
币圈资讯 阅读:42 2024-04-22 11:15:53 评论:0



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2023 年,OKX 产品业态全面开花,除众所周知的 OKX Web3 生态产品外,OKX CEX 的业务矩阵完善且非常体系化,本文将重点盘点 OKX CEX 的年度十大最受用户欢迎策略&理财产品,希望在新的周期中对用户的投资选择有所帮助。(下列产品以使用人数进行排名)


•  受用户喜爱原因:随时申购,秒赎回,灵活且 0 风险,帮助用户随时随提高闲置资金利用率

• 累计使用人数:50 万+

•  产品逻辑

简单赚币是帮助用户提高闲置资产利用率的低门槛赚币产品,类似余币宝,通过在借贷市场出借给杠杆交易用户获取收益,支持 24 小时随时申购和赎回。


•  受用户喜爱原因:帮助用户在震荡行情里自动低买高卖,反复套利,最大程度上保证收益

•  累计使用人数:32w+

•   产品逻辑

现货网格是在一定的价格范围内自动化低买高卖的套利产品。比如 ETH1800–2200 区间,价格低了机器人自动买入,价格高了就自动卖出,进行不断循环套利。现货网格策略优势有三:一是自动化交易,一旦设置好策略,系统会自动执行,用户无须时刻关注市场;二是适应市场波动,无论行情上涨下跌,都可能获利。三是风险可控,用户可以自定义价格区间,以及自定义止盈止损。


•  受用户喜爱原因:波动平稳的行情下,帮助用户赚取相对固定的收益率

• 累计使用人数:9.9w,用户申购金额累计超 56 亿美元

•  产品逻辑



•  受用户喜爱原因:震荡行情下的高收益工具,解决抄不到底以及错过回调获利机会的难题

•  累计使用人数:6w+

•  产品逻辑



• 受用户喜爱原因:帮助用户在下行行情中捕捉小幅反弹的盈利,平均成本的同时将浮盈变现。

•  累计使用人数:3w+

•  产品逻辑

现货马丁格尔策略常用于传统金融中的外汇市场,OKX 的现货马丁格尔策略结合传统版本基本思路与加密市场特性做出一系列优化,以平衡投资者抄底的平均成本。比如当前行情下,投资者可以选择在市场每跌 1-5% 时,就买一笔现货 DCA,通过使用剩余资金分批加仓来降低总持仓成本,待价格反弹的时候即可止盈离场,与简单持有数字货币相比,现货马丁格尔策略更灵活,捕捉小幅反弹的盈利,并持续进行「浮盈变现」。


•  受用户喜爱原因:大行情中一键屯币+赚币,支持多币组合,动态调仓,实现组合套利

•  累计使用人数:1.8w

•  产品逻辑

屯币宝本质上是一种自动化策略,可以在投资者选定的币种组合中做智能动态调仓,利用不同币种之间的汇率波动来赚币和屯币,锁定利润并增加潜力币种的持仓,获取超额回报。每当大行情出现,一般投资者都很难准确押注到涨幅最好的币种。即使有幸买中,也可能会在冲高回落中错失一部分利润。OKX 的屯币宝可以在一定程度上解决这个问题。


•  受用户喜爱原因:帮助大资金用户自动分拆订单,避免交易对市场造成过大冲击

•  累计使用人数:1w+

•  产品逻辑


时间加权的特点是:大单拆分、定时下单、减少滑点。这种策略的好处是,会把大额交易,拆分成很多笔交易,分时进场吃单,避免单笔委托刺激市场。当价格符合设定条件时,可以通过吃单快速成交,而且这些订单,是以 IOC 的模式进场吃单,IOC(Immediate Or Cancel)就是立即成交并取消剩余,委托订单未被立即成交的部分将被立即取消,比如某次委托数量为 2 个,只成交了 1.6 个,则剩余的 0.4 个会被立即取消,尽可能的减少滑点。


•  受用户喜爱原因:一键划转、无须支付手续费,超低质押门槛

•  累计质押以太坊数量:50w+

•  产品逻辑

主要为持币者提供赚取链上收益的机会,投资者可以在 OKX 随时参与 PoS 质押,且无需支付网络费用。当投资者质押以太坊时,奖励将以 BETH 的形式发放。


• 受用户喜爱原因:尽可能帮助投资者低位抄底、高位出货,零手续费

•  累计使用人数:1w+

•  产品逻辑




• 受用户喜爱原因:趋势型市场中的理财产品,帮助用户在对的趋势中博取客观收益

•  产品逻辑

海鸥是 OKX 12 月上线的最新结构化理财产品,目前使用海鸥赚取收益的用户超 1500 人。是 OKX 结构化理财矩阵中的一员,本质仍然是简单期权,主要分为看涨海鸥和看跌海鸥两个方向,看涨海鸥支持用户投入 USDT,看跌海鸥支持用户投入 BTC 和 ETH。仅上线不到一个月,用户申购金额已达 356 million。

In 2008, the product format blossomed in an all-round way, except for the well-known ecological products, the business matrix was perfect and very systematic. This paper will focus on the top ten most popular strategic wealth management products of the year, hoping to help users make investment choices in the new cycle. The following products are ranked by the number of users. A simple way to earn money is popular with users, and it is flexible and risky to purchase at any time. It helps users accumulate the number of users at any time with the improvement of idle capital utilization. The logic of the product is to help users to make money. Low-threshold money-making products with high utilization rate of idle assets are similar to Yubibao. By lending to leveraged trading users in the lending market, they can obtain income support and purchase and redeem at any time. The second spot grid strategy is favored by users, helping users to automatically buy low and sell high and arbitrage repeatedly in the volatile market to ensure the cumulative number of users of income to the greatest extent. The logical spot grid of products is an arbitrage product that is automated within a certain price range. For example, if the interval price is low, the robot will automatically buy high. There are three advantages of automatic selling and continuous arbitrage spot grid strategy: once the strategy is set, the system will automatically execute it. Second, users don't have to pay attention to the market at all times. Second, they can adapt to market fluctuations, and they may make profits regardless of market ups and downs. Third, users with controllable risks can customize the price range and stop loss. Three currencies win because of users' favorite reasons. Under stable market fluctuations, they can help users earn a relatively fixed rate of return. The cumulative number of users has exceeded 100 million US dollars. Product logic dual currency win is a kind of fixed income product, which is essentially a customized simple option. Users can enjoy a fixed rate of return after subscription, but the specific currency of return depends on whether the price of the currency that users want to buy and sell reaches the target price at maturity. If the price of the currency that users want to sell reaches the target price at maturity, they can successfully sell the currency to obtain stable currency and additional income. If the price of the currency that users want to buy at maturity reaches the target price, they can successfully buy it. Obtaining the target currency and extra income is very suitable for the stable market. The four-contract Martin Geer strategy is loved by users. The high-yield tools in the volatile market solve the problems of not copying the bottom and missing the callback profit opportunity. The cumulative number of users. The product logic contract Martin Geer is a strategic product that supports two-way trading, that is, it can achieve bargain-hunting or capture callback profit by doing long and short. In addition, the contract Martin Geer strategy can customize the leverage to provide more trading opportunities for traders. And flexibility. 5. Spot Martin Geer strategy is popular with users, which helps users to capture the average cost of profit with a slight rebound in the down market and realize the accumulated number of users at the same time. The spot Martin Geer strategy is often used in the foreign exchange market in traditional finance, and a series of optimizations are made to balance the average cost of investors' bargain-hunting. For example, investors can choose to buy one every time the market falls in the current market. Spot cash can reduce the total position cost by adding positions in batches by using the remaining funds, and when the price rebounds, it can take profit and leave the market. Compared with simply holding digital currency, spot Martin Geer strategy is more flexible to capture the profit of a small rebound and continue to realize the floating profit. The reason why Liutun Coin Treasure is popular among users is that one-click currency hoarding supports multi-currency combination to dynamically adjust positions to realize portfolio arbitrage and accumulate users. Product logic currency hoarding treasure is essentially an automated strategy, which can be used in the currency combination selected by investors. Intelligent dynamic position adjustment uses exchange rate fluctuations between different currencies to earn money and lock in profits and increase positions in potential currencies to obtain excess returns. Whenever there is a big market, it is difficult for ordinary investors to accurately bet on the currency with the best increase, and even if they are lucky enough to buy it, they may miss some profits in the high and low prices. The seven-time weighting strategy can solve this problem to some extent, because it is popular with users, helping large-capital users to automatically split orders and avoid the market caused by transactions. Excessive shock cumulative number of users Product logic time weighting is a strategy of time-sharing after splitting large orders. In order to avoid excessive impact on the market when users make large transactions, large orders need to be automatically split into multiple orders. This strategy will trigger splitting according to the interval time set by users, calculate the commission price according to the latest buy-one-sell-one price and the price distance set by users, and then entrust small orders to eat single orders. The characteristic of time weighting is the split timing of large orders. The advantage of this strategy of placing orders and reducing slip points is that it will split large-value transactions into many transactions, and avoid single entrustment to stimulate the market. When the price meets the set conditions, these orders can be quickly closed by eating orders, and these orders are entered in a new mode, that is, they will be closed immediately and the remaining entrusted orders will be cancelled immediately. For example, if the number of entrusted orders is only one, the remaining ones will be cancelled immediately, and the slip points will be reduced as much as possible to earn money on the chain of Ethereum. User's favorite reason: One-click transfer without payment of handling fee; ultra-low pledge threshold; cumulative pledge of the number of ethereum; Product logic mainly provides opportunities for holders to earn profits on the chain; investors can participate in the pledge at any time without paying network fees; when investors pledge ethereum, the reward will be distributed in the form of "Nine-bargain-hunting treasures escape from the top"; user's favorite reason: try to help investors with low-bargain-hunting and high-position shipment; zero handling fee accumulate the number of users; Product logic escape from the top is a strategy of premium shipment. Trading method: If you want to sell a certain number of tokens above the current market price, but at the same time you are worried that the pending order price is high and you can't close the deal, you can use the strategy of escaping from the top to lock in the high price. After the expiration, you can ensure that you can sell a certain proportion or all of the digital assets at the pending order price. It is also a discount bargain-hunting strategy trading method. If you want to buy a certain number of tokens below the current market price, but you are worried that the pending order price is low and you can't close the deal, you can use the bargain-hunting treasure at this time. After the expiration of strategy locking and low-price purchase, you can buy a certain proportion or all of the digital assets at the pending order price. Ten seagulls are loved by users. The financial products in the trend market help users gain objective income in the right trend. The logical product seagull is the latest structured financial product launched on the moon. At present, Superman, a user who uses seagulls to earn income, is still a simple option in essence, which is mainly divided into two directions: bullish seagulls and bearish seagulls. The subscription amount of users has reached less than one month. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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