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随着模块化区块链、L2 rollups和特定应用链的兴起,区块链的数量和多样性正在迅速增长。这些链通过利用其独特的优势,促进了生态系统内应用的显著增长。然而,这种增长同时也带来了流动性、去中心化应用(dApp)服务和用户之间的碎片化。这种碎片化造成了生态系统与主链网络之间的显著摩擦。在多链的未来,数据和价值在链之间的流动性至关重要,因为它允许更有效的资产利用、增强了不同生态系统之间的互动,并支持更广泛的创新和用户参与。










  • Cosmos的IBC的共识轻客户端,具有高度安全性和最小信任度

  • 基于验证者的系统 — Wormhole、LayerZero和Axelar等大多数协议采用的方法 — 由一组验证者在链下验证消息

  • Optimistic消息系统 — Nomad桥是其中最突出的 — 在纠纷窗口期间依赖链下有效性检查,类似于Optimistic Rollups


Xbridge协议正是在这一背景下应运而生,旨在更有效地解决上述平衡问题。Xbridge Protocol是一种采用任意消息传递 AMP(Arbitrary Message Passing, AMP) 的跨链协议。该协议在源链上确定目标链的执行方和具体Calldata。传统的AMP协议面临数据传输量大、跨链交易成本高和底层安全验证问题的挑战,尤其是在涉及Oracle和Relayer的信任问题时。

为应对这些挑战,Xbridge引入了重新质押(restaking)机制,这是一种新的加密经济安全原语。该机制使Xbridge能够利用以太坊主网共识,在共识层上实现跨链数据传输和验证的去中心化、安全可靠。此外,Xbridge还在Restaking架构的AVS层构建了超轻节点(Ultra Light Node),实现端对端的数据传输,简化了部署过程并提高了传输效率。超轻节点由于底层基于Restaking的共识,从而继承了以太坊网络的安全性。


2.融合账户抽象(Account Abstraction,AA)功能跨链桥应用

Xbridge跨链桥应用通过集成账户抽象(Account Abstraction,AA)功能,提供了一种独特且创新的跨链解决方案。与传统的跨链桥依赖自身资金池不同,Xbridge摒弃了这一模式,代之以引入去中心化做市商(DMM)来提供多链流动性。这种设计不仅提高了资金流的效率,还大幅减少了资金池遭受黑客攻击的风险。


  • 个性化跨链交易:AA允许Xbridge实现跨链执行的高度可编程性,为用户提供定制化的跨链体验。

  • 灵活的资产管理:通过账户抽象,Xbridge使资产管理与跨链交易逻辑完全解耦,增加了系统的灵活性和安全性。

  • 提升用户体验:用户可以享受到更为顺畅和个性化的跨链操作,无需担心复杂的资金池管理或安全风险。







Chainlink则提出了Chainlink CCIP,一种尚未上线的跨链互操作解决方案。类似于LayerZero,CCIP依赖于多重签名(multisig)来验证、排序和传递链间消息。CCIP的核心依赖于Chainlink的预言机,这些预言机允许将数据包含在Chainlink的价格参考源中。





Guided reading cross-chain technology track has become the focus of security risks in the blockchain field because many cross-chain bridges have been attacked and suffered heavy losses. This track is often ignored by investors because of security problems. However, with the continuous progress of technology, a number of emerging cross-chain protocols have begun to get rid of the limitations of traditional cross-chain bridges and adopt innovative cross-chain architecture to solve the core problems in cross-chain technology, that is, the so-called impossible trinity protocol is a model of such efforts. This paper will deeply analyze this new cross-chain foundation. The facility protocol is comprehensively analyzed from its underlying protocols to cross-chain bridge applications. Background Cross-chain interoperability protocols are often called bridges, which play a vital role in blockchain infrastructure and are also one of the most vulnerable links. This vulnerability mainly comes from security issues and centralization risks. As a hub connecting different blockchain networks, bridges often become the target of attackers because they usually involve the transfer of a large number of assets. In addition, if the bridge is designed or implemented, Existing defects may also lead to the loss or theft of funds. With the rise of modular blockchains and specific application chains, the number and diversity of blockchains are growing rapidly. These chains have promoted the remarkable growth of applications in the ecosystem by taking advantage of their unique advantages. However, this growth has also brought about the decentralization of liquidity, the fragmentation between application services and users, which has caused significant friction between the ecosystem and the main chain network. The future data and value of multiple chains will flow between the chains. Mobility is very important because it allows more effective asset utilization, enhances the interaction between different ecosystems and supports a wider range of innovation and user participation protocols. It is designed to meet these challenges. It not only aims at solving the fragmentation problem in the blockchain ecosystem, but also focuses on improving the safety and stability of the bridge. It is committed to solving the mobile application services and user participation in the multi-chain environment by bringing together user mobility and interaction activities from various blockchain ecosystems. By creating a safer, more efficient and user-friendly bridging environment, data and value can flow smoothly between multiple blockchains, thus promoting the development and innovation of the whole blockchain industry. The solution is an innovative decentralized cross-chain infrastructure, which not only provides standard cross-chain bridge applications, but also introduces an intention-centered technical solution to realize a more advanced intention cross-chain function. The core of this function is not only to transfer assets but to allow. Users transfer complex operation intentions and logic between different blockchains. Compared with the traditional cross-chain bridge application, it is unique in its two-layer structure, the underlying cross-chain protocol and the application layer built on the protocol. This layered architecture makes cross-chain operation more flexible and safe, allowing users to realize complex cross-chain interaction while maintaining the safety of funds. The underlying protocol is responsible for handling the safe cross-chain transmission of assets and data, ensuring that transactions between different blockchain networks can be carried out quickly and safely. On this basis, the application layer focuses on realizing users' specific intentions and operations, such as transaction execution and intelligent contract interaction, which further enriches the application scenarios of cross-chain technology. In addition, this innovative architecture effectively separates the capital flow from the cross-chain operation logic, which not only improves the security of transactions, but also provides users with a richer and more flexible cross-chain interaction experience. In this way, it not only solves the limitations of traditional cross-chain bridges, but also opens up a new realm of blockchain interoperability. At present, there are three types of solutions in the field of cross-chain protocols. The light client has high security and minimum trust. The methods adopted by most protocols are verified by a group of verifiers under the chain. The message system bridge is one of the most prominent ones. During the dispute window, the effectiveness check under the chain is similar to each method, which has its advantages and disadvantages. However, they still face the challenge of finding a balance between speed, cost and security. The challenge of improving cross-chain efficiency and reducing cost while maintaining sufficient security is that the protocol came into being under this background. It is a cross-chain protocol that uses arbitrary message delivery to solve the above-mentioned balance problem more effectively. The protocol determines the executor of the target chain and the concrete traditional protocol faces the challenges of large data transmission, high cross-chain transaction cost and low-level security verification, especially when it comes to trust issues. This is a new one. This mechanism enables the decentralization of cross-chain data transmission and verification on the consensus layer by using the consensus of Ethereum main network. In addition, an ultra-light node is built on the architecture layer to realize end-to-end data transmission, which simplifies the deployment process and improves the transmission efficiency. The ultra-light node inherits the security of Ethereum network because of the consensus based on the bottom layer, and further improves the cross-chain efficiency and reduces the cost by introducing an intention-centered solution. A unique working framework is established, which includes two key roles: the decentralized market maker and the solver. After decoupling the user's intention from the agreement, the target chain is provided with details. This method significantly reduces the data transmission volume, thus reducing the cost of cross-chain transactions. In addition, the intervention in the target chain makes the cross-chain agreement more efficient and enables the user to complete the abstract function of the integrated account at a lower cost. Cross-chain bridge applications are drawn through integrated accounts. Image function provides a unique and innovative cross-chain solution, which is different from the traditional cross-chain bridge relying on its own fund pool. Instead, it introduces decentralized market makers to provide multi-chain liquidity. This design not only improves the efficiency of capital flow, but also greatly reduces the risk of hacker attacks on the fund pool. Using the advantages of account abstraction, personalized cross-chain transactions allow cross-chain execution to be highly programmable, providing users with customized cross-chain experience and flexible asset management through accounts. Abstraction completely decouples asset management from cross-chain transaction logic, which increases the flexibility and security of the system and improves the user experience. Users can enjoy smoother and more personalized cross-chain operations without worrying about complex fund pool management or security risks. The innovation of cross-chain use cases lies in its intention-based cross-chain mechanism, which allows decentralized market makers to use their own assets to advance for users and ensure that users can quickly receive cross-chain assets on the target chain. This method greatly improves the execution efficiency of cross-chain transactions. In addition, the programmable features make the cross-chain operations of users more flexible and efficient. Many small cross-chain transactions of users can 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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