Penta Lab首篇深度研报 挖掘PENDLE大涨40%创新高

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PentaLab.io作为全球首创结合AI与自研十维度加密资产估值体系的研究所在24年初上线。自1月17日发布首篇针对Pendle Finance深度研报以来,PENDLE的价格从1.98美元上涨至2.8美元,实现了惊人的涨幅。PentaLab.io致力于为全球投资者提供最前沿的市场洞察,助力大家做出更明智的投资决策。欢迎访问 获取完整报告。

以下内容节选自Penta Lab 研报 《Pendle Finance - 收益代币化赛道龙头》的「代币经济学、数据验证、代码评估、竞争对比(部分)、估值(部分)」,「项目简介、赛道解析、产品收入、媒体社群、团队背景、融资情况、路线规划、风险分析」等内容请参阅完整报告。



1 代币经济学介绍

Pendle采用混合通胀的 Ve代币经济模型(VotingEscrowedTokenomics)。Ve模型最初由 Cruve提出,持有者必须将代币锁定一段时间以换取有投票权及其他权益的 Ve-token。该模型可激励用户长期参与,并减少市场上的代币流通量。

已发行的 2.7 亿枚 PENDLE代币主要用于流动性激励,约 1.1 亿枚,占比 41%。其余代币主要分布在团队(21%)、生态系统基金(17%)和投资人(14%),团队及生态系统基金代币占比相对较高。分配给投资人及顾问的代币于第 1 年按季度逐步解锁,团队代币于第 1 年末解锁一半,并于第 2 年按季度逐步结锁。拟分配给团队、投资人、顾问、生态系统基金的代币已于 2023 年4月全部解锁,此后代币供应量趋于稳定,PENDLE币价自 2023 年 2月(仅余最后一次团队代币解锁,约 700 万枚)迅速波动攀升。

图表05:4 成代币用于流动性激励


資料來源:Pendle官網,MediumPendleTeam, PentaLab

2 流动性激励解锁模式

PENDLE代币发行采用混合通胀模型,根据当前的代币经济模型,代币供应量没有上限。Pendle官方网站及团队 Medium显示,用于流动性激励(LiquidityIncentives)的代币释放分为 3 个阶段:

  1. 最初的26 周(2021 年 4月 26 日至 2021 年 10月):每周释放120万枚 PENDLE;

  2. 第 27 周至第 260 周(至 2026 年 4月):每周流动性激励减少1.1%;

  3. 第 261 周开始:基于流通代币量每年通胀 2%,用于激励用户(目前计划)。

3 收益分配

3.1 VePENDLE 收入分配

PENDLE持有者可以通过锁定代币获得VePENDLE,从而参与投票和治理,并获得协议收入。锁定期从 1 周到 2 年不等,随着锁定时间的增加,1 单位 PENDLE兑换到的VePENDLE数量线性增加,锁定 2 年时,最高兑换比例为 1:1。随着到期日的临近,VePENDLE的数量线性降低至 0,每个钱包只能选择一个 VePENDLE锁定期,但可以选择延长锁定时间。


  1. VePENDLE投票者有权获得被投票池子 80%的交易费,与该池子的所有投票者间按比例分配,构成投票者年化收益率(VoterAPY)。

  2. 所有的 YT收费,构成基本年化收益率(BaseAPY)。

3.2 LP 收入构成与 VePENDLE 治理

Pendle鼓励向流动性池注入资产以增加池子的 TVL,流动性提供者(LiquidityProvider,LP)将获得期间该池子产生的收益和代币激励,与该池子的所有LP间按比例分配。LP的收入构 成包括以下 4个方面:

  1. 流动性池中 PT产生的固定利率收益;

  2. 流动性池中 SY产生的底层资产收益;

  3. 流动性池产生的交易费的 20%;

  4. PENDLE代币激励:根据该流动性池获得的VePENDLE票数,按比例分配每周释放的代币激励。

VePENDLE持有人可将手中的票数按自主比例投给不同的流动性池,以引导代币激励分派到该池子,从而有效地引导资产的注入方向,形成治理。此外,VePENDLE持有人作为LP时,可以选择给自己的 LP仓位加速(Boost),以放大自己的 PENDLE代币激励至最高 2.5 倍,这种治理模式可以极大的鼓励注入流动性的行为。

图表06:VePENDLE持有人获得 8 成以上收益分配


资料来源:Pendle官网,Penta Lab

3.3 流通比例

据前述释放方式计算,截至 2024 年 1月 17 日,PENDLE代币的供应总量预计约 2.7 亿枚,至第二阶段末预计约总量 2.9 亿枚,阶段内代币激励预计将于未来两年内持续吸引用户增长。据官网数据,流通中的 PENDLE数量为 1.54 亿枚,假设截至第二阶段末的供应量为总供应量,流通市值(MarketCap)仅占完全稀释估值(FullyDilutedValuation)的 58%,其余代币被锁定兑换为VePENDLE或为内部人员(Insiders)持有,预计后续或有抛压。




3.4 代币经济模型优点

提需减供,支撑币价。VePENDLE治理模型通过分配协议收入鼓励锁定代币,且锁仓时间越长,奖励越大。这种模式刺激了 PENDLE代币的需求,减少了流通代币的供应,从而对币价价形成支撑。

吸引 LP提升平台规模,改善交易滑点。VePENDLE投票者作为 LP时可从相应流动性池中取得更多的代币激励,这吸引更多人成为流动性提供者,扩大Pendle的 TVL规模,并改善交易滑点。

提升用户忠实度与协议稳定性。寻求短期收益的“鲸鱼”一般通过临时大量收购代币来垄断投票权,左右激励的分配,在获得代币激励后再全部卖出。VePENDLE治理机制长期锁定代币(平均锁定期427 天),一定程度上阻碍了“挖提卖”流程的短期实现,避免小型持有者的利益受损,提高用户忠诚度,并增加了代币的稳定性和协议的整体强度。



截止到 2024 年 1月,Pendle已经部署在 Ethereum,Arbitrum,BSC和 Optimism链上。2023 年8 月至2023年 1 月,在Ethereum和Optimism发生的交易量占据了Pendle总交易量的 97%。

图表08:Arbitrum和 Ethereum的交易量占据主导地位



从 2024 年 8月12 日到 2024 年1月12 日,Pendle的 TVL 从1.4 亿美金增长到 3.1 亿美金,月复合增长率达到18.6%。

图表09: Pendle过去 6 个月 TVL变化情况


资料来源:Pendle 官网,DefiLlama,Penta Lab

图表10: Pendle的流通市值/TVL


资料来源:Pendle 官网,DefiLlama,Penta Lab

截至 2024 年1月18 日,Pendle流通市值/TVL比例均值为 0.66,位于过去12 个月历史均值,具有增长潜力。


1 代码更新频率

Github图表及代码提交记录显示,Pendle项目近一年更新频率超过 7 提交次数每周,代码每周平均增删数量约为 1000 行和-500 行,项目每周代码净增量为 500 行。可见该项目代码总量较为可观,代码更新频率较高。

图表11: Pendle近一年的代码提交情况


资料来源: Github

2 代码与路线图匹配度

在与路线图的匹配度上,Pendle希望通过与其他协议(无论是去中心化还是中心化)的集成,增加社区杠杆效应,为用户提供更好的利率。在近期发布的PendleV2中,Pendle实现了更好的兼容性,通过 ERC-5115实现代币功能的扩展,将 Pendle的收息率代币化机制开放给DeFi中的所有生息代币,创造了一个无需许可接入的生态系统。

3 技术创新

Pendle使用了 ERC-5115 标准,该标准自以太坊代币标准 ERC-20的扩展 ERC-4626开发而来,为 Pendle提供了更强大的使用场景兼容性。

  • GYGP

ERC-5115 是一个用于封装任何符合 GYGP模型的收益生成机制的代币标准。每个ERC-5115代币代表了一个GYGP的份额,并允许通过一个标准的界面与GYGP进行交互。在 ERC-5115 的协议代码中,定义了通用收益生成池(GYGP),在每一个产生收益的机 制中都生成一个以资产为衡量的资金池,用户通过为池贡献流动性以换取池的股份。随着时间推移,资产池的价值增长并获得奖励代币(rewardtokens),再根据对应规则分配给用户。

  • ERC-5115

ERC-5115 作为 ERC-4626 和 ERC-20的扩展,可以覆盖DeFi中的大多数收益生成机制,包括在 ERC-4626 标准之上建立的代币。在 ERC-5115的协议代码中,定义了通用收益生成池(GYGP),在每一个产生收益的机制中都生成一个以资产为衡量的资金池,用户通过为池贡献流动性以换取池的股份。随着时间推移,资产池的价值增长并获得奖励代币(rewardtokens),再根据对应规则分配给用户。

图表12: GYGP代码定义



图表13: GYGP代码定义 2




由于满足 GYGP模型的代币标准都可以使用 SY标准进行定义,因此 ERC-5115 标准相对的能够支持更多的使用场景。在 Pendle Finance中,PENDLE 率先使用了 SY 标准,并将 Pendle的收息率代币化机制开放给DeFi中的所有生息代币,创造了一个无需许可接入的生态系统。与同赛道产品对比详见竞争性分析。

4 开发团队及贡献者

根据 PendleFinance在 Github上的代码提交记录显示,Pendle拥有共计 7 人的开发团队,其中包括稳定的2 名代码贡献者,代码提交次数分别为 746 次和 437次,涉及行数分别为243981 行和 93512 行,开发团队规模略小于当前市值应有的开发团队规模配置(3 亿美元以上)。


1 市场占有率

Pendle是 2023 年 LSDFi赛道上 TVL增速最快的平台,2023 年年中时,TVL仅仅为第一位Lybra的 1/3 并且与 Instadapp以及 Raft并列在五千万美元左右规模,但是半年时间 TVL已经膨胀了六倍达到接近三亿美元的规模,与 Lybra相同体量,此外Instadapp虽然 TVL高达25 亿美元,但是已经转型数字化的财务服务平台且没有清晰收入路径,而在细分赛道中,即同样运营息票剥离业务的 YieldProtocol的 TVL规模还在百万美元附近挣扎,SenseFinance 则在 2023 年 10月宣布停止运营,团队重心转入新协议的开发。




2 竞品对比

2.1 融资规模

Pendle的总融资规模为三轮,公开融资数额为 370 万美元,YieldProtocol在 2021年获得了1000 万美元融资,由蓝筹加密投资公司 Paradigm领投。SenseFinance在 2021 年 8月进行 的种子轮融资中共计筹集了 520万美元,Pendle在融资规模上暂无明显优势,但在融资轮次上以及持续吸引投资的能力上更强。

2.2 底层代币协议

团队在 ERC-4626的基础上开发了 ERC-5115 协议,相比较 YieldProtocol和 SenseFinance等竞品具有更强的扩展性。

图表 15:Pendle 推出的产品种类数量显著领先于 Yield Protocol 和 Sense Finance


资料来源:Pendle官网,YieldProtocol官网,SenseFinance官网,Penta Lab

2.3 开发人员配置

根据 PendleFinance在 Github上的代码提交记录显示,Pendle拥有共计 7 人的开发团队,其中包括稳定的 2 名代码贡献者,代码提交次数分别为746 次和 437 次,涉及行数分别为243981 行和 93512 行,开发团队规模略小于当前市值应有的开发团队规模配置(3 亿美元 以上)。

图表 16:代码提交记录对比,从上至下分别为 PendleFinance、YieldProtocol、SenseFinance




我们把Pendle价格与 TVL,每周释放量,以太坊价格以及十年期美债收益率作比较,可以发Pendle价格与 TV以及以太坊价格正相关,每周释放量逆相关,和十年期美债相关性不大。

进一步分析比较过去一年Pendle的全供应市值与 TVL比例可以发现均值在 1.59 位置,而目前 1.85 的估值水平与一年平均相若,低于平均加上一个标准差 2 倍的水平,相比 2023 年 3月 2.5 倍的估值相对理性。

图表25:Pendle全供应市值与 TVL比较



我们根据Pendle现有各个赛道 TVL假设了增速,其中USDC月环比可以达到 40%六个月后有望达到 1.3 亿美元体量,cDAI六个月后有望达到 1.1 亿美元体量,以此预测六个月后总体 TVL 有望达到 6.7 亿美元。进一步使用目前平均 1.59 的全供应市值比上 TVL 的估值 ,以及六个月后预计全供应量 2.74 亿枚, 目前存量货币得出六个月全供应市值10.4亿美金,相比现价有97%上升空间。

图表 26:PendleTVL 主要假设



As the world's first research institute combining and developing a 10-dimensional encrypted asset valuation system, it was launched at the beginning of the year. Since the release of the first article on the in-depth research report, the price has risen from US dollars to US dollars, and it has achieved an amazing increase. It is committed to providing the most cutting-edge market insight for global investors to help them make more informed investment decisions. Welcome to visit and get the full report. The following contents are excerpted from the research report, the token economics data verification code evaluation, competition comparison and some valuation items. Objective brief introduction track analysis product income media community team background financing situation route planning risk analysis, etc. Please refer to the full report Token Economics Introduction Token Economics Model with mixed inflation. Initially, it was proposed that the holder must lock the tokens for a period of time in exchange for voting rights and other rights. This model can encourage users to participate in the market for a long time and reduce the circulation of tokens. Billion tokens issued are mainly used for liquidity incentives, accounting for about 100 million of the remaining token owners. The proportion of tokens to be distributed in the team ecosystem fund, investor team and ecosystem fund is relatively high. The tokens allocated to investors and consultants are gradually unlocked quarterly in the first year, half of the team tokens are unlocked quarterly at the end of the year, and the tokens to be allocated to the team investor consultant ecosystem fund are gradually locked quarterly in the second year. Since then, the supply of tokens has stabilized, and the price of coins has only been unlocked for the last time since January, with a rapid fluctuation of about 10,000 pieces. Source of dynamic incentive data official website liquidity incentive unlocking mode Token issuance adopts mixed inflation model. According to the current token economic model, there is no upper limit on the supply of tokens. The official website and team show that the release of tokens for liquidity incentive is divided into three stages: the initial week, month, day to month, and the release of 10,000 pieces per week. The weekly liquidity incentive is reduced from week to week, and the annual inflation is used to motivate users. The current planned income distribution holders can pass the lock. The lock-up period of fixed tokens to participate in voting and governance and obtain agreement income varies from weeks to years. With the increase of lock-up time, the number of units exchanged increases linearly. The highest exchange ratio in lock-up year is linearly reduced to only one lock-up period for each wallet with the approach of maturity date, but the lock-up time can be extended. At present, only the holders enjoy the distribution treasury with agreement fees, but they have not received any distribution. The holders can directly obtain the distribution investment of the following two kinds of agreement fees. Voters have the right to get the transaction fees of the voted pool and distribute them among all voters in the pool in proportion, which constitutes the voter's annualized rate of return. All fees constitute the basic annualized rate of return. Income composition and governance encourage the injection of assets into the liquidity pool to increase the liquidity of the pool. The income generated by the pool and token incentives during the acquisition period are distributed in proportion to all the voters in the pool, including the following aspects: fixed interest rate income generated in the liquidity pool and the bottom generated in the liquidity pool. The token incentive of transaction fees generated by the liquidity pool of asset income is distributed in proportion to the number of votes obtained by the liquidity pool. The token incentive holder can cast the votes in his hand into different liquidity pools in an independent proportion to guide the token incentive to be distributed to the pool, thus effectively guiding the injection direction of assets to form governance. In addition, the holder can choose to accelerate his position to enlarge his token incentive to the highest level. This governance model can greatly encourage the injection flow. The holder of the dynamic behavior chart obtains the above income distribution data source: official website circulation ratio. According to the above-mentioned release method, the total supply of tokens is estimated to be about 100 million by the end of the second stage, and the token incentive is expected to continue to attract users to grow in the next two years. According to official website, the number of data in circulation is about 100 million. Assuming that the supply by the end of the second stage is the total supply, the circulation market value only accounts for the total diluted valuation, the remaining tokens are locked and converted into internal ones. People hold the expected follow-up contingent selling chart, and the weekly supply is steadily decreasing. Source: Advantages of official website Token Economic Model. Need to reduce supply and support the currency price governance model. By distributing the income of the agreement, the token is encouraged to be locked, and the longer the lock-up time is, the greater the reward is. This model stimulates the demand for tokens, reduces the supply of circulating tokens, thus forming support for the currency price, attracting the platform scale, improving the trading slip point, and voters can get more token incentives from the corresponding liquidity pool when they act, which attracts more. People become liquidity providers, expand the scale, improve transaction slippage, enhance user loyalty and agreement stability. Whales seeking short-term benefits generally monopolize the distribution of voting rights and incentives by temporarily purchasing a large number of tokens. After obtaining token incentives, they all sell them. The governance mechanism locks in the average lock-up period of tokens for a long time, which hinders the short-term realization of the digging and selling process to some extent, avoids the damage to the interests of small holders, improves user loyalty and increases the stability of tokens and the overall strength of the agreement. Degree data verification Multi-chain deployment and distribution have been deployed in the peace chain as of June, and the transaction volume of the peace chain has occupied the dominant position in the chart of the total transaction volume. Source: official website's monthly compound growth rate has increased from USD 100 million to USD 100 million from March to March, reaching the chart's changes in the past month. Source: official website's chart's circulation market value. Source: official website's circulation market value ratio as of March is at the historical average of the past month, with an increase. Potential code evaluation code update frequency chart and code submission record show that the update frequency of the project in the past year exceeds the submission times, and the average weekly code addition and deletion number is about lines and lines. The net weekly code increment of the project is lines, which shows that the total code of the project is considerable, and the code update frequency is high. The chart shows the code submission situation of the data source code in the past year and the matching degree with the road map. It is hoped that the community bar will be increased through integration with other agreements, whether decentralized or centralized. The lever effect provides users with better interest rates, which has achieved better compatibility in the recent release. By expanding the function of tokens, the token mechanism of interest rate is opened to all interest-earning tokens in the world, creating an ecosystem without permission to access. The technical innovation uses the standard, which was developed from the extension of the Ethereum token standard to provide a stronger use scenario compatibility. It is a token standard for encapsulating any revenue generation mechanism that conforms to the model. Each token represents a new share and allows interaction through a standard interface. The general revenue generation is defined in the protocol code. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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