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本条将从 BTC 铭文未来的挑战与潜在机遇进行了介绍,BTC 的 L2 将如何为生态注入新活力。


第一波是社区对公平分发的共识过程,brc20 创造了完全不同于 FT 与 NFT 的新类型资产,这是区块链上的第一性创新,并代表了平民文化的崛起。

第二波我们正在经历,这是 BTC 文化的文艺复兴,大资金、交易所也参与了共识。同时更多的开发者加入铭文世界,推出了许多优秀的协议,并溢出到了更多的链上。BTC 的文化在压倒一切,这当然也引发了一些其他的问题。

第三波可能是「基于铭文」扩容方案的爆发。第二波的大发展促进了 BTC 生态的繁荣,但对 BTC 网络资源的竞争,最终与 BTC 保守主义者们产生了矛盾。同时,糟糕的用户体验阻隘了更多的用户进场。因此,对铭文本身的扩容 ( 而不是对 BTC 扩容 ) 显得紧急且必要,但直接开发基于 BTC 的二层扩容方案 ( 如 Bitvm) 难度高,耗时久。因此,妥协的方案将首先被采用,可能在未来的半年里,我们将看到大量以铭文为原生资产 ( 不同于 stx)、通过跨链等方式引入主链铭文的 BTC 的新侧链。

第四波代表着「基于 BTC」的最终扩展方案的完全成熟,这包括完整的智能合约能力、更好的性能、与 BTC 共享的强安全性。高价值的铭文资产会对安全性提出更多的要求,更原生、更具备正统性、安全性更高的二层扩容方案变得重要。这要求二层将 BTC 链作为 DA 层使用,上传 proof,甚至允许 BTC 网络对进行验证,比如 BitVM 与 Atomicals 协议的 AVM。在强正统性保障下,BTC 会更多地被吸入铭文生态。

最终,我将得到几乎完全与 ETH 及其 L2 无异的体验、性能与智能合约功能,但背靠 BTC 的庞大社区与资金,同时以「公平分发」为核心文化,以「铭文「为原生资产的全新生态。

下一站 L2


单纯依靠公平分发或者 meme 的叙事,2 亿总市值似乎就是一道坎,如果不加踏实地继续建设,天花板就很难突破 ( 公平分发的尽头就是 pua)。在回归理性的过程中,效用就显得更加重要,要么提供更多能力,要么被当成底层资产。

「基于铭文」的侧链可能成为接下来的重要一步。之所以称呼它们为侧链,而不是 l2,是因为这些「L2」并不会使用 BTC 的安全性。

但这就像 Polygon 之于 ETH,铭文 L2 能有效的降低用户进入铭文的门槛,并与 BTC 的保守主义者之间妥协。最重要的是,完整的智能合约能力也将为铭文引入了更多的玩法,defi、socialfi、gamefi …

Brc20 及其一众衍生铭文,选择在人类可读的 Json 写入代币的信息,这样的好处是极高的灵活性,可以在 「amt」 字段下将铭文拆分为任意的数量。

这种灵活性非常适合与铭文二层进行交互,因为只要二层读取了 json 并复原了 Brc20 状态,后续的 defi 等业务都非常容易开展。

铭文作为有别于 NFT 与 FT 的新类型资产,铭文 L2 的业务也可以围绕铭文本身展开,甚至原生资产本身最好也是用铭文。如果铭文 L2 上只是将铭文跨链后拆分为 FT,然后复制以太坊 DeFi 玩法,那么将缺乏吸引力,因为对于现在的交易者来说,交易 FT 性价比已经很低。

Brc20 的索引本就是账本,读取索引后,创建 EVM 链,延续铭文的属性。并持续推出大量有别于 FT defi 的创新范式应用。


难道 BRC20 及其 json 铭文的侧链,难道一定会延续 ETH 的模式吗?实际上,EVM 听起来非常无聊,我们不需要重新发明一系列 L2。但也许,从铭文自己的原生属性出发,思考功能和业务的扩展,会更有趣。

Brc20 是一种链上记录,练下处理的代币系统,将 BTC 作为存储使用。因此对于这类的扩容,也许可以通过将更多的业务逻辑添加到链下索引服务器中实现。

比如,直接在 Json 的 「op」 字段下引入除了「mint」、「deploy」、「transfer」外全新的原语,来进行挂单、抵押、销毁、授权等操作,这些 「op」 的组合能进一步进化出 swap、借贷等 Inscription-Fi ( 铭文金融 ),乃至更复杂的 socialfi 和 gamefi。

这本质是面向索引器编程,这更像是在 web2 中对服务器的接口进行编程,实现难度较低,甚至可以直接从一台索引服务器开始,但获得效果非常显著。目前,unisat 的 swap 等功能,包括 brc100、orc20、Tap 的协议,都是这类 Json 扩容流派的先行者,有机会快速地带来改变。


或者… 更原生的思路

BTC 一层的发行方式其实分为两大流派,除了上述的介绍的 Json 流派外,就是 Atomicals 独一家的 UTXO 流派 ( 对 Rune 的定义还较为模糊,暂不讨论 )。

atomicals 的 arc20 代币直接有 BTC 的 UXTO 本身表示,而不存在 Json 的更新,因此,直接基于 UXTO 的操作能让 arc20 代币实现很多有趣的能力,比如实现 Arc20 代币与 BTC 的 swap 交换、消耗 Arc20 代币产出另一种 Arc20 代币 ……

对交易输入输出的控制,也能实现简单的 defi 功能,但这对开发者提出了更高的要求,难度更高。好处也非常明显,所有的逻辑都直接被 BTC 网络处理,共享最大的安全性与共识。同时可以无缝地吸入 BTC 资产,需要像侧链一样依靠第三方 BTC 桥,毕竟「not your keys not your coins」。

显然,Arc20 本身并不是图灵完备的,因此,Atomicals 协议在吸收了 Bitvm 的设计思路后,也提出了 Avm 的比特币二层方案,这是一种在 BTC 网络一层递交证明并被 BTC 脚本电路逻辑所验证的 L2。 Arc20 作为 UTXO 代表的资产,天然地适合被当作 AVM 二层的欺诈证明的抵押物。

这将是 BTC 扩容的最终叙事,即使用 BTC DA 共享安全性的情况下,实现智能合约的能力。

这可能是第四波才会真正落地的 L2,但 Atomicals 的开发服务商 @wizzwallet 在最近的更新中似乎给出一些 AVM 的信息,也许进展比我想象中更快。

Source This article will introduce the future challenges and potential opportunities of the inscription, and how it will inject new vitality into the ecology. The first wave is that the community's consensus on fair distribution has created a new type of assets completely different from that of "and". This is the first innovation in the blockchain and represents the rise of civilian culture. The second wave is that we are experiencing a cultural renaissance, and the big capital exchange has also participated in the consensus. At the same time, more developers have joined the inscription world, and many excellent agreements have been launched and spilled over. More culture in the chain is overwhelming, which of course has also caused some other problems. The third wave may be based on the outbreak of the inscription expansion plan. The second wave's great development has promoted the prosperity of the ecology, but the competition for network resources has finally contradicted the conservatives. At the same time, the poor user experience has prevented more users from entering the market, so it is urgent and necessary to expand the inscription itself instead of directly developing the second-floor expansion plan based on it. However, it is difficult and time-consuming, so it is compromised. The scheme will be adopted first. Perhaps in the next six months, we will see a large number of new side chains with inscriptions as the original assets, which are different from those with inscriptions on the main chain introduced by means of cross-chain. The fourth wave represents the complete maturity of the final expansion scheme based on, which includes complete intelligent contract capability, better performance and shared strong security. The high-value inscription assets will put forward more requirements for security, which requires the second-tier expansion scheme to be more original, more legitimate and more secure. Uploading for the use of the layer and even allowing the network to verify it, such as the agreement, will be more sucked into the inscription ecology under the guarantee of strong orthodoxy. In the end, I will get almost the same experience performance and smart contract function, but the huge community and funds backed by it, and at the same time, the brand-new ecology with fair distribution as the core culture and inscriptions as the original assets will stand next. After experiencing a magnificent wave of new asset distribution, the main narrative of the inscription has been established, and we are about to usher in new opportunities and challenges. It seems to be a hurdle to rely solely on fair distribution or the narrative market value of 100 million yuan. If we don't continue to build the ceiling, it will be difficult to break through the end of fair distribution. In the process of returning to rationality, utility becomes more important, either providing more capabilities or being regarded as the underlying assets. The side chains based on inscriptions may become the next important step. They are called side chains rather than because they are not safe to use, but it is like inscriptions can effectively reduce users' entry into inscriptions. The most important thing is that the complete intelligent contract ability will also introduce more games for the inscription and its derivative inscriptions, which can be read by human beings. This advantage is that the inscription can be divided into any number under the field, which is very suitable for interacting with the second floor of the inscription, because as long as the second floor reads and restores the state, it is very easy to carry out the inscription as a new one. The business of type asset inscription can also be developed around the inscription itself, and even the original asset itself is best to use the inscription. If the inscription only splits the inscription across the chain and then copies the Ethereum game, it will be unattractive, because for today's traders, the index book with low transaction cost performance is the account book. After reading the index, it will create a chain to continue the attributes of the inscription and continue to introduce a large number of innovative paradigm applications that are different from the indexer-oriented programming and the side chain of its inscription will certainly be delayed. In fact, it sounds very boring. We don't need to reinvent a series, but perhaps it will be more interesting to think about the expansion of functions and services from the original attributes of inscriptions. It is a token system that records on the chain and practices processing, which will be used as storage. Therefore, this kind of expansion may be realized by adding more business logic to the offline index server, such as directly introducing brand-new primitives under the fields except, for example, to carry out operations such as mortgage destruction authorization of pending orders. Combination can further evolve inscriptions such as lending and finance, and even more complicated. This is essentially indexer-oriented programming, which is more like programming the interface of the server in the middle. It is difficult to realize it, and even it can start directly from an index server, but the effect is very remarkable. At present, the protocols included are the pioneers of this kind of expansion genre, and the attempt to join the encryption primitive is exciting. Of course, decentralization is a problem that needs to be considered forever. Programming will inevitably lead to more and more pressure on the server, and it will be more difficult for the community to run. Complex business must also require consensus, which will eventually lead to the development of intelligent contract platform or more original ideas. In fact, the distribution method on the first floor is divided into two schools, except the one introduced above, which is the only school. The definition of the token is still vague, and the token directly represents itself but does not exist. Therefore, the operation directly based on it can make the token realize many interesting functions. For example, the exchange of tokens consumes tokens to produce another kind of tokens, and the control of transaction input and output can also achieve simple functions, but this puts higher requirements on developers, higher difficulties and obvious benefits. All logic is directly processed by the network, sharing the greatest security and consensus, and at the same time, assets can be seamlessly absorbed. It needs to rely on a third-party bridge like a side chain. After all, it is obvious that it is not complete in Turing itself, so the protocol also puts forward Bitcoin II after absorbing the design ideas. Layer scheme, which is a representative asset submitted at the first layer of the network and verified by script circuit logic, is naturally suitable to be used as collateral for fraud proof at the second layer. This will be the final narrative of expansion, that is, the ability to realize smart contracts under the condition of using shared security. This may be the fourth wave that will really land, but the development service providers seem to give some information in the recent update, and the progress may be faster than I expected. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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