比特币ETF批准日临近 灰度提交的8-A表格究竟意味着什么?

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来源:Bitcoinist 编译:区块链骑士

灰度已向 SEC(美国证券交易委员会)提交了 8-A 表格,这表明他们在寻求推出现货 BTC ETF 方面取得了实质性进展。

在 1 月 4 日采取这一举措之前,富达和 Bitwise 也采取了类似行动,突显出旨在提供现货 ETF 的金融公司日益增长的趋势。

对于希望在交易所上市的公司来说,提交 8-A 表格是一项关键的监管要求。就 ETF 而言,这表明在产品获得批准之前,公司已做好在交易所交易的准备。

此举是 BTC ETF 审批流程的关键部分,Valkyrie 于 2021 年 10 月提交的 BTC 策略 ETF(BITO))就是证明。

灰度的决定尤其值得注意,因为它是在富达提交 8-A 文件仅一天后做出的,而且是在 SEC 的一个重要截止日期前做出的。

SEC 将在 1 月 10 日之前批准或否决 11 个现货 BTC ETF 申请,Ark Invest 将面临最终决定截止日期,在此之后不可能再拖延。


灰度的战略包括将其旗舰产品 GBTC 基金转换为现货 BTC ETF。

8 月份的一项法院裁决认为,SEC 最初拒绝灰度的现货 BTC ETF 申请是 「武断和反复无常的」。这一裁决要求 SEC 重新审查灰度的申请,这与该机构此前批准期货 BTC ETF 的做法形成了鲜明对比。

灰度的首席法务官 Craig Salm 在 8-A 表格发布前几分钟发布了一条神秘的推文,暗示了这一进展,他表示:「只是在填写一些表格」。他的帖子很快引起了 Crypto 资产社区的极大关注。

彭博 ETF 分析师 James Seyffart 对此持谨慎乐观态度,他指出,这些申请表明美国首批现货 ETF 有可能获得批准。不过,他也澄清说,这些 8-A 申请虽然必要,但并不保证一定会获得批准。

Seyffart 就富达昨天的 8-A 表还补充道:「这些需要在推出前完成,但这并不意味着它们已经获得批准或其它什么,我的理解是,这只是一个证券注册。」

「为了上市,ETF 仍然需要 19b-4 批准,他们需要一份有效的、批准已完成的 S-1 文件。目前还没有 19b-4 文件,S-1 只是初步文件,我仍在关注下周的情况。」

Walter Bloomberg 对此表示赞同,并强调富达和灰度公司提交的 8-A 申请表标志着现货 ETF 可能获得批准的进展。


「富达和灰度提交 8-A 表格显示了现货 BTC ETF 申请的进展。发行人提交 8-A 表格意味着允许发行人在交易所进行交易的注册,标志着现货 BTC ETF 可能获得批准的进展。」

富达最近的 8-A 注册,以及灰度的注册,都是在发行商为推出这些潜在的现货 BTC ETF 做充分准备的情况下进行的。这些准备工作包括讨论创建、赎回模式以及命名授权参与者。

据报道,灰度正在与摩根大通和高盛就其在拟议的现货 BTC ETF 中的角色进行谈判。

彭博社披露的这些讨论是在灰度最近向 SEC 提交的 S-3 申请修订版之后进行的,其中没有列出授权参与者。

随着 SEC 对这些 ETF 做出决定的最后期限临近,彭博社的 ETF 分析师 Seyffart 和 Eric Balchunas 目前仍然认为在 1 月 10 日之前获得批准的可能性为 90%。

据消息人士透露,正如 NewsBTC 今天报道的那样,批准决定最早可能会在明天宣布,这些 ETF 可能会在下周开始推出。

Source compilation blockchain knight gray has submitted a form to the US Securities and Exchange Commission, which shows that they have made substantial progress in seeking to launch the spot. Before taking this measure on May, Fidelity and other similar actions have highlighted the growing trend of financial companies aiming at providing the spot. For companies wishing to list on the exchange, submitting the form is a key regulatory requirement, which shows that the company is ready to trade on the exchange before the product is approved. It is a key part of the approval process. The strategy submitted in June is to prove that the decision of gray scale is particularly noteworthy, because it was made only one day after Fidelity submitted the documents and before an important deadline. It will be approved or rejected before June, and the deadline will face the final decision. After that, it is impossible to delay the bitcoin approval date. What gray scale does the submitted form mean? The strategy includes converting its flagship product fund into a spot month. A court ruled that the initial rejection of gray spot applications was arbitrary and capricious. This ruling called for a re-examination of gray spot applications, which was in sharp contrast to the agency's previous practice of approving futures. Gray chief law officer posted a mysterious tweet a few minutes before the release of the form, suggesting this progress. He said that he was just filling out some forms, and his post quickly attracted great attention from the asset community. Bloomberg analysts were cautiously optimistic about this. He pointed out that these applications showed that. The first batch of spot goods in the United States may be approved, but he also clarified that although these applications are necessary, there is no guarantee that they will be approved. Fidelity's table yesterday added that these applications need to be completed before the launch, but this does not mean that they have been approved or anything else. My understanding is that this is just a securities registration, and they still need a valid approval in order to go public. At present, there are no documents, but only preliminary documents. I am still paying attention to the situation next week, and I agree with this. It also emphasizes that the application forms submitted by Fidelity and Grayscale indicate the progress that the spot may be approved. What does the form submitted by Bitcoin near the approval date mean? Fidelity and Grayscale show the progress of the spot application. The registration of the issuer's submission of the form means that the issuer is allowed to trade on the exchange, which indicates the progress that the spot may be approved. Fidelity's recent registration and Grayscale registration are all made when the issuer is fully prepared to launch these potential spots. These preparations include discussing the creation of redemption mode and naming authorized participants. It is reported that Grayscale is negotiating with JPMorgan Chase and Goldman Sachs on its role in the proposed spot. Bloomberg disclosed that these discussions were conducted after Grayscale recently submitted a revised application, which did not list the authorized participants. As the deadline for making decisions on these approaches, Bloomberg analysts still believe that it is possible to get approval before May. According to sources, as reported today, the approval decision may be announced as early as tomorrow, and these may be launched next week. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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