DIS Chain新主网启动 AI与MEME融合的创新以太坊ETHASH算法PoW公链

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在2023年9月22日,EthereumFair 和 Distoken_xyz官方推特宣布:【DIS 社区和 EthereumFair(ETHF)合并,共建AI 驱动的Web3主网络】社区驱动的加密项目DIS和EthereumFair(ETHF)宣布合并,并成功升级为ETH POW主网络。这一合并将结合两个项目的资源和技术,致力于打造一个全新且强大的Web3生态系统。

新的ETH POW主网络将得到矿工最大算力的支持,并将提供更多创新的功能,包括AI人工智能和Meme迷因属性。该主网络将专注于发展AI为主的POW公链,旨在为开发者和用户提供更多可能性。


2023年11月24日进行测试网内部测试,经过长达约三个月的合并升级技术工作和各种对接及发展,今天于2023年12月21日中午时间,DIS CHAIN顺利升级完成


Network Name: DIS CHAIN

RPC URL: https://rpc.dischain.xyz/

Chain ID: 513100

Currency Symbol: DIS

Explorer: https://explorer.dischain.xyz/


各Pool矿池包括 tw-pool.com , ezil.me , gteh.org , coolpool.top , ua-mining.com 等已完成节点Geth/v1.0.10-stable-660ec1fc升级,矿工无需更改任何挖矿参数设置,原EthereumFair在区块高度18,575,000进行硬分叉升级为DIS CHAIN。

在私钥钱包进行ETHF和DIS(BSC)换币的用户均已得到新DIS主网币,目前Metamask , Bitkeep , TP(TokenPocket)等部分可自定义新增网络的钱包已可支持这网络,但例如OKX Web3钱包或CoolWallet冷钱包等需系统后台新增,已经在对接支援更新处理,同时DIS Chain陆续更新CoinMarketCap , CoinGecko , Ave.ai 等平台资讯,正在对接各CEX交易所(包括Bitget , Gate.io , MEXC , HTX , BitMart , CoinW , LBank , SWFT等),准备关闭旧ETHF和DIS(BSC)交易对,并安排上架DIS(DIS CHAIN)新主网币交易对,原持有ETHF或DIS(BSC)用户用户无需任何操作,目前ETHF和DIS(BSC)处于暂停充值和提款状态,当交易所完成技术置换后,便会获得相应的DIS新主网币并重新开放交易和充提,请留意各交易所公告或官方推特。

简介:DIS Chain 是结合了 MEME 文化与 AI 的创新的以太坊 ETHASH算法PoW (工作证明) 公链,这是由ETHF矿工与DIS社群共同发起合并升级成为新主网络的硬分叉,支援以太坊虚拟机 (EVM),这使得它能够创建一系列强大的生态系统建设,包括去中心化交易所 (DEX)、去中心化金融 (DeFi)、非同质化代币 (NFT)、游戏金融 (GameFi)、社交金融 (SocialFi) 以及元宇宙等。这种多样性的扩展和强大的技术支持,提供一个多元化且完整的 WEB3 生态系统,除了传统的 PoW 挖矿机制,DIS Chain 在其经济模型中引入了创新的质押挖矿模式。

区块链的革命:对 PoW 共识机制的坚持和支持去中心化的精神。

在加密货币的世界中,PoS (Proof of Stake,权益证明) 机制的兴起引发了广泛的讨论。尽管 PoS 在效率和能源消耗方面带来了显著改进,但这种变革实际上违背了区块链最初的去中心化精神。认为PoS 机制偏向于中心化,因为它让拥有更多代币的个体或机构拥有更大的决策权力和网络控制力。

相对之下,PoW (Proof of Work,工作证明) 机制则为去中心化提供了坚实的基石。它通过算力来保障网络的安全和公正性,确保每个参与者都在平等的基础上贡献和受益。在 PoW 的


基于这样的信念,我们坚持 PoW 机制,并发起这场对全球加密货币重新重视PoW的革命。我们的目标是重申和强化去中心化的核心价值,确保区块链技术保持其原本的意图和精神。我们深信透过持续支持和发展 PoW 机制,可以为全球加密货币社群提供一个更公平、更安全、更去中心化的网络环境。


DIS Chain支援Ethereum 虚拟机器 (EVM)兼容所有基於 Ethereum 的应用和智慧合约,使开发者能够在一个支援 Solidity 语言熟悉且稳定的环境中开发和部署各种应用。

此外,我们的核心创新在於将 MEME 文化和 AI 算力与区块链技术相结合,结合 AI 技术的应用,DIS Chain 的技术创新源于其对传统区块链技术的深刻理解与前瞻性改进,实现创意和构建创新应用的无限可能,开发者能够探索出更多令人兴奋的新领域同時也使其数字资产具有了更加丰富的应用价值和市场潜力,推动整个区块链行业迈向更加成熟和创新的未来。


创新的代币经济体系:DIS Chain推出了一种创新的代币经济体系,通过结合 AI 算力与传统的 PoW (工作证明) 挖矿方式来增强 DIS 代币的价值。在这个体系中,我们引入了质押挖矿的概念,创造了一个史无前例的「双挖模型」。这种模式不仅让参与者可以通过 PoW 挖矿获得收益,还可以通过将挖矿的区块奖励进行质押来进一步获得额外的奖励。

此外,这种双挖模型也为那些非矿工的参与者提供了参与机会。即使不参与PoW 挖矿,用户仍可以通过直接质押DIS COIN来获得奖励;未来DIS Chain团队更有意结合Dogecoin铸币Drc20合作,随著Unielon的发展,铸币和索引可以扩充更大的发展潜力,例如质押、DEFI、借贷、甚至稳定币等发展。


DIS Chain 的核心愿景是坚守 PoW (Proof of Work,工作证明) 机制和去中心化的精神,我们致力于推动技术创新,同时保证平台的安全性和可靠性。我们认为,迷因文化的融合不仅是创造趣味与价值的方式,也是激发创意和社群参与的关键。作为可能是首个支援 Ethereum 虚拟机器 (EVM) 的迷因公链,DIS Chain 期待吸引更多迷因项目的加入,进而刺激网络交易和活跃度。

AI (人工智慧) 的发展对我们来说不仅是技术进步的象徵,更是人类改善生活方式的未來。从协助分析和写作、文字生成图像或影片,到创造更多便利的应用,AI 的应用范围正在迅速扩展。我们看到,在许多现实及 WEB2 领域中,AI 已成为降低人力资源和成本的重要工具。因此,我们相信 DIS Chain 在支援 AI 发展的同时,将成为连接现实与 WEB3 的重要桥梁,为用户带来更加丰富且高效的体验。


面对快速发展的区块链行业,DIS Chain 未来的发展将持续专注於技术创新和市场拓展,我们将不断优化现有的 PoW 机制,强化迷因与 AI 在我们平台上的结合,以创造一个更为多元、互动和动态的生态系统,随著 DIS Chain 生态系统的不断发展,我们持续寻求与更多行业领先的合作夥伴建立关系,共同推动区块链技术的进步。我们热烈欢迎更多的企业、开发者、项目方和创业者加入我们的生态系统,共同创造更多的可能性和价值。

官方网站: https://dischain.xyz

白皮书: https://whitepaper.dischain.xyz/

On,, and official Twitter announced the community-driven encryption project and the merger of the community-driven main network and the successful upgrade of the main network. This merger will combine the resources and technologies of the two projects to build a brand-new and powerful ecosystem, and the new main network will be supported by the miners' maximum computing power and provide more innovative functions, including artificial intelligence and meme attributes. The main network will focus on the development-oriented public chain, aiming to provide more possibilities for developers and users. The project originated from the currency proposed by the community. Its mission is to bring joy and innovation, and at the same time, it is committed to establishing a fair, open and democratic blockchain community, while the consensus algorithm maintained by a group of Silicon Valley technology geeks provides a new home for Ethereum miners and ecological projects, and at the same time provides a high stability, high security and decentralized environment. The internal testing of the test network was successfully upgraded at noon today after about three months of merger and upgrading of technical work and various docking and development. A private key wallet will be added to the network block browser, which will use the completed nodes in the upgrading process. Miners don't need to change any mining parameter settings. Users who used to carry out hard fork upgrade at the height of the block have obtained new main network coins. At present, some wallets that can customize the new network can support this network, but platform information such as wallets or cold wallets need to be added in the background of the system, which has been updated while docking and supporting the update process. We are closing the old and new exchange pairs and arranging to put them on the shelves. There is no need for any operation for the original holders or users. At present, the exchange is in a state of suspension of recharge and withdrawal. When the exchange completes the technical replacement, it will get the corresponding new main exchange and reopen the transaction and draw attention to the announcement or official Twitter profile of each exchange. It is an innovative Ethereum algorithm that combines culture and work to prove the public chain. This is jointly initiated by miners and the community to merge and upgrade into a new main network. The hard fork of the network supports the Ethereum virtual machine, which enables it to create a series of powerful ecosystem construction, including decentralized exchanges, decentralized finance, non-homogeneous token games, financial social finance and meta-universe. This diversified expansion and strong technical support provide a diversified and complete ecosystem, in addition to the traditional mining mechanism, the innovative pledge mining model is introduced into its economic model, and the blockchain revolution adheres to and supports the decentralized spirit of consensus mechanism. In the world of cryptocurrency, the rise of the rights and interests proof mechanism has aroused extensive discussion. Although it has brought about remarkable improvement in efficiency and energy consumption, this change actually violates the original decentralization spirit of blockchain, arguing that the mechanism is biased towards centralization because it allows individuals or institutions with more tokens to have greater decision-making power and network control. In contrast, the work proof mechanism provides a solid cornerstone for decentralization, which ensures the security and fairness of the network through computing power. Under the new system, everyone, whether small miners or large mines, gets the opportunity to contribute to the network by solving complex computing problems, which can better reflect the decentralized characteristics of blockchain. Based on this belief, we adhere to the mechanism and launch this revolution of re-emphasizing the global cryptocurrency. Our goal is to reaffirm and strengthen the core value of decentralization and ensure that blockchain technology maintains its original intention and spirit. We firmly believe that through continuous support and development mechanism, we can provide a fairer, safer and more decentralized network environment for the global cryptocurrency community. Technological innovation supports virtual machines to be compatible with all based applications and smart contracts, so that developers can develop and deploy various applications in a familiar and stable environment. In addition, our core innovation lies in the combination of culture and computing power with blockchain technology. The technological innovation of the application of technology stems from its deep understanding of traditional blockchain technology. Understanding and forward-looking improvement, the infinite possibility of realizing creativity and building innovative applications, developers can explore more exciting new fields, and at the same time make their digital assets have richer application value and market potential, pushing the whole blockchain industry towards a more mature and innovative future economic model. The innovative token economy system has launched an innovative token economy system, which enhances the value of tokens by combining computing power with traditional work to prove mining methods. In this system, we The concept of pledge mining is introduced and an unprecedented double-digging model is created. This model not only allows participants to gain profits through mining, but also further obtains additional rewards by pledging the block rewards of mining. In addition, this double-digging model also provides opportunities for non-miners to participate, and even if they do not participate in mining, users can still get rewards through direct pledge. In the future, the team will be more interested in combining coinage cooperation, and the coinage and index will be expanded with the development. Development potential, such as pledge loan and even stable currency, the core vision of the development vision and mission is to adhere to the work proof mechanism and the spirit of decentralization. We are committed to promoting technological innovation and ensuring the safety and reliability of the platform. We believe that the integration of meme culture is not only a way to create interest and value, but also a key to stimulate creativity and community participation. It may be the first meme public chain to support virtual machines, expecting to attract more meme projects and stimulate online transactions and activity. The development of artificial intelligence is not only a symbol of technological progress for us, but also the future of improving human life style. The application scope is expanding rapidly from assisting in analyzing and writing words to generating images or films to creating more convenient applications. We see that it has become an important tool to reduce human resources and costs in many realities and fields, so we believe that while supporting development, it will become an important bridge connecting reality with reality, bringing users a richer and more efficient experience of the future development. For the future development of the fast-growing blockchain industry, we will continue to focus on technological innovation and market expansion. We will continue to optimize the existing mechanism and strengthen the combination of memes and our platform to create a more diverse, interactive and dynamic ecosystem. With the continuous development of the ecosystem, we will continue to seek to establish relationships with more industry-leading partners to jointly promote the progress of blockchain technology. We warmly welcome more enterprise developers, projects and entrepreneurs to join our ecosystem and jointly create more possibilities and values. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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