
币圈资讯 阅读:37 2024-04-22 11:14:30 评论:0



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多位业内分析师和加密高管预测,在BTC现货ETF通过后,BTC将达到甚至超过10万美元。例如,Bitwise预测2024年BTC将在现货ETF的推动下达到8万美元,Matrixport和Standard Chartered认为BTC将突破10万美元关口。但也有机构对此不太乐观,例如JP Morgan认为ETF的利好已经部分兑现在目前的价格上,后续上涨动力将不会很充足。





除了BTC现货ETF和积极的宏观经济环境外,即将到来的BTC产量减半可能成为牛市的催化剂。BTC预期在2024年4月或5月份之间迎来产量减半,使矿工的区块奖励从6.25 BTC减少到3.125 BTC。从历史上看,这将影响BTC的供应和需求动态,对BTC网络意义重大。





据加密货币交易员Crypto Feras预测,随着投资者寻求多样化其投资组合并利用更广泛的加密货币市场的新兴机会,下一次主要的山寨季可能会在2024年5月之前发生。




加密贷款平台Celsius于2022年7月申请破产,此前该公司曾滥用客户资金。现在,Celsius已被美国破产法院批准进行重组计划以摆脱破产,该计划涉及将加密货币归还给客户,并创建由 Fahrenheit LLC管理的新公司。重新组织的业务将专注于BTC挖矿和赚取质押费用。该计划预计将在2024年初开始实施。





















A spot is expected to be launched in, and the cryptocurrency market will usher in the important decision of the US Securities and Exchange Commission on multiple spot applications. As we all know, spot can make investors invest without involving the complexity of direct ownership, which is very attractive to institutional investors. The approval of spot is expected to expand the investor base, thus improving its adoption rate and price stability. Investment management companies estimate that the potential institutional investment will exceed 100 million US dollars, which will promote the ratio. The price of special currency has risen, and many industry analysts and encryption executives predict that it will reach or even exceed $10,000 after the spot is passed. For example, it is predicted that it will reach $10,000 under the impetus of spot in and think that it will break through the $10,000 mark. However, some institutions are not optimistic about this. For example, they think that the benefits have been partially realized at the current price, and the subsequent upward momentum will not be sufficient. The expectation of raising interest rates may increase the price of speculative assets such as cryptocurrencies. According to the current general forecast, most major central banks will reduce the policy interest rate driven by the decline in inflation rate. This shift aims to shift the policy interest rate from a restrictive level to a neutral level. According to the global research of Bank of America, both the Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank are expected to start lowering interest rates in the middle of the year, which will usually reduce the attractiveness of traditional safe-haven assets and make high-risk and high-return assets such as cryptocurrencies more attractive to investors. Gravitation, at the same time, the reduction of borrowing costs can also promote more investment in cryptocurrency industry, thus pushing up the price of cryptocurrency. 3. halving output will become a bull market catalyst. In addition to the spot and positive macroeconomic environment, the upcoming halving of output may become a bull market catalyst. It is expected that the halving of output will be ushered in between May and May, and the miners' block reward will be reduced from decreasing to historically, which will affect the supply and demand dynamics, which is of great significance to the network and can reduce the inflow of new output into the market. The speed of the market and the reduced liquidity supply have led to the rise of prices in the past, and the early role is particularly obvious. For example, after the first halving in 2000, the price rose from US dollars to US dollars in the year, and the halving of the output in 2000 and 2000 also led to a sharp rise in prices. Although the impact of halving the annual output is difficult to predict, the historical trend shows that it will have a positive impact on the price. Coupled with spot speculation and macroeconomic factors, it may once again give birth to a trending bull market. The expectation of spot passing mentioned above and the expectation of global central bank's interest rate cut may create a favorable environment for cryptocurrency market. After the bull market of harmony goes to a certain extent, investors' attention will shift to the market, which may lead to a large increase in the current projects with small market value in the cottage season. According to cryptocurrency traders' prediction, as investors seek to diversify their portfolios and take advantage of emerging opportunities in the broader cryptocurrency market, the next major cottage season may be. Five years ago, with the resolution of the new regulations and bankruptcy, the encryption industry was hit hard in 2000 and early 2000, which led to the major regulatory encryption lawsuits in the world. These incidents are expected to be properly resolved in 2000, and governments are seriously solving the problem of encryption currency regulations around the world. According to the bankruptcy administrator's proposed plan, the plan is being considered to restart in 2000, which mainly targets offshore customers but does not include American customers. The proposal includes organizing creditors into different groups. Specific categories can choose to cooperate with third-party investors to establish an offshore trading company or restart the platform. The restart plan needs to reach an agreement among various stakeholders and require the approval of the court. The encrypted loan platform filed for bankruptcy in January, and the company had abused its customers' funds before, and now it has been approved by the bankruptcy court of the United States to carry out a restructuring plan to get rid of bankruptcy. The plan involves returning encrypted currency to customers and creating a new company to be managed. The reorganized business will focus on In order to dig mines and earn pledge fees, the plan is expected to be implemented at the beginning of the year. Six American encryption bills were introduced. In 2000, a bipartisan bill was put forward by the US Congressional Committee to establish a regulatory framework for cryptocurrencies, marking an important step for the cryptocurrency industry to supervise. The bill aims to clarify when cryptocurrencies should be judged as securities or commodities and solve the key ambiguity of the current regulations. The bill proposes to expand the supervision of cryptocurrencies by the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission and also defines American securities. At present, there are some disputes over the jurisdiction of the Trading Commission and the regulatory scope of cryptocurrency. Both want to assert their regulatory authority in different aspects of the cryptocurrency market. These disputes reflect the existing chaos and lack of clear regulatory boundaries in the cryptocurrency market. It is not clear whether the bill can be passed by the Senate. While gaining the support of industry stakeholders and some politicians, the bill also faces some opposition voices, fearing that it may weaken the protection of consumers. Although the United States is working hard to establish a unified regulatory framework for cryptocurrencies, Europe has solved this problem. The cryptoasset market regulation, which will take effect in, will establish a comprehensive framework for cryptocurrencies. This comprehensive regulation is the first of its kind in major jurisdictions, which requires the registration of cryptowallet providers and trading platforms within the European Union, and requires the issuers of stable currencies to maintain sufficient reserves. In addition, the fund transfer regulation will cooperate with the adoption of cryptocurrencies. The events such as the rapid growth of decentralized blockchain facilities have weakened the trust of market participants in the centralized platform of cryptocurrency, which has gained a good development opportunity in, and because they are in line with the original value of cryptocurrency, the greater decentralization trend will continue in, and the decentralized technology and encryption industry will continue to undergo revolutionary changes in. Including more complex financial services, including loans, loans and insurance, thus improving the scope and accessibility of solutions. Compared with the risky centralized platform, it provides a safer and more transparent alternative for market participants, and its rapid growth is stimulated by progress in various fields. Firstly, the main improvements include enhanced liquidity scheme, which has solved the long-standing problem of limited liquidity, which has always been an important advantage of centralized platform. Secondly, it simplifies the interface to attract a wider audience lacking technology with a better user experience. Thirdly, it is implementing layer solutions to improve scalability and communication. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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