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文章作者:Cookies Research



1. 传统共识机制







2. 什么是历史证明(PoH) 




3. 对 PoH 的技术深入探讨

每个交易都经过 SHA-256 处理,这是一种以其能够接受任何输入并生成唯一、不可预测输出而闻名的加密哈希函数。当一个交易被哈希时,其输出成为下一个交易哈希的输入。这个过程在哈希输出中建立了交易的内置顺序,形成了一个长而连续的链。


在Solana中使用 PoH(历史证明)添加了一个强大的安全和完整性层。篡改哈希链的任何部分都会需要重新计算所有后续的哈希,这是一项努力密集型的工作,可保护网络免受更改的影响。


4. 委托权益证明(DPoS) 

在更好地了解 PoH 的基础上,本节将解释 PoH 如何在 Solana 的共识机制中(DPoS)得到应用。

在 DPoS 中,每个抵押了 $SOL 的验证者都能够参与网络治理——对区块的有效性进行投票,决定是否将其添加到区块链中。不愿直接参与权益证明过程的 $SOL 持有者(包括您和我)可以将其代币委托给其他验证者,从而有效地使它们成为委托人。这个委托过程将委托人的投票权(与他们拥有的 $SOL 数量成比例)分配给这些验证者。作为抵押 $SOL 的回报,委托人将获得区块奖励的一部分。



5. Solana 共识机制的高层概述 

1. 领导节点的选择:领导节点负责生成 PoH 序列(历史证明排序交易)和创建区块。


2. 为交易添加时间戳:领导节点将接收交易,并使用 PoH 为它们添加时间戳,形成交易顺序。

3. 区块创建:通过来自 PoH 的序列,领导节点随后开始创建一个区块。

4. 区块传播:新创建的区块将被发送到复制节点(分布式网络中的其他验证者)。

5. 交易有效性验证,复制节点将验证以下两个组成部分:

a. 交易顺序:使用 PoH 序列验证交易是否按正确顺序排列。由于它是一个全局时钟,这种验证不需要节点之间的往返通信(与常见的共识机制如 PoW 和 PoS 不同)。

b. 交易有效性:检查交易是否符合网络规则并且有效。

6. 区块最终化:在验证了交易顺序和有效性之后,该区块将被添加到区块链中。然后将选择下一个领导节点,并且整个过程重新开始。



The consensus mechanism of the blockchain is responsible for verifying the validity of transactions and adding them to the blockchain in an accurate order. According to the selected consensus mechanism, the efficiency of the verification and sequencing process is different, which leads to different levels of throughput in the blockchain field. It is a high-performance chain with millisecond block time, and the average number of transactions per second is between and. The theoretical peak is for reference. This paper aims to highlight two architectures that contribute to its high throughput, namely its commission. The traditional consensus mechanism of equity proof and historical proof allows us to understand a key bottleneck of the blockchain. Each node in the scalable distributed blockchain network has its own internal clock, which runs according to this local system clock. When a transaction occurs, the node will add a time stamp to the transaction according to this local system clock. The picture below shows the clock inside the node, and the time stamp of the final confirmation or rejection of the transaction will also be carried out according to this local system block. In the consensus mechanism, such as workload proof and equity proof, all nodes need to communicate with each other to coordinate each other's local clocks to ensure that they have the same understanding of time when dealing with transactions. The communication between nodes helps to establish a common time reference to ensure that the whole network has the same understanding of time, so as to coordinate the order of transactions and confirm that there are differences in local system clocks among thousands of nodes distributed around the world for a distributed blockchain. Inevitably, the time stamps of transactions are inconsistent between different nodes. When nodes need to reach a consensus on which transactions have occurred and the order of these transactions in the block, this becomes a problem, which is called time stamp synchronization problem. When the network enhances decentralization by increasing the number of nodes, this problem will become more serious and complicated. Finally, this creates a possible path for malicious attacks. The difference in time enables malicious actors to broadcast falsehoods similar to real time stamps. In order to prevent the manipulation of transactions, it takes a lot of time and processing power to verify the accuracy of time stamps, which may lead to the delay of block confirmation or even the rejection of blocks, because nodes may vote that blocks are invalid because they have different time stamps. What is historical proof? Historical proof is used to prove that transactions are arranged correctly in order, which can be easily verified by the verifier in the network, and the nodes mentioned in the first section each have their own independent clocks. On the contrary, it can be regarded as a global block, which is used by all nodes to verify the passage of time between two events. Looking at the same transaction history through this global clock node abandons any differences that may exist in the transaction order, which enables a consensus to be reached quickly, greatly shortening the time for transactions to be verified and added to the blockchain, relying on an encryption method to create a continuous chronological record of transactions. Let's have a deep understanding of the right technology and discuss each transaction in depth. After processing, this is a cryptographic hash function which is famous for its ability to accept any input and generate a unique unpredictable output. When a transaction is hashed, its output becomes the input of the next transaction hash. This process establishes the built-in order of transactions in the hash output and forms a long and continuous chain. The history proves that the verifiable delay function is used to verify the importance of time lapse in the blockchain. It is a computationally intensive function that depends not only on the previous hash but also on the elapsed time. This mechanism allows to show that the real time has passed in an encrypted way to generate continuous output, so there is a clear and verifiable transaction order, which ensures a consistent event timeline verifier, so it can easily verify how long the elapsed time is, further enhancing the credibility of the network. Using historical proof in the process adds a strong security and integrity layer, and tampering with any part of the hash chain will require recalculation of all subsequent hashes, which is an effort-intensive work that can protect the network from The historical proof affected by the change significantly reduces the amount of information that the verifier needs to process in each block. By using the hash version of the latest transaction state, the block confirmation time is greatly shortened. When the verifier or replication node receives a block, the historical proof sequence provides them with an encrypted and reliable transaction sequence, and they can trust it without re-verification. This efficiency is very important for speeding up the consensus mechanism, because the network can quickly select and transfer to the next verifier. On the basis of a better understanding, this section will explain how to apply it in the consensus mechanism of the bank. Every mortgaged verifier can participate in network governance and vote on the validity of the block, and the holders who are unwilling to directly participate in the process of equity certification, including you and me, can entrust their tokens to other verifiers, thus effectively making them clients. The number is allocated to these verifiers in proportion as collateral. In return, the principal will get a part of the block reward. The operating principle of the system is that nodes with greater interests are more likely to be selected to verify the transaction and add it to the blockchain to get the opportunity of block reward, encouraging nodes to maintain a high level of performance and integrity. After understanding the two, let's combine these knowledge and summarize what a typical block confirmation mechanism is like in the world. The high-level overview of leading nodes. Selecting the leading node is responsible for generating sequence history proofs, sorting transactions and creating blocks. This selection process is based on the rights and interests of the nodes. This weight is entrusted to them by token holders, and the leading role will be increased. The verifiers will rotate to add time stamps to the transactions. The leading node will receive the transactions and use the time stamps to form transaction sequence block creation. The newly created blocks will be transmitted to the replication section by the sequence leading node from. Other verifiers in the point-distributed network verify the validity of transactions. The replication node will verify the following two components: the transaction sequence. The sequence is used to verify whether the transactions are arranged in the correct order. Because it is a global clock, this verification does not require round-trip communication between nodes and common consensus mechanisms, such as checking the validity of different transactions, whether the transactions conform to the network rules, and the effective block will eventually be added to the blockchain. After verifying the transaction sequence and validity, the next leader node will be selected and the whole process will be restarted. Conclusion We have been making unremitting efforts to improve its blockchain architecture recently. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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