加密世界中用户交互层的演进 超越钱包的新时代

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作者:Francesco 翻译:善欧巴,比特币买卖交易网

就像浏览器之于互联网,用户交互层之于加密世界,它帮助用户导航加密领域并与去中心化应用 (dApp) 进行交互。然而,一个棘手的问题正在浮现:

虽然加密协议和 dApp 不断进化,但用户与其交互的工具却进展缓慢。随着 ETF 的获批和加密货币发展成为跨链 DeFi 领域,这些工具面临着新的挑战,例如机构更深度的参与 DeFi 和新型跨链收益机会。


当前的加密钱包只能提供单一的视角,限制了用户探索加密和 DeFi 的潜能,就像第一个图形用户界面浏览器 Mosaic,它仅仅是为用户提供简单访问互联网的方式。




然而,随着加密用户群体的日益复杂,大多数钱包都无法满足日益增长的需求,例如处理复杂的交易集、用户意图、dApp 意图或安全要求,而且通常不支持加密货币最重要的功能:可编程性。

随着加密世界变得越来越复杂,传统钱包难以满足用户需求,用户迫切需要更好的工具。Brahma 作为一个链上交互层,针对不只是进行交易而是积极参与链上活动的投资者脱颖而出。


Console 的美妙之处在于它不与其他钱包竞争


零售用户: 他们将永远使用 EOA 钱包(如 Rabby、MetaMask)连接 dApp、进行快速交易并将其资产存储在冷钱包中。EOA 是任何进入加密领域用户的最初接触点,它们采用一种“一刀切”的方法,大多数 EOA 的功能类似,只有细微的差异。然而,EOA 与 dApp 交互并非最安全的方式。它们不可编程,无法判断用户或 dApp 的意图。

机构用户: 他们将始终使用多方计算 (MPC) 钱包进行简单交易。MPC 与 EOA 类似,但不需要用户存储种子或私钥。它们通常面向机构和高净值人士,侧重于托管和安全性而非执行。因此,它们价格昂贵,并非所有人都能负担,并且缺乏任何可编程性。由于这些特性,从 MPC 积极操作可能代价高昂,并且需要对管理钱包的公司抱有信任。

智能钱包 (Safe, AvocadoWallet): 它们是可编程的智能合约,没有 EOA 钱包拥有的私钥。智能钱包还具有多重签名功能,增加了额外的安全性,包括内部交易模拟器,允许用户以人类可读的语言查看交易正在做什么。然而,这些钱包使用起来比较复杂,并非所有加密用户都了解其功能。因此,它们的的用户体验相对笨拙。

好消息是,所有这些钱包都可以通过 Console 进行赋能,Console 为用户提供附加安全、自动化和执行工具,从而提高链上操作的效率和生产力。因此,Console 建立在 Safe 之上,它是业界最成熟的托管解决方案之一,其合约保护的资产超过 800 亿美元。

Console 在哪里发挥作用?

Console 是钱包之后的下一个进化步骤:它是一个链上交互层,允许用户无缝地在 dApp 和协议之间导航和操作。Console 继承了 EOA、智能钱包和 MPC 的优点,旨在成为所有链上投资者寻求超越钱包功能的“大本营”。

为此,Console 专注于:

  • 安全性

  • 可编程性

  • 改善用户体验

  • 效率和生产力

可以说,Brahma 的主要区别在于其“以托管为先”而非“以交易为先”的方法,确保用户受益于最高级别的安全性。

Brahma 解决哪些痛点?

· 面向团队协作和专业用户设计: 目前缺乏专为团队协作和效率提升而设计的工具。Console 创建了团队协作的完美环境,改善操作流程、团队协作和交易执行效率。

· 链上风险隔离和授权: 授权从未如此简单。Console 改善了您或团队在链上的操作方式。通过子账户划分风险,避免资金损失,并轻松分配操作,定义每个子账户的权限。

· 可编程性: Brahma 是一个连接其他 dApp 和协议的交互层。Brahma 用户可以利用风险隔离、授权和自动化来增强可编程性,并彻底改变他们的 DeFi 工作流程(例如,AAVE 的借贷自动化功能可以自动再平衡和管理头寸、DCA、TWAP 策略等等)。

· Console 实现可组合性: 用户可以使用 API 将任何支持的 dApp 添加到他们的工作流中。

· 原生访问基于区块的汇总 DeFi 指标和信息, 使得 DeBank 和 DeFiLlama 信息可操作并集成到自动化例程中(使用链上和链下触发器)。

· 保证安全和自主托管: 新基础设施通常容易受到攻击,通常不适合大额交易。因此,Brahma 始终保证 100% 的自主托管,并允许用户导入现有的 Safe,减少摩擦并使过程无需信任。

· 人类可读的变更: Console 理解用户意图和 dApp 意图,可以根据操作显示人类可读的代码。此外,Console 允许开发人员利用我们的技术栈创建新的策略和自动化,开发新的用例和原生功能,使 Safe 能够大规模使用。

可以将 Console 比喻为“DeFi 的模糊”,它是面向用户交互层,不断拓宽链上用户效率和生产力的边界。


Shanouba Bitcoin Trading Network is like a browser to the Internet user interaction layer to the encryption world. It helps users navigate the encryption field and interact with decentralized applications. However, a thorny problem is emerging. Although encryption protocols and tools for users to interact with them are constantly evolving, progress is slow. With the approval and the development of cryptocurrency, these tools are facing new challenges, such as deeper participation of institutions and new cross-chain income opportunities. Wallets can only provide a single perspective, which limits the potential of users to explore encryption and encryption. Just like the first graphical user interface browser, it only provides users with a simple way to access the Internet. From the outside, most wallets look similar to browser extensions with limited functions. However, with the increasing complexity of encrypted user groups, most wallets cannot meet the growing needs, such as handling complex transaction sets, user intentions or security requirements, and usually do not support encrypted currency. With the encryption world becoming more and more complex, the traditional wallet can't meet the needs of users, and users urgently need better tools. As an interactive layer on the chain, the beauty of it is that it doesn't compete with other wallets. We believe that in the encryption world, every type of user has a suitable solution. Retail users will always use wallets, such as connections, to conduct fast transactions and store their assets in cold storage. Wallet is the first contact point of any user who enters the encryption field. They adopt a one-size-fits-all approach. Most of the functions are similar with only slight differences. However, interaction is not the safest way. They are not programmable and can't judge the user or the intention of institutional users. They will always use multi-party computing wallets to conduct simple transactions and do not need users to store seeds or private keys. They usually focus on hosting and security rather than execution for institutions and high-net-worth individuals, so they are expensive and Not everyone can afford it and lacks any programmability. Because of these characteristics, it may be expensive to operate actively and need to trust the company that manages the wallet. Smart wallets are programmable smart contracts, and they have no private key owned by wallets. Smart wallets also have multi-signature functions, which increase additional security, including internal transaction simulators that allow users to see what the transaction is doing in human-readable language. However, these wallets are more complicated to use, and not all encrypted users. Understanding their functions, so their user experience is relatively clumsy. The good news is that all these wallets can provide users with additional security automation and execution tools to improve the efficiency and productivity of chain operations. Therefore, it is built on it. It is one of the most mature hosting solutions in the industry, and its assets protected by contracts exceed 100 million US dollars. Where it works is the next evolutionary step after wallets. It is an interactive layer on the chain that allows users to navigate and operate seamlessly between protocols. It inherits the advantages of smart wallet and aims to become the base camp for all investors in the chain to seek beyond the functions of wallet. Therefore, it focuses on security, programmability, improving user experience, efficiency and productivity. The main difference can be said that its hosting-first rather than transaction-first method ensures that users benefit from the highest level of security, solves what pain points, and designs for teamwork and professional users. At present, it lacks tools designed specifically for teamwork and efficiency improvement, creating a perfect ring of teamwork. Improve the operational process, teamwork and transaction execution efficiency. Risk isolation and authorization on the chain have never been so simple. It has improved the way you or your team operate on the chain, divided risks through sub-accounts to avoid capital loss and easily allocated the rights of each sub-account. Programmability is an interactive layer connecting other agreements. Users can use risk isolation authorization and automation to enhance programmability and completely change their workflow. For example, the automatic function of lending can be automatically leveled. Balancing and managing position strategies, etc. to achieve composability, users can use adding any support to their workflow to access block-based summary indicators and information, so that the information can be operated and integrated into automation routines, and use on-chain and off-chain triggers to ensure security and autonomous hosting. New infrastructure is usually vulnerable to attacks, so it is always guaranteed to be autonomous hosting and allows users to import existing ones to reduce friction and make the process readable by human beings without trust. Changing and understanding users' intentions and intentions can display human-readable codes according to operations. In addition, it allows developers to use our technology stack to create new strategies and develop new use cases and native functions automatically, enabling large-scale use, which can be likened to fuzziness. 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