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在Web3这个24/7的市场,打开社交媒体,每时每刻都有人就着不同的话题展开激烈的讨论:Binance天价罚款,StarkNet空投快照,Bitcoin Core Dev反对ORDI。不同的热门话题夹杂着各个不同的项目被人熟知,历史上很多赛道龙头项目都是依托一个热门话题一举成名。

2019的IEO、2020的DeFi Summer、2021的NFT热潮,每一次Web3行业中的风暴,都有项目脱颖而出,一下子跻身赛道的第一梯队,只要提到这个赛道,人们第一时间想到的就是他们。







这种关系是最自然和最稳定的,指的是品牌的核心价值观、使命、愿景、产品或服务本身就是与话题密切相关的。早在话题热度起来之前,项目深耕于这个领域,只是缺少市场知名度,等待热点话题到来之时,自然而然就会项目在大众的提及率就变高了,比如创立于2018年的Uniswap,在2020年DeFi Summer之时,经历了爆发式增长,一举成为DEX赛道龙头。





  • 生态支持:近期Starknet和Layerzero近期都宣布空投计划,越来越多的项目宣布支持其主网来蹭热度,或者积极与生态展开合作,宣布合作关系,增加自身品牌在热点话题上的提及率,尽可能让分的一点对空投感兴趣的用户的注意力到自己身上。

  • 内容输出:一个热门话题的出现,也是内容爆发的时机。一些媒体平台,社交平台上的数据账号,会开始推出热门话题的新闻、集成数据等:


  • 联名活动:



  • 扩大奖池,增加吸引力,提高活动效果。

  • 对于小项目来说,积极参加这类联合活动,有时碰到Big Name的项目参与,借光增加自己项目的品牌知名度;即使是知名度差不多的项目一起做活动,各家互相吸引用户,抱团提高自己的曝光。













The author's brand should carefully balance the relationship with the topic when grasping the hot spot traffic, and achieve growth and customer acquisition through strategies such as ecological support, content output and joint activities, and avoid market chaos caused by excessive speculation and performance. Nothing is more exciting than opening social media in this market, and people have heated discussions on different topics all the time. Sky-high fines, airdrops and snapshots are opposed to different hot topics, and many different track leaders are well known in history. Every time there is a storm in the industry, projects stand out and become the first echelon of the track. As long as people mention this track, the first thing they think of is that they can see that sometimes whether a project can open its market popularity often depends on its foothold in the hot topic. The hot topic is fleeting, and the project must not hesitate to make use of the hot topic. How can brands make use of it quickly? The topic can be discussed from the relationship between domain brands and topics. The relationship between brands and topics is quite mature in the domain market. The launch of some products can often lead to hot topics, such as the rapid release, which has ignited the attention of the domain. This move not only makes many technology companies follow suit and release their products, but also attracts a lot of funds to flood into the domain market. The relationship between brands and topics in this field is far less than that in this field. It is more that brands are attached to hot topics and open up market awareness. This relationship with the topic is the most natural and stable, which refers to the brand's core values, mission and vision. The product or service itself is closely related to the topic. Long before the topic became hot, the project was deeply involved in this field, but it lacked market awareness. When the hot topic arrived, it was natural that the mention rate of the project became higher among the public. For example, it was founded in 2000 and experienced explosive growth in 2000, and it became the leader of the track in one fell swoop. For brands born in topic, because the brand and hot topics are highly compatible, the publicity content of any brand is appropriate and easy for users to accept. So for those projects that are not compatible with hot topics, can they only watch the hot topics lead to extensive discussions and generate huge traffic, but they also have their own ingenious ways to use hot topics to achieve growth and gain customers? Even if they are not with hot topics, it is a golden opportunity. Appropriately related projects can also use marketing means to make their own brands and hot topics. Different projects have different postures and different ecological support. Recently, more and more projects have announced air-drop plans. More and more projects have announced their support for their main networks or actively cooperated with the ecology to announce cooperation relationships, and increase the mention rate of their own brands on hot topics. Let users who are interested in air-drop pay attention to themselves as much as possible, and output a hot topic. It is also the time for the content to break out. Some data accounts on social platforms of media platforms will start to launch hot topics, such as news, integrated data and other topics, and the way to grow. How can brands grasp the hot traffic? Joint activities can be divided into many kinds of ecological joint activities, and the same ecological project can cooperate to launch a large-scale event. Many major online projects cooperate to launch joint activities on growth platforms to attract users, such as the annual highlight of festivals. Christmas projects will also launch joint activities in groups, and dozens of projects have released their Christmas activities on the growth platform, including the head project of the track. This marketing method of using tools such as the growth platform to jointly launch activities with multiple projects can achieve the effect of multiple goals, expand the prize pool, increase the attraction and improve the effect of activities. For small projects, they actively participate in such joint activities, and sometimes they encounter projects to increase their brand awareness through the light, even if it is similar. Some projects do activities together, and each family attracts users to hold a group to improve their exposure topics and ways to grow. How can brands grasp the hot traffic and use topics to forcibly extend the project life cycle? If the brand has nothing to do with the current hot topic, will there be projects that have to be forced? There are also some projects whose life cycle has reached the decline period or is close to the decline period, and they will continue to link with hot topics to forcibly extend the life cycle, which leads to this close-to-morbid relationship between brands and topics. As a hot topic, many projects claim to have launched related projects, but the actual application has little relevance. In this case, some projects may ignore the relevance between the topic and the brand core values, mission vision, products or services, or even ignore the sensitivity and negativity of the topic. Despite the lack of substantive connection, as long as they can attract users' attention and click on these projects, they are willing to do whatever it takes to connect with hot topics. This forced association may lead to the instability of the brand image. As for the negative impact in the long run, because users may have doubts about the authenticity and reliability of the project, the market chaos caused by the topic will face hot topics. Many projects will try their best to make the name of the project rank among the hot topics even if they are irrelevant. This trend of paying too much attention to the topic has also caused some problems, especially in the case that market brands are excessively pursuing short-term popularity, projects that focus too much on immediate hot topics mainly on speculative performances will often Speculation and performance are placed at the core of the strategy. In order to quickly attract attention, some brands may touch hot topics regardless of their relevance, in order to gain temporary attention. In the long run, this will have a negative impact on the ecology of the whole market, making it more difficult for users to find projects with long-term value, and it will become more and more difficult for users to distinguish projects with real long-term value among many brands that pay attention to hot spots. Excessive publicity and speculation cover up the true nature of the projects. Quality users need to carefully analyze the background and data of the project to discover the real long-term value contained in it. For most users, they don't have the time and energy to understand the background and data of the project. The market chaos dominated by speculative performances is not conducive to attracting new users, and even driving away old users. This runs counter to the purpose of using hot topics to achieve growth and gain customers. This market is fierce, and countless new projects emerge all the time. If you don't want to be eliminated, you must ensure the growth of products. Now is the best time to take root. Sometimes, just seize one opportunity and you can soar. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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