起风了 2024 年比特币生态展望

币圈资讯 阅读:42 2024-04-22 11:06:07 评论:0



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15 年前的今天,2009 年 1 月 3 日下午,北京时间 1 月 4 日凌晨,中本聪在位于芬兰首都赫尔辛基的一台小型服务器上挖出了比特币创世区块。

15 年过去了,比特币凭借无主社区取得了前无古人、举世瞩目的成就,连传统资本巨头、被政府监管的 ETF 都纷纷要涌入比特币。

在刚刚结束的 2023 年,比特币生态发生了一些微弱但是却力大无穷、影响深远的变化。

2023 年以前,大部分人只会提比特币,很少有人提比特币生态,但是,2023 年比特币铭文出现,让人们看到了比特币的另一种可能——基于比特币发行资产。



1、2024年,将爆发BTC L2 War,将不少于30+比特币L2参与战争

各类BTC L2,真的假的,新的旧的,原教主义的、新教主义的,以及各类L1也会宣布成为比特币L2。

BTC L2 War,真正的大混战。混乱中,有没有判断比特币 L2 优劣的标准?




关于这个问题想了解更多可以查看这篇:《从 Arbitrum 宕机,看比特币 L2 和以太坊 L2 的不同道路》。

2、铭文不会消失(或者说 Fair Launch),会成为 Crypro 领域的一种常态,至少会成为比特币生态的一种常态


2017 年的 ICO 让部分人看到了相对公平的资产发行方式,但是,由于当时行业的基础设施不够完善,导致 ICO 只是昙花一现。


当年在赫尔辛基挖出创世区块的中本聪,和后来使用矿机挖 BTC 的人,享受的待遇是一样公平的。铭文或者 Fair Launch 延续了比特币社区的这种公平风格,说的再高大上一些,就是实现了金融平权,让资产发行权下放给每一个人。



因为,比特币一层发行铭文资产是 OK 的,但是基于铭文资产构建应用场景肯定是不行的,比特币极简的 UTXO 设计和有限的区块空间,以及图灵不完备的技术框架,无法支撑铭文资产在比特币一层构建复杂场景。

那么,如果这些铭文资产可以去中心化的跨到比特币二层,就彻底活了,就可以摆脱比特币一层的束缚,在比特币二层自由构建各种各样的铭文应用。比如,可以把铭文资产当作 Launchpad 的治理币,甚至干脆做一个铭文 DEX,让铭文资产当作治理代币等等。

公平发射铭文资产用于建立有活力的早期社区是完全没问题的,也非常有助于项目的冷启动,但是,让铭文资产应用起来就必需比特币 L2。

纯 meme 属性的铭文 1.0 时代已经过去了,市场上不可能永远都只是 meme,这是无法持续的。市场上只有一个 SATS、一个 ORDI,它们已经是比特币铭文 meme 的顶流,其他的铭文要发展,必须另寻他路。

铭文 2.0 时代就是铭文+BTC L2的范式,那时,铭文将不再只是 meme,而是可以捕获各类铭文应用价值的 Equity Token,而铭文或者说 Fair Launch 就变成了比特币生态特有的一种资产发行方式,将会成为比特币生态的一种发币常态。



各大 L1 和 L2 也通过各类铭文、符文等 Fair Launch 模式尝到了公平发射的甜头,多少链通过 1-2 个铭文的铸造,完成了往年大半年的链上 Gas 指标。

但是,其他链的铭文只是比特币铭文势能的一种外溢,多少有一点牵强,但是,比特币 L2 铭文是比特币嫡系一支,加上比特币生态的持续推动,更多项目方更愿意来比特币 L2 来进行铭文创业。

举例,我最近观察到@btclayer2 BEVM上的铭文铸造(虽然第一个铭文项目 BMW 我特么也没打到),用户同样用 BTC 铸造铭文,Fee 只需要 105 聪/笔,大概折合 0.05 U,而比特币铭文一笔的 Fee 至少是 10-20 美金/笔,这里有大概 200-400 倍的差距,比特币铭文高峰时刻,这里有近 1000 倍的差距。

这对于一个铭文创业团队来说,可谓是极大的利好,因为,创业成本大大降低了,同样是 210 万张铭文,在比特币打完,成本是 2100 万美金打底,项目起步就是 2100 万的基础市值了;但是在像 BEVM 上的 BTC L2 上,仅需 10 万美金左右,项目起步仅有 10 万美金的基础市值,创造 100 倍的涨幅,达到 1000 万美金市值,简直不要太容易,努力冲到 1 亿美金市值,已经是 1000 倍。

千倍神话,很容易在比特币 L2 上创造。铭文创业团队肯定知道我在说什么。

除了创业成本降低了,这些铭文在 BTC L2 上铸造后,不纯粹是 meme,而是天然具备构建复杂场景的能力,因为,像 BEVM 这样兼容 EVM 的 BTC L2,就可以直接构建各类去中心化的铭文应用,这些铭文的叙事场景将可以无限拓展,代币价值也将可以持续通过各类场景来捕获和赋能。第三点里提到的各类铭文应用玩法,就可以直接在 BTC L2 实现。


除了以上 4 点,我们还隐约看到了一些其他的比特币生态玩法,比如,在 BTC L2 直接对比特币一层的知名 NFT 或者铭文项目发起吸血鬼攻击,比如,给 Bitmap 在 BTC L2 做去中心化的元宇宙,通过向 bitmap Holder 空投代币来吸引比特币一层用户到比特币二层来继续玩。

除了 bitmap,还有很多的比特币 NFT 和铭文项目,比如 Ordirock、Frogs 等等,可以直接围绕这些 NFT 在二层构建 Gamefi 等等玩法,来轻松完成项目的冷启动。当然,还有一些方式,还没那么清晰,但是很有意思,我们将持续观察更新。

总结,2024年,比特币生态由于有了铭文+BTC L2,必将继续大放异彩,这不是预测,这是我们看见的事实。


Years ago today, on the afternoon of March, Beijing time, Satoshi Nakamoto dug up the creation block of Bitcoin on a small server in Helsinki, Finland. Years later, Bitcoin made unprecedented achievements with the help of the ownerless community, and even the traditional capital giants supervised by the government poured into Bitcoin. In the just-concluded year, some weak but powerful and far-reaching changes have taken place in Bitcoin ecology. Years ago, most people only mentioned Bitcoin, but few people mentioned it. Bitcoin ecology, but the appearance of bitcoin inscriptions in 2000 showed people another possibility of bitcoin. Can assets be issued based on bitcoin? Can applications be built based on bitcoin assets? The first layer of bitcoin does not support the construction of complex scenes, so the second layer of bitcoin is built around the first layer of issuing assets. The bitcoin ecology of building applications on the second floor was born. What opportunities will be worth paying attention to in that year? Let me briefly list what we have seen and will see. In the next few scenes, no less than Bitcoin will participate in the war, and all kinds of true and false, new and old fundamentalism, Protestantism and all kinds will also be declared as the real melee of Bitcoin. Is there a standard to judge whether Bitcoin is good or bad in the chaos? Yes, there is, and only one standard, whether Bitcoin can cross the chain in a completely decentralized way, which is the only standard to measure the true and false Bitcoin and the only standard to measure whether a Bitcoin can grow, because it is impossible to realize the decentralization of Bitcoin. Unable to gain the trust of a wide range of bitcoin users, the scale of bitcoin will never grow. Other fancy imitations of the design of Ethereum are futile. To learn more about this issue, you can check out this inscription on the different roads of Bitcoin and Ethereum from the downtime. It will not disappear or become a normal state in the field, at least it will become a normal state of bitcoin ecology. Once people taste the dividends and power brought by fairness, it is difficult to go back, and it is difficult to be unfair to issue assets. Users accepted the year of, which made some people see a relatively fair way to issue assets, but it was only a flash in the pan because the infrastructure of the industry was not perfect at that time. But now, the right to issue assets has been delegated to everyone, and every community can issue assets only by selecting four letters, which has opened the era when the project and users cast assets together. It is very obvious that Satoshi Nakamoto, who dug the Genesis Block in Helsinki in the past, enjoyed the same fair treatment as those who later dug it with a mining machine. Those who have continued the fair style of the Bitcoin community say that some of them have realized financial equality and decentralized the right to issue assets to everyone. The combination of Bitcoin inscriptions and Bitcoin will become a brand-new bitcoin ecological entrepreneurship paradigm. If there is only Bitcoin inscriptions, there will be no Bitcoin inscriptions on the second floor, which will eventually die out, because the first floor of Bitcoin issues inscription assets, but it is definitely impossible to build application scenarios based on inscription assets. Bitcoin has a minimalist design and limited block space. And Turing's incomplete technical framework can't support the inscription assets to build complex scenes on the first floor of Bitcoin, so if these inscription assets can be decentralized and cross the second floor of Bitcoin, they can completely live, and they can get rid of the shackles of the first floor of Bitcoin and freely build various inscription applications on the second floor of Bitcoin, such as using the inscription assets as governance coins or even simply making an inscription to use the inscription assets as governance tokens. It is fair to launch the inscription assets to build a dynamic early community. There is no problem at all, and it is also very helpful for the cold start of the project. However, it is necessary for the inscription assets to be applied. The era of pure attributes of Bitcoin has passed. It is impossible to be in the market forever, but this is unsustainable. There is only one in the market. Other inscriptions have to find another way to develop. The era of inscriptions is the paradigm of inscriptions. At that time, inscriptions will no longer just capture the application value of various inscriptions, but inscriptions will become bitcoin. A unique way of issuing assets will become a normal way of issuing money in Bitcoin ecology. Bitcoin inscriptions will become one of the main entrepreneurial tracks of Bitcoin ecology. Bitcoin inscriptions teach other chains that the word "big sum" is fair and have also tasted the benefits of fair launch through various modes such as inscriptions and runes. How many chains have completed the chain indicators in the past six months through the casting of an inscription, but the inscriptions of other chains are just an overflow of the potential energy of Bitcoin inscriptions, which is somewhat far-fetched but far-fetched. But the inscription of Bitcoin is a branch of Bitcoin, and with the continuous promotion of Bitcoin ecology, more project parties are more willing to come to Bitcoin to start an inscription business. For example, I recently observed the inscription casting in the world. Although I didn't hit the user in the first inscription project, I only need to use a clever pen to roughly convert the inscription, and the inscription of Bitcoin is at least a dollar pen. There is a gap of about times here, and there is a gap of nearly times here at the peak of Bitcoin inscription, which is extremely great for an inscription business team. The big advantage is that the cost of starting a business has been greatly reduced, and the same 10,000 inscriptions have been completed in Bitcoin. This is the basic market value of 10,000 dollars at the beginning of the project, but in the image, it only takes about 10,000 dollars for the project to start, and the basic market value of only 10,000 dollars has increased by times to reach the market value of 10,000 dollars. It is simply not easy to work hard to rush to the market value of 100 million dollars. It is easy to create inscriptions on Bitcoin. The entrepreneurial team must know what I am talking about except that the cost of starting a business has been reduced. After casting, the text is not purely but naturally capable of building complex scenes, because if it is compatible like this, it can directly build all kinds of decentralized inscriptions. The narrative scenes of these inscriptions will infinitely expand the value of tokens and will continue to capture and empower them through various scenes. The application of various inscriptions mentioned in the third point can be directly summarized. In addition to the above points, we also vaguely see some other bitcoin ecological games, such as directly on the first floor of Bitcoin. Well-known or inscription projects launch vampire attacks, such as attracting users from the first floor of Bitcoin to the second floor of Bitcoin by airdropping tokens to the decentralized meta-universe, so as to continue to play. In addition to many bitcoin and inscription projects, we can easily complete the cold start of the project by directly building them on the second floor and so on. Of course, there are still some ways that are not so clear but interesting. We will continue to observe, update and summarize the bitcoin ecology in 2008. This is not a prediction. This is the fact that we have seen that the bitcoin ecology has really started at the end of Qingping. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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