热门空投New Paradigm参与攻略

币圈资讯 阅读:40 2024-04-22 11:16:00 评论:0



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New Paradigm 是 Manta 公链推出的一个 Manta 生态内的流动性激励活动,与前阵子 Blur 推出的 Blast 流动性质押类似,用户都可以通过质押自己的资金,获得未来的代币空投奖励。

(注:Manta公链是第一个建立在Celeasita的ETH L2。)

与 Blast 相比,New Paradigm 的优势在于其丰富的生态项目以及更短的回本周期,用户最快在 2024 年 1 月就可以获得代币空投。

此外,Manta 公链本身也是获得了 Binance Labs、Polychain Capital 等一线机构 6000 万美金的投入,达到了 5 亿美金的一级市场估值。




  1. ETH、USDC 跨链到 Manta 生态之后,与 Blast 一样,即使资产放着不动,也会有 5% 左右的利息不停产生;

  2. 参与活动质押资产,获得未来代币空投;

  3. 参与 Manta 生态内项目交互,获得项目本身的潜在空投机会;

  4. 质押 ETH、USDC 后,将获得的 Stone 和 wUSDM 用来参与 Manta 生态内的项目,如借贷项目,获得项目本身提供的收益。





用户将 ETH 或者 USDC 进行质押,获得盲盒碎片奖励,碎片可以兑换盲盒,盲盒开出来的 NFT 可以兑换未来的代币空投。



如果存在初始奖励,并且希望获得该奖励,则需要存 0.25ETH 或者等值的 USDC,才能激活钱包并获得邀请码。

如果不存在初始奖励,则最少需要存入 0.01 ETH 或者等值 USDC 才能激活钱包并获得邀请码。


用户质押 1 个 ETH,每过 7 天都可以获得 25 个盲盒碎片奖励,25 个盲盒碎片可以合成 1 个盲盒,1 个盲盒可以开出 1 个 NFT。

注意,该活动与 Blast 不同,由于活动时间短,1 月份就停止资金存入,想要存入小资金,靠拉长战线去集齐 1 个 NFT 的可能性不大。


第一次充值后,用户可以获得 8 个邀请码,邀请人和被邀请人组成一个小组,当小组资金达到 5E 时,可以获得额外 5 个邀请码,当达到 20E,可以获得 1 个永久邀请码。

邀请人可以获得两级奖励,分别是 16% 和 8%,例如 A 邀请 B,B 邀请 C,A 可以获得 B 的 16%,获得 C 的 8%,以增加活动的传播力度。





默认的 3% 奖励分配给 6 种类型的 NFT 持有者,如果想要获得 2% 的额外奖励,用户可以将获得的 6 种 NFT 合成为一个超稀有 NFT,超稀有 NFT 持有者可以获得 2% 的代币奖励。

6 种 NFT 既可以是自己参与活动开盲盒获得,也可以去市场上买卖获得。

此外,参与 Manta 生态项目交互的用户(Dex、Lending、提供 LP 等),也可以获得 1.5% 的代币奖励,Manta 生态项目见下方链接。https://manta.network/ecosystem.html


最早在 2024 年 1 月份,用户可以将获得的 NFT 换成代币奖励;

获得代币奖励 69 天后,用户可以将质押的 ETH 和 USDC 从 Manta 生态解锁,并转移出来。




使用上面 Biteye 邀请链接进入活动页面,加入 Biteye 小组获取专属的额外奖励

  • 邀请奖励的一半给到小组成员

  • Biteye 获得的 25871 个 $Manta 的官方 Grant,25%-50% 会给到小组成员作为激励

  • 更多福利 Coming soon

点击活动页面的“Join Now”,加入活动。





这里的资金是从主网存到 Manta 网络,存入资金时注意主网 GAS 高低。

ETH 存入后会变成 Stone,USDC 存入后会变成 wUSDM。如果后续交互没有 GAS,可以使用第三方桥跨到 Manta 网络,会更加节省 GAS。

注意,参与活动,必须要通过活动页面进行资金存入才能获得盲盒碎片,但是后续在 Manta 生态交互所需要 GAS,可以通过第三方桥去跨链。

小额 Gas 跨链,可以使用下面的 Mini Bridge 链接,费率最低。



这里由于存入资金不到 1 个 ETH,只有 0.27 个,所以周期时间7天,被拉长到(1/0.27)x7=25.9 天,大概是25天22小时为一个周期。

也就是说,用户每周可以获得 6 个碎片,25天22小时后碎片可以用来合成盲盒。



稳健玩法(购买 Stone + LP + 借贷)

ETH 存入后,很多用户为了将资金拿出来进行更激进的操作,可能会将手里的 Stone 卖掉,此时 Stone 价格一定会和 ETH 脱钩,但是随着资产未来解锁,Stone 价格大概率会逐渐和 ETH 持平,我们在低价时买入 Stone 等待稳定上涨即可。


如上图,目前 Stone 的价格只有 0.89 个 ETH,买入后等待价格回归 1 个 ETH 即可。

同时,我们将 ETH 存入后,还可以把获得的 Stone 拿到 Quickswap 中组 LP 拿手续费收益,或者将资金存入借贷平台 Layerbank,获得借贷奖励,以及 Manta 给到的额外 1.5% 生态奖励。



激进玩法(卖出 Stone 循环存入ETH)

将 Stone 直接在 Quickswap 上卖出 ETH,使用跨链桥跨出来,接着再存入,使用小资金获得更多的碎片奖励。

但是注意,由于 Stone 被不断卖出,这里已经将近有 11% 的磨损,如果你认为未来的空投不能覆盖这里的磨损,那么不建议这样操作。

It is an ecological liquidity incentive activity launched by the public chain, which is similar to the liquidity pledge launched a while ago. Users can get the future token airdrop reward by pledging their own funds. The advantage of the public chain is that it is the first to be established, and its rich ecological projects and shorter payback period make users get the token airdrop as soon as possible. This public chain itself has also received the investment of US$ from first-line institutions, reaching the first-class market valuation of US$ 100 million. The expected rewards include the following parts: after crossing the chain to the ecology, even if the assets remain motionless, there will be left and right interest, which will continue to generate participation activities, pledge assets to get future tokens, participate in the interaction of projects in the ecology, get the potential airdrop opportunities of the project itself after pledge, and use them to participate in projects in the ecology, such as lending projects to get the benefits provided by the project itself. The gameplay shows the basic logic, all rewards, basic rewards, and ecological rewards. Users will pledge or get blind. Box fragments reward fragments can be exchanged for blind boxes, which can be exchanged for future tokens. High-quality users can get different numbers of blind box fragments as initial rewards according to their own scores. If there is an initial reward and they want to get the reward, they need to deposit or equivalent to activate the wallet and get the invitation code. If there is no initial reward, they need to deposit or equivalent at least to activate the wallet and get the invitation code reward. Users can get pledges every day. Blind box fragments reward a blind box fragment, which can be combined into a blind box. A blind box can make a note. This activity is different. Because the activity time is short, it is impossible to stop depositing funds in small months and collect them by stretching the front line. After the first recharge of the invitation system, the user can get an invitation code, and the inviter and the invitee can form a group. When the group funds arrive, they can get an additional invitation code. When they arrive, they can get a permanent invitation code. The inviter can get two levels of rewards. And for example, the invitation invitation can be obtained to increase the spread of activities, accelerate and increase efficiency. If the user enters the asset for the first time, the waiting period will be reduced and even the first week's debris reward can be directly obtained, but the acceleration effect is only once. The more funds pledged by the group, the more blind box debris and achievements obtained in each period. The default reward is distributed to the holders of various types. If they want to obtain the additional reward, the user can synthesize the obtained species into an ultra-rare one. The token rewards that ultra-rare holders can get can be obtained by opening blind boxes for their own participation in activities, or by buying and selling in the market. In addition, the token rewards provided by users who participate in the interaction of ecological projects can also be obtained. See the link below for the key time of ecological projects. As early as in the year and month, users can exchange the obtained token rewards for token rewards. After the token rewards are obtained, users can unlock and transfer the pledged ones from the ecology to join the activities and use the above invitation link to enter the activity page. Join the group to get the exclusive extra reward, invite half of the reward to the team members, and the official will give it to the team members as an incentive. Click on the activity page to join the activity and bind Twitter to connect the wallet to confirm the initial reward. If there is an initial reward, the following congratulations interface will appear. If there is no initial reward, the following interface will appear to prompt the user to switch wallets and try again. The funds here are saved from the main network to the network. Pay attention to the height of the main network when you deposit money, and it will become a deposit. If you can't use a third-party bridge to cross the network in the subsequent interaction, it will be more economical. Pay attention to the fact that you must deposit money through the activity page to get the blind box fragments, but you can cross the chain through the third-party bridge for the subsequent ecological interaction. You can use the following link rate minimum activity interface for a list. Here, because there are only a few deposits, the cycle time is extended to days. Day-hour is a cycle, that is to say, users can get fragments every week. After day-hour, fragments can be used to synthesize a blind box, which is why it is mentioned above that if the funds are too small, it may be too late to synthesize a blind box, but the following will introduce some radical strategies to help small funds speed up this progress, and of course, the risk is higher. Choose strategies according to personal circumstances, introduce steady play, buy loans and deposit them, and many users may put them in their hands in order to take out the funds for more radical operations. At this time, the price will definitely be decoupled, but with the unlocking of assets in the future, the price will gradually level off. We can buy at a low price and wait for a steady increase, as shown in the figure above. At the same time, we can take the obtained fee income to the middle group or deposit the funds in the lending platform to get the loan reward and the extra ecological reward given. The circulation deposit will be directly sold on the internet and crossed by the cross-chain bridge to pick it up. Try to deposit and use small funds to get more debris rewards, but pay attention to the near wear and tear here because of being sold constantly. If you think that future airdrops can't cover the wear and tear here, then this operation is not recommended. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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