Outlier Ventures:如何用Arweave去中心化托管网站前端

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作者:Lorenzo Sicilia,Outlier Ventures;翻译:0xxz@比特币买卖交易网

尽管 Web3 涉及无需许可和可验证性,但仍有太多项目拥有使用 AWS、GCP、Vercel、Netlify 等托管式的完全中心化前端。


在本文中,我们描述了如何轻松部署和托管完全去中心化的前端——只需一次性支付 0.003 美元即可购买约 1MB 的资产。

在 Outlier Ventures 产品和工程团队中,我们花了很多时间讨论和思考有助于塑造我们去中心化未来的新技术。你可以查看我们的 Web3 技术雷达。 

除了花时间帮助我们的投资组合公司做出正确的技术选择之外,我们还自己构建应用程序 - 例如,Scott Canning 最近在 NEAR 上构建的去中心化融资平台项目。

我们决定在 Web3 堆栈上构建更多内容,并在此过程中撰写许多不同的设计选择,并在一系列博客文章中记录我们的发现。

在本文中,我们将关注 DePIN,特别是去中心化存储的主题。

各种 DePIN(去中心化物理基础设施网络)允许开发人员利用像AWS、谷歌云、Azure 等提供的同类服务,但以真正去中心化的方式。拥有闲置计算能力的参与者会被激励将其资源贡献给一个有效的云计算平台,该平台没有中介机构,也没有总体的中心控制点或故障。


  • DePIN和去中心化存储的挑战

  • 我们如何解决托管挑战

  • 我们做出的技术选择

  • Arweave 基础知识

  • arweave-bundle 简介,这是一个直接从 CI/CD 部署去中心化前端的库。


如果前端中心化托管,那么 DApp 就不是真正去中心化的。如果网站前端不能登录或包含漏洞或更糟糕如第三方破坏网站,用户对它们缺乏信心,那么拥有无需许可合约有什么好处?

当后端和前端都完全透明时,人们经常重复的 “Don’t trust, verify”才会变得更有意义。


评估在何处托管 dApp 时需要牢记的一些验收标准:

1、确保不可篡改性和可访问性:允许跟踪公共基础设施上已部署文件的版本控制,dApp 应该是“不可停止的(unstoppable)”。

2、易于部署:易于发布新内容并能够与 CI/CD 集成。




  • IPFS(使用我们托管的节点)

  • IPFS(使用第三方提供商)

  • Filecoin

  • Storj

  • Arweave

出于我们 dApp 的目的,我们决定尽量减少对 Piñata、Web3.storage 或 Infura 等任何第三方解决方案的依赖。虽然它们在易于部署等方面带来了许多优势,但它们需要 API 密钥,我们将其视为单点故障和控制风险。只要有 API 密钥,就无法保证不可篡改性和可达性。 

不可避免地存在权衡。在 Outlier,我们经常采用 IPFS 来托管静态内容。我们甚至讨论了托管我们自己的 IPFS 节点。这将为最终用户提供验证特定部署是否与已部署的代码包的 CID 相匹配的机会,并且我们可以利用 IPNS 和 IPFS 以及 ENS 来允许可变的 IPFS CID 指针更新网站内容并通过 HTTPS 启用域名解析时。

然而,由于 IPFS 本身不是一个激励网络,因此将 dApp 固定到我们自己的节点可能会造成单点故障,这是我们严格试图避免的。

  • 我们研究了 IPFS 固定解决方案,例如https://web3.storage/,它提供了出色的开发人员体验,但最终它是一个中心化解决方案,因为它基于他们持有的密钥,并且允许他们随时撤销服务时间。这是一项有用的服务,但在这种情况下,我们决定它不会为我们提供我们所追求的完全去中心化的体验。

  • 出于同样的原因,另一个解决方案https://filebase.com/被排除。

  • 接下来,我们考虑了 Filecoin,它在 IPFS 之上提供了一个层,并激励提供商通过将内容固定到 IPFS 节点来提供存储空间。以 Filecoin 向提供商支付费用,并且由于 IPFS 和 Filecoin 都是由 Protocol Labs 开发的,因此这是一种流畅且连贯的体验。

如果不是他们的商业模式取决于交易,我们可能会选择 Filecoin 。作为开发人员,我们不需要持续考虑向谁付款以及支付多少钱,因此对于我们的特定用例,我们也排除了 Filecoin。

  • 我们的第三个选择 Arweave 为我们提供了技术权衡,但最终是我们选择的解决方案。虽然每次上传的成本很低——每次大约 0.003 美元,而且该网络已经存在五年了,但工具和资源比 Filecoin 和 IPFS 生态系统中的要少,因此我们必须解决一些有趣的挑战——包括开发我们的自己的库,用于直接从我们的 CI/CD 捆绑和上传。


Arweave 工具

你可以在这里按照我们的步骤熟悉如何将内容上传到 Arweave(又名 Permaweb)。  

首先,我们熟悉了基础知识。在我们决定构建一个简单的 React 应用程序后,我们的第一站是https://cookbook.arweave.dev/,在那里我们找到了大量用于将数据上传到 Arweave 的有用资源,包括部署应用程序。


你需要安装 Node,以及 npx 和 pnpm。你还需要一个交易所帐户,可以在其中购买一些用于部署的 AR。我们使用 Arweave 的主网而不是测试网,因为它足够便宜,可以进行实验。

第一步是创建一个 Arwave 钱包并用一些 AR 为其提供资金。有趣的是,最简单的方法是通过 CEX。

检查资金是否已到达你的地址:https: //viewblock.io/arweave


$ mkdir upload-arweave

$ pnpm install arweave 

$ node -e "require('arweave').init({}).wallets.generate().then(JSON.stringify).then(console.log.bind(console)) > wallet.json

现在你有了一个 wallet.json,其中包含你的私钥和公钥。通过运行查找地址:

npx arweave-bundler address

你需要提供少量 AR 资金。有趣的是,最简单的方法是通过 CEX。

检查资金是否已到达你的地址:https: //viewblock.io/arweave


Arweave Hello World

首先创建一个简单的网络应用程序。今天最简单的就是`pnpm create vite`并选择最适合你的默认值。

然后查看https://cookbook.arweave.dev/,你可以在其中找到大量用于将数据(包括部署应用程序)上传到 Arweave 的有用资源,或者继续浏览博客文章以获取好的方法。

创建一个名为 ar-deploy.js 的文件并粘贴以下内容:

import Arweave from "arweave"; 

import fs from "fs"; 

// load the JWK wallet key file from disk 

const jwk = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('./wallet.json').toString()); 

// initialize arweave 

const arweave = Arweave.init({ host: "arweave.net", port: 443, protocol: "https", }); 

const tx = await arweave.createTransaction( { data: "Hello world!", }, jwk ); 

await arweave.transactions.sign(tx, jwk); 

arweave.transactions.post(tx).then(console.log).catch(console.log); console.log(`https://arweave.net/${tx.id}`);

使用“node ar-deploy.js”运行它……你刚刚将第一个内容部署到了 Permaweb!



import Arweave from 'arweave'; 

import fs from "fs"; // load the JWK wallet key file from disk 

let key = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("walletFile.txt").toString()); 

// initialize an arweave instance 

const arweave = Arweave.init({}); 

// load the data from disk 

const imageData = fs.readFileSync(`iamges/myImage.png`); 

// create a data transaction 

let transaction = await arweave.createTransaction({ data: imageData }, key); 

// add a custom tag that tells the gateway how to serve this data to a browser 

transaction.addTag('Content-Type', 'image/png'); 

// you must sign the transaction with your key before posting 

await arweave.transactions.sign(transaction, key); 

// create an uploader that will seed your data to the network 

let uploader = await arweave.transactions.getUploader(transaction); 

// run the uploader until it completes the upload. 

while (!uploader.isComplete) { await uploader.uploadChunk(); }


事情开始变得有趣,但在遍历目录并将所有文件发布到 Permaweb 之前,还有最后一个概念需要掌握:理解清单的概念。

将文件上传到 Arweave 时,每个文件都会分配自己唯一的交易 ID。默认情况下,这些 ID 不以任何特定方式分组或组织。

因此,清单是一个 JSON 文件,其中包含一组文件的所有 ID。它还包含一个索引属性,该属性指向指向任何交易 ID 的别名。

{ "manifest": "arweave/paths", 

  "version": "0.1.0", 

  "index": { "path": "index.html" }, 

  "paths": { "index.html": { "id": "cG7Hdi_iTQPoEYgQJFqJ8NMpN4KoZ-vH_j7pG4iP7NI" }, "js/style.css": { "id": "fZ4d7bkCAUiXSfo3zFsPiQvpLVKVtXUKB6kiLNt2XVQ" }, "css/style.css": { "id": "fZ4d7bkCAUiXSfo3zFsPiQvpLVKVtXUKB6kiLNt2XVQ" }, "css/mobile.css": { "id": "fZ4d7bkCAUiXSfo3zFsPiQvpLVKVtXUKB6kiLNt2XVQ" }, "assets/img/logo.png": { "id": "QYWh-QsozsYu2wor0ZygI5Zoa_fRYFc8_X1RkYmw_fU" }, "assets/img/icon.png": { "id": "0543SMRGYuGKTaqLzmpOyK4AxAB96Fra2guHzYxjRGo" } } }

Arweave 交易很便宜,但创建如此多的交易远非理想,特别是当网络拥塞时。 

虽然此解决方案可行,但它不是最佳方案,因此我们转向下一个解决方案:Arweave bundles ( ANS-104 )

Arweave bundles

交易捆绑是一种特殊类型的 Arweave 交易。它允许将多个其他交易和/或数据项捆绑在其中。由于交易包里含有许多嵌套交易,因此它们是 Arweave 能够扩展到每秒数千个交易的关键。 

我们的主要要求是能够将文件和资产捆绑在一起,以便我们可以在构建应用程序后以原子方式上传,从而拥有正确版本的 dApp,而不是零散地上传单个文件。这也具有成本优势,因为这意味着我们只需为上传付费一次。

我们考虑使用 Iris(以前称为 Bundlr),它具有良好的开发人员体验,包括允许使用许多代币进行支付,支持不同的链并允许在 Arweave 和其他我们没有的功能之上增加了一层额外的费用需要。 

你可以利用名为arbundles 的开源库并添加一些粘合功能,从而在不使用 Irys 服务的情况下利用捆绑功能。

import { bundleAndSignData, createData } from "arbundles"; 

const dataItems = [createData("some data"), createData("some other data")];

const signer = new ArweaveSigner(jwk); 

const bundle = await bundleAndSignData(dataItems, signer);

我们的 Arweave 实用程序:arweave-bundler

我们决定创建自己的 Arweave 实用程序,以便直接在 CI/CD 中利用捆绑功能,并使步骤始终可重复。 

在 Arweave Bundler 的公共存储库中,你将找到一个 GitHub Action 和 CLI,用于从目录上传静态资产,这非常适合将单页应用程序 (Single Page App,SPA) 或其他静态内容发布到 Arweave。 

如果你想使用GitHub Action,配置如下:

uses: outlierventures/arweave-bundler-action@v0.3.1 

with: directory: build/ 

private-key: ${secret.ARWEAVE_PRIVATE_KEY} 

dry-run: false network: arweave.net

确保将私钥添加到存储库的 GitHub Secrets 中。如果你希望使用 CLI,请按照以下步骤捆绑和部署你的 Web 应用程序:

npx arweave-bundler upload build/ --private-key ${PRIVATE_KEY}



Arweave 提供了一种廉价且便捷的方式来永久存储 Web 应用程序前端,证明去中心化存储比中心化存储更便宜。另一方面,虽然中心化存储提供商拥有经过验证的商业模式,但我们需要等待 Arweave 模型是否能够通过时间的考验。主要挑战是激励调整,即费用。在一个没有租金且只收取一次性费用的系统中,如果节点不再获得足够的奖励,它们可能会决定离开。

虽然这个发现过程中最复杂的部分是在无法访问大量文档或示例的情况下找到我们的方法,但我们最终找到了一个有弹性的解决方案,我们希望其他开发人员能够从使用 arweave-bundler 简化其部署过程中受益。

我们的下一个任务是研究去中心化的域名管理。我们的下一篇文章将重点关注实施 ENS 和 ANT(Arweave 名称代币)所涉及的挑战和决 策。

Although bitcoin trading network involves no license and verifiability, there are still too many projects with managed fully centralized front ends. These platforms have become the most popular tools for developers because of their excellent developer experience and reasonable cost. The deployment of fully decentralized applications is not simple and the tools are not mature. In this paper, we describe how to easily deploy and host fully decentralized front ends, and we can buy about assets in products by paying US dollars at one time. And the engineering team, we spent a lot of time discussing and thinking about new technologies that will help shape our decentralized future. You can check out our technology radar. In addition to taking the time to help our portfolio companies make the right technology choices, we also build our own applications, such as the decentralized financing platform project recently built on the Internet. We decided to build more content on the stack and write many different design choices in the process and record our own in a series of blog posts. It is found that in this paper, we will pay special attention to the theme of decentralized storage. Various decentralized physical infrastructure networks allow developers to use similar services provided by Google Cloud, but participants with idle computing ability in a truly decentralized way will be encouraged to contribute their resources to an effective cloud computing platform, which has no intermediaries and no overall central control point or fault. This article explains the challenges of decentralized storage and how we can solve the hosting challenges. Introduction to the basic knowledge of the technology choices we have made. This is a challenge to decentralize storage directly from the deployment of decentralized front-end libraries. If the front-end is centralized, it will not be truly decentralized. If the front-end of the website can't log in or contains loopholes or worse, if the third party destroys the website users' confidence in them, what is the advantage of having a license-free contract? When the back-end and the front-end are completely transparent, people will often repeat it, which will make it more meaningful to decide on the evaluation of the hosting solution. Some acceptance criteria to keep in mind when hosting should ensure that it is tamper-proof and accessible, and allow tracking of deployed files on public infrastructure. Version control should be unstoppable, easy to deploy, easy to publish new content, and as cheap as possible with the integration cost. Encrypted payment is a service that we can pay with tokens without being forced to return to the legal tender channel. After defining these requirements, we have determined some available options to use our hosted nodes and use third-party providers. Our purpose: We decided to minimize our dependence on or any other third-party solutions. Although they bring many advantages in terms of easy deployment, they need keys. We regard them as a single point of failure and control risk. As long as there is a key, there is no guarantee of tamper resistance and accessibility. Inevitably, there is a trade-off between them. We often use them to host static content. We even discussed hosting our own nodes, which will provide end users with the ability to verify whether a specific deployment is consistent with the deployed code. And we can use and and to allow variable pointers to update website content and enable domain name resolution. However, because it is not an incentive network, it will be fixed to our own nodes, which may cause a single point of failure. This is what we strictly try to avoid. We have studied the fixed solution, for example, it provides an excellent developer experience, but in the end it is a centralized solution because it is based on the keys they hold and allows them to withdraw at any time. This is a useful service, but in this case, we decided that it would not provide us with the completely decentralized experience we were pursuing. For the same reason, another solution was ruled out. Next, we considered that it provided a layer on top of it and encouraged the provider to provide storage space by fixing the content to the node to pay the fee to the provider, and because both and were developed by, it was a smooth and coherent experience if it was not their business model. Depending on the transaction, we may choose to be a developer. We don't need to keep thinking about who to pay and how much to pay. Therefore, for our specific use case, we also ruled out our third choice, which provided us with a technical trade-off, but in the end, it was the solution we chose. Although the cost of each upload was very low, about US dollars each time, and the network had existed for five years, the tools and resources were less than those in the ecosystem, so we had to solve some interesting challenges, including developing me. Our own library is used directly from our binding and uploading tools. You can follow our steps here to get familiar with how to upload content to another name. First of all, we are familiar with the basic knowledge. After we decided to build a simple application, our first stop was there. We found a lot of useful resources for uploading data, including the prerequisites for deploying applications. You need to install and you also need an exchange account where you can buy some for us to deploy. Use the main network instead of the test network because it is cheap enough to carry out experiments. The first step is to create a wallet and use some funds to fund it. The interesting and simplest way is to create your wallet by checking whether the funds have reached your address. Now you have a wallet that contains your private key and public key. By running to find the address, you need to provide a small amount of funds. The interesting and simplest way is to start writing a few lines of code by checking whether the funds have reached your address. Deploy some content, first create a simple network application. Today, the simplest thing is to choose the default value that suits you best, and then look at it. You can find a lot of useful resources for uploading data packages, including deployment applications, or continue to browse blog articles to get a good way to create a file named and paste the following content to run it. You just deployed the first content here, which is good but not useful enough. The next step is to upload an actual file. Instead of a string, you need to deal with the tag gateway. For this reason, you need to know what kind of data it is providing, such as images uploading multiple files. Things are beginning to become interesting, but before traversing the directory and publishing all the files to it, there is one last concept to understand. When uploading files to it, each file will be assigned its own unique transaction. By default, these are not grouped or organized in any particular way, so the list contains all the files in a group, and it also contains an index attribute, which points to aliases pointing to any transaction. Trading is cheap, but it is far from creating so many transactions. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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