
币圈资讯 阅读:41 2024-04-22 11:53:35 评论:0



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原文作者:BMAN & Kris,ABCDE

Babylon 是比特币生态的头部项目,也是比特币最大的 Staking 基础设施,将解锁 2100 万枚比特币的收益价值,把比特币的安全性扩展保护更多的 POS 去中心化世界。

1.Babylon 解锁比特币的 Staking 和安全价值

BTC 当前的市值超过 7000 亿美元,但由于比特币不支持智能合约且扩容困难等问题长久都没有被解锁价值。Babylon 提出了一种新的扩展比特币的方式,它从比特币链中提取安全性,并与各种权益证明(PoS)链共享,例如 Cosmos、Binance Smart Chain、Polkadot、Polygon 等,从而为 BTC 的 Staking 提供者带来收益率,同时保证了 POS 链的安全。

Babylon 的愿景是将比特币的安全性扩展到保护去中心化世界。通过利用比特币的三个方面——其时间戳服务、区块空间和资产价值——Babylon 能够将比特币的安全性传递到众多权益证明(PoS)链,从而创建更强大、统一的生态系统。

Babylon 的比特币质押协议采用远程质押方法,通过密码学、共识协议创新和优化使用比特币脚本语言的方式克服了智能合约的缺失。Babylon 的质押协议可以允许比特币持有者在无需桥接到 PoS 链的情况下,可信地质押比特币,并为该链提供完整的可削减安全性保证。Babylon 的这一创新性协议消除了对已质押比特币进行桥接、封装、托管的需求。

Babylon 的一个关键方面是其 BTC 时间戳协议。它将其他区块链的事件时间戳到比特币上,使这些事件能够像比特币交易一样享受比特币的时间戳。这有效地借用了比特币作为时间戳服务器的安全性。BTC 时间戳协议实现了快速权益解绑、可组合的信任、降低安全成本, 以最大限度地提高比特币持有者的流动性。协议被设计成模块化插件,可用于多种不同的 PoS 共识算法之上,并提供了可构建重置协议的基础。

2、Babylon 的去信任化 Staking 机制

Babylon 能够实现用户在不把比特币转出自己的地址的情况下实现安全的 Staking。


1. 解锁:质押者可以使用他们的私钥取回他们的质押。

2. 违约:如果质押者违反协议,资金将从金库自动清算扣除。


Babylon 的设计旨在实现不涉及第三方的 Staking 和 Slash 技术机制。首先,Babylon 的 Staking 机制是通过将 Bitcoin 锁定在 Bitcoin 链上来实现的 (该地址被称为「Staking 地址」) 而不是将其转移到 PoS 链上。这个地址上的 Bitcoin 将被锁定,以便在 PoS 链上进行验证。在验证过程中,Staking 地址上的 Bitcoin 将被视为「抵押品」,以确保验证者的诚实行为。如果验证者违反了规则,他们的抵押品将被削减。这意味着,Bitcoin 持有者可以在不将其资产暴露于 PoS 链上的情况下,获得 PoS 链的收益。

其次,Babylon 的 Slash 技术机制是通过使用先进的密码学、共识协议创新和优化的 Bitcoin 脚本语言来实现的。具体来说,Babylon 使用了一种称为「可追责断言」的技术,该技术允许在 PoS 链上发现违规行为后,将惩罚发送回 Bitcoin 链上,并在 Bitcoin 链上执行削减操作。这种设计避免了需要涉及第三方的风险和复杂性,同时保持了安全性和可靠性。

最后,Babylon 的系统架构是基于一个三层结构的,其中 Babylon 链作为控制平面,允许 Bitcoin 和数据平面(即 PoS 链)之间的交互。这种设计使得 Babylon 可以在不涉及第三方的情况下,实现 PoS 链和 Bitcoin 之间的互操作性和网络效应。例如,Babylon 可以基于两个 PoS 链在 Babylon 链上的最终状态,解决跨 PoS 链交易。

综上所述,Babylon 通过使用先进的密码学、共识协议创新和优化的 Bitcoin 脚本语言,以及基于三层结构的系统架构,实现了不涉及第三方的 Staking 和 Slash 技术机制。

因此 Babylon 可以在比特币没有智能合约或分叉比特币的情况下实现:



-POS 链的可 slash 的安全性

在今年的 2 月,Babylon 已经实现了 BTC timestamping testnet(Babylon 测试网第一步: 在 cosmos 中使用 BTC timestamping 来将原来的 21 天质押期减少为 1 天)

今年 7 月实现了 BTC staking poc,且在 Q4 将会推出 BTC staking testnet

在 2024 年的 Q1–2,Babylon 将会上线 Mainnet,在 2024 年 Q3–4 将会推出 Data Availability

2025 年 Q1–2,Babylon 将会推出 BTC Liquidity MarketPlace

3. 拓展比特币的应用版图


竖向可以赋能整个 BTC 生态比如 BTC rollup 或者 BTC middleware,让比特币可以在二层和中间层使用起来;

横向可以将 BTC 质押在不同的 pos 链来拓展 BTC 的可能性,让比特币可以在其他的 POS 链产生收益;

在拓展比特币的应用版图的同时,Babylon 会捕获以下价值:

- Babylon 会收取部分质押者的 staker reward

- Babylon 收取费用会分给 node operator 和 babylon 的国库

- 更多的 staker 就可以 boost Babylon 的代币价值

4. 硬核的科研技术团队:

Babylon 的起源源于一篇关于比特币安全性的研究论文,这是由联合创始人 David Tse、Fisher Yu 和 EigenLayer 的创始人 Sreeram Kannan 以及其他合著者共同撰写的原创科研成果。

David Tse【co-founder】

Tse 于 1989 年获得滑铁卢大学系统设计工程学士学位,1991 年获得麻省理工学院电气工程硕士学位,1994 年获得麻省理工学院电气工程博士学位。作为博士后,他是AT&T 贝尔实验室的一名工作人员。

Tse在斯坦福大学的研究重点是信息论及其在无线通信、机器学习、能源和计算生物学等领域的应用。荣获 2017 年克劳德·E·香农奖。2018 年当选美国国家工程院院士。

Mingchao (Fisher) Yu 【Founding CTO】

拥有 The Australian National University 的电信学的 PHD,在网络信息理论和编码方面开发了理论和算法,特别关注无线通信。

另外团队还有顾问团队包括 Osmosis lab 的 Co-Founder Sunny Aggarwal,eigenlayer 的 founder Sreeram Kannan 等

5. 展望 Babylon 未来的比特币生态 :

Babylon 还在将比特币的安全性扩展到比特币的数据可用性层(Data Availability)和比特币的 Layer2.

比特币 DA 协议:Babylon 正在开发一种比特币 DA 协议,利用比特币有限的区块空间执行关键任务,例如为权益证明链提供防止审查的层。作为全球最安全和最难以审查的存储空间,比特币的区块空间成为保护去中心化世界免受审查的宝贵资源。

Babylon Layer2: babylon 可作为 bitcoin rollup 和 bitcoin 之间的一个中间层,作为 bitcoin 铭文之前的一个临时 store data 的中间层,这个 layer2 可以极大的赋能于整个生态:

- 通过 babylon 来保护 layer2 的安全性

- 在二层极大的降低 gas 费

- Layer2 可以产生海量的比特币应用

- 承载比特币一层溢出的用户流量,增加巨大的比特币生态用户基数。

总结,Babylon 作为比特币生态的头部项目,将会拓展一个以比特币为中心的生态世界,解锁 7000 亿美元市值比特币的 Staking 价值,把比特币变成更为广泛的生息资产,为比特币持有者提供收益。同时 Babylon 大大提升比特币的生态价值,纵向拓展比特币的二层和中间层应用,横向拓展比特币在各个 POS 链的收益价值,培育一个更安全和庞大的 POS 经济。

The original author is the head project of bitcoin ecology and the biggest infrastructure of bitcoin, which will unlock the revenue value of 10,000 bitcoins, expand the protection of bitcoin's security, and unlock the world's security value. The current market value of bitcoin exceeds US$ 100 million, but it has not been unlocked for a long time because Bitcoin does not support smart contracts and is difficult to expand. A new way to expand bitcoin is proposed, which extracts security from bitcoin chain and shares it with various rights certification chains. For example, the vision of bringing profitability to the providers and ensuring the security of the chain is to expand the security of Bitcoin to protect the decentralized world. By using three aspects of Bitcoin, its timestamp service block space and asset value can transfer the security of Bitcoin to many rights and interests certification chains, thus creating a stronger and unified ecosystem. Bitcoin pledge protocol adopts remote pledge method and innovates and optimizes the way of using Bitcoin scripting language through cryptographic consensus protocol. The missing pledge protocol of smart contract can allow bitcoin holders to credibly pledge bitcoin without bridging the chain and provide complete reducible security guarantee for the chain. This innovative protocol eliminates the need for bridging, encapsulating and hosting pledged bitcoin. One key aspect is its timestamp protocol, which timestamps events of other blockchains onto bitcoin so that these events can enjoy the timestamp of bitcoin like bitcoin transactions, which is effectively borrowed. The security timestamp protocol that takes bitcoin as a timestamp server realizes fast rights unbinding and combinable trust, reduces the security cost to maximize the liquidity of bitcoin holders. The protocol is designed as a modular plug-in that can be used on a variety of different consensus algorithms and provides the basis for building a reset protocol. The de-trust mechanism can realize the security of users without transferring bitcoin out of their addresses, so that bitcoin holders can keep bitcoin. In their own self-managed vault, the funds can only be withdrawn from the vault in two cases, and the pledgee can use their private key to retrieve their pledge default. If the pledgee violates the agreement, the funds will be automatically liquidated and deducted from the vault. In both cases, there is no third party involved and there is no other way to spend money from the vault. The design aims to realize the technical mechanism that does not involve the third party. The first mechanism is realized by locking it in the chain. The address is called the address instead of transferring it to the chain. The address will be locked for verification on the chain. In the process of verification, the address will be regarded as collateral to ensure the honest behavior of the verifier. If the verifier violates the rules, their collateral will be reduced, which means that the holder can obtain the benefits of the chain without exposing his assets to the chain. The second technical mechanism is realized by using the advanced cryptographic consensus protocol to innovate and optimize the scripting language. Specifically, a technology called accountability assertion is used. Technology allows penalties to be sent back to the chain after violations are found in the chain, and reduction operations are performed on the chain. This design avoids the risk and complexity of involving third parties while maintaining security and reliability. The final system architecture is based on a three-tier structure, in which the chain is used as the control plane to allow interaction with the data plane, that is, the chain. This design enables interoperability and network effects between the chain and the chain to be realized without involving third parties, for example, based on two chains in the chain. To sum up, through the use of advanced cryptographic consensus protocol, innovative and optimized scripting language and system architecture based on three-tier structure, the third-party and technical mechanism is realized, so it is possible to realize the untrusted pledge without smart contract or bifurcated bitcoin, and the bridge-free or fast unbundled pledged bitcoin can be managed to realize the security of high-liquidity chain. In this month, the first step of the test network has been realized. Reducing the original pledge period from days to days has been realized in this month, and will be launched in 2008. It will be launched in 2008 to expand the application map of Bitcoin. The business model can consider the possibility that both vertical and horizontal can empower the whole ecology, for example, bitcoin can be used in the second and middle floors, and the possibility of horizontally expanding the pledge in different chains can make Bitcoin generate income in other chains. While expanding the application map of Bitcoin, it will capture the following. The value will be partly charged by the pledger, and more tokens will be distributed to the national treasury. The origin of the hardcore research and technical team originated from a research paper on the security of Bitcoin, which was written by the co-founder, the founder and other co-authors. In, he obtained a bachelor's degree in system design engineering from the University of Waterloo, a master's degree in electrical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and a doctorate in electrical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as a postdoctoral fellow. He is a staff member of Bell Laboratories. His research in Stanford University focuses on information theory and its application in wireless communication, machine learning, energy and computational biology. He won the Claude Shannon Award in and was elected as an academician of the National Academy of Engineering in the United States. He has developed theories and algorithms in network information theory and coding, paying special attention to wireless communication. In addition, his team and consulting team are also looking forward to the future. Bitcoin ecology is still expanding the security of Bitcoin to Bitcoin. The data availability layer and the bitcoin protocol of Bitcoin are developing a bitcoin protocol, which uses the limited block space of Bitcoin to perform key tasks, such as providing a layer to prevent censorship for the chain of rights and interests. As the safest and most difficult storage space in the world, the block space of Bitcoin has become a valuable resource to protect the decentralized world from censorship, and can be used as an intermediate layer between and as a temporary intermediate layer before the inscription, which can greatly empower the whole ecology to pass through. The security of protection can be greatly reduced on the second floor, which can generate a large number of bitcoin applications, carry the overflow of bitcoin on the first floor, and increase the huge bitcoin ecological user base. As the head project of bitcoin ecology, it will expand an ecological world centered on bitcoin, unlock the value of bitcoin with a market value of 100 million dollars, turn bitcoin into a wider interest-bearing asset, provide benefits for bitcoin holders, and greatly enhance the ecological value of bitcoin at the same time, vertically expand the application of bitcoin on the second and middle floors, horizontally expand the income value of bitcoin in each chain, and cultivate a safer and huge economy. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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