一文速懂W3bstream:专门针对DePIN的L2 Rollup

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作者:IoTeX Foundation,翻译:比特币买卖交易网xiaozou





  • 物理资源网络(PRN):这类网络专注于位置相关硬件,交付独特的商品或服务。例如无线连接、通过特定区域传感器获取的地理空间情报,以及汽车服务等移动应用。

  • 数字资源网络(DRN):DRN激励可替代资源(如算力、存储或带宽)的硬件部署,支持针对诸如视频/音频渲染或存储服务之类的任务进行大型网络创建,而无需特定于位置的硬件。






(1)L2 Rollup:以太坊提倡将大部分数据处理和执行卸载到L2 Rollup网络,而不是完全依赖L1(主区块链)进行全部的工作。这些网络与主链一起运行,但处理交易的方式更加有效。






3、W3bstream:专门针对DePIN的L2 Rollup

如前所述,以rollup为中心的方法还可用来扩展DePIN应用程序。这种方法是IoTeX W3bstream背后的核心理念,IoTeX的L2网络专门为扩展DePIN项目创建,能够将大量的链下数据压缩(聚合)成更小的、可验证的零知识证明,以触发链上交易。现在让我们来看看这种方法的主要组件:

  • 主权智能设备:这些对于DePIN项目的数据可信度来说至关重要。这些设备部署在现实的物理世界中,不仅可以收集数据,还可以证明数据收集过程的可信度。

  • 数据可用性层:数据可用性层负责临时存储从设备接收到的数据。它既可以是链上的,也可以是链下的,由于其短期性质,它与永久存储不同。

  • 去中心化排序网络(DSN):DSN就从设备收集的数据达成共识,并将其存储在数据可用性层。这种共识对于进行任何有意义的计算来说都是必需的。

  • 去中心化聚合网络:该网络负责计算,从数据可用性层批量检索数据,并为一个或多个设备生成聚合的零知识证明。

  • L1网络:L1上的智能合约可以作为验证器来验证链下聚合器生成的零知识证明。通过这种方式,L1作为DePIN应用程序的信任基础和结算层。该架构的高层流程图如下:




  • 基于TEE:TEE通过在设备受保护区域隔离数据收集代码来确保安全的数据收集。这种方法还包括远程认证,支持设备操作外部验证和代码完整性。

  • 基于ZKP:此方法使设备能够在不泄露底层数据的情况下证明其数据收集的准确性。它会根据设备性能而有所不同,对于功能强大的设备使用板载ZKP生成,对于更加受限的设备使用远程生成。





  • 功能:执行数据预处理。数据来自不同的设备,网络会对数据进行处理,以确保数据的一致性和兼容性。

  • 验证过程:网络中的各节点通过两步验证数据:(1)确认数据收集过程的有效性,可以通过检查支持TEE的设备提供的认证报告,也可以通过验证该设备生成的证明来确认。(2)验证设备签名,确保数据源的真实性。


  • 预处理后:数据经过预处理并在网络内达成共识后,将存储在特定项目的数据可用性层。

  • 自定义存储解决方案:项目可以灵活选择喜欢的数据可用性层。这是通过可配置存储适配器实现的,支持将数据存储在所选的数据可用性层中。









  • 数据压缩电路:其功能类似于默克尔树,验证所有收集的数据都来自特定的默克尔树根。

  • 签名批量验证电路:批量校验来自设备的数据有效性,每个设备都关联一个签名。

  • DePIN计算电路:证明DePIN项目的特定计算逻辑(例如验证医疗保健项目中的步数或太阳能发电厂产生的能量)被正确执行。

  • 证明聚合电路:将所有证明聚合为一个证明,供L1智能合约进行最终验证。




The recent entry of bitcoin trading network into the encryption mainstream has brought some problems and challenges, such as decentralization, scalability, verifiability, authentication management and data trust. This paper will discuss some of these problems in depth and several solutions provided by the core team through their products. The decentralized physical infrastructure network represents a major transformation of the traditional Internet of Things system based on. The system is either cloud-centric, and the data from physical devices are transmitted to the cloud for processing and storage through the Internet of Things gateway, or edge-centric, and involves edge servers that process data closer to the source. Although these architectures are popular in the application of Internet of Things, they are centralized or hybrid in nature. However, an innovative method is introduced by integrating three core technologies, blockchain Internet of Things and token economics. This integration supports the creation of infrastructure networks and machine economy from the grassroots level. The special feature is that its community-driven model encourages the construction of applications for common interests instead of being centrally deployed and maintained by a single company. There are mainly two types of physical resource networks, which focus on location-related hardware to deliver unique goods or services, such as wireless connection, geospatial information obtained through sensors in specific areas, and automobile services. Mobile application digital resource networks encourage alternative resources, such as computing power storage or bandwidth, and support hardware deployment for video and audio rendering or Tasks such as storage services create large-scale networks without location-specific hardware ecology. Many start-ups are exploring in different aspects, such as decentralized computing, storage bandwidth, networks and communication protocols. No matter which category a project belongs to, it faces its own inherent challenges, such as establishing system authentication to solve privacy problems, especially scalability challenges. As mentioned above, scalability is a key challenge, which is determined by the inherent characteristics of applications. Usually, a large-scale network with a large number of devices generates and processes a large amount of data, and the integration with blockchain technology at the same time provides a strong trust foundation, but it also brings its own limitations. Blockchain is famous for its high trust, but it is limited by its limited processing capacity and high data storage. The contrast between this extensive network and data demand and the limited processing capacity of blockchain undoubtedly highlights the scalability challenge faced by applications. Ethereum has always adopted the solution of scalability. The way to solve the problem is to think of the road map of the center. This strategy is fundamentally a rethinking of the way of data processing and transaction execution in the blockchain network. Ethereum advocates offloading most of the data processing and execution to the network instead of relying entirely on the main blockchain to do all the work. These networks run together with the main chain, but the way to handle transactions is more effective. Batch trading networks collect transactions from the network and process them in batches. By packaging multiple transactions in batches, the network can be one by one than on the main chain. Dealing with transactions separately is more efficient. The certificate generation and verification network generates the certificate after processing transactions in batches. This certificate is an encrypted evidence to verify that all transactions processed in the network are valid, and then the network verifies this certificate through smart contracts. This process ensures the integrity of dealing with transactions on the network. Trust Anchor Although data processing is offloaded to the network, the blockchain retains its role as a core trust anchor. It achieves this by verifying the certificate from the network. Thus maintaining the integrity and security of the whole network, the effective state transition network receives these certificates and the corresponding state transition, which can handle this batch of transactions more efficiently. This method reduces the burden on the network and enables it to play the role of trust anchor more effectively and handle fewer but more critical tasks at the same time. This center-oriented method greatly enhances the scalability of Ethereum, and can be applied to the specially targeted center-oriented method as mentioned above with a little adjustment, and can also be used to expand applications. This method is the core idea behind the network, which is specially created for the expansion project to compress and aggregate a large amount of offline data into a smaller verifiable zero-knowledge certificate to trigger online transactions. Now let's take a look at the main components of this method, sovereign smart devices, which are very important for the data credibility of the project. These devices can not only collect data but also prove the credibility of the data collection process. The data availability layer is responsible for it. Temporary storage of data received from devices can be both on-chain and off-chain. Because of its short-term nature, it is different from permanent storage. Decentralized sorting networks reach a consensus on the data collected from devices and store them in the data availability layer. This consensus is necessary for any meaningful calculation. Decentralized aggregation networks are responsible for calculating the batch retrieval of data from the data availability layer and generating aggregated zero-knowledge proofs for one or more devices. The energy contract can be used as a verifier to verify the zero-knowledge proof generated by the aggregator under the chain. In this way, it is used as the trust foundation and settlement layer of the application. The high-level flow chart of the architecture is as follows. The following sections will analyze this architecture in more detail, starting with how to collect trusted data, then explaining the data preprocessing and data availability, and then discussing the process of aggregation proof generation. Trusted data collection is very important in the application, and it is mainly realized based on trusted execution in two ways. Line environment and zero-knowledge-based proof are based on ensuring safe data collection by isolating data collection codes in the protected area of equipment. This method also includes remote authentication to support external verification of equipment operation and code integrity. Based on this method, equipment can prove the accuracy of its data collection without revealing the underlying data, which will be different according to equipment performance. For powerful equipment, on-board generation is used, and for more limited equipment, the combination of remote generation and integration is improved. The credibility of application data collection affects the overall effectiveness of related financial systems. The future research will focus on improving efficiency, especially for devices with multiple sensors or complex data collection requirements. The second main component of data preprocessing and data availability architecture is data preprocessing and ensuring data availability. The decentralized sequencing network supports the network to provide services for multiple projects and solve the challenges of device diversity, especially the communication protocol. Decentralized sorting network functions perform data preprocessing, and data from different devices will be processed to ensure the number. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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