上线巴西最大合规交易所 全球化布局中波场TRON是如何做的

币圈资讯 阅读:38 2024-04-22 10:16:08 评论:0



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1月12日,巴西最大的加密货币交易所Mercado Bitcoin宣布上线TRX,并在随后两周陆续上线BTT、USDD、JST、SUN等波场系代币。



喜报频传,2024年开年一个月,TRX就上线了两家交易所,分别是巴西最大的交易所Mercado Bitcoin和韩国主流交易所Gopax。

首先对于巴西来说,上线TRX的意义重大,Mercado Bitcoin新型业务总监Fabrício Tota指出:“从商业和技术角度而言,巴西都迎来了重大转折点。不同代币各有特点,也有其各自的用户群体,这有助于扩大数字经济的发展,通过代币化影响更多人群。”

而通过巴西最大的交易所上线TRX,对于波场TRON的未来发展来说,也有着历史性的意义。巴西是拉丁美洲最大的加密经济体:2021 年巴西 2.14 亿人口中有 8% 使用加密货币仅次于印度、美国、俄罗斯和尼日利亚。且使用量继续呈指数级增长。并且,巴西被视为世界上成长最强劲的新兴市场之一。


通过Mercado 让TRX触及更多的巴西人民,能够促进TRON的技术在拉丁美洲的进一步普及。此前,TRON就成为了多米尼克的“国家公链”,并被授权发行多米尼克的加密货币DMC。并且在立法中确认了TRX、BTT、JST、USDD、NFT、USDT(TRC-20)和TUSD(TRC-20)这些波场系代币为法定货币。



成绩是斐然的,目前TRX 已登陆超 130 家交易所,成为当下主流合规加密货币之一,并高效服务行业内外的用户,涉及旅游、移动终端、信托投资、金融证券、数字支付等各行业。波场的身影已遍布日本,泰国,墨西哥,美国,韩国,欧洲等国家和地区,正在为全球用户提供一个多元、便捷、安全的交易平台和方式。




据DefiLlama显示,波场TRON在全球公链项目中已成为被接受度最广的平台。其中,波场TRON的日活达到150万,是以太坊的4倍。另外,波场TRON还是全球最大的稳定币流通市场,稳定币流通总量超过510亿美元,TRC-20 USDT占到USDT总流通量的50%以上。在5年的发展中,波场TRON的交易笔数达到60亿笔,流通的加密资产价值达到10万亿美元。


2022年,孙宇晨在新加坡举办的TOKEN 2049上表示,波场TRON的下一步目标是成为主流金融服务机构。而在这几年间,行业内也看到了孙宇晨当初愿景的一步步实现。最近美国批准了十一家机构能够提供比特币现货ETF产品,这其中的Valkyrie和VanEck与波场TRON和孙宇晨此前就建立了业务及投资合作,此次ETF的通过也显示了波场在推动加密资产主流化和合规化所深耕许久。

波场在合规道路上从未停止过奔跑,2019年,VanEck TRON ETN先后通过德国金融管理局及德意志交易所严格的合规审批,正式在德意志交易所Xetra挂牌,后则是陆续在多个欧洲主流证券交易所上市。

而在去年年底,孙宇晨也在X上表示,波场TRON的未来取决于四个基本支柱:去中心化、合规性、交流和机构参与。可以预见,在未来,合规化依旧会是波场发展的主旋律之一。而在以上四点的支柱建设过程中,不断夯实自身业务的波场TRON,也一定会在加密金融逐渐被主流金融所接纳的浪潮中, 席卷世界各地。

When compliance and globalization have become the main theme of the encryption industry, which institution can quickly achieve compliance in the global market will inevitably win the first place in the next development cycle of the encryption industry, and Sun Yuchen, the leader of the encryption industry, and his wave field are becoming the vanguard of the development of compliance and globalization. Brazil's largest cryptocurrency exchange announced its launch on March and went online one after another in the next two weeks, which further expanded its layout in the Americas for the Apollo market, and this wave field, The largest exchange in Brazil is just a microcosm of the wave field in the development of globalization and compliance. Since its establishment in, the wave field has gone out of a long and solid way in the global layout. At present, the number of tokens in the wave field has been registered in more than 100 million exchanges around the world, and the total number of users in the wave field has exceeded 100 million, which is more than hundreds of millions of users in the industry head exchange. According to the market size report, there are currently more than 100 million encrypted users in the world, that is to say. Encryption users are all users of the wave field. Traditional financial weak countries promote the real application of cryptocurrency. Good news is reported frequently. Two exchanges were launched within one month of the beginning of the year, namely the largest exchange in Brazil and the mainstream exchange in South Korea. First of all, it is of great significance for Brazil to go online. The director of new business pointed out that from the commercial and technical point of view, Brazil has reached a major turning point. Different tokens have their own characteristics and their own user groups, which is helpful to expand the development of the digital economy. It is also of historic significance for the future development of the wave field to go online through the largest exchange in Brazil. Brazil is the largest crypto economy in Latin America. In 2000, the population of Brazil was second only to India, the United States, Russia and Nigeria, and the usage continued to increase exponentially. Brazil is regarded as one of the most powerful emerging markets in the world. The crypto industry is in a blue ocean in Brazil, and it is legal to hold crypto assets in Brazil. Special currency and other digital assets are classified as financial assets, and Brazil will tax the speculative money income. Brazil's new cryptocurrency tax law came into effect on January, stipulating that Brazilian citizens need to pay taxes on the cryptocurrency income held in foreign exchanges, and Brazil is also trying to formulate clear laws and regulatory frameworks. Through the further popularization of technologies that can be promoted by more Brazilians in Latin America, it has previously become Dominica's national public chain and has been authorized to issue more. Minik's cryptocurrency has been confirmed as legal tender with these wave systems in legislation. Not only that, El Salvador in Latin America uses bitcoin as legal tender. Dominica is frequently using cryptocurrency to exchange food and other necessities in the border areas of Colombia and Venezuela. For these countries and regions, the political situation is unstable, the domestic inflation is serious, or the traditional financial services are very backward. This is all because cryptocurrency is booming in Latin America. Fertile soil shows that the positive layout in Latin America not only promotes its own global layout, but also brings practical financial services to local residents. Starting from these countries where traditional finance itself is not trusted by local residents, promoting the globalization of wave fields undoubtedly pays attention to the practicality and landing of encryption from the beginning, and also lays a solid foundation for the globalization development of wave fields. The achievements are remarkable. At present, it has landed on supermarkets and become one of the mainstream compliant cryptocurrencies at present. Users inside and outside the efficient service industry are involved in tourism, mobile terminals, trust, investment, financial securities, digital payment and other industries. Countries and regions such as Japan, Thailand, Mexico, the United States, South Korea and Europe are providing a diversified, convenient and safe trading platform and method for users around the world. When compliance becomes the main theme, globalization will come naturally. In addition to the development of globalization, the wave field has always paid attention to compliance development in all countries of the world. Globalization and compliance are like two tracks of railway tracks that must be parallel. Only in this way can an encryption institution run fast and steadily, that is, Brazil's most famous compliance exchange has been audited since, and maintaining cooperation with the compliance exchange is only a part of the layout of the wave field. It is shown that the wave field has become the most widely accepted platform in the global public chain project, in which the daily activity of the wave field is ten thousand times that of Ethereum, and the wave field is also the largest stable currency circulation market in the world, with the total amount of stable currency circulation exceeding US$ 100 million, accounting for more than the total circulation in. The number of transactions in the wave field has reached 100 million, and the value of encrypted assets in circulation has reached trillions of dollars. Due to the high security of the wave field, the fast transfer speed and low transfer cost, the wave field has become one of the most active public chain platforms and the largest circulation platforms of encrypted assets in the world. Sun Yuchen said at the conference held in Singapore last year that the next goal of the wave field is to become a mainstream financial service institution, and in recent years, the industry has also seen the gradual realization of Sun Yuchen's original vision. Providing bitcoin spot products, one of which has previously established business and investment cooperation with Bocheng and Sun Yuchen, also shows that Bocheng has been deeply involved in promoting the mainstreaming and compliance of encrypted assets for a long time, and Bocheng has never stopped running on the compliance road. It has passed the strict compliance approval of the German Financial Authority and Deutsche Bö rse, and then it has been listed on several mainstream European stock exchanges. At the end of last year, Sun Yuchen also expressed Bocheng on the Internet. The future depends on the decentralization of four basic pillars, regulatory exchanges and institutional participation. It is foreseeable that in the future, compliance will still be one of the main themes of wave field development, and the wave field that constantly consolidates its own business in the process of building the above four pillars will surely sweep the world in the wave of crypto finance being gradually accepted by mainstream finance. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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