罚款轰炸 币安上岸的代价有多高?

币圈资讯 阅读:41 2024-04-22 11:50:20 评论:0



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“一年以后,面对 SEC、财政部、CFTC,Changpeng·Zhao CZ 将会回想起 SBF 带他去见识巴哈马热带风光的那个不太遥远的 11 月下午。”

4B 难上岸,人财两归赵


个人罚款 5000 万美元,保释金 1.75 亿美元,币安合计罚款 43 亿美元。

如果大家对金额没有概念,那么只需要记住这在美国有史以来的保释金排名榜上,能排到第四名的新高,远超过 CZ 在彭博亿万富翁榜单上 49 位的排名。


图片说明:Bloomberg Billionaires Index

这是全球最大交易所币安及其创始人 CZ 最终“上岸”的价格,当 2023 年 11 月 22 日,CZ 出现在美国西雅图法院门口,CZ 的时代彻底消失,从此只有时代的币安,江湖再无金色传说。

从结果上看,CZ 可以保留币安的大多数股权,仅需要付出“一笔小钱”,以及将运营权交给新加坡人 Richard Teng,以更好的面对西方监管者和民众的怀疑。

但事情远未结束,币安不同于 Mt. Gox 或者 FTX,这是第一次、全球最大交易所因为监管而服软,前两者都是自身经营或安全问题,币安是第一次因为外部压力而改变经营计划,不要忘了,和解条款里还有 5 年观察期,美国政府可从内部监控币安的一举一动。

图片说明:CZ 和 SBF 合影
图片来源:Sam Bankman-Fried (@SBF_FTX) on X.com

如果回到一年前的 11 月,不知道 CZ 是否会后悔对 SBF,这位曾经自己的小迷弟出手,那时加勒比海岛巴哈马上的风还很温暖,正好 SBF 也是 11 月出的事,12 月失去行动自由。


币安现状,推到 FTX,自坠不止

按照 CZ 的自述,币安从 6 个人的团队起步,逐步扩张到为全球 1.66 亿人提供服务,并在多方打击下和市场竞争下成为加密货币现货和衍生品的双料之王,取得了前无古人,暂时也后无来者的优异成绩,属实是把东亚做题家的本色发挥到极致。

图片说明:CZ 法院文件

回溯过去半月间【 CZ 认罪,币安和解】的历程,好像是一场梦,不难看出,监管方的核心诉求已经达到,个人入狱,公司罚款,全面合规,持续审查。

但是 CZ 的诉求——返回阿联酋,仍旧被持续无视,根据报道,CZ 似乎已经取得阿联酋身份,叠加加拿大公民身份,身份自由也没有取得行动自由,还是美国人比较霸道。

图片说明:CZ 事件发展图


从市场份额上而言,币安是 No USD 市场的独一档的存在,在去年 12 月“轻轻一推”碰倒 FTX 之后,币安市占率达到 70% 以上的高位,真正做到了天下三分,币安占其二的地位。


但无所谓,美国财政部和 SEC 会出手,他们不允许这么牛逼的人存在,于是开始漫长的调查、诉讼和舆论压力,而 USD 市场也成为最关键的切入口,Binance.US 最终成为第一个被献祭的突破口。

Coinbase 的美国身份从此时显得金贵无比,甚至 FTX 都在重生进程中。

虽然并未像 Coinbase 一样上市,或者说无法上市,但币安本身并不差钱,根据 CZ 和 币安自述,币安绝大部分收入都是来自于手续费,占比 90% 以上,现货占比 22.5%,衍生品为 67.5%,如果要支持币安,最好的方式就是去开合约。


得益于市占率的一路飙升,币安收入也非常可观。2021 年曾达到 200 亿美元的收入,即使在 2022 年的熊市期间,币安也有 120 亿美元的收入。

但是要交罚款,那就不能拿收入去交,否则跟 SBF 一样挪用客户资产,只能看币安的利润,这就显得非常神秘了。根据 Fortube 和 币安信息,大致估测下 2020 年 为 10 亿美元。


要知道币安的现货手续费只有 10 个基点,衍生品交易手续费为 1 到 5 个基点,币安平台币 BNB 持有人还可获得不同比例的折扣,如此看来,币安确实是台印钞机。

图片说明:币安 VIP 等级分类

某种意义上,币安最高等级的 VIP 们其实算币安的利益攸关方,他们用真金白银在支持 BNB 的价格,也难怪 CZ 需要照顾他们的感受,至于现货交易的散户,贡献的只是 1.66 亿的分母价值。

根据 CZ 的 Slogan,他只持有 BNB 和 BTC,这笔钱凑够个人保释金问题不大,币安的罚款可能就没法走老板的账户了,按照目前 BTC 的涨势,币安应该还是付得起的,大家不要 FUD。

图片说明:CZ 推特个人简介




幸运的是,币安的市场还在,也许在全面合规后还能进入美国市场,也许不能,但是还能保住全球其他区域市场,但是这一切都和 CZ 暂时无关了,因为他说他要去搞科学。

十八个月以后,我们就能看到科学家 CZ 了。


  1. U.S. prosecutors argue CZ may face up to 10 years and should be detained in the U.S.

  2. 未来十年,Crypto再无第二个币安

  3. https://foresightnews.pro

  4. Binance CEO CZ Steps Down As Part Of $4 Billion Settlement With US

  5. 47+ Binance Users & Revenue Statistics (2023)

  6. How Binance really operates: The world’s largest crypto exchange boasts vast profits, hefty influencer payouts, and a ticking time bomb on its balance sheet

  7. Binance Founder Pleads Guilty to Violating Money Laundering Rules

  8. 11 Highest Bail Amounts in US History

  9. CZ released from custody on $175 million bond after capitulation to DoJ charges, faces 18 months jail term

  10. Bloomberg Billionaires Index

  11. https://www.cftc.gov/PressRoom/PressReleases/8825-23

  12. Sunshine Act Notice

Introduction A year later, facing the Ministry of Finance, I will recall the not-too-distant month and afternoon when I took him to see the tropical scenery of the Bahamas. It was difficult to land, and both people and money went to Zhao. All the gifts given by fate have been marked in the dark. The personal fine is $10,000, the bail is $100 million, and the total fine is $100 million. If you don't have a concept of the amount, you just need to remember that this new height, which can rank fourth in the American bail ranking list, far exceeds the ranking picture on the Bloomberg Billionaires list. Explain the top ten bail funds in American history. The source of the picture shows the source of the picture. This is the price that the world's largest exchange, Coin An, and its founder finally landed. The era of sunrise in Seattle, USA, has completely disappeared. Since then, only the era of Coin An has no golden legend. From the result, it only needs to pay a small sum of money and hand over the operation rights to Singaporeans to better face the doubts of western regulators and the public, but things are far from over. Ann is different from or this is the first time that the world's largest exchange has been dominated by supervision. Both of them are due to its own operation or security problems. It is the first time that Qian An has changed its business plan because of external pressure. Don't forget that there is still a year observation period in the settlement clause. The US government can monitor Qian An's every move from the inside. Photo description and photo source: If you go back to the month a year ago, I don't know if you will regret taking action against this little fan brother who used to be your own. At that time, the wind in the Caribbean island Bahamas was still warm and just right. It's a month out, and the whole audience lost their freedom of action. The status quo of currency security was pushed from Zhao Gongzi to self-falling. The self-reported currency security gradually expanded from a personal team to providing services for hundreds of millions of people around the world, and became the king of both cryptocurrency spot and derivatives under the attack of many parties and market competition. It's true that it has achieved unprecedented outstanding results, and it is true that it has brought the true nature of East Asia as a problem writer to the extreme. The process of reconciliation between crime and money seems to be a dream. It is not difficult to see that the core demands of the regulators have reached personal imprisonment, company fines, comprehensive compliance and continuous review, but their demands are still ignored. According to reports, it seems that they have obtained UAE status, superimposed Canadian citizenship and freedom of movement, or Americans are more overbearing. The picture shows that the information source of the incident development map is different from the confidence in the growth of user scale and the long-term public money security. Market data is cautious, but the clues of third parties still leave a lot of room for interpretation. In terms of market share, currency security is the only file in the market. After a slight push last month, the market share of currency security has reached the above high level, and it has truly achieved the second position of one-third of the world's currency security. The picture shows the market share of encrypted exchanges in US dollars and non-US dollars, but it doesn't matter that the US Treasury Department and the conference will take action. They don't allow such awesome people to exist, so they start a long investigation and lawsuit. Under the pressure of public opinion, the market has become the most critical entry point, and the American identity has finally become the first breakthrough to be sacrificed. From this moment on, it seems extremely precious, even in the process of rebirth. Although it has not been listed as usual or can't be listed, the money itself is not bad. According to the report of the company, most of the income of the company comes from the handling fee accounting for more than the spot accounting for derivatives. The best way to support the company is to open a contract, explain the income of the company and form a comprehensive picture source. Media reports have benefited from the soaring market share, and the income of Coin 'an is also very impressive. Even during the bear market in, Coin 'an earned hundreds of millions of dollars. However, if you have to pay a fine, you can't pay the income. Otherwise, you can only look at the profit of Coin 'an if you misappropriate customer assets as usual. This is very mysterious. According to the information of Coin 'an, it is estimated that the profit of Coin 'an will be hundreds of millions of dollars in the next year. The source of the picture shows that the spot handling fee of Coin 'an is only one basis point, and the In a sense, the people with the highest level of currency security are actually the stakeholders of currency security, and it is no wonder that they need to take care of their feelings. As for the retail investors in spot trading, their contribution is only the denominator value of 100 million. According to the fact that he only holds enough personal bail with this money, the fine of currency security may not be enough. According to the current rising trend, the boss's account should still be affordable. You don't want pictures to explain Twitter profile. The picture source is the breakthrough of non-state actors under US sanctions. If you don't know what the price is, then you are the price. Alstom Huawei and ZTE should have their own feelings. Kneeling without kneeling needs others to give way. It is the best result to face the US sanctions and supervision and fine it. Fortunately, the market of the currency is still there, perhaps after full compliance. We can still enter the American market, maybe not, but we can still keep other regional markets in the world, but all this has nothing to do with the time being, because he said that he would go to science and we would see scientists in 18 months' time. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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