JDI 2023 DePIN 报告::从酝酿到爆发 2024 年 DePIN 赛道将往何处去?

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作者:JDI Ventures

在刚刚过去的 2023 年,Crypto 市场走过了最严酷的至暗时刻,迎来了新一轮的牛市,而引爆这轮牛市的概念则是铭文和 DePIN(去中心化物理基础设施网络)。如果说铭文代表的是 Crypto 市场对于公平启动的需求,那么 DePIN 则代表的是基础设施领域对于 Web3 的拥抱。

DePIN 正在引领着一场革命,不仅是技术层面上区块链和物联网相融合的革命,也是商业层面上激励构建基础设施的革命。这场革命正在彻底改变物理基础设施。

从网络建设者到服务提供者,再到最终的消费者,DePIN 的范式是激励个人和小型企业部署和运营基础设施网络,让以数字为中心的基础设施在全球范围内的铺设更加高效、民主化且具有成本效益。

从电信到数据仓库和数据传感器,再到 AI 算力与模型的布局,DePIN 为技术加速所带来的潜能是无限的。

据业界领先机构 Messari 的研究报告《The DePIN Sector Map》分析,到 2028 年 DePIN 的市场规模有望达到 3.5 万亿美元。就时间而言,此时留给 DePIN 赛道的时间不多了,但就市场规模而言,DePIN 赛道显然还处在非常早期的阶段。

本文主要梳理 2023 年 DePIN 的发展脉络,介绍 JDI Ventures 参与 DePIN 的情况,分析 DePIN 主要应用,并展望 2024 年 DePIN 的发展趋势。

复盘 2023 年 DePIN 发展脉络

对于很多从业者而言,DePIN 是一个忽然冒出来的新概念,之所以受到关注,只不过是因为最近一段时间以来 DePIN 概念代币的市场表现惊人,但实际上 DePIN 概念经历了相当漫长的时间来酝酿。

DePIN(Decentralized Physical Infrastructure networks,DePIN,去中心化物理基础设施网络)概念是由 Messari 在 2023 年初发布的研究报告《The DePIN Sector Map》中正式提出,将 DePIN 定义为「利用加密经济协议部署现实世界的物理基础设施和硬件网络」,简单来说就是基于区块链的代币激励的方式促进各方参与者来建设物理基础设施网络。

并且 Messari 给出了相当乐观的市场预估——有望在 2028 年达到 3.5 万亿美元规模,DePIN 概念也由此一度受到市场高度关注。

但实际上这次只是 DePIN 在称谓上的起点,此前已经有物理工作量证明(Proof of Physical Work, PoPW)、代币激励的物理基础设施网络(Token Incentivized Phvsical Infrastructure Networks.TIPIN)、EdgeFi 等概念先后提出,只不过最后在 Messari 发起的社区投票上,最终采纳了 DePIN 。


比如去中心化网络 Helium 成立于 2013 年,去中心化存储 Storj 成立于 2014 年,都是当时来自通信、存储等细分领域的团队自发地探索如何用去中心化的方式来建设物理基础设施网络。后来互联网、AI、能源、数据收集等领域也逐渐加入进来,虽然细分领域千差万别,但核心逻辑是一致的,于是最终形成了今天繁荣的 DePIN 赛道。

DePIN 概念在 2023 年一月份提出之后,热度持续了不到一个月的时间就消退了,毕竟当时市场还处在深熊,但是一些投资机构以及创业者还是开始布局了,而这些极早期的动作很难被市场捕捉到。

2023 年四月份的香港 Web3 嘉年华,DePIN 再次成为行业热点,很大程度上是因为香港特区政府对于 Web3 领域的 DePIN 与 RWA 的接受度最高,而且 DePIN 更适合早期落地。因此继续吸引了一些投资机构、创业者甚至相关政府部门的布局,同样,这些极早期的动作很难被市场捕捉到。

直到 2023 年八月份之后,以 Helium Mobile 、Honey 等为代表的DePIN概念代币一路暴涨,成为铭文之外最火爆的赛道,而这一轮热度中其实是被多重因素共同推动起来的。

市场能看到的最表象是整个加密市场都由熊转牛,但为何只有 DePIN 与铭文大放光彩,所以我们还要具体考察背后的特殊原因。

正如刚才所提到的,DePIN 赛道其实一直都有投资机构以及创业者在布局,只是 2023 年初的市场环境不适合,并且关于 DePIN 的新范式还在探索之中,因此很少推出新的 DePIN 项目。到了 2023 年底,无论是市场环境的向好还是创业者的探索积累,许多项目从最初的理念逐渐落地初具雏形,于是开始陆续推出市场,之后的动作才被市场捕捉到,此时DePIN在技术创新乏力的市场中迅速占据了重要的位置。

JDI Ventures 在2023年的布局

JDI Ventures 是 JDI Group 旗下聚焦于 Web3 技术设施的投资机构,围绕硬件服务商、DePIN 的项目方、开发者和社区进行战略布局和持续探索。

JDI Group 自 2019 年创立以来,除了以投资的方式参与 DePIN 行业,而且还是 DePIN 领域最早和最大的硬件直接参与者——建立了自己的硬件平台以整合 DePIN 和分布式人工智能(Decentralized AI)领域中的领先项目,例如开发与推动了 Helium 和 DIMO Network 的硬件布局,尤其是解决了它们在亚洲地区的供应链和社区服务的问题。

在过去四年中,JDI Group 成功捕获了 DePIN 行业的机遇,在持续的投资、探索和推广中积累了丰富的 DePIN 建设经验,并加速了 Web3 应用在现实世界中的采用,逐渐成为了 DePIN 领域的行业领导者,以不可替代的影响力为 DePIN 行业的增长贡献了自己的力量。

过去一年来,作为 JDI Group 旗下投资机构的JDI Ventures,不仅在 Geodnet、PowerPod(电动车充电解决方案)、Metablox(融合Web3的全球WiFi网络)以及 Helium Mobile(基于区块链的移动网络服务)、DIMO Network和Hivemapper(车联网)等项目上进行了投资,还在非洲等基础设施不发达地区积极探索 DePIN 项目的可能性,从根本上改变了当地的通信环境。

在2024年,JDI Ventures 布局的 DePIN 项目将陆续展现出 DePIN 技术应有的广泛应用和潜力。以下仅为 JDI Ventures 布局的部分案例的相关信息。

1. Helium Mobile

JDI Ventures 作为 Helium 的早期支持者和参与者,现在又积极参与了 Helium Mobile 项目。目前 Helium Mobile 服务的订阅者已经超过 10000 名。显示了其服务的快速采纳和市场渗透。

MOBILE 代币过去几个月在5G与Wi-Fi网络增长的推动下涨幅超过1000% ,随着全国服务的启动,预计网络将呈现爆炸性增长。

2024 年伊始,Helium Mobile 的订阅用户在 Helium 网络上的数据使用量已超过了他们在 T-Mobile 上的使用量。说明用户更倾向于使用 Helium 的服务而非传统的移动运营商。这表明 Helium Mobile 作为一种新兴的 DePIN 服务,正在成功地吸引和留住用户,而且已经开始在数据流量上与传统的大型运营商竞争。

2.DIMO Network

在刚刚过去的2023年12月,DIMO Network 迎来了主网运行一周年。在 JDI Ventures 布局的硬件制造商 Hashdog 的制造支持下,DIMO 在车辆数据连接和分析领域取得了显著进步。

DIMO 在 CB Insight 的“顶级连接车辆数据平台公司”中获得认可,并在 CryptoLola 的顶级 DePIN 项目展示中被特别介绍。

实时车辆估值:连接到 DIMO 的汽车超过 3.2 万辆,价值超过 3 亿美元,实时估值工具帮助司机最大化其车辆价值。

Macarons 设备的连接数量:到 2023 年底,超过 1000 个 Macarons 设备已连接到 DIMO ,预计新的一年将看到更大的增长。

DIMO 的分析团队解决了准确测量车辆油箱中燃料水平的挑战。

DIMO 提供了简化买卖二手车过程的月度报告,提供了实际的价格估值,帮助用户掌握二手车市场。


JDI Ventures 对 PowerPod 的投资是对 DePIN 领域新兴能源技术和绿色交通解决方案的长远布局。

作为一家专注于电动汽车充电解决方案的初创企业,PowerPod 在构建分布式共享充电网络方面拥有巨大的成长潜力。

PowerPod 的愿景与 JDI Ventures 推动环境友好型交通和能源解决方案的全球运动不谋而合,JDI Ventures 投资 PowerPod ,不仅展现了JDI对清洁能源和可持续发展的承诺,也意味着对创新能源网络模型的探索。


Metablox 能够使用户轻松在全球任何地点的接入点间无缝漫游,同时为参与其网络的个人提供代币奖励。

目前 Metablox 已在 96 个国家部署了 12,714 个节点,并拥有 11,317 名活跃用户,在 DePINscan 上排名第2,为以后在DePIN领域的成长奠定了坚实的基础。

Metablox 的成功不仅是技术创新的成果,也是 DePIN 领域合作和透明度提升的体现。 JDI Ventures 不仅支持了 Metablox 的技术发展,也助力了 Metablox 在 DePIN 领域的市场推广和品牌建设。


GEODNET 通过其校正服务和相关服务向全球卫星导航系统(GNSS)行业及其用户的销售是其主要的收入来源。根据市场报告,增强服务是一个约 200 亿美元的大类别。

GEODNET 在高精度应用领域已经具有一定的技术优势,目前已经部署了超过 3,300 个用户所有的站点,并计划到 2024 年将其网络扩展至超过 50,000 个站点,目标成为全球最大的网络之一。2023 年是 GEODNET获得链上收入的第一年,销毁了 4,040,000 个 GEOD 代币(占最大供应量的 0.4%)。

JDI Ventures 不仅参与了GEODNET的融资,而且同时也深度参与了GEODNET的硬件销售业务。


Phoenix Global 提供的去中心化人工智能基础设施包括 AI 计算层和企业级 Layer 1 区块链。此外,Phoenix 还提供无代码的 AI 部署和多方计算,使得分析、计算和共享价值不会危及数据隐私。

JDI Ventures 作为战略投资者和硬件合作伙伴加入 Phoenix,将有助于 SkyNet AI 节点网络的快速发展,特别是通过即将推出的 PhoenixNode 和额外的计算基础设施硬件。

通过布局 Phoenix,JDI Ventures 进一步加深了其在AI赛道上的影响力和参与度。


Wicrypt 是非洲第一个基于区块链的去中心化无线基础设施项目,曾成功获得了来自微软和谷歌云的资助。目前已在 30 多个国家部署了超过 1,100个 热点,使个人和企业可以共享他们的在线连接,同时根据使用统计数据获得代币奖励。

JDI Ventures 不仅在资金上支持 Wicrypt,还在硬件方面与之达成了合作,共同DePIN领域的全球发展和普及以推动缩小全球数字鸿沟。

8.Meson Network

Meson Network是去中心化 CDN,利用 Web3 的激励体系来去中心化地收集大量公共数据,未来将成为分布式存储、计算和新兴 Web3 Dapp 生态系统数据传输的基础。

简单来说就是通过聚合来自个人的闲置 IP 和带宽资源,创建了一个分布式的 IP 和带宽资源网络,并根据特定规则分发给有特定需求的用户。

目前 Meson Network 全球累计带宽超过 10Tbps,拥有超过 20,000个 挖矿节点,已经展示了区块链技术在革新传统的生产者-消费者关系到基于激励的网络模型方面的潜力 。


上述 8 个 DePIN 项目涉及到不同细分领域,而 JDI Ventures 的布局远不止于此,在绿色能源方向的探索和布局也在进行中,例如投资了去中心化能源互联网Arkreen以及虚拟电力厂Starpower。未来会陆续披露 JDI Ventures 在 DePIN 领域的动作。


正如上文对于2023年 DePIN 赛道的梳理和复盘,以及对 JDI Ventures 在2023年布局的介绍中所呈现出来的,DePIN 并不是一蹴而就的 meme,而是经历了相当漫长的时间来酝酿的叙事。

DePIN 叙事的想象力在于,它是 Web3 世界与现实世界的最大公约数——是 Web3 照进现实世界,也是现实进入 Web3 世界的入口。

DePIN 赛道因为作为基础设施的行业属性,在信息传递上与 GameFi、DeFi 等直接面向加密用户的赛道截然不同——大部分信息是在业内相关的机构、项目方、矿工社区之间传递的,因此 DePIN 赛道的突然爆发完全在加密市场的意料之外,也就在情理之中了。

那么站在 2024 年初,DePIN 赛道有什么值得关注的信号与展望的趋势?

上文提及的信息以及逻辑已经解释了 DePIN 赛道为何在2023年底爆发,现在值得关注的新信号是无论是海外的家族办公室还是内地的实体企业主,对于 DePIN 赛道的兴趣非常浓厚。

首先固然是因为他们看到了 Web3 的大趋势,另外非常关键的因素是他们可以很容易地理解 DePIN 赛道的业务以及商业模式(相比于DeFi、GameFi 甚至meme而言)。他们的资金已经开始通过如个人天使投资、投资机构的LP、采购硬件设备等各种渠道涌入 DePIN 赛道,这是一个至少持续半年的趋势。

JDI Ventures 作为在上一轮牛市中全球最大的 DePIN 赛道推动者和领导者,在 2023 年仍持续专注地布局 DePIN 赛道,随着 2024 年 DePIN 赛道即将迎来的大爆发,JDI Ventures 愿意贡献自己关于 DePIN 建设的丰富经验,在资金、硬件、供应链和社区服务等方面帮助 DePIN 项目一起走向万亿市场。

In the past year, the market has gone through the darkest hour and ushered in a new round of bull market, and the concept of detonating this bull market is inscription and decentralized physical infrastructure network. If the inscription represents the market's demand for fair start, it represents the embrace of the infrastructure field, which is leading a revolution, not only the revolution of the integration of blockchain and Internet of Things on the technical level, but also the revolution of encouraging the construction of infrastructure on the commercial level. The paradigm of changing physical infrastructure from network builders to service providers to final consumers is to encourage individuals and small enterprises to deploy and operate infrastructure networks, so that the laying of digital-centered infrastructure on a global scale is more efficient, democratic and cost-effective. From telecommunications to data warehouses and data sensors to the layout of computing power and models, the potential for technology acceleration is unlimited. According to the research report of leading institutions in the industry, the market scale is expected to reach by. In terms of time, there is not much time left for the track at this time, but in terms of market scale, the track is obviously still in a very early stage. This paper mainly combs the development context of 2000, introduces the analysis of the situation of participation, and looks forward to the development trend of 2000. The development context of 2000 is a new concept that pops up suddenly for many practitioners. The reason why it has attracted attention is only because the market performance of concept tokens has been amazing recently, but in fact, the concept has gone through a long time. The concept of decentralized physical infrastructure network was formally put forward in the research report released at the beginning of the year, which will be defined as the deployment of real-world physical infrastructure and hardware networks by using encrypted economic protocols. In short, it is based on blockchain token incentives to promote all participants to build physical infrastructure networks, and gives a fairly optimistic market forecast, which is expected to reach a trillion-dollar scale in 2008. Therefore, the concept was once highly concerned by the market, but in fact this time. It's just that the starting point of appellation has been proved by physical workload before, and concepts such as physical infrastructure network inspired by tokens have been put forward one after another, but in the end, the evolution of appellation was finally adopted in the initiated community voting, and the project of deploying physical infrastructure and hardware network in the real world by using encrypted economic protocols has actually existed for a long time. For example, decentralized network was established in, decentralized storage was established in, and teams from communication storage and other sub-sectors spontaneously explored it at that time. How to build a physical infrastructure network by decentralization? Later, the fields such as Internet energy data collection gradually joined in. Although the subdivision fields were different, the core logic was the same, so the concept of today's prosperous track was finally formed. After it was put forward in January of last year, the heat lasted less than a month and then subsided. After all, the market was still in a deep bear, but some investment institutions and entrepreneurs began to lay out, and these very early actions were difficult to be captured by the market. In April, 2008, the Hong Kong Carnival once again became a hot spot in the industry, largely because the Hong Kong SAR government has the highest acceptance of the field and is more suitable for early landing, so it continues to attract some investment institutions, entrepreneurs and even the layout of relevant government departments. Similarly, these very early actions are difficult to be captured by the market until August, 2008, when the concept token represented by equality soared to become the hottest track outside the inscription, and this round of enthusiasm was actually pushed by multiple factors. The most obvious thing that can be seen in the moving market is that the whole encryption market has changed from bear to ox, but why only the inscription shines brightly? So we have to examine the special reasons behind it. As mentioned just now, the track has always been laid out by investment institutions and entrepreneurs. The market environment at the beginning of the year is not suitable and the new paradigm is still being explored, so few new projects have been launched by the end of the year, whether the market environment is improving or entrepreneurs' exploration has accumulated many projects from the initial rationale. The idea gradually took shape, so it began to be introduced into the market one after another, and the actions were captured by the market. At this time, it quickly occupied an important position in the market with weak technological innovation. In 2000, its investment institutions focusing on technical facilities carried out strategic layout and continuous exploration around hardware service providers, developers and communities. Since its establishment in 2000, it has not only participated in the industry by way of investment, but also established its own hardware platform as the earliest and largest direct participant in the field. Leading projects in the field of Hehe distributed artificial intelligence, such as developing and promoting the hardware layout of Hehe, especially solving the problems of their supply chain and community service in Asia, have successfully captured the opportunities of the industry in the past four years, accumulated rich construction experience in continuous investment exploration and promotion, and accelerated the application in the real world, and gradually become the industry leader in the field, contributing their own strength to the growth of the industry with irreplaceable influence in the past year. For its investment institutions, it has not only invested in the global network of electric vehicle charging solutions, mobile network services and car networking based on blockchain, but also actively explored the possibility of projects in underdeveloped areas such as Africa, which fundamentally changed the local communication environment. The projects laid out in the year will gradually show the wide application and potential of technology. The following are only the relevant information of some cases laid out as early supporters and participants, and now they are actively participating. With the project, the number of subscribers to the current service has exceeded 100, which shows the rapid adoption and market penetration of its service. In the past few months, the token has increased more than the expected explosive growth of the network with the start of the national service. At the beginning of the year, the data usage of subscribers on the network has exceeded their online usage, indicating that users prefer to use the service rather than the traditional mobile operator, which shows that as a new service, it is successfully attracting and retaining it. Users have also begun to compete with traditional large-scale operators in data flow. In the past years, the first anniversary of the main network operation has been ushered in. With the manufacturing support of the layout hardware manufacturers, remarkable progress has been made in the field of vehicle data connection and analysis. It has been recognized in the top-level connected vehicle data platform company and specially introduced in the top-level project exhibition. Real-time vehicle valuation tools have been connected to more than 10,000 vehicles worth more than 100 million US dollars to help drivers maximize their vehicle value. By the end of the year, more than 100 devices have been connected to an analysis group that is expected to see greater growth in the new year. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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