1 月 NFT 市场动态:Polygon 增长、Mooar 崛起、TinFun 掀起文化浪潮

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2024 年 1 月,加密货币与 NFT 市场迎来了重要的转折点,其中美国首批现货比特币 ETF 的亮相尤为引人注目,这一金融一体化的里程碑事件吸引了众多投资者的目光。与此同时,NFT 领域也取得了令人瞩目的增长,交易量和用户活跃度均显著提升。此外,本月还显示出 NFT 市场的转变,Polygon 的异军突起、Mooar 等平台的崛起以及富含文化底蕴的项目如 TinFun 的涌现,均成为市场焦点。相较之下,OpenSea 则在一些列市场变化中表达了对收购交易持开放的态度。

本报告基于 Footprint Analytics 的 NFT 研究页面提供的数据。该页面是一个全面且易于使用的仪表板,提供了了解 NFT 行业脉搏所必需的最新统计数据和指标,包括交易、项目、融资等等。



  • 比特币以 42,303 美元开始,小幅上涨 1.65 %,最终收于 43,001 美元;而以太坊则从 2,283 美元开始,上涨 2.77%,收于 2,346 美元。

  • 更广泛的加密市场转向探索加密与 AI 的协同效应。在美联储决定维持利率稳定的背景下,稳定币市值的稳步上升。

NFT 市场概览

  • 1 月,NFT 市场增长强劲,交易量达到 10 亿美元,环比增长 17.3%。

  • Pudgy Penguins 热度不减,以交易量稳居前十排行榜第三位,而其姐妹项目 Lil Pudgys 则位列第八。

  • 区块链游戏 Gas Hero 的 NFT,尤其是 Common Heros 和 Items 系列,1 月份的交易量激增,位列当月交易量前十之中。

  • TinFun 自 2024 年 1 月首次亮相以来,在交易量方面已跻身前十。

公链与 NFT 交易市场

  • 以太坊以 9.0 亿美元的交易量领跑 NFT 市场,市场份额为 89.1% ,但这是自 2021 年以来的最低水平。

  • 1 月份 Polygon 的交易活动显著增加,其交易量达到 1.1 亿美元,较上月增长 97.2%。

  • OpenSea 的市场份额继续下降,从 20.8% 降至 16.6%,交易量也减少了 10.1%,至1.7 亿美元。

  • 区块链游戏 Gas Hero 的流行显著促进了 Mooar 和 Polygon 在1月份交易量的增加,凸显了该游戏对市场动态的影响。

NFT 投融资情况   

  • 1 月份,NFT 投融资市场保持稳定,共进行了 5 轮融资,总计 2,640 万美元。


  • OpenSea 推出使用电子邮件创建加密钱包的新功能。

  • Binance Labs 宣布投资 Memeland 的原生代币 Memecoin (MEME)。

  • Tune.FM 宣布完成 2,000 万美元融资。

  • OpenSea CEO:公司已收到收购意向,对收购交易持开放态度。


2024 年 1 月,比特币和以太坊继续呈上升趋势,尽管增速有所放缓。比特币从 42,303 美元开始,小幅上涨 1.65 %,最终收于 43,001 美元;而以太坊则从 2,283 美元开始,上涨 2.77%,收于 2,346 美元。


数据来源:比特币及以太坊价格 - Footprint Analytics

2024 年 1 月,美国现货比特币 ETF 的首次亮相标志着加密市场的一个关键时刻,这些 ETF 高达 2.1 亿美元的日交易量迅速吸引了投资者的注意,反映了加密货币在传统金融生态系统中更深层次的融合。尽管市场兴奋情绪高涨,比特币和以太坊的价格仍相对稳定,表明 ETF 批准后交易者依然持谨慎态度。

同时,更广泛的加密市场关注点转向探索加密行业与 AI 的协同效应。在美联储决定维持利率稳定的背景下,稳定币市值的稳步上升。这一时期标志着加密领域正经历微妙的演变,既体现在比特币 ETF 的批准实现的机构采纳上,也体现在对宏观经济和技术发展持续预期中的平衡考量上。

NFT 市场概览 

2024 年 1 月,NFT 市场增长强劲,交易量达到 10 亿美元,环比增长 17.3%。交易次数激增 26.2%,共计达到 1,747,453 次,独立用户数(钱包数)则增长了 20.5%,达到 358,280 名。这些统计数据凸显出市场活动和用户参与度均呈现显著的上升趋势,进一步彰显了NFT 不断扩大的市场影响力。


数据来源:NFT 市场概览 - Footprint Analytics

NFT 市场的市值从月初的约 70.2 亿美元起步,增长了 5.83%,月末市值约为 74.3 亿美元。


数据来源:NFT 市值及交易量- Footprint Analytics

NFT 市场的买卖家比率提高至 118.6%,买家数量增至 228,509 名,较 12 月增长了26.8%,而卖家数量则达到 192,718 名,增长了 9.1%。这一变化表明买家的兴趣正在持续增长,且增速超过了卖家的增加。


数据来源:NFT 每日买家&卖家 - Footprint Analytics

蓝筹指数在 1 月份经历了轻微的增长,上涨了 4.4%,月内存在一定波动。


数据来源:NFT 蓝筹指数 - Footprint Analytics

1 月份,Pudgy Penguins 热度不减,以交易量稳居前十排行榜第三位,而其姐妹项目 Lil Pudgys 则位列第八。


数据来源:1 月交易量前十 NFT 系列 - Footprint Analytics

Gas Hero 是一款以社交互动为重点的区块链互动策略游戏,于 1 月 3 日正式上线,并迅速获得广泛关注。该游戏在 Find Satoshi Lab 生态系统内运行,采用与 StepN 相同的原生代币 GMT。游戏为玩家提供了收集、定制和增强英雄 NFT 的机会,这些NFT 包括各种武器和宠物,激励玩家通过完成任务来收集游戏内资产。值得注意的是,该游戏的 NFT,尤其是 Common Heros 和 Items 系列,1 月份的交易量激增,位列当月交易量前十之中。


Gas Hero Common Heroes NFT 系列

TinFun 是一个备受瞩目的 NFT 项目,自 2024 年 1 月首次亮相以来,在交易量方面已跻身前十。该项目致力于通过融合优质艺术品和创新的区块链技术来传承东方文化传统,带领人们深入探索东方美学、故事和游戏。该项目由 LaserCat NFT 的创始人“BitCloutCat” 领导,团队核心成员来自腾讯、OKX 和 Riot Games 等知名公司。TinFun 的成功推出提升了人们的期待,希望它能通过持续的用户参与保持发展势头,并使其 NFT 收藏品的实用价值超越市场的炒作。



公链与 NFT 交易市场

1 月份,以太坊以 9.0 亿美元的交易量领跑 NFT 市场,市场份额为 89.1% ,但这是自 2021 年以来的最低水平。相反,1 月份 Polygon 的交易活动显著增加,其交易量达到 1.1 亿美元,较上月增长 97.2%。这一显著增长使 Polygon 的市场份额提高至 10.4%,几乎是 12 月 6.0% 的两倍。


数据来源:公链 NFT 月度交易量 - Footprint Analytics

以太坊的独特用户数量持续增长,达到 16.3万,较 12 月增长了 4.9%,但其在总用户中的占比却从 49.0% 下降到了 42.7%。相比之下,Polygon 的用户基数大幅增长,从 50.5% 激增至 17.0 万,同时其占比也从 35.5% 提升至 44.5%,在 1 月份成功坐拥最大用户基础。同时,BNB 的用户份额小幅上升,从 7.5% 增至 8.6%。


数据来源:公链 NFT 月度独立用户数 - Footprint Analytics

在 NFT 交易市场方面,Blur 的交易量增长了 11.7%,达到 6.9 亿美元,尽管其市场份额从 12 月的 69.2% 略微下降到 68.3%。OpenSea 的市场份额继续下降,从 20.8% 降至 16.6%,交易量也减少了 10.1%,至1.7 亿美元。相反 Mooar 则崭露头角,成为一股不可忽视的力量,其交易量大幅增长了 112.1%,市场份额也从 5.0% 扩大到了 9.5%。


数据来源:NFT 交易市场每月的交易量占比 - Footprint Analytics

此外,OpenSea、Blur 和 Element 在 1 月份吸引了最多的独特用户,用户数量分别为 27.9 万、5.5 万和 4.0 万。


数据来源:NFT 交易市场每月独立用户数 - Footprint Analytics

区块链游戏 Gas Hero 的流行显著推动了 Mooar 和 Polygon 在1月份交易量的增加,凸显了该游戏对市场动态的影响。

与此形成对比的是,在 NFT 市场风云变幻中,OpenSea 一直努力证明其先前 133 亿美元的估值是合理的。1 月 27 日,CEO Devin Finzer 透露,OpenSea 已吸引了收购兴趣,尽管他并未透露时间和潜在的收购方。Finzer 向媒体表示,公司对被收购的选项持开放态度。虽然 OpenSea 一度是 NFT 市场的领跑者,但自 2023 年下半年以来,其竞争对手的增长势头更为迅猛。

NFT 投融资情况   

1 月份,NFT 投融资市场保持稳定,共进行了 5 轮融资,总计 2,640 万美元。


2024 年 1 月 NFT 项目融资情况

币安实验室(Binance Labs),作为币安的投资部门,已对 MEME 币进行了战略投资。MEME 币是 Memeland 的原生代币,而 Memeland 则是由 9GAG 的创始人所打造的一家独立的 Web3 创业工作室。Memeland 致力于培育 SocialFi 和创作者经济,通过其 MEME 币和 NFT(The Captainz、The Potatoz 和 YOU THE REAL MVP),利用 MEME 文化的力量将创作者和社区紧密连接在一起。这一投资彰显了币安实验室对支持创新项目的承诺,这些项目旨在加强在不断演变的 Web3 生态系统中数字内容创作者与其观众之间的联系。

Web3 音乐平台 Tune.FM 已经成功地从 LDA Capital 筹集到 2,000 万美元,以进一步实现其使命,即使音乐家能够从自己的作品中获得更丰厚的版税收入。Tune.FM 利用先进的 Hedera Hashgraph 区块链技术,为艺术家提供了独特的机会,使他们能够通过其原生 JAM 代币为流媒体获得收入,并为他们的数字音乐和收藏品铸造 NFT。



公链:Ethereum, Polygon, BNB Chain, Cronos, Optimism, Sui

交易市场:OpenSea, LooksRare, Blur, X2Y2, Cryptopunks, Rarible, SuperRare, Foundation, Decentraland, Aavegotchi, Element, Era7, the Sandbox, Minted, Clutchy, BlueMove, Hyperspace, Tocen, Keepsake, Mooar

Cryptographic currency and the market ushered in an important turning point in September, in which the appearance of the first batch of spot bitcoin in the United States was particularly striking. This milestone event of financial integration attracted the attention of many investors. At the same time, the field also achieved remarkable growth, and the transaction volume and user activity were significantly improved. In addition, this month, it also showed the sudden emergence of market changes, and the rise of platforms and the emergence of projects with rich cultural heritage became the focus of the market. In contrast, in some markets, it changed. This report is based on the data provided by the research page, which is a comprehensive and easy-to-use dashboard, and provides the latest statistical data and indicators necessary to understand the pulse of the industry, including the main points of transaction project financing, etc. Overview of the encryption market Overview of Bitcoin started to rise slightly in US dollars and finally closed in US dollars, while Ethereum started to rise in US dollars and closed in US dollars. The broader encryption market turned to explore the synergy between encryption and the Federal Reserve decided to dimension. Under the background of stable interest rate, the market value of the stable currency is steadily rising. Market overview: The monthly market is growing strongly, and the trading volume reaches US$ 100 million. The growth enthusiasm is not decreasing. The trading volume ranks third in the top ten list, while its sister project ranks third in the eighth district, especially in the series of block chain games. The trading volume surged in the top ten in the month. Since its debut in January, it has been among the top ten public chains and trading markets. Ethereum leads the market with US$ 100 million in trading volume. It is the lowest level since 2008, and the trading activity in the month has increased significantly, with its trading volume reaching $100 million. Compared with last month, the market share has continued to decline, and the popularity of blockchain games has also decreased to $100 million. The increase in trading volume in the month has significantly promoted and highlighted the impact of the game on market dynamics. In the month, the investment and financing market remained stable, with a total round of financing totaling $10,000. This month, the new function of creating encrypted wallets by e-mail was launched, and investment was announced. The original token of $10,000 has been announced, and the financing company has received the intention to purchase. The overview of the encryption market is open to the acquisition transaction. Although the growth rate has slowed down, Bitcoin started to rise slightly from the US dollar and finally closed in the US dollar, while Ethereum started to rise from the US dollar and closed in the US dollar data source. Bitcoin and Ethereum prices. The debut of spot bitcoin in the United States marked a critical moment in the encryption market. These daily transactions amounted to hundreds of millions of dollars. The speed has attracted investors' attention, reflecting the deeper integration of cryptocurrency in the traditional financial ecosystem. Despite the high market excitement, the prices of Bitcoin and Ethereum are still relatively stable, indicating that traders are still cautious after approval, while the focus of the broader encryption market has turned to explore the synergy between the encryption industry and the Fed's decision to maintain interest rate stability. This period marks that the encryption field is undergoing a subtle evolution, which is reflected in the comparison. The institutional adoption of the approval of special currency is also reflected in the balanced consideration of the sustained expectation of macroeconomic and technological development. On the market overview, the market grew strongly in October, and the transaction volume reached US$ 100 million. The number of transactions surged, reaching the number of sub-independent users, while the number of wallets increased to the name. These statistics highlight the significant upward trend of market activities and user participation, further highlighting the expanding market influence. Data sources: Market overview: The market value of the market has increased from about 100 million at the beginning of the month. At the end of the month, the market value was about $100 million. The ratio of buyers to sellers in the market value and trading volume of data sources increased until the number of buyers increased to $100 million, while the number of sellers increased to $100 million. This change shows that the interest of buyers is growing continuously and the growth rate exceeds that of sellers. The daily blue chip index of buyers and sellers experienced a slight increase in May, and there was a certain fluctuation in the data sources. The monthly popularity of the blue chip index of data sources remained constant, and the trading volume remained in the top ten rankings. The third place is its sister project, and the top ten series of monthly transaction volume of the eighth data source is a blockchain interactive strategy game focusing on social interaction, which was officially launched on April and quickly gained wide attention. The game runs in the ecosystem and uses the same native token game to provide players with opportunities to collect customized and enhanced heroes. These include various weapons and pets to encourage players to collect in-game assets by completing tasks. It is worth noting that the month of the game, especially the series. The transaction volume surged and ranked among the top ten in the month. The series is a high-profile project, which has been among the top ten in terms of transaction volume since its debut in January. The project is committed to inheriting the oriental cultural tradition by integrating high-quality works of art and innovative blockchain technology, leading people to explore oriental aesthetic stories and games in depth. The project is led by its founder, and the successful launch of the team with core members from Tencent and other well-known companies has raised people's expectations. It is hoped that it will be able to participate through continuous users. The hype of maintaining the development momentum and making the practical value of its collection surpass the market: Arabian Public Chain and Trading Market; In January, Ethereum led the market with a trading volume of US$ 100 million, but this was the lowest level since 2000. On the contrary, the trading activity in January increased significantly, with a trading volume of US$ 100 million, which increased its market share to almost twice that of last month. The number of unique users of Ethereum continued to grow, reaching 10,000, but it increased. However, the proportion of the total users has decreased from a drop to a sharp increase in the user base from a surge to 10,000, and at the same time, its proportion has also increased from a success to having the largest user base in January, while the user share has increased slightly from an increase to a data source, and the number of monthly independent users in the trading market has increased to $ billion, although its market share has decreased slightly from January to $100 million, on the contrary, it has emerged as a stock market. The force that can be ignored has greatly increased its trading volume, and its market share has also expanded from expanding to data source trading market, accounting for the largest proportion of monthly trading volume. In addition, the number of unique users attracted in January was 10,000 and the number of independent users in the data source trading market was 10,000 respectively. The popularity of blockchain games has significantly promoted the increase in trading volume in January, highlighting the impact of the game on market dynamics. In contrast, it has been trying to prove that its previous valuation of 100 million US dollars is reasonable in the changeable market, and the monthly disclosure has attracted interest in acquisition, although he did not disclose the time and potential acquisition direction, the media said 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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