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作为Web3行业基石一样存在的去中心化存储,在大热的DePIN赛道继续绽放光芒。其中的重要代表——Datamall Coin(DMC)正在引领数据确权和共享的新时代,旨在建立一个释放数据价值的去中心化多链存储网络。这一网络不仅挑战传统的数据存储模式,还通过其先进的去中心化技术,如CYFS协议、DSG协议和DMC协议,为数据的存储、检索和分发提供了革命性的激励机制。这些技术为构建完全分散的dApps奠定了基础,以CYFS协议为例,它代表了下一代的去中心化技术,通过对传统Web基础协议的升级和替代(TCP/IP+DNS+HTTP),它承诺带来一个完全去中心化且自由的Web3世界,为web3各行业提供去中心化存储底层服务。





DMC的底层协议CYFS 综合了传统 HTTP 协议和 IPFS 的优势,每个 CYFS 系统的参与者都会被赋予一个 Device ID(DID),代表了系统参与者的设备。使用 CYFS 存储数据时会同时获得一个 DID 和 CID,DID 就代表了这个文件的上传者,即使这个文件被其他设备备份,文件的 DID 和 CID 也不会发生改变。这就实现了数据确权,无论经历了多少次修改或者复制,文件的上传者都通过 DID 被锁定。

并且CYFS 中的一切行为都是有激励的。通过存储市场供需关系来进行鼓励真实的存储行为。 CYFS 中的检索过程更快,效率更高,同时也可以进行数据的海量分发,以及能够构建完全去中心化的 dApp。 

在实际的应用上,DMC 进行过矿工的招募,具有存储资源的矿工都可以成为存储供应商,为市场上的需求者提供存储服务,目前总的有效存储空间为 92766 TB,并且还在不断增长中。DMC 此前也和维基百科、加州大学伯克利分校 Immerex 虚拟现实实验室等伙伴达成了合作意向。



DMC团队不仅仅深耕自己链的技术,还在为行业的发展奠定技术基石。近日 DMC 的首席工程师刘智聪和技术顾问 William 向以太坊提交了 ERC-7585 协议,这一协议增强了公共数据存储的验证 。解决了去中心化数据市场、存储和预言机面临的关键挑战,为依赖于可验证公共数据的应用程序打开了新的可能性。特别是 MixHash 算法,预计将极大地影响区块链上数据的存储和验证方式,促进更大的信任和可靠性。从实际应用来看,它直接解决了 NFT 的存储和确权的问题。 

而且ERC-7585 协议更实际的应用则意味着,在去中心化存储上,EVM兼容的链以后都有机会去使用存储证明,而不需要再开展一条新链。

这个协议目前的实现难度还是较大的,但是DMC的首席工程师刘智聪告诉比特币买卖交易网记者,团队曾成功运营全球超过50%的P2P数据流量,在迅雷和FlashGet等明星项目上的深厚技术和市场积累,在推动DMC项目发展的过程中发挥了关键作用。随着即将发布的一系列重大更新,DMC将在保持10亿枚代币的总供应量的情况下,促进存储价值在多链生态中的自由流通,并进行数据的价值发现,让“DMC存储即价值”的理念深入人心,打通 WEB2到WEB3的数据之路,真正实现去中心化数据存储的确权、共享和价值解锁。


DMC的创始人和董事长Victor Chen告诉比特币买卖交易网记者,目前去中心化存储的一大赛道的一大痛点便是把真实的供需关系引入到数据交易中。


DMC系统中的代币DMC(Datamall Coin )在2023年1月进行了豪威测试,豪威测试结果证明DMC是一种实用性代币。从测试报告可以看出,DMC 的创建和结构是为满足购买者在网络上的需求而量身定制的,并且只根据实际可用的存储空间进行分配。

由此可见,DMC 的价值来自可以被真正的用于存储。用户可以通过 DMC 代币购买存储空间服务, 同时也能通过共享自己的存储空间成为矿工获得 DMC 代币,让 DMC 在去中心化存储中真正的被运用起来。

而在区块链存储生态方面,DMC代币将作为功能性,实用性的 token 支持到各种优秀公链, 通过对多个公链的跨链支持,将其具有竞争力的数据存储服务输出给其他区块链的应用。

在DMC 生态系统中,Foggie Max 作为世界上首个 DePIN 服务器。它不仅是一台先进 的Web3服务器,更是扩展性 DePIN 的典范,为用户构建了一个安全、可靠且尊重隐私的 数字空间。Foggie Max 为用户提供了一个高效的解决方案,使他们能够有效地管理、控制 和保护其数据。借助这一平台,用户可以进行分布式数据存储,出租自己的存储空间,并使用保护隐私的 dApps。此外,Foggie Max 还实现了本地物联网数据的安全隐私存储。

面向未来, Victor Chen告诉比特币买卖交易网记者,随着技术的发展和供需关系引入到DMC多链生态的发展,会有大量的链游、SocialFi等项目存储到DMC上。这些存储的落地,也将是去中心化存储赛道的一个跨越式发展。而DMC也将致力于搭建一个去中心化的物理系统,并把真实有效的数据存储证明和纳什共识模型推广到整个Web3中。


Decentralized storage, as the cornerstone of the industry, continues to shine in the hot track, among which important representatives are leading the new era of data confirmation and sharing, aiming at establishing a decentralized multi-chain storage network that releases data value. This network not only challenges the traditional data storage mode, but also provides a revolutionary incentive mechanism for data storage, retrieval and distribution through its advanced decentralized technologies such as protocols and protocols, which laid the foundation for building a completely decentralized network. Taking the protocol as an example, it represents the next generation of decentralized technology, which promises to bring a completely decentralized and free world by upgrading and replacing the traditional basic protocol, and provides decentralized storage underlying services for various industries. At present, decentralized storage is mostly based on the protocol and introduces new solution protocols, which represents the next generation of decentralized technology, and brings a completely decentralized and free world technical advantage and landing through upgrading and replacing the traditional basic protocol. The underlying protocol of sex combines the advantages of traditional protocols and sums. Each system participant will be given a device that represents the system participant. When using the stored data, he will get a sum at the same time, which represents the uploader of this file. Even if this file is backed up by other devices, the sum of files will not change, which realizes the data confirmation. No matter how many times the uploader of the modified or copied file has been locked, and all the behaviors in it are motivated to supply and demand through the storage market. Relationship to encourage the real storage behavior, the retrieval process is faster and more efficient, and at the same time, the massive distribution of data can be carried out, and miners with storage resources can be recruited in practical applications. At present, the total effective storage space is and is still growing, and it has been reached with partners such as Wikipedia, the Virtual Reality Laboratory of the University of California at Berkeley. The intention of cooperation is not only to make storage more convenient and usable in practical application and promotion, but also to encourage miners and users to apply storage technology innovation to promote the ecological development of blockchain storage. The team is not only deeply cultivating its own chain technology, but also laying a technical foundation for the development of the industry. Recently, chief engineer Liu Zhicong and technical consultants submitted an agreement to Ethereum, which enhanced the verification of public data storage and solved the problem of decentralized data market storage. The key challenge faced by the storage and prediction machine opens up new possibilities for applications that rely on verifiable public data. In particular, the algorithm is expected to greatly affect the storage and verification methods of data on the blockchain, promoting greater trust and reliability. From the practical application point of view, it directly solves the problem of storage and confirmation, and the more practical application of the protocol means that after decentralized storage, all compatible chains have the opportunity to use storage proof without developing a new chain. The previous implementation was still difficult, but Liu Zhicong, the chief engineer of Bitcoin Trading Network, told the reporter team that it had successfully operated more than the global data traffic, and the deep technology and market accumulation in star projects such as Thunder and others played a key role in promoting the development of the project. With a series of major updates to be released soon, it will promote the free circulation of storage value in the multi-chain ecology while maintaining the total supply of hundreds of millions of tokens, and discover the value of data, so that storage can be priced immediately. The concept of value is deeply rooted in people's hearts, and the road to data is truly realized. The founder and chairman of the board of directors who introduced the real supply and demand of the market and cultivated on the track told the reporter of Bitcoin Trading Network that one of the major pain points of the current decentralized storage track is to introduce the real supply and demand relationship into data trading, and innovatively integrate the Nash Consensus mechanism in economic model to establish a fair decentralized data storage and trading market. The price is dynamically determined by the pure relationship between supply and demand, aiming at realizing the fair pricing of storage services. Our reward mechanism is specially designed to commend those participants who have contributed to reaching a market consensus, and to ensure that the rights and interests of both the supply and demand sides in the economic model are treated equally. The Howe test in the system was carried out in June, and the results show that it is a practical token. From the test report, it can be seen that the creation and structure of the token are tailored to meet the needs of buyers on the Internet and are only based on reality. The available storage space is allocated, so the visible value comes from the fact that it can be really used for storage, users can buy storage space services through tokens, and at the same time, they can become miners by sharing their own storage space and get tokens to be really used in decentralized storage. In terms of blockchain storage ecology, tokens will be used as functional and practical support to various excellent public chains, and their competitive data storage services will be exported to other areas through cross-chain support to multiple public chains. The application of blockchain in the ecosystem, as the first server in the world, is not only an advanced server, but also a model of expansibility. It has built a safe, reliable and privacy-respecting digital space for users, and provided an efficient solution for users to effectively manage, control and protect their data. With this platform, users can store distributed data, rent their own storage space and use it to protect their privacy. In addition, it has realized the safe and private storage of local Internet of Things data. Storage for the future tells the reporters of Bitcoin Trading Network that with the development of technology and the relationship between supply and demand introduced into the development of multi-chain ecology, a large number of chain tours and other projects will be stored on the internet. The landing of these stores will also be a leap-forward development of decentralized storage track, and they will also devote themselves to building a decentralized physical system and popularizing the real and effective data storage proof and Nash Consensus model to the whole world, which is essential and hot for both the world and the real world infrastructure. In the future, we can look forward to showing multi-chain ecological prosperity with other public chains, bringing the first server into thousands of households so that everyone can easily enter the world and protect their data ownership. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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