
币圈资讯 阅读:41 2024-04-22 11:40:58 评论:0



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文章作者:彭勇 & Block unicorn

在上一次撰写文章,已经过去一周,现在遍地都是BRC20的信息,市场变得越来越贪婪。在本篇文章中将会介绍各种RC20和交易工具,例如 SOL20、SRC20.......

本周星期二,币安上线了第二个BRC20(铭文)代币——SATS,整个BRC20生态再次激发活力,为BRC20代币的进一步发展和市场表现带来了积极的信号。币安的联合创始人何一也在直播中表示:“ 坦白来说,在每个方面我们都还有提升的空间。具体来说,我们在产品研发方面有专门的团队负责迭代,比如大家经常提到的Web3钱包的问题。我们之前对于某些领域的投入确实不够,但我们会根据用户需求持续优化和改进。”

由于币安在钱包方面对BRC20的支持不够到位,失去了早期的竞争优势。OKX 在今年5月份,BRC20早期的时候,宣布加入到建设当中,加强钱包对BRC20的支持。12月13日的Dune数据显示,比特币网络Ordinals 协议链上总交易额接近 9.2 亿美元,OKX Web3 钱包占比约 88% 的市场份额。币安目前上线ORDI和SATS来向市场表示,他们其实很重视对BRC20的支持。





今天还是使用最通俗的方式了解所有基于Ordinals的协议,除了BRC20,还有ARC20, IERC20(以太坊),CBRC20、SOL20(Solana)、DRC20(DOGE)、ASC20(AVAX)、ORC20、LRC20(莱特币)、TRC20(波长)、SRC20(只支持1开头的比特币地址)、Ethrunes(以太坊符文)包括还有很多公链基于Ordinals的新RC20协议等,以及后面还会陆续增加,多到无法完全统计。





BRC20 工具



1. OKX Web3 钱包

现在交易BRC20被使用最多的钱包,除了支持BRC20和ARC20交易和发行代币、NFT、域名之外,还支持运行智能合约公链的RC20协议。交易体验也是广受好评的钱包是OKX Web3钱包,而且OKX Web3钱包也非常乐意无偿帮助一些BRC20协议解决问题,从而提升行业技术水平。OKX Web钱包对新手用户非常友好,浏览未知网页过程中,会自动弹出风险提示。

下载链接:www.okx.com,目前OKX Web3钱包目前支持基于比特币网络的BRC20、SRC20(这个协议仅支持1开头的比特地址,不支持bc1开头的),虽然支持SRC20,目前OKX钱包前端还没显示。在语言支持方面,手机端支持中文,网页端支持21种主流语言种类。

交易市场功能:OKX Web3钱包的手机端和网页端,都内置了交易和发行BRC20代币、NFT、域名的功能,而且OKX Web3钱包在BRC20市场交易深度也很好。

2. Unisat 钱包

BR20生态中的OG钱包,最早支持BRC20协议,为行业开辟了新光大道。Unisat DEX还是像今年4~5月那样,有足够积分才能使用新功能,现在需要400积分的用户才能使用DEX。


交易市场功能:Unisat的电脑网页端,内置交易和发行BRC20代币、NFT、域名等功能,BRC20的交易深度仅次于OKX Web3钱包。

小结:BRC20代币、NFT域名等类型的交易和发行,使用OKX Web3钱包、Unisat几乎可以满足所有用户的需求。在智能合约公链(ETH SLO AVAX等)发行的CR20代币、NFT等类型资产,使用OKX Web3钱包就可以。

3. Atomical Wallet 钱包

Atomical Wallet 是支持ARC20协议(Atomicals Protocol)最好用的钱包,目前没有手机APP,只有谷歌浏览器插件钱包,网页端没有内置交易市场。


4. Unielon 钱包

Unielon是支持 DRC20 协议的插件钱包,目前只有网页端,没有手机APP,DRC20指的是在 DOGE(狗狗链币)发行的RC20协议。




小结:Atomical Wallet钱包只支持ARC20协议(Atomicals Protocol),我们在后面在介绍。狗狗链还其他的钱包工具,我自己没有使用过,所以没有将其写入内容之中(如果还是有很多不懂,可以关注我们公众号Block uniocrn,加入社区)。



ARC20 交易市场

1. Atomical Market,是一个交易平台,可以提供ARC20代币、NFT交易,通过搜索框输入代币名称可以铸造(Mint)代币。ARC20的全称是Atomicals Protocol(也称之为ATOM),基于比特币网络。


SRC20 交易市场

1. Stampscan,支持交易和发行代币、查询代币前100名的持仓分布数据,交易量深度略差Openstamp。


2. Openstamp,是SRC20代币、NFT、邮票交易深度最好的平台。支持ARC20代币交易和发行、NFT、邮票。


ASC20 交易市场

1. Avascription,是ASC20上的交易市场。ASC20是在AVAX链上开发的协议,虽然公链RC20可以得到OKX Web钱包的支持,但是在交易市场方面需要使用Avascription帮助我们查找ASC20代币、余额、转账、正在Mint的代币,以及交易和发行ASC20代币。


SOL20 交易市场

1. Tensor trade是Solana区块链网络上的一个NFT交易平台,同时支持SOL20代币、NFT交易。


2. Magiceden是Solana的最强NFT交易平台,可以在网页中切换Solana就可以看到SOL20的NFT和代币交易。除此之外,Magiceden还支持BRC20 NFT交易。


IERC20 交易市场

1. IERC20 是以太坊网络的RC20协议,可以在他们官网中交易IERC20的代币、铸造代币、发行代币。


ETHs 交易市场

1. Facetswap是一个基于ETHs的去中心化DEX,类似Uniswap的DEX。交易的时候需要将ETH转换成FETH,在网页右上角可以看到Bridge的按钮,进入界面即可将ETH兑换成FETH。


2. Ethscriptions 可以交易ETHs的NFT,体验非常糟糕。


3. ETCH,可以在这个平台交易代币、NFT 、域名,同时他也是Ethscriptions 索引器、ETHs的IDO平台。


Ethrunes 交易市场

1. Ethrunes是以太坊上RC20交易市场,他们喜欢称之为以太坊符文。链接小狐狸钱包或是OKX Web3钱包可以直接交易、铸造、发行代币。


TRC20 交易市场

1. Trximarkets 是基于波场(TRX)网络开发的TRC20交易市场,支持交易TRC20代币、铸造、转账、发行(这个平台风险比较高)。





BRC20 数据工具

1. www.brc-20.io,BRC20的OG数据平台。可以查询BRC20代币市值、24小时代币的交易总额、地址余额、内置一个DEX(去中心化交易所)。

2. www.geniidata.com,功能比较全面。查询BRC20、ORC20刚上线的代币、地址余额、NFT、正在铸造的(Mint)代币、视频、SVG、语音等、指数。除此之外,还可以通过这个数据平台发行代币、NFT、视频等。



Peng Yong, the author of the article, has written an article for the last time, and now the information market everywhere is becoming more and more greedy. In this article, we will introduce various trading tools, such as the second inscription of coins on the line this Tuesday. The whole ecology has once again stimulated vitality and brought positive signals to the further development and market performance of coins. He Yi, the co-founder of coins, also said in the live broadcast that frankly, we still have room for improvement in every aspect. Specifically, we are in products. In R&D, there is a special team responsible for iteration, such as the wallet problem that people often mention. We did not invest enough in some fields before, but we will continue to optimize and improve according to the needs of users. Because the support of Coin Security for wallets is not in place, we lost our early competitive advantage. At the beginning of this year, we announced that we would join the construction to strengthen the support of wallets. The data on March showed that the total transaction volume on the Bitcoin network protocol chain was close to 100 million US dollars, and wallets accounted for about the market share. Coin security is now online and shows to the market that they actually attach great importance to the support of ecology and tokens, which is constantly supported by Coin security and these two large exchanges, which indicates its future potential. Coin security is constantly online and tokens can be more widely recognized and liquid. With the support of other mainstream trading platforms or wallets, the ecology and influence will be further expanded to attract more attention and provide investors and participants with more opportunities. How to participate in the early market and opportunities need to know more. Tools and basic knowledge can reduce your trading risk. It is well known that there are many protocols based on protocols, and there are many basic knowledge of protocols based on them. Today, we still use the most popular way to understand all the protocols based on them, except Ethereum Litecoin wavelength, which only supports the initial bitcoin address. Ethereum runes include many new protocols based on public chains, and so on, and there will be more and more ones in the future, so it is impossible to fully count so many protocols based on them. Understand all of them clearly, just understand what the underlying essence of these agreements is, so that you can have a certain basis for understanding them. They are the same as the underlying essence. They also issue tokens, domain names, bills, stamps and other bitcoin minimum units through transfer notes. Other agreements also issue tokens through the smallest unit of chain tokens, and identify the identification information in each unit through indexers. You can go back to the previous article, the present and future of the new wave of bitcoin ecology. Understanding the essence of the bottom layer, the difference between them and is that some modifications have been made based on the foundation, such as simplifying information and reducing the naming length of byte data tokens, enhancing the efficiency of indexers, increasing the security of protocols, etc. Just like some public chains are designed to enhance, some are designed to be more secure, and some are designed to increase the flexibility of contract coding, etc. In this article, the differences in details will not be explained and analyzed in depth. Here, it is just for everyone to have a basic understanding, and the content will be gradually improved from shallow to deep. The importance of human life can't be ignored. They not only greatly improve the efficiency, but also help us to understand the wallet trading platform and data platform, which can help us manage our funds and make better trading decisions. Wallets are now the most used wallets. In addition to supporting and trading and issuing token domain names, they also support the agreement to run smart contracts and public chains. The trading experience is also well received. Wallets are wallets, and wallets are also very willing to help some agreements for free. Solve problems and thus improve the technical level of the industry. Wallets are very friendly to novice users, and will automatically pop up risk tips and download links when browsing unknown web pages. At present, wallets only support the protocol based on bitcoin network, but not the initial bit address, although the front end of wallets has not been displayed yet. In terms of language support, mobile phones support Chinese web pages, and the trading market function of wallets has built-in domain names for trading and issuing tokens. Moreover, the wallet has a good trading depth in the market. The earliest support agreement for wallets in the wallet ecology has opened up a new avenue for the industry. Or do you have enough points to use the new function as you did this month? Now users who need points can use the download link. Currently, the support for trading tokens needs to be switched to the starting address in the wallet settings, but there is no mobile wallet. Only the Google browser plug-in wallet has the trading market function, and the trading depth of the computer webpage with built-in functions such as trading and issuing token domain names. Second only to the wallet summary, the transaction and issuance of tokens, domain names and other types of assets can meet the needs of almost all users. The wallet is the best wallet to support the agreement. At present, there is no mobile phone, only Google browser plug-in wallet has no built-in trading market to download links. The wallet is a plug-in wallet to support the agreement. At present, there is only a web page without a mobile phone, which means that there is no download link trading market for the dog chain currency. Function official website has the function of trading and issuing token domain names and other asset types. Trading is just as simple as adding liquidity transactions. Data analysis of the line chart. Users want to first convert their wallets to transactions in the trading interface. After the conversion, they can trade tokens in the conversion section. The summary wallet only supports the agreement. We will introduce the dog chain and other wallet tools later. I have not used it myself, so I have not written it into the content. If there are still many things I don't understand. In order to pay attention to the tools for WeChat official account to join the community trading platform, I will introduce the trading tools one by one. Because the above wallets can't do what these tools can do, we need better combination tools. The trading market is a trading platform that can provide token trading. By entering the name of the token through the search box, the full name of the token can be cast. It is also called bitcoin-based network link. The trading market supports trading and issues tokens to query the position distribution data of the top names of tokens. The transaction volume is deep. Slightly poor link is the best platform to support the transaction depth of tokens and stamps. The trading market is an agreement developed on the chain. Although the public chain can be supported by wallets, it needs to be used in the trading market to help us find the tokens that are being transferred and to trade and issue tokens. The trading market is a trading platform on the blockchain network, and it also supports the strongest trading platform that can be seen by switching in the webpage. In addition, it also supports the trading link. The trading market is the protocol of the Ethereum network. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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