CGV  Research:从平行走向交汇 探索「Web3与AI融合」引领的数字经济新浪潮

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作者:Cynic & Shigeru






CGV Research团队将围绕“Web3与人工智能(AI)的融合”,推出系列研报,探索AI技术与Web3的Defi、NFT、算力、数据管理等应用场景的结合,挖掘Web3和AI技术的创新边界,发现更多实用与前沿的Web3×AI的解决方案。







早期的AI使用单一领域的数据集训练专用模型,处理特定任务,主要应用领域包括计算机视觉(CV)、自然语言处理(NLP)等,可以称为AI 1.0。以ChatGPT为代表的大语言模型(LLM)的出现,代表人工智能技术的发展迈进2.0时代。AI 2.0利用跨领域的海量数据,以超强算力作为支撑,训练具备高泛化能力的通用模型,可以执行多种任务。针对特定应用场景的大模型只需微调即可落地,边际成本低,更利于大规模商用。

AI 2.0时代的通用人工智能在文本生成、语言理解、知识问答、逻辑推理、数学、代码、多模态等七个维度具备出色能力,生产力得到极大膨胀,成为人类社会自互联网革命后的新增长引擎。

Web3 x AI:数字经济发展的必然趋势




百业新生:Web3 x AI的落地场景

经过多年的研究与发展,Web3与AI行业已经具备大规模落地的能力。数字经济的奇点将至,多个领域都将接受Web3 x AI的洗礼,迸发新的活力。


在数据层, Web3能够激励用户产生更加优质的数据,进一步提升AI模型的质量。AI的底层实际上是三个成分,算法、算力和数据。而数据,是决定AI模型质量的最关键因素。当前AI模型大多利用公开数据训练,成本低的同时质量也难以保障。更加优质的数据是高效AI模型的基础,传统市场用户无法从自己产生的数据中获取价值,而Web3让用户重新掌握数据主权,能够从中获益,有正向激励产生更加优质的内容。




CGV Research团队认为,AI与Web3的融合不仅开创了技术的新境界,更预示着社会、经济乃至文化层面的深刻变革。这种融合为个体赋予更大的数字主权和创作力,同时为整个社会带来更高效、更智能的生产力和服务。随着技术的不断进步,我们将迎来一个更加去中心化、智能化的数字未来,其中个体的价值和贡献得到充分尊重和回报。

CGV坚信,Web3 x AI是数字经济的必然趋势,或将诞生越来越多的独角兽项目。CGV和builder站在一起,创立AIFocus加速器,为Web3 x AI赛道的builder提供全方位的支持,共同建设Web3 x AI的未来。站在Web3和AI技术交汇的时代节点上,AIFocus Accelerator热切邀请来自全球的创新者和开发者加入这一历史性的征程。

In today's era of rapid development of technology, the integration of artificial intelligence is becoming an inevitable trend. These two fields are no longer parallel lines that develop independently, but are increasingly intertwined to jointly shape our digital future. As a decentralized and distributed network concept, it provides a fairer and more transparent digital space. Its core idea is that users have the right to give users control over their own data through blockchain and encryption technology. It is one of the main driving forces to promote the development of this era. It optimizes the user experience by learning and imitating human intelligence, improves the speed and quality of decision-making, and plays a huge role in data processing and analysis. When the two are combined, we can foresee a new Internet experience. In this world supported by drivers, we can not only see more personalized and intelligent services, but also experience unprecedented data security and transparency, and can play its analysis and prediction within the framework. This integration indicates a more intelligent and decentralized digital future. In this future, technology not only serves human beings, but also is closely connected with human lifestyle values and goals. The integration is not only the integration of technology, but also a kind of foresight and shaping of future social form and culture. The team will launch a series of research reports around the integration with artificial intelligence to explore applications such as technology and computing data management. The next generation Internet, which is based on decentralization and blockchain technology, aims to build a new value system in which users have digital sovereignty. The development goal is to break the monopoly of Internet giants on data, so that users can master their own created content and data assets. The purpose of the Internet is to open and share freely. It runs counter to the spirit of the Internet for servers to absorb user data, so it is a new era to return the control and ownership of data to individual users in an open, transparent and decentralized way. In the early Renaissance, it mainly focused on financial scenarios. Encrypted currency and decentralized finance are the main application scenarios. Nowadays, the application fields have been greatly developed, and social governance of games has become a new growth point. Many traditional formats are shifting data and computing power to drive a new round of industrial revolution through the computer system. Simulation of human intelligence enables computers to have cognitive ability, the core of which lies in reasoning, learning and self-correction. In the early days, special models were trained to deal with specific tasks by using data sets in a single field. The main application fields include computer vision, natural language processing and so on. The emergence of large language models that can be called as representatives represents the development of artificial intelligence technology and enters the era. The universal models with high generalization ability can be trained with the support of cross-domain massive data to perform a variety of tasks. The large-scale model for specific application scenarios can be put to the ground only by fine-tuning. The marginal cost is low, which is more conducive to the general artificial intelligence in the era of large-scale commerce. It has excellent ability in seven dimensions, such as text generation, language understanding, question and answer, logic reasoning, mathematical code multimodal, etc. Productivity has been greatly expanded, which has become the new growth engine of human society since the Internet revolution. The inevitable trend of digital economy development is that from a macro perspective, it may have two opposite cores to emphasize decentralization, but due to model training, The demand for huge computing power is often centralized, but the two are not antagonistic, but complementary, representing the most advanced production relations. Individuals truly own their own data, content, property sovereignty, return the most advanced productivity to individuals, and liberate mankind from tedious and repetitive work. The combination of the two is the inevitable trend of the development of digital economy. On the one hand, it brings decentralized production relations, and combines the open, transparent and verifiable characteristics of blockchain to solve the problem of user incentives, which greatly reduces the creation of high quality. The threshold of content allows users to reap the benefits of their high-quality content. With the help of blockchain, all the contributions of users can be recorded openly and transparently, and they can benefit from it, which stimulates the individual's creative enthusiasm. On the other hand, it enables intelligence to improve production efficiency, broaden application scenarios, enhance user experience, help speed up the creative process, improve content quality and diversity, give individuals stronger productivity, broaden the boundaries of innovation, and enable innovation to be born at a lower cost. People are a team, with the help of products, they can provide more intelligent services, lower the threshold for users to participate, and promote the large-scale adoption of the landing scene of new students in all industries. After years of research and development, the industry has already had the ability to land on a large scale, and the singularity of the digital economy will be baptized in many fields. generate's new vitality can be combined with model training in the physical layer, so that computing power can be fully released. With the rise of large-scale models led by it, computing power has become a key factor restricting development, but massive computing. In this context, a decentralized network called "Blockchain" came into being, which can effectively integrate the computing resources and data scattered around the world and create an open and shared computing infrastructure. This network provides a sustainable and reliable resource ecological environment for the model, making the training and running model more feasible and sustainable, and can inspire users to produce better quality at the data layer. Data further improves the quality of the model. In fact, the bottom layer is three components: algorithm computing power and data, and data is the most critical factor to determine the quality of the model. At present, most models use open data for training. At the same time, the cost is low, and the quality is difficult to guarantee. Better data is the basis of an efficient model. Traditional market users can't get value from the data they generate, so users can regain their data sovereignty and benefit from it. Positive incentives can produce better content in the application layer. Application with higher intelligence to optimize the security of user experience has always been the sword of Damocles hanging over everyone's head. Contract audit will greatly reduce the possibility of contract security loopholes and the difficulty of material creation in the game field, and accelerate innovation and governance. It can not only provide suggestions for governance as an assistant, but also directly participate in governance as a member of governance, increase the dimension of governance, and create a new era of digital economy. The year is a year of miracle, and large-scale adoption of social and game tracks will usher in a circle-breaking effect, and the big language model will officially enter the era. Empowering all industries will soon lead to innovation. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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