Layer2市场动荡 zkSync在竞争中如何应对?

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原文作者:Haotian,加密观察员 来源:X@tmel0211

前有 Blast 发起吸血鬼式「攻击」,后有 Starknet 祭出 Tokenomics 大招刺激,尽管 zkSync 官方还是一副波澜不惊的样子,但从技术进展,竞争环境,市场现状,社区预期等综合多方的大环境来看,zkSync 不得不被动做出一些「改变」,接下来分享下,我的个人判断:

1)短期看,Blast 这个「伪 Layer2」确实给整个 Layer2 市场带来了活力,从 TVL 数据来看,zkSync 告别下跌颓势,已稳步增长至近 6 亿美元,其他 Layer2 平台,Linea、Mantle、Scroll、Aevo 等整体数据都出现上扬。

这说明,Blast 并非吸血鬼而更像是鲶鱼,让一大批 Layer2 新秀,尤其是 zkSync 受到了「觉醒」之力;毕竟头顶着光环,越长时间无作为就会受相应反噬力。

2)原本期待 zkSync 的技术上能够渐次开放核心 Sequencer 和 Prover、Validator 等关键组件,按原本既定预期,这会是 zkSync 发 token 的必要条件。

现在来看,ZK-Rollup 的技术进展对市场已经无法形成「Drive」之力,大概率 zkSync 不再把技术突破作为核心叫卖亮点,而转而会去啃「生态」这根硬骨头;

市场已经对 ZK-Rollup 和 OP-Rollup 的技术叙事脱敏了,鲜有人关心 OP-Rollup 是否真正有 Battle-tested 挑战产生,Sequencer 是不是去中心化也不再是讨论焦点,相应的,ZK-Rollup 赖以骄傲的 Prover 系统有多精密,EVM 等效性有多优势等原本挂在嘴上的优势,在惨淡的市场和生态面前也只能噤声。

3)就生态而言,zkSync 的细分生态远比官方还要急。之前发文说过,zkSync 会也必须得尽全力扶持出一个王炸级 Derivative 平台出来。现在看,Derivatives 赛道也逐渐热闹起来了。

时隔 1 月,Holdstation 按捺不住发了 Token 激励活动,且受此影响,其 Derivatives 日均交易量攀升到了 20M 以上,APY 最高攀升至 69%,30 日 Fees 达到了 20 万美元。其 Tokenomics 正在形成一个 Gas 补贴用户,吸引用户交易,累计更多 Fees,补贴更多用户的 Flywheel 模式。

我个人 impressed 的是,Holdstation 背靠 AA 账户抽象钱包,用核心 Paymaster+Batch transaction 功能来给平台的用户实现 Gas 补贴,这个思路和即将发 Token 的 Starknet 实施的 token 返利策略如出一辙。

事实上,账户抽象功能中的 Paymaster funtion 天然有利于实施一系列的运营激励策略,这似乎对解决 ZK-Rollup 生态不够活跃的问题大有裨益。

Anyway,在整体 zkSync 生态被 DEX 霸屏,生态一片死气沉沉的时候,Holdstation 项目方用自我造血的方式来试图盘活局面,算是很拼了。无独有偶,这怕才是 zkSync 生态「揭竿而起」的开始,Binance 扶持的 Derivio+zkSync 狂奶的 layer3 应用链 GRVT,或许正在酝酿着一出好戏?

4)上文分析过 Starknet 和 zkSync 都属于综合型旨在扩容的 ZK-Rollup,Starknet 面临的窘境,zkSync 同样存在。因此,Starknet 的空投市场效应将直接决定 zkSync 发空投的标准和时间快慢。

zkSync 各项数据 indicators 似乎都还很「成功」,Alex 在播客中说这句话时表现的并不那么自信。因为他很清楚 zkSync 现在的数据至少一大半来自撸毛党的功劳,大家愿意 Pay Gas 也是基于有空投预期的前提。

而 zkSync 现在只给了市场饱受争议一个「神灯」,在我看来,zkSync 的空投标准绝对不会仅限于神灯,在其多期采访以及推文中似乎暗示了 zkSync 的价值趋向:是否 layer2 增量用户?

zkSync 自身采用无感知账户抽象来降低用户门槛,采用 NFT 玩法来做社区拓新 Pudgy Penguins,包括 Matter labs 成员最近频频在 AA 账户抽象上发声,都似乎指向一个可能,AA 账户抽象的钱包使用会是一个可能的空投 Criteria?

因为 layer2 相较 layer1 的根本价值就是拓新,如果 layer2 只是 layer1 玩家前来叠乐高游戏的场所,这样的 layer2 存在感会很弱。如果 Starknet 发空投后,持续的用户返利能够激活市场,我猜大概率 zkSync 会跟进此 Tokenomics 策略。

5)最近,zkSync 低调完成了 boojum 升级,同时集成了 STARK 和 SNARK 证明。(和我最早分析的判断一致),直接结果是,近 30 天,zkSync 的 Gas 费显著降低了 30% 左右,已经和 Arbitrum 达到了同一水平线。zkSync 原本就在用户体验上有优势,最近 Gas 费的下降会让其进一步获得更广的用户和流量。

事实上,Dune 数据显示,zkSync 最近的活跃地址和 TXS 都显著提升了,对用户(撸毛党)而言,Gas 费的下滑确实会影响交互动力,但一些潜在和空投预期挂钩的官方系列活动,或许更直接有效吧?

相信,zkSync 会在社区活动上有一定布局。


整体而言,zkSync 主网上线后半年有余,确实站稳了 ZK-Rollup 双雄的宝座,甚至其市场预期远在 Starknet 之上,不过,长期在聚光灯下,也给其带来了巨大的舆论包袱和压力,面对形势突变的 layer2 市场,zkSync 必须得持续 Evolve 思变,才能不掉队。

The original author encrypted the source of the observer before launching a vampire attack and then offering a big move to stimulate it. Although the official is still in a calm state, he has to make some passive changes from the comprehensive environment of technological progress, competitive environment, market situation, community expectation and so on. Next, I share my personal judgment. In the short term, this fake has really brought vitality to the whole market. From the data point of view, the decline has steadily increased to nearly 100 million US dollars, and the overall data of other platforms have risen. Ming is not a vampire, but more like a catfish, which has aroused a large number of rookies, especially the awakening force. After all, the longer the halo is overhead, the corresponding repulsive force will be exerted. Originally expected, the key components such as the core and the like can be gradually opened up, which will be a necessary condition for development according to the original expectation. Now, the technological progress has been unable to form a force for the market, and it is highly probable that the technological breakthrough will no longer be used as the core to sell highlights, but will instead chew on the technical narrative of the hard bone market that has been reconciled. Sensitive, few people care about whether there is a real challenge, whether it is decentralized or not, and it is no longer the focus of discussion. How precise, equivalent and advantageous the corresponding proud system is, and so on. In the face of the bleak market and ecology, the advantages that were originally talked about can only be silenced. In terms of ecology, the subdivision of ecology is far more urgent than the official. Before, it was said that the meeting must also do its best to support a king-level platform. Now, the track is gradually becoming more lively, and after a few months, it is unbearable to send out incentive activities and be affected by this. In response, the average daily transaction volume has climbed to the above-mentioned maximum and reached $10,000 per day. It is forming a mode of subsidizing users, attracting users to trade and accumulating more subsidies for more users. Personally, I rely on the account abstract wallet to realize subsidies for platform users with core functions. This idea is exactly the same as the rebate strategy to be implemented soon. In fact, the nature of the account abstract function is conducive to the implementation of a series of operational incentive strategies, which seems to be of great benefit to solving the problem of insufficient ecological activity. When the whole ecology is dead, the project side tries to revitalize the situation by means of self-hematopoiesis, which is quite unique. I am afraid that this is the application chain of crazy milk that has started to be supported by the ecology. Perhaps a good play is brewing. The dilemma analyzed above and both of which are comprehensive and aimed at expanding capacity also exist, so the airdrop market effect will directly determine the standard and time of airdrop. All the data seem to be very successful in saying this sentence in the podcast. Now he is not so confident, because he knows very well that at least half of the current data comes from the Mao Party, and everyone is willing and based on the premise of air-drop expectation. Now he has only given the market a controversial magic lamp. In my opinion, the air-drop standard will never be limited to the value trend that the magic lamp seems to imply in its multi-period interviews and tweets. Whether the users themselves use unconscious account abstraction to lower the user threshold and use gameplay to expand the community, including members' frequent account abstraction recently. Voices seem to point to a possible account. Abstract wallet use will be a possible airdrop, because the fundamental value of comparison is innovation. If it is only a place where players come to stack Lego games, this sense of existence will be weak. If the continuous user rebate after airdrop can activate the market, I guess there is a high probability that this strategy will be followed up. Recently, the upgrade has been completed in a low-key manner, and the integration and proof are consistent with my earliest analysis. The direct result is that the cost in recent days has been significantly reduced, which has reached the same level. Line has an advantage in user experience, and the recent decrease in fees will enable it to further gain a wider range of users and traffic. In fact, the data show that the recent active addresses and traffic have been significantly improved. For users, the decline in fees will indeed affect the interactive power, but some official series of activities that are potentially linked to airdrop expectations may be more direct and effective. I believe that there will be a certain layout in community activities. On the whole, the main online line has really stood firm in the throne of the two heroes for more than half a year, even its market expectations are far above, but long-term exposure to the spotlight has also brought huge public opinion burden and pressure to it. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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