Metis vs Espresso:哪种去中心化排序器代表未来?

币圈资讯 阅读:34 2024-04-22 10:09:39 评论:0



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作者:Haotian,独立研究员 来源:@tmel0211

一边是 MetisL2 顶着万难大兴去中心化Sequencer建设,一边是 EspressoSys 基于模块化搞共享Sequencer方案大杀四方,有人也许会问,都要实现排序器的去中心化,Metis尝试的“自营店”和Espresso的“外包模块”,到底有啥区别?


最近,Metis正在推进Sequencer的去中心化进程,社区测试也在紧锣密鼓进行中,一度都把Metis主网的TPS拉高到Ethereum Top3。

这其实只是去中心化Sequencer技术层的压力测试,以确保正式上线后能够稳步运作,比如,多Sequencer轮换机制,单Sequencer作恶惩罚设计,Sequencer MEV如何问题,Sequencer矿工生态参与问题等等。

1)POS出块权:Metis引入了一个Sequencer池,Sequencer节点需要Staking 2万个Metis轮流出块,较高的参与门槛保证了节点的运营能力,以及出特殊通信状况时的修复能力,同时也威慑来了节点单点作恶的可能性。


3)MEV处理:若是中心化Sequencer可通过任意排序来搞MEV夹子行动,但去中心化环境下,就需要一个独立的节点来监控各个Sequencer的排序出块行为,Metis上有专门的L2 Ranger节点对Sequencer生成的区块做抽样检查,以防止交易次序被调换。


4)LSD质押挖矿生态落地: ENKIProtocol LSD 协议即将在Metis生态上线,其目标解决Sequencer矿工挖矿后的Reward在整个去中心化经济体的流通应用问题,显然作为$METIS的主要产出源,矿工们是否愿意把Token进行质押借贷挖矿,对整个$METIS生态的后续发展很重要。




简单来说: EspressoSys 为Rollups提供了一个模块化Sequencer共享组件,相当于穿插一个Sequencer Mempool预处理过程。


Espresso有一套Hotshot权益证明系统,相当于Metis的POS质押系统,以此来保证Sequencer的去中心化以及对应奖惩机制的设计;而且,Espresso大概率会和Eigenlayer合作,外包以太坊的Validators来提供安全共识。此外,还有其配备的Espresso DA功能也是一大亮点。







我之前撰文说过,当layer2项目数量批量涌现后,品牌、市场、生态等综合软实力会成为layer2的核心。届时一条layer2是不是由以太坊提供DA,有没有独立可靠的去中心化Sequencer,有没有成熟稳定且增长潜力的生态落地才是关键。组件的模块化会加速layer2市场的层级分化,头部layer2和中尾部layer2会走截然不同的道路;(OP 和ZK 倒是可以用模块化带动其Stack战略落地)




当然,我并不否认,Celestia、Espresso这类模块化范式给整个layer1和layer2生态带来的潜在“变量”空间,它们降低了技术门槛,可以把市场生态体量做到很大,链多了,创新主体才会丰富,市场才会内卷出一些优质的项目出来。价值和意义一定有,short-term 还是 long -term的差异。

总归到底,layer2起链速度再快,存活下来的一定是可以给主网持续带来用户、项目、资金等有效扩容的超级Mass Adoption经济体。

On the one hand, the author's independent researcher comes from the construction of decentralization in spite of all difficulties, and on the other hand, it is based on the modular sharing scheme. Some people may ask what is the difference between the self-operated store that tries to decentralize the sorter and the outsourcing module. In my opinion, decentralization of the sorter is only the premise of basic molding. The real challenge lies in the construction of decentralized ecosystem. Next, I will talk about my understanding. Recently, the decentralization process is being promoted, and community testing is also in full swing. At one time, the main network was raised to the point where it was actually just a stress test at the decentralized technical level to ensure the stable operation after it was officially launched. For example, the multi-rotation mechanism, the design of punishment for single evil, the problem of miners' ecological participation and so on, introduced the right to block, and a pool node needed 10,000 blocks in turn. The higher participation threshold ensured the node's operational ability and repair ability when there was a special communication situation, and also deterred the possibility of single evil at the same time. The community stress test was launched on the online test network. After that, the community stress test was launched in February. At present, the test network has carried out sequencing and rotation for more than 10,000 transactions for many times, so as to test the stability of the rotation mechanism and pave the way for the decentralization of the official main online line. If centralized, it can be clamped by arbitrary sorting, but in the decentralized environment, an independent node is needed to monitor the sorting and blocking behavior. There are special nodes to conduct sampling inspection on the generated blocks to prevent the transaction order from being changed, but only by random inspection, supervision and punishment. More or less passive in the late stage of confrontation, the node can completely become a similar special pipeline. The ecological landing agreement of pledge mining is about to go online in ecology. Its goal is to solve the circulation and application problems of miners in the whole decentralized economy after mining. Obviously, it is the main source of output. Whether miners are willing to pledge lending mining is very important for the subsequent development of the whole ecology. In short, the technical problem of decentralization is not complicated and rare, but it is a set of stability behind it. Decentralized ecological construction support benefit distribution and incentive model should talk about technical issues, which are just the tip of the iceberg of decentralization. A series of integrated services and experiences around market ecological operation users are the highlight of decentralization project. The challenges existing in decentralization promotion are described above, and the sharing scheme based on this is easy to understand. Simply put, it is equivalent to providing a modular sharing component interspersed with a preprocessing process. The original user calls and requests to send. The trade fair will be submitted directly to the processing center, and now it can be processed in batches through the sharing center, and then the status will be returned to the pledge system equivalent to a set of rights and interests certification system to ensure decentralization and the design of the corresponding reward and punishment mechanism, and it is highly probable that it will cooperate with the outsourcing company of Ethereum to provide a security consensus. In addition, its equipped functions are also a highlight. Interestingly, if a cross-chain demand submitted by users is shared theoretically, In order to realize the transaction state transition in the environment, so as to reduce the transaction loss of cross-chain submission state and main network interaction, the light imagination space will be great. In short, the method of summation is similar to abstracting the decentralized demand that we all need into a kind of shared sorter commodity, and continuously infiltrating into the ecology in a modular and highly adaptive way. This is a clever approach based on the modular idea, which is bound to attract a large number of one-click chain demand because of its advantages of low cost, high speed and efficiency, but in my opinion, modularity is a double-edged sword. Moderate modularity will greatly reduce the development cost, but if it is excessive, it will lead to the lack of source vitality in the subsequent ecological development. The lightweight nature of modular components can help developers to quickly start the chain at low cost, and the number and change speed of the chain will also accelerate when the capacity and sorter become outsourced goods. I wrote earlier that when the number of projects emerges in batches, the comprehensive soft power such as brand market ecology will become the core. Will one be provided by Ethereum at that time? Is there an independent and reliable decentralization? The ecological landing with mature, stable and growth potential is the key component. Modularization will accelerate the hierarchical differentiation of the market. The head and the middle and tail will take completely different paths, but modularity can be used to drive its strategic landing ability. If the future system is outsourced after outsourcing, a competitive card will be outsourced. Only when the market and operation and maintenance have a paradox, it is easy to understand how to collect ecological projects if the core tax collection rights are given to outsourcing fees. How to encourage and support will have a series of follow-up operation and maintenance problems, which are very similar to an empty shelf. In fact, it lacks an independent decentralized economic framework, and its market ecology is difficult to be done. For example, if you want to build a 100-meter building and give up the steel frame structure, try using the mold again. Of course, I don't deny the potential variable space brought by such modular paradigms to the whole society and ecology. They have lowered the technical threshold. In order to make the market ecological volume very large, more innovative subjects will enrich the market, and some high-quality projects will be rolled out. There must be a difference in value and significance. In the end, the super economy that can continue to bring users' project funds and other effective expansion to the main network will survive faster. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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