
币圈资讯 阅读:38 2024-04-22 10:30:00 评论:0



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作者:Marjan Alirezaie, William Hoffman, Paria Zabihi, Hossein Rahnama and Alex Pentland;来源:JRFM;编译:刘诗钰

2024年1月,JRFM发布了“Decentralized Data and Artificial Intelligence Orchestration for Transparent and Efficient Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Trade Financing”一文,该文对人工智能对中小型企业融资的作用进行了研究。由于数据源的差异性、合同的冲突、居住要求以及贸易金融供应链中对多种人工智能(AI)模型的需求,中小型企业(SMEs)由于资源有限,在利用人工智能能力以提高业务效率和可预测性方面受到阻碍。本文介绍了一种去中心化的AI编排框架,该框架优先考虑透明度和可解释性,为资金提供方(如银行)提供有价值的洞察,帮助他们克服评估SMEs财务信誉所面临的挑战。通过利用涉及符号推理器、语言模型和数据驱动的预测工具的编排技术,该框架使资金提供方能够就现金流预测、融资利率优化和生态系统风险评估做出更加明智的决策,最终促进SMEs更好地获取出货前贸易融资,增强整个供应链运作。中国人民大学金融科技研究所(微信ID:ruc_fintech)对研究核心部分进行了编译。




      - 一个由AI驱动的协同能力套件(包括机器学习、机器推理和知识图谱),以提高AI使用的准确性、可靠性和合规性;

      - 一个去中心化的、跨行业数据集网络,这些数据集已预先批准、符合法律合规,并旨在解决一系列潜在的隐私和数据风险;

      - 提供基于文本的自然语言界面,依赖于大型语言模型(LLM),作为将决策支持能力扩展到一线从业者和相关利益相关者的手段。












2.2 方法

如图3所示,开发协同AI解决方案的方法依赖于神经符号方法(Hitzler et al., 2022),该方法由数据驱动的机器学习技术(由红色层表示)与知识驱动模型(由蓝色和绿色层表示)的融合组成。从最接近原始数据的右侧开始,红色层包含持续进行的学习过程,这些过程不断从各种来源接收数据并更新模型的参数,以确保其相关性和准确性。相比之下,蓝色层选择了迄今为止训练精度最高的最佳性能模型,并将其与来自不同方,包括资金提供者、物流提供者等的额外领域知识整合。








Liu Shiyu, the author's source compilation, published an article in June, which studies the role of artificial intelligence in financing of small and medium-sized enterprises. Due to the differences of data sources, the conflicting requirements of contracts and the demand for various artificial intelligence models in the trade and finance supply chain, small and medium-sized enterprises are hindered in using artificial intelligence capabilities to improve business efficiency and predictability due to limited resources. This paper introduces a decentralized arrangement framework, which gives priority to transparency and interpretability as funds. Providers, such as banks, provide valuable insights to help them overcome the challenges of evaluating financial reputation. By using the arrangement technology involving symbolic reasoning language model and data-driven forecasting tools, this framework enables fund providers to make more informed decisions on cash flow forecasting, financing interest rate optimization and ecosystem risk assessment, and ultimately promote better access to pre-shipment trade financing and enhance the operation of the entire supply chain. WeChat at the Institute of Financial Technology of China Renmin University is the core part of the research. Small and medium-sized enterprises, the lifeblood of the global economy, have provided two-thirds of employment opportunities and contributed more than the whole world. Although their importance is self-evident, they are facing great challenges in obtaining working capital for financing operations. This restriction may seriously affect their growth, expansion and competitiveness. Due to the difficulty in evaluating their credit risk, they are faced with a series of additional liquidity challenges. They usually have limited financial history and lack or fail. Mature business indicators make it difficult for financial service providers to evaluate their credit status and provide appropriate trade financing conditions. These factors may lead to long-term neglect in trade financing. About financing applications are rejected, and they usually have to rely on post-shipment financing, which further leads to their inefficiency and delay in meeting working capital requirements. Based on the preliminary findings of a government pilot project funded by the federal government for many years, this paper promotes the application of emerging artificial intelligence and data technology. In order to improve the effect of trade credit risk assessment, the project focuses on using artificial intelligence to creatively strengthen the resilience of supply chain. This paper puts forward an innovative framework, which innovates in the following three dimensions, a driven collaborative capability suite including machine learning, machine reasoning and knowledge map to improve the accuracy, reliability and compliance of use, and a decentralized cross-industry data set network. These data sets have been pre-approved to meet legal compliance and In order to solve a series of potential privacy and data risks, providing a text-based natural language interface relies on a large-scale language model as a means to extend decision support capabilities to front-line practitioners and related stakeholders. These technological innovations are collectively aimed at solving long-term liquidity challenges and strengthening the resilience of the supply chain. In addition to increasing the flow of working capital and improving access to pre-shipment trade financing, this paper also provides information on how to implement the principle of credible governance and responsible fairness. Private data cooperation to ensure the sustainable, inclusive and trustworthy results of business. As widely pointed out in public-private data cooperation literature, enterprise data assets are widely underestimated in the reuse of public interests. This paper provides a more comprehensive and applied understanding of how enterprise data assets and collaborative capabilities can be integrated and used responsibly and legally to strengthen the resilience of the supply chain and the economic growth of suppliers in the global supply chain. The traditional linear supply chain model is shown in the figure. It shows that it is composed of buyers, small and medium-sized enterprises, suppliers and logistics providers. From the time when buyers express interest in products or services provided by sellers, logistics providers play a key role in delivering goods, managing logistics and promoting communication between buyers and sellers. In this model, goods purchased from manufacturers provide the necessary funds to produce goods needed to meet customers' orders, which means that if there is not enough working capital to deliver the goods specified in the invoice, they may not be able to provide production. This may lead to the interruption of supply chain. In order to cope with these challenges, the author puts forward a nonlinear trade financing model, as shown in the figure, in which logistics providers and fund providers jointly enter the market with the dealer agreement that logistics providers provide their suppliers with white label pre-shipment trade financing. This model aims to help overcome the working capital challenges before shipment, strengthen the relationship with logistics providers and create market expansion opportunities for financial service providers. The nonlinear trade financing proposed in the figure is shown. The capital model has a significant impact on the existing relationship between logistics providers and financial service providers in the supply chain. This model aims to solve the working capital challenge before shipment, strengthen the relationship with logistics providers and create market expansion opportunities for financial service providers. By providing suppliers with white labels, logistics providers become key participants in promoting financial demand, which not only strengthens the relationship with logistics providers, but also creates a new cooperation for them. Dimension because logistics providers play a role in providing financial support, in addition, this model creates market expansion opportunities for financial service providers, so that they can provide unique customized solutions to solve liquidity problems. This improved understanding of credit status enables banks to provide loans at more attractive interest rates, which ultimately reduces the capital costs of these companies. Before going into the technical details of the proposed methods, the author briefly reviews the existing solutions and similar solutions in the literature. The development of the problem The artificial intelligence-driven supply chain solution materials and methods diagram provides an overview of the proposed framework for the pre-shipment trade finance coordinator of small and medium-sized enterprises. At the application level, the framework consists of two main parts: the interface layer, the white part and the layer, which are displayed in green, blue and red. In addition, the system involves various roles, such as fund providers, buyers and suppliers, who all interact with the system. In this section, an in-depth explanation of the proposed collaborative model will be provided. Materials and method data involved: The framework of this model integrates transaction data from different commercial fields such as logistics banks and suppliers, and the data contributed by logistics providers include shipping details, invoices, customer files and metadata reflecting financial behaviors such as payment delay and transaction value. The mixture of static customer information location and dynamic time-stamped invoice solution data provides a comprehensive view of customer interaction. Financial institutions such as banks increase the depth of data such as deposit and withdrawal, time stamp, loan history and compliance with bank policies through transaction records. It is worth mentioning that in order to implement the proposed model, the author advocates the use of distributed and cross-border 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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