从记者之眼 纵览 2023 年 Arweave 生态系统的基础设施

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这是一系列文章的第一篇,将回顾 Arweave 生态系统的项目在 2023 年的主要活动。作为一名报道Arweave 生态系统两年的记者,我知道今年有些项目表现得非常出色,而有些则表现不佳。这份报告包含了一些从记者的角度来看,尤其值得拿出来说道的项目。

基础设施和工具在区块链生态系统的增长中,就像建筑的基础。区块链技术的强大特性和用例的多样性吸引了开发者来创造工具,这引发了应用开发的潜力。Arweave 区块链也是如此。

Arweave 在 2023 年开始,就从 2022 年的 25 个项目增长到了 33 个基础设施和工具协议。一年以来,生态系统内外的多个项目之间建立了多个合作伙伴关系;项目解决了漏洞并宣布了新特性。Arweave 的可组合性和开发者的建设动力,一起促成了生态系统基础设施的增长。


在今年的第一季度,4EVERLAND 和一个视频转码平台 — Livepeer 达成了合作。4EVERLAND 是一个在 Arweave 和其他存储网络上提供数据存储和托管服务的项目,为后者在 Arweave 上的视频服务提供了缓存层。它还与 WeaveDB 等合作伙伴建立了合作,表明这两个项目满足博客发布的需求。尽管 4EVERLAND 除了 Arweave 外还使用其他存储服务,但在今年十月宣布上传了 6000 万文件,证明了 Arweave 是它主要的存储平台。


如果你问 Ar.io 网络在 2023 年取得的最大成就是什么,答案将是开放 Arweave 接入点背后的技术。在 2023 年中期,Ar.io 开源了创建 Arweave 网关的代码。Ar.io表示,他们的目标是消除单点故障并构建一个强适应性网络。两个月内,Arweave 网关的数量增加到了 200 多个。Ar.io 随后通过构建一个叫做 Wayfinder 的工具来实现网关的查找,它创建了网管注册表,并展示了 GAR 的功能。Wayfinder 是一个 Chrome 扩展程序,它会将用户引导到最佳的网关。

Ar.io: https://ar.io


从用户和交易数据来看,你绝对可以将 Irys 称为 Arweave 生态系统中最成功的项目。在 2023 年,Irys(原名 Bundlr)从一个扩展 Arweave 的项目,摇身一变推出了 Provenance,宣布这能够创造永久、不受限制和精确的数据。Arweave 生态系统之外的知名项目,包括 Solana Mobile 和Immutable,已与 Irys 合作,来使用 Provenance 提供的功能获得收益。在可扩展性方面,今年一月,Irys 决定通过以每秒 50,000 笔交易的速度测试,以体现它在 Arweave 扩容方面名副其实,最终成功完成了这个挑战。这样具体的阐释有效地说服了 Lens Protocol 团队使用 Irys 和 Arweave 构建 Momoka 的数据可用性(DA)层。Irys 可以保证数据的成功上传,这个数据会上传到 Arweave 永久且经济高效的存储网络上。


从 Dojima Network 今年的活动来看,它在努力推广产品,而印度高校的学生是其主要目标之一。

该公司还推出了一个区块链浏览器和直接面向用户的功能服务(Function as a Service),它为用户提供一些链上服务,如计算交易手续费和签署交易的功能。

Dojima Network 是一个去中心化的跨链 L1 平台,通过充当 L1 和 L2 区块链应用之间的中间层,连接所有主要区块链,以解决生态系统中的迫在眉睫的问题。


FirstBatch 是一个构建协作和以人为本的工具来服务强人工智能的项目。在2023年初,它发布了一份关于为何选择参与 Arweave 的声明。它认为 Arweave 可以解决其 EVM 的瓶颈和劣势。整个年度,FirstBatch 一直在专心构建工具。在第一季度,它发布了 HollowDB。该工具构建在 Arweave 之上,通过零知识证明对数据的操作进行把控,允许将复杂对象作为区块链上的键值对进行存储。同样在第一季度,它开发了 Gravitate。该工具结合了 GPT-4 的摘要功能和超个性化身份(hyper-personalization identity )的营销形式,颠覆用户在社交媒体和内容平台上的阅读体验。在第二季度,FirstBatch 利用 Arweave 和 Warp 合约构建了 DANNY,这是一个用于构建数据透明的AI应用的去中心化向量数据库。FirstBatch 创始人 Ömer Kaya 说,我们可以在 DANNY 与 Gravitate 配合使用时看到它的效果。该项目还发布了 FirstBatch ID,让用户在内容平台上获得个性化体验。最后还做了用户嵌入(User Embeddings) 的工具,将用户的思维映射到个人 AI 记忆中。通过赋予开发者构建个性化 LLM 应用程序的能力,并持续增加生成式 AI 用户的参与,FirstBatch 将是 2024 年 AI 和Web3 领域值得关注的项目。


Kwil 今年的许多活动都集中在构建一个更强大的关系型数据库结构。

在一个月内,它推出了第二个版本—— Alpha。Alpha 是一个 SDK,可以帮助用户构建去中心化关系型数据库以及一个与数据库交互的工具—— Kwil CLI。甚至 Decent land Labs 的首席技术官 Darwin都写道,Kwil 拥有“出色的文档、工具和丝滑的体验“。Kwil 今年搞了一些大事件,包括推出一个叫做 Kuneiform 的工具,可以在 100 行代码内部署去中心化应用的后端;还有一个基于用户反馈而改进的 SDK。

Kwil 还扩展了其 SQL 语法,来帮助开发人员构建复杂的应用程序。数据库怎么能没有资源浏览器呢?Kwil 于六月引入了资源浏览器,使其数据库基础设施更加稳健。

随后推出了扩展工具,开发人员可以通过这些工具连接到区块链并执行逻辑。Kwil 正在年底实现了网络的去中心化,它让每个人都可以构建和部署一个去中心化关系型数据库。


对于 KYVE Network 来说,2023 年肯定是一个收获的一年:它被提名年度初创公司奖,并推出了他们的主网。推出主网是一件极其不容易的事,他们通过两年细水长流的努力,在 2023 年终于实现目标。

今年,KYVE 发起了基金会,为了支持项目及其生态系统的发展、采用和增长。在三月份,主网启动。七月份,已经记录了 100 万笔交易,总计 1000 万笔交易。KYVE 表示,社区对该项目的反响非常积极,据称,100 个区块验证名额在几小时内就被填满。主网软件在 2023 年经历了四次更新。

KYVE 学院也成立了,它会帮助用户扩展 Web3 的知识。该学院在两个月内就拥有了超过 3,300 名用户。今年新增了Cosmos Hub、Osmosis Zone、Archway、Axelar 等官方数据池,同时,KYVE 还在获得将资金池的资金开放给更多人的治理批准后,重新调整了其运营,迈出了实现完全去中心化网络的一步。

如果 KYVE 是你喜欢的项目,并且想知道团队是如何建设的,你可以听听 KYVE 创始人 Fabian Riewe 在 11 月份记录了 1000 万笔交易时告诉我的话:KYVE 构建了有效的解决方案,是因为了解了合作公链的痛点。


Livepeer 是使用 Arweave 基础设施进行视频服务的先行者之一。它使用 Irys(前身为Bundlr)存储在Arweave 存储协议上。该项目在年初发布了API 和 SDK,增加了对更多文件格式和更大文件大小的支持。它增强了其视频基础设施软件,使开发人员能够为社交平台构建短视频(想象一下 Web3 版的 TikTok),还允许通过代币设置视频上传的门槛。仅在八月,它就提供了超过 1100 万分钟的独家视频流。十月份,通过对协议的资金方面进行一些更改的治理批准,升级了其软件。年底,Livepeer 推出了 Studio CLI,宣布它可以帮助开发人员获取 Livepeer Studio API 密钥,并在几秒钟内启动超低延迟( ultra low latency)视频应用程序。Livepeer Delta 协议扎根于公共物品金库的理念,被寄予未来 Livepeer 生态系统增长去中心化的希望。有一些风声透露,Livepeer 的用户可以期待该项目构建与人工智能相关的产品。


Streamr 是一个用于实时发布和订阅数据的点对点网络项目。它为了巩固它在 Arweave生态系统中的位置,宣布了与 Usher Labs、KYVE 和 Arweave Protocol 合作,推出了 LogStore Network。LogStore 结合了 Streamr Network 上数据传输的便利性,KYVE 上以共识驱动的数据有效性,以及Arweave 所提供的数据的永久性和不可变性。预计 2024 年将在 Arweave 生态系统中看到 LogStore Network 与其他项目更深入的结合。

Meson Network

在年初发布的路线图中,Meson Network 计划专注于构建 GaganNode。GaganNode 是一种面向下一代的去中心化住宅 IP + 带宽市场,致力于通过 Web3 技术缓解全球 IPv4 地址短缺问题。在创新方面,分散式带宽市场 Meson Network 在2023年初推出了 GatewayX。GatewayX 用于解决存储和媒体网站的源头不可用性问题。它在五月份推出了 GagaNode Pro 版本,并随后推出了 Ipcola,作为解决连接障碍的方案。Meson 今年引入了 Vector 计划。Meson 计划投向一个类似 Nasdaq 的带宽市场,计划可能会在 2024 年实施。

Molecular Execution Machine

分子执行引擎(MEM)是 Decent Land Labs 在转换定位后,进入 Arweave 生态系统工具领域的项目。官方说它的任务是打破链和协议之间的障碍。MEM 于 2023 年中推出,它是 Decent Land 构建的其他协议(如 NameSpace、Ark Protocol、Arweave Name Service)的基建设施。除了 Decent Land,它的技术还支持 everPay 和 Kwil。它之所以是一个重要的构建工具,是因为开发人员可以使用 MEM 以不同语言编写智能合约。作为去中心化计划的一部分,MEM 表示正在将其基础设施的一些核心部分转移到 Akash。


今年全年,Web3 生态系统中的许多项目与 RedStone 合作,使用其定制的 Oracle 解决方案:RedStone Core、RedStone Classic 和 RedStoneX。RedStone 今年没有软件升级,它的活动迹象表明这是一个已经在运行中,拥有成熟技术的项目,现在重点放在 Oracle 的数据提供的推广上。但对于 RedStone 的姐妹公司 Warp Contracts 而言不同,它是 Arweave 生态系统中实施智能合约的最受欢迎的方法,被数十个最重要的项目所使用。该项目在开年时发布了 Warp Contracts CLI、Warp Templates 和 Warp D.R.E。它们为开发人员提供了不同的功能。SonAR、Warp Key Value Storage和 Warp Nested Bundle 在二月份发布。在三月份,它推出了一个 Contract Constructor。当它发布SDK 升级时,这个软件迈上了一个新的台阶。Warp Contracts 在 2023 年每月平均发布一个功能或基础设施。像 Warp Contracts 这样的项目对生态系统的影响是巨大的。在二月份它宣布部署了一百万个智能合约,到了二月至五月之间,这个数字已经增长到了五百万个已部署的合约。


对于 Spheron 来说,其联合创始人 Prashant Maurya 在年初宣称该项目是首个将 Arweave 引入生态系统之外的项目。四月份,Spheron 这个为应用程序提供部署和扩展服务的项目推出了 NftyNFT,以简化存储 NFT 的过程。随后推出了 Compute SDK。

The Graph Protocol

在 2023 年 3 月份,The Graph Protocol 和 The Graph Network 单独获得了 370 亿次查询,而相比之下,ChatGPT 每月只有 3 亿次查询,这是由 The Graph Protocol 的发起人之一 Tegan Kline 提供的信息。The Graph Protocol 发布了一个三阶段的计划,分别是 Sunray、Sunbeam 和 Sunrise。该项目表示,它将进一步支持去中心化数据,并实现平滑升级到支持的所有链,包括 Arweave 和其他 42条链的 The Graph Network。


获得 90 万美元的资金支持的分布式 NoSQL 数据库 WeaveDB,同时新上任了一位 CEO, 在 2023 年进行了许多活动。主要参与了推广活动,它推出了“托管节点服务”,仅面向 Developer DAO 会员,解决了拥有节点才能与 WeaveDB 进行交互的问题。该项目还优化了其系统,使写入查询速度达到 30 到 50 毫秒。它还推出了一个名为 Jots 的分布式社交网络。在年底,WeaveDB 宣布将结构模块化,官方称这样可以支持来自 Arweave 相同数据源的不同类型的数据库,例如关系型数据库。

This is the first article in a series of articles, which will review the main activities of ecosystem projects in 2008. As a reporter covering the ecosystem for two years, I know that some projects have performed very well this year, while others have not. This report contains some project infrastructure and tools that are particularly worth taking out from the reporter's point of view. In the growth of blockchain ecosystem, it is like the foundation of architecture. The powerful characteristics of blockchain technology and the diversity of use cases have attracted developers. To create tools, which has triggered the potential of application development, so has the blockchain, which has grown from 10 projects in 2000 to 10 infrastructure and tool agreements since 2000. Over the past year, a number of partnerships have been established between multiple projects inside and outside the ecosystem, and the projects have solved loopholes and announced that the composability of new features and the construction motivation of developers have contributed to the growth of ecosystem infrastructure. In the first quarter of this year, we reached a cooperation with a video transcoding platform, which is a storage platform. The project that provides data storage and hosting services on the network provides a cache layer for the latter's online video service. It has also established cooperation with other partners, indicating that these two projects meet the needs of blog publishing. Although they use other storage services, they announced that they have uploaded 10,000 files in October this year, which proves to be its main storage platform. If you ask what is the greatest achievement of the network in 2000, the answer will be the technology behind the open access point. In the middle of the year, the code for creating a gateway was opened. Our goal is to eliminate a single point of failure and build a strong adaptive network. Within two months, the number of gateways has increased to multiple. Then, by building a tool called, the gateway search is realized. It creates a network management registry and shows its function as an extension program, which will guide users to the best gateway. From the perspective of users and transaction data, you can definitely change the name of the most successful project in the ecosystem from an extension project to announce that it can create permanence. Well-known projects outside the unrestricted and accurate data ecosystem include and have cooperated with to use the provided functions to gain benefits. In terms of scalability, in January this year, it was decided to test at the speed of transactions per second to reflect its veritable expansion, and finally successfully completed this challenge. This specific explanation effectively persuaded the team to use and build a data availability layer to ensure the successful uploading of data. This data will be uploaded to a permanent and economical storage network from now on. From the activities in 2000, it is trying to promote its products, and students from Indian universities are one of its main goals. The company has also launched a blockchain browser and direct user-oriented functional services. It provides users with some on-chain services, such as calculating transaction fees and signing transactions. It is a decentralized cross-chain platform that connects all major blockchains by acting as an intermediate layer with blockchain applications to solve the urgent problems in the ecosystem. It is a collaborative and people-oriented construction. Tools to serve the project of strong artificial intelligence. At the beginning of the year, it issued a statement about why it chose to participate. It thought that it could solve its bottlenecks and disadvantages. It has been concentrating on building tools all year round. In the first quarter, it released the tool to control the operation of data through zero-knowledge proof, allowing complex objects to be stored as key-value pairs on the blockchain. Also in the first quarter, it developed the tool to combine the abstract function and the marketing form subversion of ultra-personalized identity. The user's reading experience on social media and content platforms was built in the second quarter by contract. This is a decentralized vector database for building data-transparent applications. The founder said that we can see its effect when we use it with. The project also released a personalized experience for users on the content platform. Finally, a tool embedded by users was made to map users' thinking into personal memory, and by giving developers the ability to build personalized applications, students continued to increase. Adult users' participation will be a project worthy of attention in the year and field. Many activities this year are focused on building a stronger relational database structure. In one month, it launched the second version, which is a tool that can help users build decentralized relational databases and interact with databases. Even the chief technology officer wrote that it has excellent documentation tools and silky experience. This year, some major events were held, including the launch of a tool called, which can be deployed in line code. The back end of centralized application is also improved based on user feedback, and its grammar is extended to help developers build complex application databases. How can there be no resource browser? In June, the resource browser was introduced to make its database infrastructure more stable, and then extended tools were introduced. Developers can connect to blockchain and execute logic through these tools, and the network is decentralized at the end of the year, which allows everyone to build and deploy a decentralized relational model. The database is definitely a harvest year for me. It was nominated for the annual startup award and launched their main network. It is extremely difficult to launch the main network. They finally achieved their goal in 2000 through two years of painstaking efforts. This year, they launched a foundation to support the development, adoption and growth of the project and its ecosystem. In March, the main network was launched, and in July, a total of 10,000 transactions were recorded, indicating that the community responded very positively to the project. It is said that 10 blocks were verified. The main network software was filled in a few hours, and it was updated four times in 2006, and the college was established, which will help users expand their knowledge. In two months, the college has more than 100 users, and this year, it has added an official data pool. At the same time, it has readjusted its operation after obtaining the approval of opening the funds in the fund pool to more people, and has taken a step to realize a completely decentralized network. If it is a project you like and you want to know how the team is built, you can listen to the founder's monthly record. What you told me when you made 10,000 transactions, an effective solution was built because you understood the pain point of cooperative public chain, and it was one of the pioneers in using infrastructure to provide video services. Its predecessor was storage protocol. At the beginning of this year, the project released and increased support for more file formats and larger file sizes. It enhanced its video infrastructure software, enabling developers to build short videos for social platforms. Imagine the version and allowing you to set the threshold for video uploading through tokens. In August alone, it provided exclusive video streams of more than 10,000 minutes. In October, some changes were made to the funding of the protocol. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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