币安铭文以 sats 计价?隐藏在“聪”背后的比特币支付属性

币圈资讯 阅读:42 2024-04-22 10:03:34 评论:0



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2 月 1 日,币安 Web3 钱包已上线铭文市场,用户可管理其 BRC-20 资产,截至目前的市场反馈来看,表现差强人意,但 2024 年比特币生态的竞争,注定会成为币安、OKX 等大机构们之间的一条长线叙事。

与此同时,有用户敏锐地「发现」币安铭文板块似乎是用 sats 为计价单位,正如上图所示,上面是以人民币等价显示,下面则是以“sats”计价的数量。以第一个支付选项为例,16200 即为“16200 sats”,彼时市价为约 48.88 人民币。



首先我们需要明确,这里的 sats 并不是指铭文代币 SATS,币安 Web3 钱包里显示的 sats,本质上是指“聪”:

“聪”是比特币计价的最小基本单位(Satoshi,简称 SAT),1比特币=1亿聪,也即 1 Satoshi(SAT)=0.00000001 BTC




譬如如果 40000 美元市价计算,1美元是0.000025 BTC,如果按此标价,那在实际支付、转账时无疑就会变得非常麻烦。

但如果以“聪”标价,1美元等于 2500 SAT,这样不管是在支付转账时还是在记录时都会方便很多,无疑很适合小额转账、支付场景的标价使用。

摩根大通的法人代表 Jesse Xiong 就有着相似的想法,他曾公开表示,“聪”之所以现在越来越受欢迎,就是因为以它为单位记录起来比较简单,而一大串小数看起来真的让人很头疼。




同样的道理也适用于高价格的比特币,虽然加密货币的购买没有股票那样必须至少“一手”或“一股”的最低限制,但就像狗狗币等普遍低价格的 MEME 币等无疑对普通投资者而言更具心理上的吸引力——看起来便宜,更具性价比。

这就是为什么当普通投资者一开始入场时,大多会选择那些看起来比较“便宜”的加密货币,比如 Ripple 甚至是以太坊(笔者18年前后刚入圈时就因此选择了看起来更为“便宜”的莱特币)。

前不久就有业内的加密货币交易平台宣布为其所有比特币交易开启“聪”交易模式,用户在其账户界面设置中可以选择以 SAT 单位来交易 BTC——例如在启用“聪”交易模式下,BTC/USD 将显示为 SAT/USD,ETH/BTC 将显示为 ETH/SAT。


尤其是2024年现货比特币 ETF 通过的大背景下,比特币“数字黄金”的资产属性已经隐隐压过了“全球货币”的支付属性。

BTC L2 新发展势头下,“聪支付”或迎来转折点

对于每秒钟仅能处理 7 笔交易的比特币来说,如何实现小额、高频、快捷的零售场景下即时支付,一度成为其“全球支付货币”愿景的最大痛点所在,而闪电网络(Lightning Network),则正是比特币强化支付属性的主要解决方案。

2018 年 3 月测试版开始落地的闪电网络,是比特币的第二层链下扩容解决方案,它的主要原理是:将交易放到比特币主链之外,使得用户以更低的费用和更高的效率提存、转移比特币。

不过2019年、2020年两年时间内,闪电网络的发展并不尽如人意,整体的增长速度十分缓慢,甚至一度在 DeFi Summer 启动之后被 ERC20 比特币(WBTC等)碾压,让不少对闪电网络寄予厚望的人逐步心灰意冷。

但2023年以来,尤其是近半年,比特币的 Layer2 解决方案不知不觉迎来了爆发,除了 Stacks、RSK、Liquid 等大家耳熟能详的老项目之外,BitVM、BEVM 等新方案也提供了全新的思路。

比特币 L2 赛道相比之下的优势也凸现了出来——既通过将交易打包至 L2 解决了网络拥堵与「垃圾交易」问题,同时也借助新增智能合约的可编程性,为比特币生态创建了包含 Swap、借贷、流动性挖矿、质押在内的一系列 DeFi 应用场景。

以 BEVM 为例,作为一个以 BTC 为 Gas 且兼容 EVM 的 BTC Layer2,核心目标是拓展比特币的智能合约场景,帮助 BTC 突破比特币区块链非图灵完备、不支持智能合约的束缚,让 BTC 可以在 BEVM 这个 Layer2 上构建以 BTC 为原生 Gas 的去中心化应用。

这也就意味着所有的交易都从比特币主链转移到了 Layer2 网络上运行,同时由于 BEVM 完全兼容 EVM,因此也可以轻松地让 BTC 实现各类去中心化应用,从 L2 上赋能比特币生态子项目们:

以太坊 DApp 的开发者可以直接无缝迁移到 BEVM,并在 BEVM 上快速搭建 Swap 甚至借贷、流动性质押等链上 DeFi 场景,为比特币生态带来更多的可能性,相比前两个也是最为去中心化和便捷。

此外,机构和国家之间的意外进展或许是其间最大的助力,就在 2 月 1 日,萨尔瓦多副总统 Felix Ulloa 再次确认,在总统 Nayib Bukele 的第二个任期内,比特币仍将是萨尔瓦多的法定货币。

“聪”+比特币 L2,比特币支付属性的新开端

如此来看,“聪”在比特币 L2 不断蓬勃发展的加持下,很有希望成为比特币下一阶段的基本计价单位。

如果整个行业都使用 satoshi 做定价单位的话,那么它将成为比特币区块链上一个非常重要的组成部分。

尤其是结合 2024 年 BEVM 等比特币 Layer2 解决方案的相继落地与生态建设,可以通过 L2 的性能和成本优势回补比特币作为“全球货币”地位,使其在与“数字黄金”的定位竞争中更具优势。

2024年,叠加比特币 L2 的发展,或许会是“聪”逐步成为比特币下一阶段基本计价单位的元年,也是比特币“全球货币”的支付属性回归舞台中央的开始。

On February, Coin 'an wallet was launched, and the inscription said that market users can manage their assets. Up to now, the market feedback shows that the performance is not satisfactory, but the competition of Bitcoin ecology in is bound to become a long-term narrative among institutions such as Coin 'an. At the same time, some users are keenly aware that the inscription on Coin 'an seems to be used as the unit of valuation, as shown in the above figure, and the following is based on the amount of valuation. Take the first payment option as an example, that is, the market price at that time is about RMB, so this is really that. What does an inscription mean? What is Congcong? First of all, we need to make it clear that Congcong is the smallest basic unit of bitcoin pricing, which means that Congcong has been born at least years ago, but it has not been paid attention to by the mainstream because of the comprehensive influence of various factors such as the relatively low unit price of bitcoin, and now it is in the field of payment and transfer with the price of tens of thousands of dollars a piece of bitcoin. Compared with direct pricing, Congcong's significance is reflected. For example, if the market price of the US dollar is calculated and the US dollar is priced according to this price, it will undoubtedly become very troublesome when actually paying for the transfer. However, if Congcong's price is equal to this, it will be much more convenient when paying for the transfer or when recording it. Undoubtedly, it is very suitable for the small transfer payment scene. The legal representative of JPMorgan Chase has similar ideas. He has publicly stated that Congcong is becoming more and more popular now because it is based on it. It is relatively simple to record, but a string of decimals seems to be a real headache. The psychological threshold of trading is lowered. In addition, it is not only the cognitive advantage of users when paying for the transfer, but also the psychological threshold of incremental users. In the traditional financial market, if the value of a single stock is relatively high, the company may decide to split the stock in order to attract more ordinary investors to lower their purchase and psychological threshold, just like Tesla's previous stock split plan has made many ordinary people. Ordinary investors have the opportunity to participate, from thousands of dollars a share to only a few hundred dollars a share. The same principle also applies to high-priced bitcoin. Although the purchase of cryptocurrency does not have the minimum limit of at least one hand or one share like stocks, generally low-priced coins such as dogecoin are undoubtedly more psychologically attractive to ordinary investors and look cheaper and more cost-effective. This is why most ordinary investors choose those that look cheaper when they first enter the market. Secret currency, such as even Ethereum, I chose Litecoin which looks cheaper when I first entered the circle around the year. Not long ago, the cryptocurrency trading platform in the industry announced that it would open the smart trading mode for all its bitcoin transactions. Users can choose to trade in units in their account interface settings. For example, when the smart trading mode is enabled, it will be displayed as "will be displayed as", but the latter is more of a psychological impact, but the former's bitcoin small quick payment transfer with smart units will be the next one. The development of the stage may be very important, and it will probably become the key help for Bitcoin to play its global currency attribute again in the payment field, especially in the background of the adoption of spot bitcoin in, the asset attribute of Bitcoin digital gold has been faintly overwhelmed by the payment attribute of global currency, and smart payment or a turning point has been ushered in under the new development momentum. For Bitcoin, which can only handle transactions per second, how to realize instant payment in a small, high-frequency and fast retail scene has once become the most important vision of its global payment currency. The big pain point lies in the lightning network, which is the main solution to enhance the payment property of Bitcoin. The lightning network that the beta version began to land in June is the second-tier offline expansion solution of Bitcoin. Its main principle is to put the transaction outside the main chain of Bitcoin, so that users can deposit and transfer Bitcoin at lower cost and higher efficiency. However, the development of lightning network is not satisfactory in two years each year, and the overall growth rate is very slow, and even once it was crushed by Bitcoin. Many people who have high hopes for lightning network are gradually disheartened, but since last year, especially in the past six months, the solution of Bitcoin has unwittingly ushered in an explosion. In addition to waiting for the old projects that everyone is familiar with, new solutions have also provided brand-new ideas. The advantages of Bitcoin track are also highlighted, which not only solves the problems of network congestion and junk trading by packaging transactions, but also creates a mining pledge for Bitcoin ecology with the help of the programmability of new smart contracts. Taking a series of application scenarios as an example, as a thought and compatible core goal, it is to expand the smart contract scenario of Bitcoin, help break through the constraint that the bitcoin blockchain is not Turing complete and does not support smart contracts, so that decentralized applications can be built on this platform, which means that all transactions are transferred from the bitcoin main chain to the network, and at the same time, due to full compatibility, it is easy to realize various decentralized applications to empower Bitcoin ecological subprojects. The developers of Ethereum can directly and seamlessly migrate to the online scene of rapid construction and even loan liquidity pledge, which brings more possibilities to the bitcoin ecology. Compared with the first two, it is also the most decentralized and convenient. In addition, the unexpected progress between institutions and countries may be the biggest help during this period. On April, Vice President of El Salvador reconfirmed that bitcoin will remain the legal tender of El Salvador and the new beginning of bitcoin payment property. Thanks to the booming development of bitcoin, Cong is expected to become the basic pricing unit of bitcoin in the next stage. If the whole industry uses it as the pricing unit, it will become a very important part of the bitcoin blockchain, especially in combination with the successive landing of bitcoin solutions and the performance and cost advantages that can be achieved through ecological construction in, etc., which will make it more advantageous in the positioning competition with digital gold. The development of superimposed bitcoin in may be the first year when Cong gradually becomes the basic pricing unit of bitcoin in the next stage, and it is also the beginning of the return of the payment attribute of bitcoin global currency to the center of the stage. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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