比特币生态能否衍生出 Layer2 Summer

币圈资讯 阅读:39 2024-04-22 11:53:15 评论:0



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铭文市场火了之后,很多人对BTC L2投入了过多的期许,认为BTC 2层会像以太坊layer2一样辉煌?



逻辑一 可编程底层的差异







逻辑二 对比以太坊的扩容路线

我们回看以太坊扩容路线,分别经历了Plasma、Rollup、Validium等多条路线探索,最终选择了Rollup作为主流,而比特币的扩容最早出现的区块大小调整,SegWit隔离见证等早已落下帷幕,目前主要处在侧链Stacks、客户端验证RGB、状态通道验证Lightning Network的正统性纷争中。





状态通道Lightning Network由于靠近bitcoin核心开发者,现阶段被视为相对正统的扩容赛道,但闪电网络发展太慢了,最近新出了个Taproot Assets结果还只是跑在主网上的资产,真正落地到闪电网络也还很难说。






逻辑三 BTC layer2的愿景方向




3.状态通道,由于Lightning labs的正统性,闪电网络一度被给予扩容比特币的厚望。但Taproot Assets之后,闪电网络偏支付网络特性,会最终导向一个偏以太坊Plasma支付网络的侧链方案,恐怕也很难成为想象中可以承接多种金融玩法的二层。








比特币生态外VC们拿着巨资但却守在门外进不来,因为不知道比特币Build的叙事究竟该怎么讲才能逻辑Make Sense,而比特币生态内的开发者,在各个路线之间摇摆不定,缺乏统一的开发方向。





After the author's inscription that the market is on fire, many people expect that the layer will be as brilliant as Ethereum. However, the fact is that the success of Bitcoin ecology may be stagnant in the narrative stage of asset issuance for a long time. It may not be feasible to reproduce the ecological diversity of Ethereum. Next, share several technical logics-the difference between programmable bottom layer and Ethereum belongs to two alien chains. The former is a stateless chain, and the latter realizes complex composable financial business based on smart contracts. The key for logic to copy various financial games in the Ethereum to the bitcoin chain is to build a programmable state for bitcoin, calculate and verify the ability state. At present, the bitcoin collection can only calculate the real-time balance history, and these basic states that constitute the contract can not be calculated at all. The unlocking conditions in the bitcoin script can be regarded as its core computing power, but this computing power is very limited, and it is difficult to express complex business logic to verify the balance. And script signature, but it is limited to these basic verifications. Bitcoin network can't even verify the specific implementation effect of these logics. In short, to realize complex financial applications on Bitcoin, it is necessary to extend and build a set of programmable framework with state calculation verification. Logic II Compared with the expansion route of Ethereum, we look back and see that the expansion route of Ethereum has gone through several routes, and finally we chose it as the mainstream, and the expansion of Bitcoin first appeared. The block size adjustment, isolation witness and so on have already come to an end. At present, it is mainly in the orthodox dispute of side chain client verification status channel verification. Because the side chain can't support smart contracts and is too independent to inherit the security route of the main network, it can deus ex precisely because it can not only continue the security of Ethereum, but also be flexible enough to improve the upper limit. The key is that the users of the main network contract can be verified by the main network and have the right to challenge and withdraw funds, although some links are not in the actual practice. Satisfactory, but in theory, the scheme has won the mainstream market consensus. Under the reference, the verification of bitcoin side chain client authentication status channel is developing in different schools. The application types of side chain support smart contracts are also extensive, but the independent consensus outside Bitcoin is hard. The public unanimously agrees that the client authentication follows the main network model. Under the chain, the client can handle more complicated transactions, but it has no two-way checksum constraint ability with the bitcoin main network, and the development momentum of the climate status channel is not yet due to its proximity to the core. At present, the developer is regarded as a relatively orthodox expansion track, but the development of lightning network is too slow. Recently, a new result is that the assets running on the main network really land on the lightning network, and it is hard to say that if the model of Ethereum is compared with a mature model that is at least protected by the main network and the expansion effect is obvious, the most important thing is to be able to run smart contracts and have multiple scenarios as the standard. The side chain client verifies the status channel, and it seems that all the channels are not up to the standard. The lightning network client verifies the side chain protected by the main network. Expansion effect Side chain client verifies the contractual characteristics of lightning network. By comparison, it is clear that if safety is the standard, we must wait for the lightning network to develop into a scale. If we only pursue expansion, then don't try to rectify Bitcoin. A suitable side chain can solve all problems. If we want to take care of all three at the same time, client verification is the best solution. The vision direction of logic three is coming. Which route is worthy of entrusting Bitcoin's vision? Although the side chain can be done, it is an independent consensus chain, which is no different from Ethereum. A logical paradox has emerged. We already have a super-intelligent contract verification network like Ethereum. Why should we build a brand-new bitcoin side chain? Isn't it more perfect for other similar chains in Ethereum to expand the development imagination? What is the significance of driving backwards? The comprehensive performance of client verification and similar client verification in Ethereum is more suitable for the mainstream of bitcoin. Like its name, the expansion market is still a black box at present, and it is still unknown to what extent it can develop. It is too early to draw a conclusion about the state channel. Because of the legitimacy of the lightning network, it was once given high hopes to expand Bitcoin, but then the characteristics of the lightning network will eventually lead to a side chain scheme that is biased towards the payment network of Ethereum. I am afraid it is difficult to become an imaginary second-tier scheme that can undertake a variety of financial games. In essence, it is somewhat manipulative to try to copy the diversified financial games of Ethereum to Bitcoin. Too soon, there may be a lot of room for the extension of Bitcoin ecology, but it may not be copied from Ethereum. Imagine that playing innovation in Ethereum is also influenced by the established fundamentalism behind it, not to mention Bitcoin with stricter teachings and teachings. The above-mentioned drivers or retail drivers will eventually have value. The prosperity of Ethereum is due to the composability of its smart contracts. The biggest risk in the whole process is actually consensus overload, but the variety of gameplay within the payload is enough. In order to give developers a broad stage, but the bitcoin ecology is too weak in its basic function, and the extensible space is too rich. However, its own security consensus is too harsh, and the consensus has also failed. The consensus has built an absolute barrier for bitcoin, but it is also the root of the limited ecological innovation. Therefore, chaos and contradictions will make most mainstream users of capital institutions feel incomprehensible. Outside the bitcoin ecology, people are holding huge sums of money, but they can't get in because they don't know the narrative of Bitcoin. How to say it is logical, but the developers in the bitcoin ecosystem are vacillating between various routes and lack a unified development direction. Although the vast number of retail investors are in love, everyone only cares about the wealth myth that may be created by inscriptions and coins. Although the asset issuance routes of Taifang Ecology have various forms, they will eventually be valuable around the hidden line of value capture, whether driven by retail investors or driven by retail investors. In fact, the market cannot stay in the prosperous stage of pure asset issuance forever, and there must be continuous technological breakthroughs, continuous projects and sustainable development. This market cannot be all of them. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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