为什么要基于 PixeLAW 开发游戏

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作者: ck



新技术是用来做全新的事情、探索全新的可能性,而非更好地、渐进地做旧的事情。当我们谈“全链游戏”的时候,实际上是在强调一种“敢为天下先”的探索精神,利用区块链的特有属性,创造全新的产品体验,而不仅仅是教条式的将游戏逻辑、游戏数据全部放在区块链上。以此来看,全链游戏引擎(如:MUD、Dojo、Keystone、Paima Engine、World Engine 等)是符合这种精神的,因为它们创造了区块链游戏引擎(或者叫区块链应用开发框架),这是之前从未有过的。


反观全链游戏领域,虽然游戏数量众多,但真正有原生创新的不算太多。当然这跟游戏机制(game mechanics)的有限性有很大关系,游戏领域已经充分探索了所有可能的游戏机制,要再创造新的游戏模式非常困难。


但在游戏机制之上,依然有可探索的空间。像 PixeLAW 这样的项目,从区块链的“可互操作性”出发,探索游戏间互操作性这一全新领域。暂时不能断定 PixeLAW 是最正确的方向,但至少离正确的方向更近了一步,这是我们基于 PixeLAW 开发游戏的主要原因。


关于 PixeLAW 的产品形态、设计哲学在《PixeLAW:构建全链游戏的最简单⽅法》和《PixeLAW 的工程美学》中有详细介绍。接下来将主要介绍我们基于 PixeLAW 开发全链版 2048 过程中,对 PixeLAW 的微观体感和由此引发的一些思考。

使用 PixeLAW 的微观体感

对第一次接触 Cairo 语言的开发者来说,基于 PixeLAW 开发游戏并不容易,需要同时熟悉 Starknet 区块链、Dojo 框架、Cairo 语言和 PixeLAW。此外,Cairo 编程语言的设计哲学、语言成熟度、工具链丰富度等方面,较 Solidity(以太坊智能合约编程语言) 也有很大不同,对开发者还是有相当大的挑战的,接下来将一一介绍。


Starknet 是采用 ZK Rollup 的以太坊 Layer 2 区块链,也被称为“最适合全链游戏的 Layer 2”。我认为这个说法包含多个维度,技术维度,Starknet 有链原生的零知识证明机制(OP Stack 似乎也可以在其 Stack 中插入一层 ZKP 来达到类似效果);生态维度,Starknet 基金会、Bibliotheca DAO 等机构组织的 Grant 和 Game jam 等活动;当然也有营销的成分,毕竟 Starknet 生态需要与其他 ZK Rollup 区块链甚至 OP Rollup 区块链生态竞争来赢得更多开发者。

Starknet 官网:https://www.starknet.io/en

Dojo 框架

Dojo 框架可以粗略理解为 MUD 框架(首个全链应用开发框架)的 Cairo 语言实现,目前针对 Starknet 生态。如果你对 MUD 框架有一定了解,当看到 Dojo 框架时,除编程语言的差异,其他方面会感到很熟悉。此外,Dojo 配备了与之搭配使用的工具链(包含:Katana、Sozo、Torii、Slot 等),从这个意义上说,叫“Dojo 工具集”更合适。


Cairo 语言

Cairo 语言由 StarkWare 团队于 2020 年开始开发,是为通用计算生成 STARK 证明的图灵完备编程语言,使 Starknet 作为 Layer 2 能够进行可证明性计算。可证明性意味着可以在 Starknet 上生成证明,并在以太坊网络(Layer 1)上验证程序的输出已经被正确计算。由于计算发生在 Layer 2,而 Layer 1 使用较少的计算资源即可验证生成的证明(验证过程不需要重新执行计算),从而实现更好的计算性能和数据安全性。

从 Solidity 开发者的角度来说,由于 Cairo 语言在安全性和计算性能方面的取舍,加之 Cairo 语言本身尚处早期,学习门槛较 Solidity 高、语言特性不如 Solidity 丰富,完成同样的功能,使用 Cairo 语言开发工作量有可能会更大。



PixeLAW 于 2023 年7月在巴黎 ETHGlobal 黑客松期间诞生,并获得 Starknet Best Use 奖项。开发体验方面,除 Cairo 语言的学习门槛外,总体还是很不错的。PixeLAW Book 读起来很流畅,对于想在本地部署 PixeLAW Core、PixeLAW app_template 的开发者来说,整个过程相当丝滑。不过想要基于 PixeLAW 开发游戏的话,可能需要进一步阅读 PixeLAW examples 的源代码以获得更多工程实现上的灵感。

PixeLAW Github 主页:https://github.com/pixelaw/

开发 BRC2048 的体验


我们基于 PixeLAW 开发全链版 2048 (BRC2048)的过程中,虽然遇到有些特性尚未被支持,也遇到过 PixeLAW 的一些小 bug,但总体上 PixeLAW 提供的功能足以开发我们的游戏。此外,特别值得一提的是,与 PixeLAW 团队沟通总是很顺畅,PixeLAW 团队的回复总是很及时,要知道在跨时区协作的场景下,做到这一点并不容易。这里要特别感谢 PixeLAW 团队的@jk、@syora、@thiscaspar 、@mariz-ov,以及 MetaCat 团队的 @ilhte 。

与 PixeLAW 团队沟通过程。来源:https://discord.com/channels/1134242024409792525/1178127430704189550


之前我们基于 MUD 框架开发过 2048,在基于 PixeLAW 开发 2048 的过程中,明显感觉工作量少了。只需专注智能合约开发,即可完成游戏开发。这是非常神奇的体验,也是全新的开发范式!这很大程度上归功于 PixeLAW 的理念:用最小的组件开始一个世界,并让它与社区一起成长。从一个像素块和最少的规则开始,然后在此基础上添加新规则、新游戏等,并逐步让游戏之间有互操作性。

BRC2048 核心代码局部。来源:https://github.com/themetacat/PixeLAW2048/blob/main/brc2048/src/app.cairo#L135


下图是我们基于 PixeLAW 开发的 2048 游戏(也是 PixeLAW 的主界面)。由于组成游戏的最小单元是单个像素块,因此游戏画面呈现上会有所局限,进而导致并非所有游戏类型都适合用 PixeLAW 开发。但对于想要深入探索游戏间互操作性的团队来说,PixeLAW 是很好的试验场。单个像素块是最小的可编程单元、也是最小的互操作性单元,关注核心目标,忽略次要事务,不失为一种明智之举。

BRC2048 游戏界面


BRC2048 目前只完成了初步的游戏构建,接下来会进一步完善游戏功能,并与 PixeLAW 团队一起,探索游戏间(比如:贪吃蛇、画图游戏)互操作性的具体实现路径,以及 PixeLAW 在自主世界领域的更多可能性。

让我们以 cellula.live 创始人 Eric 的一句话来结尾:当前处于全链游戏/自主世界的极早期,个体只有追求极致的差异化,才能获得整个赛道的生存机率最大化.

The author encrypts the native game. Encrypted native game is a game that embraces the blockchain development model and blockchain spirit to the maximum extent. The new technology is used to do brand-new things and explore brand-new possibilities instead of doing old things better and gradually. When we talk about full-chain games, we are actually emphasizing an exploration spirit of being the first in the world, using the unique attributes of blockchain to create a brand-new product experience, not just dogmatically putting all game logic and game data on the blockchain. It is in line with this spirit to look at the full-chain game engines, because they have created a blockchain game engine or a blockchain application development framework, which has never been seen before. On the other hand, in the full-chain game field, although there are a large number of games, there are not too many original innovations. Of course, this has a lot to do with the limitation of game mechanisms. All possible game mechanisms have been fully explored in the game field, and it is very difficult to create new game modes. However, the source of full-chain games is still swimming. There is still room to explore on the play mechanism. Projects like this explore the new field of inter-game interoperability from the interoperability of blockchain, which is not the right direction for the time being, but at least it is a step closer to the right direction. This is the main reason for us to develop games based on the source of pictures. The philosophy of product form design is introduced in detail in the simplest method of building full-chain games and the engineering aesthetics. Next, we will mainly introduce the micro-technology in the process of developing full-chain versions. It is not easy for developers who are new to the language to develop games based on it. In addition, they need to be familiar with the blockchain framework language and the design philosophy of the programming language. The maturity of the language and the richness of the tool chain are also very different from those of the Ethereum intelligent contract programming language, which still poses considerable challenges to developers. Next, I will introduce the Ethereum blockchain, which is also called the most suitable for full-chain games. The law contains multiple dimensions, technical dimensions, and a chain-based zero-knowledge proof mechanism. It seems that a layer can also be inserted into it to achieve similar effects. The peace activities organized by institutions such as the Ecological Dimension Foundation of course also have marketing elements. After all, ecology needs to compete with other blockchain and even blockchain ecology to win more developers. The official website framework can be roughly understood as the language realization of the first full-chain application development framework. At present, if you have a certain understanding of the framework, when you see the framework, except. Other aspects of the differences in programming languages will be familiar. In addition, it is equipped with a tool chain to include it. In this sense, it is more suitable to call it a tool set. The source language language was developed by the team in 2000. It is a Turing complete programming language that can generate proofs for general computing. Proviability means that you can generate proofs on the Internet and verify that the output of the program has been correctly calculated on the Ethereum network. Because the calculation takes place, you use less computing resources. Verifiable generated proofs do not need to be re-calculated, so as to achieve better computing performance and data security. From the developer's point of view, due to the choice of language security and computing performance, and the language itself is still in the early stage of learning, the language characteristics are not as rich as it is to complete the same function. The workload of language development may be greater. The comparison of four smart contract languages comes from the fact that it was born in Paris in September and won an award for development experience. Generally speaking, the learning threshold is quite good, and the reading is very smooth. For developers who want to deploy locally, the whole process is quite smooth. However, if you want to develop games based on the source code, you may need to read further to get more inspiration in engineering implementation. The experience of home page development is smooth. Although we have encountered some small features that have not been supported yet, the functions provided in general are enough to develop our games. In addition, it is particularly worth one. It is mentioned that communication with the team is always smooth, and the team's reply is always timely. You know, it is not easy to do this in the scene of cross-time zone cooperation. Here, we would like to thank the team and the team for the source of communication with the team. Before, we developed based on the framework, and in the process of development, we obviously felt that the workload was less. We only need to focus on smart contract development to complete the game development. This is a very magical experience and a brand-new development paradigm, which is largely attributed to the concept. Start a world with the smallest components and let it grow with the community, starting with a pixel block and the least rules, then adding new rules, new games, etc. on this basis and gradually making the games interoperable. The following picture shows our game based on development, and the main interface is also limited because the smallest unit that makes up the game is a single pixel block, which leads to that not all game types are suitable for development, but for those who want to go deeper. It is a good testing ground for the team exploring the interoperability between games. A single pixel block is the smallest programmable unit and the smallest interoperability unit. It is a wise move to pay attention to the core goal and ignore the secondary affairs. The game interface was written at the end, and only the initial game construction has been completed so far. Next, we will further improve the game functions and explore with the team the specific realization path of interoperability between games, such as snake drawing games, and more possibilities in the independent world. The founder's sentence ends with the very early individuals who are currently in the autonomous world of full-chain games. 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