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Web3 社交是继Defi之后,各资本和链生态争相布局并长期看好的赛道。作为一个不算是新叙事的领域,2024年或将见证令人眼前一亮的项目出现,掌握着Web3社交新的开放模式。Dsyncle作为该领域的新秀项目,是否已经找到了破解Web3社交挑战的正确方向?其打造的社交化交易生态或将为这个赛道及相关生态带来新的变化。

社交作为人与人形成连接的一种方式,带动了信息、资源、商品等的流通,社交的重要性及普适性不言而喻;因其极高的天花板和巨大的价值,社交产品在资本市场拥有巨大的想像力,各大链生态也争相布局或拥抱社交。在Web2 平台频频发生数据泄露、隐私风波、算法偏见的当下,Web3社交成为了热搜关键词,“Crypto-native social apps”成为顶级机构Paradigm的十大关注领域;”DeSoc“被Messari列为2024年重点看好赛道。


1 Web3社交的价值

1.1 价值和权力再分配



重塑创作者经济:Web3社交将内容创作者成为“真正的掌控者”,如Write to Earn模式根据作品点击、转发等可量化属于获取平台Token变现,也可像Lens一样为创作者提供增收渠道;此外,创作者铸造内容NFT,版权保护也可得到保证。

1.2 治理权下放


1.3 去中心化身份联通

在传统Web2社交中,多平台身份的不互通成为Web2数字身份的痛点,在Web3社交场景中,拟打造通用的数字身份,可以在可组合性更强、更开放的协议中体验丰富的场景。例如,用户在CyberConnect、Lens Protocol中用同一个ID身份来体验各种社交行为。

1.4 新的资产形态和合作方式

Web3社交可以将行为或结果铸造成为某种新的资产形态,进行交易或赋予某些权益;这也将产生更丰富的合作方式及价值分配。比如Mirror可以共同持有内容作品获得版税、在Chiliz持有一些Token参与体娱俱乐部的事务决策、Debank Hi的付费聊天、Friend. Tech的购key入群等等。

2 Web3社交的尝试

2.1 百花齐放

Web3社交赛道,无论是专属的链、协议或应用都在各自的专项方向为Web3社交打开真正的大门而努力。其中有L1的Deso,协议层的CyberConnect【龙头赛道之一,三个核心组件:CyberProfile(去中心化数字身份)、CC Social Graph(社交关系图谱和钱包Cyber Wallet)】、Lens【过100个生态产品】、Farcaster【据说Vitalik Buterin 在使用】,以及代表性的Mirror、Damus、Friend.Tech、Debank-Hi / Stream、Debox、Etherscan的Blockscan等等百花齐放。


2.2 面临困境



l缺乏破圈效应的应用。当前的Web3社交产品营销效果不佳,开放数量少、社区宣传缺乏规模效应,过度PUA等活动口碑不佳;付费意识未形成,大部分用户习惯了在Web2社交免费使用,而对于Web3社交需要购买Profile NFT 、支付 Gas互动等支付行为来进行社交互动的模式无法理解;大部分Web3社交应用复制Web2社交平台模式,在没有重大创新的前提下,能解决的痛点对于用户吸引力有限,用户FOMO、迫切程度相对较低;


对于原生的Web3用户而言,在没有其他重大需求前提下,使用X、Discord、Telegram、 Wechat 等这些Web2社交应用基本可以满足需求。

3 Dsyncle,破解Web3社交的挑战

Dsyncle,刚上线公测的一款Web3 社交应用,其另辟蹊径的切入点、实用性以及空投吸引了众多KOL、社区及Web3数字游民的关注和使用。接下来,我们一起来简析一下Dsyncle是否破解了Web3社交的正确打开方式。

3.1 Dsyncle是什么?

从其公开的网站、X及相关资料来看,Dsyncle是一款交易驱动型Web3 IM,基于Nostr构建IM底层,配合他们开发的TradeDivi(Cake)、Sketch协议,把CEX、DEX、其他Defi、流量撮合交易等场景通过IM的方式进行了融合,充分简化了交易,降低了交易门槛;并匹配了一套激励机制,促进用户交易。

3.2 Dsyncle 亮点



想象一下,如果一群人关注的是通过交易获取利益,那么作为立项而言,应该为这群人更好地交易提供服务;那么作为Web3社交如果提供的是数据所有权、治理权、内容确权/ 策展等等,这群人接受度有多高?如果Web3社交提供这群人更好交易辅助服务,比如及时的信息推送、共识圈子的交流、简便的交易工具等等,让这群人找到同好、不错过好的交易机会、更方便地传播和交易而不用切换应用、同时构建自己的交易DID画像获得更多的收益可能,那么这群人会很容易接受并长期使用。如果再加上“没有任何损失的情况下,获得空投”呢?那几乎所有人都会喜欢。如果这种激励是可持续的,那这样的Web3社交,没有不火的理由。








目前Dsyncle在公测“白名单”阶段,还是有不少短期和长期 Incentives 可以领取;对于普通Web3 用户,也已开放体验,可领取DSC空投,感兴趣的朋友可以去看下。






Dsyncle的切入点很有意思,也是当前Web3用户的刚需;从产品设计上也确实满足了用户的一些需求,降低了门槛;从其价值空间、营销有效性、时机把控及未来叙事看,应该会受到资本及链生态的青睐,目前尚未看到其融资情况公布,也许项目方尚未公布;当然,在Fair Launch逐渐流行的当下,作为Web3社交应用,其本身强大的社区属性,Dsyncle也许会选择Fair Launch的方式也不一定,当然,那将会是一次新的革命,我们拭目以待。


Socialization is a track that has been laid out by various capitals and chain ecology for a long time. As a field that is not a new narrative, it will witness the emergence of eye-catching projects. As a rookie project in this field, has it found the right direction to solve social challenges? The socialized trading ecology it has created will bring new changes to this track and related ecology. Socialization, as a way of connecting people, has driven the circulation of information resources and commodities. The importance and universality of social interaction is self-evident. Because of its high ceiling and great value, social products have great imagination in the capital market, and all major chains of ecology are also scrambling to lay out or embrace social interaction. At present, data leakage and privacy turmoil frequently occur on the platform, and the algorithm bias has become a hot search keyword, and it has become the top ten areas of concern for top organizations. It has been listed as the key focus of the year, and it is optimistic about the track. Although social communication is not a new narrative, it has been highly anticipated or long-term optimistic, with decentralized and anti-censorship users as the center. Socialization with the characteristics of digital assets empowerment, identity interoperability and so on has been an area that major projects have been trying to break through since then. Social value, value and power redistribution enable the value neglected in social interaction or acquired by the platform to be discovered and hopefully be more fairly released and distributed through social interaction, return ownership to users, and ensure user sovereignty through decentralization of data uplink nodes, including consumer preference, privacy, digital assets and identity sovereignty. Economic socialization will make the content creator a real controller, such as the mode of clicking and forwarding according to the work, which can be quantified. It can also provide the creator with a channel to increase income. In addition, the creator can also ensure the copyright protection of the content. Decentralization of governance is different from the platform's absolute governance. A considerable part of the governance is decentralized from the platform to the community, and the content review and ownership can be handed over to the community users, which can be more democratic and transparent through the process of holding or distributing governance rights. In traditional social communication, the non-interoperability of multi-platform identities has become the pain point of digital identity. In social scenes, it is planned to build a universal digital identity, which can experience rich scenes in more combinable and open protocols. For example, users can experience various social behaviors with the same identity, and new asset forms and cooperation methods can cast behaviors or results into some new asset forms for trading or give certain rights and interests, which will also produce richer cooperation methods and value distribution, such as You can hold content works together and get royalties. You can hold some paid chats to participate in the decision-making of sports clubs and other social attempts. All kinds of social tracks, whether exclusive chain protocols or applications, strive to open real doors for social interaction in their own special directions. One of the leading tracks in some protocol layers, three core components, decentralized digital identity, social relationship maps and wallets, and an ecological product are said to be in use and representative, and so on. Different social projects have their own characteristics, advantages and supporting scenarios. However, they mainly focus on the function realization supported by the underlying technology itself. In a sense, it is a new demand or concept for the current users based on social interaction. Of course, from the perspective of the development of Internet civilization and technological iteration, this direction is definitely correct. The demand that can be realized by technology will also become the real demand of users. Of course, time will give the answer and face difficulties. According to the data of social users' scale and social projects, social activities still face some difficulties. The login threshold restricts the inflow of new users. Different chain fees and other uses have caused certain obstacles to new users' entry. The current social product marketing effect is not good, the open number is small, the community propaganda lacks excessive scale effect and other activities, and the awareness of payment is not good. Most users are used to using it freely in social activities, but they need to buy and pay each other for social needs. It is impossible to understand the mode of social interaction by waiting for payment behavior. Most social applications copy the social platform model, and the pain points that can be solved without major innovation are limited to users. The urgency of users is relatively low, and social applications are still sticky to users. Because of the first-Mover advantage of traditional social media, social applications are not only large in user base, but also long-term active users. These users have established a number of mature relationships in social products and abandoned their original social capital to enter. There are fewer users of unconventional products, and it is very difficult for these users to use them without other major needs. These social applications can basically meet the needs and solve the social challenges. A social application that has just been launched for public beta has attracted the attention and use of many communities and digital vagrants. Next, let's analyze whether the correct way to open social activities has been cracked, from its open website and phase. According to the relevant information, it is a transaction-driven model, which is based on the construction of the bottom layer and the agreement developed by them. It fully simplifies the transaction, lowers the transaction threshold and matches a set of incentive mechanisms to promote the user's transaction highlights. The design of the entry point is ingenious, unlike most social applications, which choose a transaction that almost everyone is doing from the concept of ownership creator economy or pure mode. This has to admire the team's brain hole transaction. Most people's understanding should be carried out on the platform, which is also neglected by many social application projects. Imagine that if a group of people are concerned about obtaining benefits through transactions, they should provide better services for this group of people as a project. Then, as a social event, if they provide data ownership, governance, content confirmation, curation, etc., how high is the acceptance of this group of people? If social events provide this group of people with better transaction assistance services, such as timely information push, consensus circle exchange and simple communication. Easy tools, etc. let this group of people find good trading opportunities, spread and trade more conveniently without switching applications and building their own trading portraits to get more benefits. Maybe then this group of people will accept it easily and use it for a long time. If they get an airdrop without any loss, almost everyone will like it. If this incentive is sustainable, there is no reason why this kind of socialization is not hot. From the marketing point of view, satisfying demand is always better than creating demand. The value of socialization does exist, but it is not necessarily that a large number of urgent needs can directly capture its price. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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