledge rewards account for the proportion of teams, and lock positions for months. Monthly linear unlocking accounts for the current market value of ecological practicality narrative hot items. It is worth noting that the platform was attacked in mid-June, which led to uneven distribution of tokens. In order to solve this problem, a series of measures were taken, including destroying tokens and keeping them for claims. Due to high fees and other extra fees, this actually increased the cost of participants. Generally speaking, it provided more liquidity and stability for the Bitcoin ecosystem through its unique token system and cross-chain function. It also provides opportunities for community members to participate in and influence the development direction of the platform. The brief introduction of the bridge of assets is a new bridging protocol, which was launched in June, focusing on connecting assets to the network. This protocol enables users to seamlessly transfer tokens between the Ethereum chain, the coin security smart chain and the Bitcoin network. The operating principle of the popular project is quite simplified and efficient. First, users transfer tokens to special addresses, and once the protocol is confirmed, it will be cast on the Ethereum or chain. Equivalent tokens are then safely stored in a unified cold wallet. When the user needs to withdraw tokens, the protocol will destroy the corresponding number of tokens from the chain and then transfer the equivalent tokens from the cold wallet to the user's hands. On March, the pledge system was launched, allowing users to pledge tokens and get rewards in the form of or tokens on the platform. At present, users can obtain them through pledge, and up to now, more than 100 million tokens have been pledged on the platform to check the popular project of ecological practicality narrative, official website. The total supply of Twitter tokens is RMB, which has all entered the circulation at present. The current market value token is the core component of the platform. It provides users with a series of functions and rights. The following are the rights and governance rights of token holders. The users who hold tokens have the right to speak in the governance of the platform. They can vote on important decisions of the platform, including but not limited to the platform upgrade proposal, new token listing fee structure adjustment, etc. Users can pledge their tokens on the platform to earn or replace them. The reward in the form of money not only increases the liquidity and security of the platform, but also provides additional tokens for the pledgee in return. In addition, some of the transaction fees collected will be tokenized and distributed to the pledgee as follows: for growth, including for core contributors, for team finance, for development, for marketing, and for pledge holders as part of the agreement income generated by the exchange. Note that due to the lack of public information, the specific distribution of tokens is unknown at present. Introduction to the production management platform is a platform based on asset liquidity agreement, which focuses on providing a safe and convenient environment for buying, selling, earning and hosting assets. It combines blockchain technology and smart contracts, combines traditional financial scenarios with the potential of circulating and streaming media assets, and also adopts cross-chain agreements and introduces tokens to support new cross-chain bridges. This new bridge aims to alleviate the congestion of the old cross-chain bridges caused by too many requests for money from users due to the large price difference between the two chains. More than 10,000 tokens cross the chain to the Ethereum network project. The total supply of official website Twitter tokens is the current market value. The distribution of tokens is as follows: public sales account for the proportion of ecosystem growth, pledge rewards account for the proportion of liquidity reserves, and the popular items are not only the participation tokens of the platform, but also the use scenarios and benefits that encourage the holders to actively participate in the development of the platform are as follows: the management of token holders can participate in the governance process and exercise their voting rights to influence the development of the platform. This ensures that the community has a direct say in shaping the direction and development of the ecosystem. Liquidity rewards users to provide liquidity for the liquidity pool and participate in the automatic market maker system, so as to encourage liquidity and provide a healthy trading environment and platform liquidity. Token holders can pledge their tokens to obtain additional rewards, including part of the platform transaction costs or other incentives, so as to earn passive income. Platform practical tokens have many uses in the ecosystem. Including paying transaction fees, accessing advanced functions and services, and participating in the sales and activities of specific tokens. Generally speaking, it encourages liquidity in the management platform, provides pledge rewards and plays a key role in various activities and transactions in the ecosystem. The introduction of the project launch platform is based on the project launch platform, which is similar to ecology. It supports open source developers and communities to participate in ecological construction through establishing basic donation agreements, so as to obtain benefits, and is committed to creating an active community-led one. Ecology and cooperate with some influential organizations to jointly promote the development of the agreement and bitcoin ecosystem. Users in bilateral markets can conduct transactions through and. Since its launch, the platform has launched a total of projects, including asset agreements, cross-chain bridges, aggregation platforms and lending platforms. These projects are early builders of infrastructure. After the launch, the growth rate is good. With the wealth effect, many builders and open source platforms have applied for the project launch, which shows their influence and attraction in the industry. The project official website Twitter token is a platform token, and the current market value of the turtle concept is also based on it. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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