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作者:Charlotte, Kevin, Metrics Ventures 来源:X,@MetricsVentures



2.Alex Lab是构建于比特币二层Stacks的DeFi基础设施,已推出和正在开发的功能包括比特币预言机、比特币桥、AMM、订单簿、质押、Launchpad等一系列功能,构建起完整的DeFi基础套件。

3.从竞争格局上看,Alex Lab是Stacks上的绝对龙头。与其他扩容方案相比,Stacks是目前生态和数据增长最为健康的二层扩容方案,与其可比的是Rootstock,Sovryn是Rootstock上的龙头DeFi协议,但二者目前的业务重点并不相同。

4.Nakamoto升级和sBTC的发行预计于2024年第一季度推出,Nakamoto升级将为Stacks的性能带来全面提升,sBTC将解锁比特币DeFi的新机遇,Alex Lab将是布局这一升级的最好标的。


1 引言:铭文后,生态下一个Alpha在哪里?


首先,铭文的爆火也让比特币生态长期存在的问题重新进入大众视野。首先,比特币生态上基础设施建设严重不足,极大地限制了BRC-20代币的交易,Binance Research也在关于BRC-20的研报中提到:去中心化索引和功能齐全的DEX的部署,将带领BRC-20走向下一个高度。其次,比特币极低的TPS和区块容量,造成极度拥挤和极高的交易费用,同样限制了铭文的发行和交易,对比特币扩容方案的讨论又重回市场焦点。


同时,比特币区块链是共识性最强、正统性、安全性和去中心化程度最高的区块链,在比特币网络上建立智能合约将是一个极具鼓舞性的叙事。但比特币本身不具备图灵完备性,无法在之上建立智能合约。为了拓展比特币区块链的潜力,我们目前必须将眼光投向比特币L2,和以太坊不同,比特币智能合约体验并不是用户在L1和L2之间进行选择,L2目前是赋予比特币智能合约能力的必备技术,主要的L2包括Lightning Network、Stacks、Rootstock和Liquid。

Alex Lab因此进入了我们的视野。Alex构建于Stacks之上,Stacks作为比特币的智能合约层,是目前比特币二层中最繁荣和市值最高的生态,而Alex是Stacks上的龙头DeFi协议。Alex Lab致力于建设比特币的DeFi系统,已推出和正在开发的功能包括BRC-20代币索引、比特币桥、AMM、订单簿、质押、Launchpad等一系列功能,初步构建起完整的DeFi生态功能,将为铭文和BRC-20代币的发展提供一套完善的基础设施保障。

2 解构Alex Lab:比特币DeFi的基建龙头

Alex Lab围绕比特币生态金融提供了丰富的产品,核心产品包括:

  • 用于交易的AMM和Orderbook DEX;

  • 在Stacks生态系统中用于发现和参与IDO的Launchpad;

  • 质押和流动性挖矿;

  • 连接Bitcoin一层和二层以及Stacks和其他链的跨链桥;

  • 对BRC-20进行去中心化索引的比特币预言机。


Alex Lab同时推出AMM Swap和B20市场(Orderbook)。我们在此不对AMM的具体数学曲线进行深究。目前AMM上流动性超过$1M的池子共有5个,为:STX-aBTC ($2.71M)、STX-ALEX ($23.76M)、STX-xBTC ($5.84M)、STX-sUSDT($1.49M)、ALEX-atALEX ($6.82M)。



Alex Launchpad采用混合链上/链下模型,为BRC-20代币提供IDO平台。其中所有与用户资金相关的交易在链上,计算成本较高的抽签部分则在链下完成,并提交给链上合约进行验证。社区可以通过投票治理决定进行IDO的项目。目前已经完成了5个IDO项目:




•Bluewheel Mining(2023.8.25)





Alex Lab的原生代币质押收益高低与是否选择自动质押有很大关系(见代币经济部分),目前质押总量为143.6M,代币流通量为642.1M,二者比例为22.4%。



Alex Lab目前开发了Stacks与比特币网络、以太坊和BSC Mainnet的跨链桥,与比特币一层的跨链支持BTC和BRC-20代币的桥接,与以太坊和BSC的跨链支持USDT、LUNR和BTCB(BSC)/WBTC(以太坊)的桥接。目前总共跨链价值累积为$11,568,749,产生跨链费用总共为$76,067,当前TVL为$2,324,830。


这里提到的比特币预言机(Bitcoin Oracle),并不同于我们在以太坊上常提到的预言机,目前是指对比特币上的BRC-20建立去中心化、防篡改和抗审查的索引。尽管BRC20完全存在于链上,但比特币L1原生并不支持BRC-20代币,无法读取inscription数据。


因此,Alex Lab正在与BRC-20代币标准的创始人Domo,以及现有的主要链下索引器(如BestinSlot、OKX、Hiro system、Unisat等)合作,构建BRC-20的链上索引。具体来说,Bitcoin Oracle聚合来自链下索引器的数据,然后通过Stacks验证每笔交易,选择接受或拒绝,以提供单一、可靠的事实来源,Dapp和钱包能够高效地访问和查询Bitcoin Oracle的数据和事件。近日,Alex官方推特发文宣布比特币预言机将支持STX20。

3 竞争格局:比特币DeFi的绝对龙头

Alex Lab在Stacks上暂无竞争对手,因此竞争格局的分析需要放眼整个BTC Layer2,寻找Alex的对手,首先要寻找Stacks的对手。

目前比特币二层网络主要有Lightning Network、Rootstock、Stacks、Liquid Network,根据Crypto.com的研报,它们在性能上主要有以下区别:

Stacks是比特币扩容方案中最繁荣的生态。Lightning Network作为支付通道,本身无法支持智能合约的构建,因此并非Stacks的直接竞争对手。Liquid Network的共识机制导致其被认为是一个高度中心化的协议,很难继承BTC网络的正统性。目前和Stacks最具有直接竞争关系的是Rootstock,Rootstock是比特币上一条兼容EVM的侧链,比特币矿工在进行挖矿时可以进行合并挖矿(Merged Mining),并获得Rootstock中的交易手续费收入。Rootstock的优势是可以兼容EVM,起步较早,目前具有更高的TVL(截止2023/12/17),但相比之下,Stacks在技术上具有更去中心化的优势,以及更快的数据增长和生态发展速度。



•生态发展上,根据veDAO对比特币生态的统计(,RootStack上的项目较少,主要的四个Dapp包括Sovryn、Money on Chain、Liquality和Tropykus,Liquality为钱包基础设施,其他三个均为基础的DeFi应用。Stacks上生态百花齐放,据veDAO统计已有60余个Dapp发布,范围涵盖DeFi、钱包、NFT、游戏、社交等。

Rootstock上最大的DEX为Sovryn,可以看作是Alex Lab的竞争对手,Sovryn提供几乎全套的DeFi服务,包括稳定币、AMM、借贷池和保证金交易等。但二者存在业务重点上的差异,Sovryn主要关注比特币生态的稳定币,Alex最近的开发重点则关注于为BRC-20代币提供基础设施。从数据表现上看,Sovryn的TVL增速乏力,Alex Lab则跟随BRC-20的春风一路上涨。

4 Nakamoto升级:比特币DeFi的新机遇







维持挂钩的群体锁定STX然后来执行维持挂钩的阈值签名任务(这一阈值由这部分参与者锁定的STX的比例来确定),在正确完成挂钩操作后将获取BTC作为奖励。参与维持挂钩交易的权限向所有人开放,任何人都可以成为挂钩交易的签名者。作为安全保障,sBTC要求两个重要的阈值:(1)签名阈值定为70%,必须有超过71%的Stackers作恶才会发生安全问题;(2)Liveness Ratio:即sBTC的供应量与STX锁定价值的最大比例,目前要求这一比例默认为60%。**这两个数值保证了签署交易的STX的锁定价值,大于处理的BTC的价值,通过经济激励避免作恶行为。此外,签名者选择、Peg-out请求等发生在L1中,遵循比特币的抗审查性,Stacks可以直接读取比特币上的交易,因此不需要依赖外部预言机,这些都使sBTC更接近于BTC的安全性。

• Nakamoto升级和sBTC将如何赋能于Alex Lab的发展?



综上,Nakamoto升级将为Stacks带来性能的极大提升,在叙事和基本面上将大大吸引市场目光,Alex Lab作为最大应用和直接收益的协议,鉴于Stacks市值增量空间已经偏小,Alex将是布局这一升级的最好标的。


2023年10月,Stacks推出sBTC的开发者版本,允许开发人员使用早期sBTC版本构建和测试。12月15日,Stacks联创发文表示,Stacks Nakamoto测试网(代号Neon)现已完成代码编写,年底测试网启动已锁定。

根据Stacks Foundation最新发布的时间线,Nakamoto升级将在比特币减半前发布,在主网发布确认稳定性后,sBTC将随后推出,在初始版本的路线图中,Nakamoto和sBTC被计划一起发布,但目前将计划通过分别的升级实现,以降低整体复杂性来提高升级的可预测性和安全性。团队计划在2024年第一季度推出公共测试网Argon,在比特币减半之前推出主网的Nakamoto升级,sBTC预计在升级后2个月左右上线Stacks。


5 代币经济与流动性分布

代币分配上,Alex Lab在2022年3月进行代币发行,代币总量为1,000,000,000枚,预计将在五年内完全解锁(2027年2月)分配情况如下:





代币表现上,$ALEX目前市值为$287,738,006,FDV为$439,423,517,MC/FDV比例为65.48%,代币流通比例已经相对较高。从市值上看,ALEX目前市值排名181位,作为对比,Stacks目前的市值为$2,079,014,811, FDV为$2,645,163,967,市值是ALEX的将近8倍。虽然Stacks作为二层公链具有比ALEX更高的估值空间,但ALEX是Stacks上建设最完善的绝对龙头协议,在中期来看,ALEX可以被作为对Stacks投资的杠杆性标的。 


在流动性上,ALEX目前主要的交易量集中在Bithumb、Gate和Alex AMM上,流动性相对较差,尚未登陆大交易所。近期各大BRC-20代币登陆币安和OKX交易所,可以看出目前主流CEX对比特币生态的关注,上所信息公布后都引发代币的大幅增长。ALEX作为比特币生态DeFi的龙头,未来存在一定的上所空间,带来的炒作和流动性改善也将进一步提高$ALEX的价格增长空间。

6 结语

综合上述分析,我们对Alex Lab的基本观点可以总结如下:

首先,铭文和BRC-20代币的高度火热下,BTC生态已具备成为牛市主流叙事的条件,叠加4月份的比特币减半,将使这一赛道具有更高的炒作价值。考虑到比特币网络的安全性和正统性,以及矿工的可持续激励问题,建立比特币生态具有重要的实际意义。DeFi是生态系统的基石,Alex Lab作为比特币DeFi的龙头,将为比特币生态后续扩展提供基础。

其次,Alex Lab紧跟BRC-20代币的发展,迅速开发针对BRC-20的链上索引、Orderbook交易市场和Launchpad,抓住BRC-20代币基础设施缺乏的空白并迅速抢占先机,成为比特币扩容层中为数不多深度参与到BRC-20代币叙事中,并有切实可行产品落地的项目,这将解锁BRC-20代币更多金融用例。

第三,在竞争格局上,Alex Lab是Stacks上的绝对龙头项目,Stacks在完成Nakamoto升级后,将进一步巩固作为比特币扩容方案的龙头地位。与Rootstock上的龙头Sovryn相比,Alex Lab在数据表现、开发进度和与BRC-20叙事的衔接上都具有显著的优势。因此,在比特币DeFi领域中,Alex Lab具有十分强劲的竞争力和绝对的龙头地位。

第四,Nakamoto升级是比特币扩容领域的重要事件,sBTC的发布将解锁比特币DeFi的潜力和价值,提高安全性和正统性。Alex Lab将是布局这一事件的最核心标的。

第五,综合Alex Lab和Stacks的市值和FDV,我们认为在中期来看,ALEX可以作为布局Stacks生态的杠杆性标的之一。各大交易所正在抢占比特币生态,ALEX代币未来上所将带来更充足的流动性,对币价会具有有效提升。

对Alex Lab的后续观察重点将包括:比特币生态的后续发展情况;Nakamoto升级和sBTC挂钩是否可达预期;Alex Lab对BRC-20代币交易对的支持数量,以及在BRC-20金融基建上的地位;用户数量、交易量、TVL等数据变化;代币上所进展等。

The inscription of the author's source has completely detonated the ecological narrative of Bitcoin, but the explosion of the inscription has also brought the problems of insufficient ecological infrastructure of Bitcoin, crowded transactions and so on back to the public view. After the inscription, the market has begun to explore the infrastructure and functional products of Bitcoin ecology. Due to the limitation of Bitcoin network itself, smart contract products can only be laid out in the expansion plan. The infrastructure built on the second floor of Bitcoin has been launched and the functions under development include Bitcoin Oracle, Bitcoin Bridge order book pledge and so on. Column function to build a complete basic suite, from the competitive landscape, it is the absolute leader in the world. Compared with other expansion schemes, the second-tier expansion scheme is the healthiest in ecological and data growth at present, and it is comparable to the leading agreement in the world, but the current business priorities of the two are different. It is expected that the upgrade and the release will be launched in the first quarter of 2008, which will bring comprehensive improvement to the performance of Bitcoin, and will unlock the new opportunities for the layout of this upgrade. Comprehensive valuation and ecological layout can be used. At present, the leveraged target is not online. Large-scale discount with certain liquidity will bring about an increase in the price of the currency in the future. The domino effect of where is the next ecological fire after the inscription shows the potential of the bitcoin blockchain. If the legitimacy of establishing the bitcoin ecosystem was still debated a few months ago, now this issue seems to have been diluted by the extremely high market enthusiasm. People have higher expectations for the bitcoin ecology. The concern about the bitcoin ecology starts from the inscription, but it will not stop at the inscription. After that, the market will begin to explore the infrastructure and functional products of the whole ecology. Firstly, the explosion of inscriptions has brought the long-standing problems of Bitcoin ecology back into public view. Firstly, the serious lack of infrastructure in Bitcoin ecology has greatly restricted the transaction of tokens. It is also mentioned in the research report that decentralized indexing and fully functional deployment will lead to the next height. Secondly, the extremely low bitcoin and block capacity have caused extremely crowded and extremely high transaction costs, which also limit the inscription. The discussion on the expansion scheme of Bitcoin through issuance and trading has returned to the focus of the market. Secondly, with the halving, the issue of the sustainability of miners' income has once again aroused discussion. Miners' income consists of transaction fees and mining incentives. Due to the limited ecological application on Bitcoin network, most of the current income consists of mining incentives. With the increase of market value and the reduction of space by half, mining incentives may not be able to support the expansion of network security and ecological applications for a long time, or will introduce continuous transaction fees for Bitcoin miners. At the same time, the bitcoin blockchain is the blockchain with the strongest consensus, legitimacy, security and decentralization. It will be an inspiring narrative to establish a smart contract on the bitcoin network. However, bitcoin itself does not have Turing completeness and cannot establish a smart contract on it. In order to expand the potential of the bitcoin blockchain, we must now look to Bitcoin and Ethereum. The experience of different bitcoin smart contracts is not that users choose between and. At present, it is to give a ratio. The necessary technology of special currency intelligent contract capability mainly includes and therefore enters our field of vision. As the intelligent contract layer of bitcoin is the most prosperous and highest market value ecology in the second layer of bitcoin at present, it is a leading agreement in the world. The system devoted to building bitcoin has been launched and is under development, including a series of functions such as token index, bitcoin bridge order book pledge, etc. The initial construction of a complete ecological function will provide a perfect infrastructure guarantee for the development of inscriptions and tokens. The infrastructure leader to deconstruct Bitcoin has provided a wealth of products around Bitcoin eco-finance. The core products include pledge and liquidity mining for trading and discovery and participation in the ecosystem, connecting the first and second floors, and cross-chain bridges with other chains. The Bitcoin Oracle for decentralized indexing is launched at the same time as the order book and the market. We are not right here to delve into the specific mathematical curve. At present, there are a pool with more liquidity, which adopts the form of order book for the market. The commitment to buy or sell some assets by mixed design is transmitted by encrypted signature and matched by the matching engine under the chain before settlement on the chain, so users can create and cancel orders without paying fees. At present, multiple token transactions are online, and the hourly trading volume of the current market is the cumulative trading volume. The mixed chain model is adopted to provide a platform for tokens, in which all transactions related to users' funds are completed under the chain and the lottery part with high calculation cost is submitted to the chain. About to verify the projects that the community can decide to carry out through voting governance, at present, it has completed 10 projects. At present, there are not many ecological projects, and even fewer projects have not shown much ecological value. Recently, the multi-chain project can be upgraded and released. At present, the first multi-chain candidate project is a game project located on the bitcoin network. The community will complete voting pledge and liquidity mining. The pledge income of the original token is closely related to whether to choose automatic pledge. At present, the total amount of pledge in the currency economy part is the proportion of the circulation of tokens. Users can also choose to pledge tokens for liquidity mining. At present, the main actions are and the pledge amount is not satisfactory. At present, the cross-chain bridge with Bitcoin network Ethereum and the cross-chain support of Bitcoin layer and the bridge between tokens and Ethereum are developed. At present, the total cross-chain value accumulates to generate cross-chain expenses. Bitcoin Oracle Machine The Bitcoin Oracle Machine mentioned here is different from the one we often mention in the Ethereum. At present, it refers to the decentralized tamper-proof and censorship-resistant index on Bitcoin. Although it exists completely in the chain, Bitcoin does not natively support tokens. Users who have played with inscriptions and tokens know the importance of the index. The index will remind you which inscriptions have been typed and record the transfer at the same time. The current market depends on centralized off-chain. The error of a single indexer may come from performance problems, or it may occur due to censorship or even malicious behavior, which puts users' assets at risk. Therefore, the on-chain index that is being built in cooperation with the founder of token standard and existing major off-chain indexers, specifically, aggregates the data from off-chain indexers, and then selects to accept or reject each transaction by verifying it to provide a single reliable fact source and data and events that wallets can access and query efficiently. Recently, the official Twitter issued a document announcing that Bitcoin Oracle will support the competitive pattern, and the absolute leader of Bitcoin has no competitors in the world, so there is no competition. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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