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作者:Haotian,独立研究员 来源:X,@tmel0211



ETH Plasma = BTC 状态通道;ETH Validium = BTC 侧链;ETH Rollup = BTC 客户端验证。

不难看出,以太坊Plasma对应比特币生态Lightning Network,承接了BTC的安全性性,但HTLC合约目前受限于小额支付Payment方向;以太坊Validium对应比特币生态的侧链,扩展性很强悍,但一套独立的共识让它始终不受主流认可;以太坊Rollup我倾向于对应比特币生态的客户端验证,安全性、可扩展性,去中心化特性会取综合权衡点,以太坊Rollup也正因为此成了一条主流焦点赛道。

顺着以太坊ZK-Rollup的思路,我们以比特币客户端验证为突破口,比特币layer2 Rollup方案该如何构建呢?以@BsquaredNetwork为例探讨下:


在一个完整的以太坊ZK-Rollup中,链下环节包括Sequencer收集并batch交易,会生成ZK SNARK证明和Merkle树等打包同步到主网Calldata,然后链下会把ZK SNARK证明经过Prover系统的验证,将最终的State diff上传到主网,主网根据State root根再结合Calldata中的区块数据,验证数据的完整性和一致性,最终完成Finality状态确认。

Bsquare的客户端部分,主要包含Rollup layer 和DA layer两大部分,Rollup layer的工作流程大致为:Sequencer 收集并Batch交易,先同步到去中心化存储环境下一份,然后经zkEVM生成Proof证明,与此同时把交易Raw data,Merkle树以及Bitcoin state等数据汇总成Aggregator联合Proof证明一起同步给DA layer的B²nodes。

过程中有两个差异,一方面比特币需要将TXs原始数据同步到去中心化存储环境下,而zk-Rollup默认了本地环境存储;另一方面以太坊可以直接把数据汇总同步到主网Call Data,但比特币主网存储量有限,验证能力缺失,因此Bsquare将这些数据同步到了客户端环境下的B²nodes。

2)Data Availability部分

在以太坊系统中,主网来给Rollup链输出DA能力,Rollup把数据同步到Calldata的操作目的正为主网的DA验证能力,鉴于比特币主网不具备验证能力,DA功能由客户端环境下构建的DA layer来承担。

DA layer中的B²nodes在收到这部分Rollup汇总数据后,会进行电路编译操作,将数据压缩后以Inscription铭文的方式上传到比特币主网。与此同时B²nodes也会运转Prover系统对ZK证明进行去中心化验证生成比特币Commitment承诺,该承诺会连同Rollupdata等汇总数据一同去刻铭文。


1、为何不直接用Celestia这类第三方DA而选择自己构建,这正是比特币生态的特殊性所决定,B²node需要配备indexer索引器对inscribe到比特币主网的铭文进行去中心化解析和索引,同时生成的ZK Proof会议Commitment的形式上传到主网,在刻铭文的时候还需要对数据进行Circuit电路预编译压缩,以确保降低对主网存储空间的占用。


3)Challenge 部分

在ZK-Rollup中,主网Rollup合约的可通过Calldata中的打包数据和Prover上传到主网的State diff二次校验确保交易的完整性和一致性,这是主网具备验证能力,ZK技术的优势。


要如何做呢?大家回看我关于BitVM的文章就会知道,BitVM是一种理论假设下可以让比特币实现图灵完备计算的方案,只不过其预编译电路向比特币主网传输TXs的Taproot Tree方式过于消耗矿工费而不现实,如果借鉴BitVM的实现逻辑来进行挑战机制设计就不一样了。

挑战机制会在主网UTXO中锁仓BTC,一旦用户以BitVM的形式向layer2链发起挑战,就可以拿走提前锁仓在比特币主网的资产。而刻录在比特币主网的铭文以及公开透明的B²nodes等Raw data、Merkle树、Commitment承诺等都会成为用户发起挑战的证据,一旦挑战结果证明B²nodes中的一系列数据和主网铭刻的Inscription数据存在不一致问题,B²nodes的节点不仅会失去锁在主网UTXO中的资产,还需要将交易回滚,重新更新索引器和历史数据。

以上不难看出,比特币生态的layer2 Rollup方案有相当的技术复杂性和特殊性:比如客户端验证环节要基于去中心化存储将Sequencer产生的一切数据都留底,为了确保数据可追溯;又比如DA环节要在链下环境构建一套去中心化数据验证系统,并且通过Commitment承诺和刻录铭文的方式来保证DA数据的一致性;又比如即使采用了ZK技术,也需要配备公开透明的挑战机制以确保安全;整个过程要权衡一套去中心化、安全、可扩展性三个矛盾点得到一个公允的方案出来。


既然以太坊Rollup也还存在Rollup合约可Update的多签合约治理隐患,也不能百分百确保安全,大家相信的其实是一套相对透明公开的合约交互机制,那现在做不到绝对BTC共识安全,摆在面前是一套基于BitVM的透明公开挑战机制,虽然技术实现复杂太多,逻辑似乎也Make Sense。

总之,比特币Layer2这套ZK技术+客户端验证+DA铭刻+BitVM挑战的范式若逐渐得到市场认可,你觉得会成为新一轮的比特币layer2 Rollup标榜吗?

The author, an independent researcher, comes from Ethereum, from side chain to status channel to client verification. In essence, he is looking for a decentralized solution that takes into account security and scalability. Based on this, I compared it with the recently discussed solution, and discussed the differences and complexity of Bitcoin from the technical realization aspects such as realizing interoperability security challenges. In order to make a better year-on-year reference, we can first define a group of corresponding relationships, and the status channel side chain client verification is not difficult to see Ethereum correspondence. The security of Bitcoin Ecology has been undertaken, but the contract is currently limited by the direction of micro-payment. The side chain scalability of Ethereum corresponding to Bitcoin Ecology is very strong, but a set of independent consensus keeps it from being recognized by the mainstream. Ethereum, I tend to verify the security scalability of the client corresponding to Bitcoin Ecology, and the decentralized characteristics will take a comprehensive balance point. Ethereum has also become a mainstream focus track. Following the idea of Ethereum, we take bitcoin client verification as the breakthrough point. How to build it? For example, the client verification part in a complete Ethereum includes collecting and trading, generating certificates and trees, packaging and synchronizing them to the main network, and then uploading the certificates to the main network after systematic verification, and finally verifying the integrity and consistency of the data according to the block data in the root recombination. The client part of the status confirmation mainly includes two major workflows: collecting and trading are synchronized to the decentralized storage ring first. At the same time, there are two differences in the process of synchronizing the transaction tree and other data into a joint certificate. On the one hand, Bitcoin needs to synchronize the original data to the decentralized storage environment and defaults to the local environment storage. On the other hand, Ethereum can directly synchronize the data to the main network, but the storage capacity of Bitcoin's main network is limited and the verification ability is lacking. Therefore, some of these data are synchronized to the client environment, and the main network in Ethereum system is used for chain transmission. The purpose of synchronizing the data is the verification ability of the main network. In view of the fact that the main network of Bitcoin does not have the verification ability, the function is built in the client environment. After receiving this part of the summary data, the circuit compilation operation will be carried out, and the data will be compressed and uploaded to the main network of Bitcoin in the form of inscriptions. At the same time, the system will be operated to decentralize the verification and generate bitcoin. The promise will be engraved with the summary data. Why not? Directly using this kind of third party and choosing to build it yourself is precisely determined by the particularity of bitcoin ecology. It is necessary to equip indexers to deconcentrate and index the inscriptions on the main network of Bitcoin and upload them to the main network in the form of conferences generated at the same time. When engraving the inscriptions, it is necessary to precompile and compress the data in circuit to ensure that the storage space of the main network is reduced. Since it is not provided by the main network, why should all kinds of data be synchronized to the main network in the form of inscriptions? This is actually to keep an inviolable one in the main network. The changed transaction record provides the foundation for the subsequent process. The packaged data in the passable contract of the main network and the secondary verification uploaded to the main network ensure the integrity and consistency of the transaction, which is the technical advantage of the main network with verification ability. However, in the bitcoin environment, due to the lack of verification ability of the main network, the technical value lies in the concise compression of data and ensuring consistency. If there is data fraud in the process of collecting and trading in the offline environment, the state of the whole chain is confirmed and confirmed. We can't refuse the fake data, so we should design a mechanism to challenge the fake behavior. How can we do it? If you look back at my article, you will know that it is a scheme that enables Bitcoin to achieve Turing complete calculation under theoretical assumptions, but the way in which its precompiled circuit transmits to Bitcoin's main network is too expensive and unrealistic. If we use the realization logic for reference to design the challenge mechanism, it will be different. The challenge mechanism will lock the warehouse in the main network once the user challenges the chain in the form of. You can take away the assets locked in the main network of Bitcoin in advance, burn the inscription on the main network of Bitcoin, and make an open and transparent equi-tree promise, which will all become the evidence for users to challenge. Once the challenge results prove that a series of data in the main network are inconsistent with the data engraved on the main network, the nodes will not only lose the assets locked in the main network, but also need to roll back the transaction and update the indexer and historical data. It is not difficult to see that the scheme of Bitcoin ecology has considerable technical complexity and particularity, such as customers. The user-side verification link should be based on decentralized storage, and all the data generated should be reserved. In order to ensure the traceability of the data, for example, a decentralized data verification system should be built in the offline environment and the consistency of the data should be ensured by promises and inscriptions. For example, even if the technology is adopted, an open and transparent challenge mechanism should be equipped to ensure security. The whole process should weigh three contradictions of decentralized security and scalability to get a fair solution to explore. Obviously, since the main network of Bitcoin can't be verified, we should use the inscription to burn a limited Turing complete challenge system based on circuit to realize the transparency and security of the chain, and use the technical challenge system to make up for the lack and verification ability of Bitcoin. Since there are still hidden dangers of multi-signing contracts in Ethereum, we can't be 100% sure of security. What everyone believes is actually a relatively transparent and open contract interaction mechanism, so now we can't reach an absolute consensus on security. The former is a transparent and open challenge mechanism based on. Although the technical implementation is complicated and there are too many logics, it seems that in short, the paradigm of Bitcoin's client verification and engraving challenge will become a new round of Bitcoin advertising if it is gradually recognized by the market. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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