
币圈资讯 阅读:32 2024-04-22 09:50:04 评论:0



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来源:Management Science,作者,Bruno Biais, Agostino Capponi, Lin William Cong, Vishal Gaur, Kay Giesecke

1. 引言


2. 已有研究



Cong等人(2023)通过一种系统方法检测伪造交易,首次严格记录了中心化加密货币交易所上的洗钱交易现象。Capponi等人(2023)进一步考虑了矿工在硬件上的投资,并在寻租游戏中竞争挖矿奖励,指出中心化随着挖矿成本的异质性增长,但硬件容量限制防止了最高效的矿工垄断挖矿过程。Garratt和Van Oordt(2023)探索了固定挖矿成本对基于工作量证明(PoW)的加密货币的影响,特别是挖矿硬件类型对可盈利的双重支付攻击的可行性的影响,发现专用硬件的加密货币对汇率冲击的反应较小,这有助于避免双重支付攻击。









当前CeFi形式虽存在担忧,但在去中心化网络中经过改良的CeFi设计可能仍具可持续性。除加密货币交易所外,CBDCs是CeFi中最活跃的发展之一(例如,Auer et al. 2022),而稳定币和去中心化交易所则是DeFi的主要应用。特别专题的后三篇文章探讨了CeFi、DeFi和加密产品创新的演变及其经济洞察。

Chiu和Davoodalhosseini (2023) 研究了CBDC对宏观经济的影响,发现类现金的CBDC比类存款的CBDC更能促进消费和福利,并可能增加银行中介和市场份额。Park (2023) 讨论了去中心化自动化做市商(AMMs)的概念缺陷,指出流动性不变定价允许三明治攻击,增加交易成本,威胁DeFi生态系统的长期可行性。Augustin等 (2023) 通过比特币期货合约的引入,研究了衍生品对现货市场的影响,发现期货合约有助于提高价格效率、市场质量和流动性。这些研究为理解金融创新的经济效应提供了新视角。

3. 未来展望


金融科技对金融系统的监管提出了许多挑战。一个迫切的挑战是如何相对于传统金融机构来监管新兴的基于区块链的(CeFi和DeFi)实体。尽管一些国家已取得进展,但现实是,在世界大部分地区,加密监管仍然模糊或缺失。一些人认为,基于活动而非实体来进行监管是可取的,以便平衡竞争环境,确保从事类似活动的各种实体受到相同的监管待遇。其他人提议完全消除这个行业。无论如何,随着全球各地的监管机构日益重视打击加密市场操纵和网络犯罪,并推出一系列其他监管举措,两个研究领域的重要性逐渐显露。第一个是开发统计分析和区块链取证工具,以便检测和打击该行业的阴暗面,并确保市场完整性。关于法务会计和金融的研究在传统金融领域被证明是有用的,并且在CeFi和DeFi中继续发挥作用(Foley et al. 2019, Cong et al. 2023a, Griffin and Kruger 2023),特别是关于与加密相关的网络犯罪和市场操纵。第二个是理解经济激励,以预测均衡结果并在各种监管过程中证明“意图”,许多文章对此有所贡献。推而广之,严格的经济研究对于为政府提供信息、协助监管机构建立保护投资者和消费者免受欺诈和犯罪活动的明确框架是必要的,而不会变得过于严苛以至扼杀创新。


在将各种协议设计视为既定的前提下,研究人员一直在分析基于区块链网络的各种均衡结果(例如,Halaburda et al. 2022, Amoussou-Guenou et al. 2023)。但是,越来越多的人认识到这些设计可能是特定情况下的且次优的。因此,区块链和Web3协议中的机制设计和信息设计构成了经济学家可以做出独特贡献的领域。代币经济学设计同样重要,它需要货币经济学、资产定价和公司金融的知识。探索各种系统设计可以帮助从用户那里获取信息(用于众包和投票等;例如,见Benhaim et al. 2023b)、改进信息记录(例如,共识机制)、激励/协调用户的贡献,并筹集资本(例如,通过ICO)。


去中心化并非没有代价,也不等同于无需许可的区块链 (Bakos et al. 2021)。仅仅为了去中心化而去中心化是意识形态者和极端爱好者的话题。作为经济学家,我们应该考虑所涉及的权衡。如果要推广区块链和加密货币,它们需要像互联网一样可靠、可扩展的基础设施,以便用于大多数经济活动。CeFi、DeFi和TradFi共同演化的一个可能结果是,一个最优和可持续的网络将结合它们所有的元素。因此,在如何克服区块链可扩展性挑战的讨论中 (e.g., Buterin 2017, Abadi and Brunnermeier 2022) ,通过局部中心化仍然非常重要。此外,正式尝试引入Web3声誉,超越启发式讨论 (Weyl et al. 2022, Tong 2023) 仍然是一个有前景的领域,经济学家可以在这里做出独特的贡献,鉴于关于评级、声誉和合同的广泛学术文献。支持保密的AMM-based DEXs的区块链,解决各种攻击(例如,三明治攻击)的问题,也需要进一步的经济分析。


区块链和加密经济领域之外的许多人抱怨区块链和Web3只是炒作。我们应该让事实来发言。需要更多地了解这个领域是否正在变得现实或者可以变得现实。这一努力始于记录基本的经验模式,如加密资产的回报动态 (e.g., Liu and Tsyvinski 2021),功能和分类 (Cong et al. 2022a),以及对实体经济的影响 (Benetton et al. 2023)。随着非同质化代币 (NFTs)、去中心化应用 (DApps) 和去中心化自治组织 (DAOs) 的出现,向研究人员提供系统状态信息的实证研究可能是有价值的 (Borri et al. 2022, Falk et al. 2022)。中央银行数字货币 (CBDCs) 和稳定币可能是区块链和智能合约最有前景的大规模应用。尽管关于它们的设计和经济原则有丰富的理论文献 (e.g., Gorton and Zhang 2023),但定量或实证研究才刚刚开始 (e.g., Chiu et al. 2023)。另一个重要的大规模采用条件是互操作性——一种简单可靠的方式,让数字资产可以自由交换,并使更多行业能够将区块链融入日常运营。此外,如Chen et al. (2023a) 所描述的智能合约的潜力释放,需要价值和信息在链下和链上世界之间的流动(可能通过物联网传感器),这方面的讨论才刚刚开始 (e.g., Bakos and Halaburda 2023, Cong et al. 2023d)。


区块链应用已超越商业经济和金融领域,正逐渐涌现于治理、供应链、游戏、医疗保健等领域。Yermack (2017) 与 Erwin 与 Yang (2023) 探讨了区块链在治理和可持续性方面的应用。此外,区块链被有效地用于提高供应链透明度 (e.g., Chod et al., Ma et al. 2022),这对于区块链的采纳和竞争产生了影响 (Sristy 2021, Iyengar et al. 2021, 2023)。Cui 与 Gaur (2022) 讨论了区块链在供应链应用中与加密货币网络的不同,并说明了区块链在供应链中的用途。作者还介绍了近期的成功案例,并通过公司访谈和次级出版物来分析其创造价值的潜力。这些应用包括流程效率改进、供应链优化和新的创新用例的创建,它们的实施便利性和益处范围有所不同,但都能从经济分析中受益。






    The emergence of blockchain technology and encrypted assets represents a major innovation in economic infrastructure. The consensus mechanism introduced by Bitcoin and unlicensed blockchain has fundamentally changed the way participants store and transfer value without centralized intermediary. The possibility of new technologies has led to the explosive growth of experiments and applications in the fields of encrypted centralized finance, decentralized finance and emerging versions. However, many design choices and economic characteristics are in computer science and engineering research. Being placed in a secondary position, as all countries in the world are trying to integrate the payment track and financial infrastructure based on blockchain, this kind of academic research is still essential for informed policy and technical design and increasing basic design. This paper combs the current research in this field through a special literature, and the economics behind the challenges faced by tokens have been studied. With the collapse of the cryptocurrency platform in and the regulatory litigation against it, the crypto industry is facing tremendous pressure, but these The challenge is usually economic rather than technical, involving the centralization and decentralization of blockchain platforms and applications. Although decentralization is technically possible, cryptocurrency exchanges that may not be centralized in economic equilibrium have witnessed the exponential growth of cryptocurrency market, which still dominates the encryption field at present, and many economic forces behind it have led to vertical integration and centralization, which not only violates the concept of blockchain as a decentralized consensus form, but also may lead to market. Considering the seriousness of these problems, the first part of the topic contains three articles. They have discussed these basic economic problems before the rapid development of the industry in the past two years. People have detected counterfeit transactions through a systematic method and strictly recorded the phenomenon of money laundering transactions on centralized cryptocurrency exchanges for the first time. People have further considered miners' investment in hardware and competed for mining rewards in rent-seeking games. It is pointed out that centralization increases with the heterogeneity of mining costs, but the hardware capacity is limited. The system prevents the most efficient miners from monopolizing the mining process and explores the influence of fixed mining cost on cryptocurrency based on workload proof, especially the influence of mining hardware type on the feasibility of profitable double payment attack. It is found that cryptocurrency with special hardware has less response to exchange rate shock, which helps to avoid double payment attack. These studies not only deepen our consensus on the manipulation of mining industry structure in cryptocurrency market and the decentralization of hardware production and investment in generating blockchain network. The understanding of the importance in the process also provided an academic basis for the regulatory litigation against multiple cryptographic exchanges and warned the market manipulation behavior that may be caused by the concentration of power by entities under limited regulatory or disclosure requirements. These problems later appeared in the collapse. The scalability and smart contract of the blockchain of the cost mechanism, even if there are no challenges related to the lack of supervision and mining attacks, the blockchain system still faces some designs in achieving scalability while maintaining the decentralized structure. First of all, there is no centralized entity to price products and services. What kind of fee mechanism should be adopted in distributed networks to ensure long-term sustainability is unclear. The scalability of blockchain and smart contracts is a well-known bottleneck in the industry. In addition, the economic impact of blockchain and smart contracts is basically unknown. The next three articles on the topic will help fill these knowledge gaps. People have proposed a fee setting mechanism based on unified price auction to reduce cost fluctuations and prevent users and miners. Manipulation and others have studied how the consensus of the Committee affects the speed and security of blockchain, and found that small committees can improve scalability but may also reduce security. By analyzing the influence of American state laws on the adoption of blockchain technology, they have found that blockchain technology can help alleviate the problem of contract incompleteness, promote company innovation and reduce dependence on vertical integration. Token economics is a new field to explore the use and vulnerability of encrypted tokens. Valuation was first put forward by others in their working papers in and gradually developed through a series of research. This field covers theoretical and empirical research, and discusses various types and functions of cryptocurrency. Blockchain platform provides new ways of financing and monetization by issuing local tokens. These tokens are used as alternatives to traditional convertible securities or equity and fee or commission contracts, and it is pointed out that although income-based token contracts may not be as good as equity in economy, optimized token contracts can Studies by people who produce returns similar to equity and debt show that entrepreneurs reduce information asymmetry by keeping tokens, and discuss how tokens can extract consumer surplus through price discrimination. People analyze the role of analysts in the market and find that their evaluation may be biased due to interaction. People study the effectiveness of tokens and platform commissions in overcoming moral hazard, and discuss the role of cryptocurrency as utility tokens in promoting transactions and the re-trading of tokens. How does sex affect the stability of the platform? These studies provide rich insights for the field of token economics, especially on the topic of signal network effect and platform governance in token financing market. Centralized finance decentralized finance and encryption innovation, although there are concerns in the current form, the improved design in decentralized network may still be sustainable, except cryptocurrency exchange, which is one of the most active developments in the world, such as stable currency and decentralized exchange. Three articles discuss the evolution of encryption product innovation and its economic insight and research on its macroeconomic impact. It is found that cash-like products can promote consumption and welfare more than deposits, and may increase bank intermediaries and market share. The concept defects of decentralized automated market makers are discussed, and the fixed liquidity pricing allows sandwich attacks to increase transaction costs and threaten the long-term feasibility of the ecosystem. The impact of derivatives on the spot market is studied through the introduction of bitcoin futures contracts. Goods contracts help to improve price efficiency, market quality and liquidity. These studies provide a new perspective for understanding the economic effects of financial innovation. Looking forward to the future, blockchain forensics, network security and supervision of financial technology pose many challenges to the supervision of the financial system. An urgent challenge is how to supervise emerging blockchain-based entities relative to traditional financial institutions. Although some countries have made progress, the reality is that encryption supervision is still vague or lacking in most parts of the world. Some people think that it is desirable to supervise based on activities rather than entities in order to balance the competitive environment and ensure various entities engaged in similar activities. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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