1.5 BTC 存乱码 中本聪活了?抽丝剥茧寻真相

币圈资讯 阅读:34 2024-04-22 10:59:03 评论:0



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1.5 BTC 存乱码,抽丝剥茧寻真相


比特币现货 ETF 还没最终消息,整活的乐子人们已经忍不住了,就是代价可能高昂。

先有人往中本聪地址打了百万美元的比特币,群众惊呼教主复活,1月7日,又有不知名富豪花了 1.5 个 BTC,约合 66000 美元往比特币主网上刻了 8.93 MB 的乱码数据。

这个世界太疯狂,铭文都给 SEC 当伴娘。

图片说明:花费 1.5 BTC 的乱码铭文


数据永存,Arweave 绝活,市场不认可

吃瓜群众在震惊之余,也在纷纷猜测其用途和用意,Arweave 创始人 Sam 也顺势表示,“Arweave 存储同等数量的文件,仅需要 0.06 美元,约为比特币的百万分之一,并且表示 Arweave 已经经历五年的运营,足够经过市场的考验”。

实话实说,Sam 的表态不完全是蹭热点,Arweave 最早确实以“永久存储”概念闻名于世,但是其网络规模整体较小,并且社区内部并不团结,至少 Irys 前几天还在闹分叉。

也在此顺便提及下后续,Sam 和 Irys 已经和好了,他们不分家了,但是这种生态内部的公开矛盾竟然如此草草收场,我也是无法评价,至少在稳定性上,Arweave 还需要更长时间的考验,至少保证数据本身不会被分叉。

由此,比特币的永久性反而得到强化,Arweave 能不能保证 200 年的存储时效无法令人确信,但是大家都相信比特币活到 2140 年没啥大问题,毕竟,比特币的五轮牛熊,万亿市值不是开玩笑的。

在比特币现货 ETF 最终结果出炉前,诸如此类的“花活”不会少,难道真的会有人相信花 66000 X 7.17 = 473,220 RMB 是为了开玩笑吧?!

合理猜测,我认为这应该是 ORDI 的一次作秀,如柯南所言,真相永远只有一个。当然福尔摩斯也说过,When you have eliminated the impossibles,whatever remains,however improbable,must be the truth.(排除一切不可能的,剩下的即使再不可能,那也是真相)。



现如今的铭文市场已经到了一个拐点,根据 CMC 数据,最近一周铭文走势一路下滑,似乎 100 美元已经成为可望而不可即的美好梦想,如何吸收更多关注目光呢?

可选的一个方式是整狠活,6.6 万美金对于个人散户来说很多,但是对于某个项目方、庄家而言,也很难说的上是多么高昂的公关费用,但是已经上了各大媒体的版面头条,“出圈”效果一骑绝尘。

并且,最近的比特币主网手续费,一周内已经大跌了差不多 80%,相较于一周前的每日 300+ BTC,1 月以来基本只有 150 BTC左右,接近腰斩, 7 号更是只有 70+ BTC,再这样跌下去,不要说等不到比特币现货 ETF 币价一飞升天了,连旱涝保收的铭文手续费都要没了。

超凡的主张,需要有超凡的证据(Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence),目前并无证据,通篇只有猜测:

  • 匿名地址

  • 无效信息(乱码数据)

  • 使用铭文协议,而非通常比特币区块刻录方式

  • 铭文生态疲软之时

通过对以上信息的梳理,个人错误的可能性基本被排除,如果是经常使用铭文的老玩家 OG,不会不熟悉铭文操作方式,断然不会一直出错;然后是个人留存重要信息,这样的可能性也不大,因为目前可见的信息完全是乱码数据,真正的加密数据方式不会如此潦草。


  1. Storing garbled words to find out the truth, not crazy, not alive, bitcoin spot, not yet the final news, the fun people can't help it, that is, the price may be high. First, someone sent a million dollars to the address of Satoshi Nakamoto, and the bitcoin people exclaimed that the leader was resurrected, and an unknown rich man spent about US dollars on the main website of Bitcoin. The world is too crazy, and the inscriptions are given to bridesmaids. The pictures show the garbled inscriptions spent. The source data of the pictures are forever unique. The market does not recognize that the people who eat melons are shaking. Surprised, they are also speculating about its purpose and intention. The founder also said that it only costs about one millionth of Bitcoin to store the same number of files, and that it has been operating for five years and has stood the test of the market. To be honest, the statement is not entirely a hot spot. It was indeed famous for its concept of permanent storage at the earliest, but its network scale was small and the community was not United. At least a few days ago, it was still split. By the way, they followed up and reconciled. They did not live together. However, I can't evaluate the fact that the public contradiction within this ecology ended so hastily, at least it will take longer to test the stability, at least to ensure that the data itself will not be bifurcated, so that the permanence of Bitcoin will be strengthened, and whether the storage period of Bitcoin can be guaranteed in 2008 can't be convinced, but everyone believes that it is no big problem for Bitcoin to live to 2008. After all, the five-wheel bull-bear trillion market value of Bitcoin is not a joke, and such activities will not be done before the final results of Bitcoin spot are released. Don't some people really believe that flowers are for fun? Reasonable guess: I think this should be a show. As Conan said, there is always only one truth. Of course, Holmes also said that it is true to rule out all the impossible. Even if it is impossible again, the second crop of speculation on inscriptions is not ruled out behind the whole work. According to the data, the inscription market in returning home with the evening birds, becomes a fellow voyager has reached an inflection point. According to the data, the trend of inscriptions has been falling all the way in recent weeks. It seems that the US dollar has become an elusive beauty. How do you dream of attracting more attention? An optional way is to make a big profit. For individual retail investors, it is a lot, but it is hard to say how high the public relations cost is for a certain project banker. But it has already made headlines in major media, and the service fee of Bitcoin's main network has fallen sharply in a week. Compared with the daily month a week ago, it is almost only about the waist-cutting number, and it is only necessary to fall like this again. Don't say no, wait. By the time the current currency price of Bitcoin has soared to the sky, even the inscription fee for drought and flood protection will be gone. Extraordinary evidence is needed. At present, there is no evidence. Only guessing anonymous addresses, invalid information, garbled data, using inscription protocols instead of the usual bitcoin block burning method, the possibility of personal mistakes by combing the above information is basically ruled out. If an old player who often uses inscriptions is not unfamiliar with the operation mode, he will definitely not make mistakes all the time. It is unlikely that people will keep important information, because the currently visible information is completely garbled data, and the real encrypted data method will not be so sloppy, so only two options are more reliable after eliminating the above possibilities. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


  2. 公关活动,经过天价 NFT 时代的老韭菜们应该印象深刻,2021 年 Beeple 的作品拍出 6900 万美元,为疯狂的上一个牛市写下来最好的注脚;



铭文火热一直是波动的量子叠加态,迄今已经走过了 3 个小周期,只不过 2023 年 10 月以来接续的较为完美,但是目前的铭文是肉眼可见的不太活跃,如果这时候加一把新柴,说不定就能继续小阳春。



  1. Someone spent $66,000 to inscribe data onto Bitcoin. No one knows what it says.

  2. https://twitter.com/ord_io/status/1743768753991500155

  3. https://x.com/samecwilliams/status/1743920661431468192?s=20


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