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ORDI 没有技术,毫无用处,只是投机工具。本想批评 ORDI 的投机炒作,但结果竟发现 ORDI 是对标 Doge 的第一等 meme。

  • 铭文开启了比特币生态的崛起,为解决比特币安全预算问题铺平了道路。最主要的批评:铭文导致比特币节点大小膨胀,进而影响去中心化的观点站不住脚。

  • ORDI 是一个没用的代币,没有技术,没有功能。如果说正经项目代币需要捕获价值,通过价值吸引投资者,那么 meme 代币需要捕获的则是注意力。

  • “意义”是由人类赋予的,相比 pepe,哈利波特奥巴马索尼克等众多 meme,ORDI 可以被赋予更多、质量更高的“意义”。

  • ORDI 属于第一等的 meme,但也面临如何持续捕获注意力的挑战。

什么是比特币铭文及 BRC-20?

2022 年 12 月,比特币开发者 Casey Rodarmor 发布了一款名为 ORD 的开源软件,该软件运行在 Bitcoin Core 软件之上。ORD 允许用户分两步铸造比特币铭文:1)在比特币区块链上输入任意的信息,如一串文本或图像(“inscription”,有的翻译称之为铭文),2)将上传的铭文与一个特定的 satoshi 相连。Satoshi 是比特币的最小单位。1 BTC = 100,000,000 satoshi。最终的成品是一个带有铭文的 satoshi,也就是所谓的比特币铭文。

根据输入信息是文本或者是图像,比特币铭文可以分为两类。基于文本的铭文主要用途是创建代币,例如 BRC-20 代币标准。而基于图像的铭文主要用于创建 NFT,例如各种卡通形象。

需要特别注意的是尽管基于铭文的 NFT 和 BRC-20 代币是完全存储在比特币区块链上,但是铭文和单个 Satoshi 之间的联系是由 Ordinals 理论建立的。每一个比特币由 1 亿个 Satoshi 组成,但是这些 Satoshi 是无法进行区分的, Ordinals 作为一种链下的编号方案,对单个 Satoshi 做出了区分。也就是说,Ordinal 的存在需要社区对 Ordinal 理论达成共识并普遍接受。没有 Ordinal 理论,铭文就无法被跟踪或交易,因为铭文不会自动指向单个 satoshi。从区块链的角度看,每一个 satoshi 都是一样的。

那什么是 ORDI?

ORDI 是首个发行在比特币区块链上的 BRC-20 代币,总供应量为 21,000,000 个。ORDI 被创造的初衷仅仅是一个实验,主要是想测试能否用 Ordinals 理论部署类似于以太坊上发行的 ERC20 的同质化代币。

与以太坊 ERC-20代币标准不同的是,比特币不支持智能合约,BRC-20 并非智能合约代币,代币的背后没有技术,没有项目方,没有实际项目支持,也没有任何应用场景,币价的涨跌全靠社区共识和市场热度。BRC-20 代币利用了 Ordinals 理论在比特币网络上实现了代币发行,设置发行量,进行转账这些简单功能。

ORDI 是一个纯粹的 meme,因此评价其价值要从是否为一个好项目转变为是否为一个好 meme。ORDI 的存在建立在 Ordinals 理论上,在我们讨论 ORDI 之前,先看看 Ordinals 协议对比特币意味着什么。

Ordinals 协议:为解决比特币安全预算问题铺平道路

有些人对 Ordinals 协议持评判的态度,认为大量铭文信息被写入区块链导致网络交易费用提高影响普通使用者,交易信息过快增长也会加大区块链占用节点的硬盘大小,提高了运行比特币节点的硬件要求。进而影响运行全节点的数量,损害去中心化。

但是包括 Grayscale 在内的不少机构都提出 Ordinals 协议为比特币网络安全和矿工收入带来正面影响。

首先,Ordinals 协议的出现增加了比特币矿工获得的交易费用。比特币网络的交易费用在今年3月、5月和11月出现三次飙升,对应了 Ordinals 今年的三波浪潮。根据研究机构 K33的估算,2023年矿工每日收入为973个 BTC,高于原本预计的每日900个 BTC。Ordinals 带来的额外交易费用让矿工收入增长了约8%。


交易费用收入至关重要,在未来 BTC 区块奖励不断降低后填补了比特币网络的安全预算。矿工是维护比特币网络安全的重要一环,目前矿工主要依赖每挖掘一个区块后 BTC 的区块奖励作为收入,但是比特币的区块奖励大约四年减半一次。区块奖励较少导致矿工收入下降,会导致矿工流失,降低保护网络的算力。这不是迫在眉睫的问题,却是比特币长期发展的严重的问题。

其次,矿工收益的增加会吸引更多矿工加入,扩大比特币的整体算力和安全性。更高的算力意味着攻击者需要投入更多资源才能获得 51% 的算力发起攻击。

对于 Ordinals 的主要批评,加大运行节点所需的硬盘空间真是个问题吗?

在比特币的世界,矿工通过算力挖掘新区块,运行比特币客户端(例如 Bitcoin Core)的节点负责验证区块的有效性,开发者维护客户端。矿工、节点运行者、和开发者三方形成了复杂博弈关系,没有一方能控制比特币网络。如果想对比特币网络各方的博弈关系有更深了解,推荐这本书。《The Blocksize War: The battle over who controls Bitcoin’s protocol rules》

因此有人担心 ordinals 的快速增长会导致比特币区块链的体积增大,运行比特币客户端的硬件要求提升,导致节点数量降低和去中心化的降低,影响矿工、节点、和开发者这三方的微妙平衡。

尽管这是非常合理的担心,但目前比特币客户端,例如 Bitcoin Core 的大小仅为 500GB。假如由于 Ordinals 之后每一个区块都被填满,比特币区块链的体积大约每四年会增加 1TB(来源)。在如今超过 1TB,甚至 2TB 硬盘空间相当普及的情况下,担心比特币区块链体积过大似乎为时过早。更何况随着技术进步,普通用户可负担的起的硬盘空间也在快速增大。

ORDI – 一个强大的 meme

Meme 这个词由英国进化生物学家理查德道金斯在1976年出版的书《自私的基因》首次提出。Meme 与基因有着相似之处,是文化和信息的最小单位,能够在人与人之间传播和演化。Meme 代币的价值和流行程度取决于传播性和社区用户的参与。

Meme 代币看似没有实际用途,但其实满足了加密货币市场上用户的一个真实且巨大的需求:一个充满想象空间且公平的投机标的。

不是每一个 meme 代币都充满无穷想象空间,更不是每一个 meme 都给予投机者一个公平的博弈机会。

很多观点将 BRC-20 的 Fair Launch 和 VC 项目进行对比,我认为这种对比是不合理的。VC 在项目发展早期进行投资,为团队提供资金,在产品未来是否可以成功推出并受到市场认可都未知的情况下,承担巨大的不确定性。VC 承担了巨大的风险,应当获得最便宜的筹码,在项目成功后获得最大的收益。

但是 meme 没有产品,没有进行技术开发,没有前期投入,因此一个好的 meme 不应有投资方,也不应有团队持有大量代币。这看似是理所当然的要求,现实却并非如此,年初曾一度风靡的 meme 代币 pepe 在今年8月就被爆出团队成员窃取大量代币进行抛售。

BRC-20代币的 Fair Launch 机制保证了参与者只能以铸造形式获取代币,不存在早期投资,也不存在项目方持有大量代币。同时,由于 BRC-20 并非智能合约代币,可以实现的功能有限,因此也不存在智能合约风险,例如项目方窃取或者合约被拉黑。这些特性让 BRC-20代币成为一种天然的投机标的。

Meme 的意义与想象空间

Meme 币的价值和流行程度取决于传播度和社区参与,传播度也就是捕获足够多人的注意力。如果说正经项目代币需要捕获价值,由价值吸引投资者,那么 meme 代币需要捕获的则是注意力。

比如在 Terra 暴雷之后,一些关于其 CEO 的 Memecoin 层出不穷,其中的 JAIL KWON 还曾一度因为 Do Kwon 被捕而大涨;今年韩国一实验室声称研制出常温超导体 LK-99,加密市场里相关迷因币 LK99 的币价就经历了多轮起落。

创造一个新的 meme 币没有成本,每一个 meme 币都面临无穷无尽其他 meme 币的竞争。有些竞争者对于捕获注意力的手段简单粗暴,例如起名叫做:哈利波特奥巴马索尼克,并将代币代号命名为 BITCOIN。


那么ORDI 的叙事是什么,可以捕获怎样的注意力?ORDI 是使用 Ordinals 协议部署的第一个 BRC-20代币,ORDI 是第一个市值超过 10 亿美元的 BRC-20代币。ORDI 代表了 Ordinals 协议,Ordinals 协议代表了比特币的进化,解决了比特币的安全预算问题,开启了比特币生态的发展,让比特币变得有趣,让更多人进入比特币生态。

“意义”是由人类赋予的,相比 pepe,哈利波特奥巴马索尼克,ORDI 可以被赋予更多、质量更高的“意义”。因此ORDI 属于第一等的 meme。可以对标其他第一等的 meme:DogeCoin,市值130亿美元。SHIBA Inu,市值57亿美元。

ORDI 最大的挑战:持续捕获注意力

当然这是 meme,创造一个 meme 是不需要成本的。ORDI 面临那些更具文化传播力,可以赋予更多的“意义”的meme 的挑战。这里不得不提另一个 BRC-20代币 SATS。

每一个比特币可以分为1亿个聪(sats),这个取名为 SATS 的 BRC-20 代币将总量设定为2100万亿枚对应比特币网络中最大数量 2100 万亿个聪。SATS 在 12 月 12 日在币安上市,让其市值几乎接近 10 亿美元。

比特币生态中一定会出现一个对标 Doge 的超过百亿市值的 meme 币,会是 ORDI 还是 STAS,没有人能够预测。有真实用途的项目需要项目方持续建设,创造价值;一个 meme 需要持有者和社区不断在社交平台发声,摇旗呐喊,为自己持有的 meme 创造注意力。

这,才是 meme 游戏的正确玩法。

The author has no technology and is useless. It's just speculation that the speculative tool wanted to criticize, but it turns out that it is the first-class inscription on the target that started the rise of bitcoin ecology and paved the way for solving the problem of bitcoin security budget. The main criticism inscription led to the expansion of bitcoin node size, which in turn affected decentralization. The view is untenable. It is a useless token with no technology and no function. If it is serious that tokens need to capture value and attract investors through value, then tokens need to be captured. The significance of attention is endowed by human beings. Compared with Harry Potter, Obama, Sonik and many others, it can be endowed with more quality and higher significance, but it is also facing the challenge of how to continuously capture attention. What is the bitcoin inscription and the year when Bitcoin developers released an open source software called "The software runs on the software, allowing users to cast bitcoin inscriptions in two steps and input arbitrary information such as a string of text or images in the bitcoin blockchain. Some translations are called inscriptions." The uploaded inscription is connected with a specific unit, which is the smallest unit of bitcoin. The final product is an inscription, that is, the so-called bitcoin inscription can be divided into two types according to whether the input information is text or image. The main purpose of the inscription is to create tokens, such as token standards, while the image-based inscription is mainly used to create, for example, various cartoon images. It is important to pay special attention to that although the inscription-based inscription and the token are completely stored in the bitcoin blockchain, the inscription and the image-based inscription are mainly used to create various cartoon images. The relationship between individuals is established by theory. Each bitcoin consists of hundreds of millions, but these are indistinguishable. As a numbering scheme under the chain, individuals are distinguished. That is to say, the existence requires the community to reach a consensus on the theory and generally accept that without theoretical inscriptions, they cannot be tracked or traded, because the inscriptions will not automatically point to individuals. From the perspective of blockchain, everyone is the same. Then what is the first token issued on the bitcoin blockchain? The total supply is created. The original intention is just an experiment, mainly to test whether it is possible to deploy homogeneous tokens similar to those issued on the Ethereum with theory. Different from the Ethereum token standard, Bitcoin does not support smart contracts, not smart contracts. There is no technology behind the tokens, no project party, no actual project support and no application scenarios. The rise and fall of the currency price depends on community consensus and market popularity. Tokens use the theory to realize the simple functions of issuing tokens, setting circulation and transferring money on the Bitcoin network. Energy is pure, so the evaluation of its value should be changed from whether it is a good project to whether it is a good existence. Before we discuss it, let's take a look at what the agreement means to Bitcoin, paving the way for solving the problem of bitcoin security budget. Some people have a critical attitude towards the agreement. They think that a large number of inscriptions are written into the blockchain, which leads to the increase of network transaction costs and affects ordinary users. The excessive growth of transaction information will also increase the hard disk size of the nodes occupied by the blockchain. The hardware requirements of running bitcoin nodes further affect the number of running nodes, and the damage is decentralized. However, many institutions including them have proposed agreements that have a positive impact on bitcoin network security and miners' income. First of all, the emergence of agreements has increased the transaction costs of bitcoin miners. The transaction costs of bitcoin network have soared three times this month and month, corresponding to the three waves this year. According to the estimation of research institutions, the daily income of miners is higher than originally expected. The extra transaction cost has increased the income of miners by about 0. The transaction cost income is very important, and it has filled the security budget of Bitcoin network after the block reward has been continuously reduced in the future. Miners are an important part of maintaining the security of Bitcoin network. At present, miners mainly rely on the block reward after each block is excavated as income, but the block reward of Bitcoin is halved every four years, and less block reward will lead to the decrease of miners' income, which will lead to the loss of miners and reduce the computing power of protecting the network. This is not an urgent problem. It is a serious problem for the long-term development of Bitcoin. Secondly, the increase of miners' income will attract more miners to join in expanding the overall computing power and security of Bitcoin. Higher computing power means that attackers need to invest more resources to get the computing power to launch attacks. Is it really a problem to increase the hard disk space required for running nodes? In the world of Bitcoin, miners run Bitcoin clients through computing power to mine new blocks, such as nodes, which are responsible for verifying the effectiveness of blocks and maintaining clients? The miners' node operators and developers have formed a complex game relationship, and no one can control the bitcoin network. If you want to have a deeper understanding of the game relationship between the parties in the bitcoin network, I recommend this book. Therefore, some people worry that the rapid growth will lead to the increase of the size of the bitcoin blockchain, the improvement of the hardware requirements for running the bitcoin client, the reduction of the number of nodes and the reduction of decentralization, which will affect the delicate balance between the miners' nodes and developers. Although this is a very reasonable concern, Bitcoin is currently The size of the client, for example, is only if the volume of the bitcoin blockchain will increase every four years because every block is filled afterwards. It seems premature to worry that the bitcoin blockchain is too large now, even if the hard disk space is quite popular. What's more, with the technological progress, the hard disk space that ordinary users can afford is also increasing rapidly. The word "powerful" was first proposed by Richard Dawkins, a British evolutionary biologist, in the book "Selfish Genes" published in 1998. The similarity is that the smallest unit of culture and information can spread and evolve between people. The value and popularity of tokens depend on the communication and the participation of community users. Although tokens seem to have no practical use, they actually meet a real and huge demand of users in the cryptocurrency market. A fair speculative target full of imagination is not that every token is full of infinite imagination, and not everyone gives speculators a fair game opportunity. I think it is unreasonable to invest in the early stage of the project development and provide funds for the team. Under the condition that whether the product can be successfully launched and recognized by the market in the future is unknown, it bears huge uncertainty and takes huge risks. It should get the cheapest chips and get the maximum benefits after the project is successful, but there is no product, no technical development and no upfront investment, so a good one should not have investors and no team to hold a large number of tokens. This seems to be a natural requirement, but the reality is not so. The tokens that were once popular at the beginning of this year were stolen by team members. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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