一周必读10篇 | 详解以太坊Dencun升级细节 什么是ERC-404?它为何重要?

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1.再质押赛道持续升温 一文对比代表项目发展状况

2月6日,以太坊流动性再质押协议TVL上涨突破20亿美元,其中ether.fi TVL超7.5亿美元,以500%的月涨幅居首位,紧随其后的是Puffer Finance、Kelp DAO。而Renzo、Eigenpie的TVL也均超过2亿美元。此前再质押明星概念项目EigenLayer与AltLayer的火热也持续为该叙事引流,进而带动了多个同类型项目迅速发展。而去年以太坊上海升级就已带动流动性质押赛道兴起,经过一段时间的发展,又进化出再质押的玩法。点击阅读


随着备受期待的Dencun升级,我们正处于以太坊区块链生态系统重大演变的风口浪尖。此次更新标志着重大进步,通过解决生态系统中一些最紧迫的挑战(例如解锁第 2 层可扩展性以及增强节点运营商和验证者的安全性)来增强以太坊的功能。点击阅读


在以太坊生态系统中,我们有用于数字现金用例的可替代 ERC-20 代币和用于数字收藏品用例的不可替代 ERC-721 代币。

但如果你能在这里将二者完美融合呢?这种融合正是 ERC-404(一种新的实验性代币标准)的创建目的。 在今天的文章中,让我们带您快速了解 ERC-404 标准和 Pandora(使用该规范构建的第一个项目)的基础知识!点击阅读


Jupiter 上周的空投将 10 亿个 JUP 交到了 Solana DEX 聚合器最早的用户手中,但空投接收者应该持有这些代币吗?在今天的问题中,两位 Bankless 分析师持相反的观点,为该代币的未来表现构建了牛市和熊市案例。点击阅读


Meson社区发售计划于 UTC 时间 2024 年 2 月 8 日 18:00 在 CoinList 上进行。Meson Network是去中心化公共基础设施网络(DePIN)领域最热门的项目之一,一直保持着最大的去中心化带宽交易市场的地位,拥有业界最高的用户量和节点资源数。在与 Meson 团队的对话中,探讨了它们解决的现实问题、与其他去中心化存储提供商的不同之处、它们如何应对可扩展性挑战、他们的增长策略以及它们对 DePIN 最佳用例的想法更广泛的规模。点击阅读


ARK Invest的首席执行官表示,自从Spot比特币交易所交易基金(ETFs)推出以来,投资者开始从黄金转向比特币(BTC)。“相对于黄金,比特币一直在上涨。现在有一种更便捷的方式来获取比特币,我们认为这种替代现象将继续下去。”ARK Invest的Cathie Woods在公司YouTube频道上与首席未来主义者Brett Winton于2月4日进行的交谈中表示。点击阅读

7.读懂Mercury Layer:一种新型比特币2层协议

Mercury Layer由Commerce Block创建,代表了比特币2层扩展生态系统的重大进步,专注于通过状态链(statechains)增强隐私和效率。Mercury Layer可以在不牺牲所有者资金托管和安全的情况下实现比特币UTXO的链下转移和结算。该2层协议利用状态链和盲联合签名技术来促进即时且免费的交易,为比特币的可扩展性提供了一种新颖的方法。点击阅读


本周,我们将分析当前周期中对稳定币的需求不断增长,以及 USDT 达到迄今为止的最高市值。 我们研究了各个周期中所有稳定币的整体市值、各自的市场价值,最后,我们深入研究了不断扩大的产生收益的稳定币领域。点击阅读





1月31日,包括Binance、OKX、Bitget等在内的多个主流交易所纷纷宣布上线Solana生态交易聚合器Jupiter(JUP),同日早些时间,号称“史上最大规模空投”的JUP也正式开启,一时间该项目在市场上的讨论度拉满。作为近期的热门项目,Jupiter在2023年月交易量增长约十倍,从1月的6.5亿美元增长到12月的71亿美元。而今年该项目日交易量更是多次超过Uniswap V3,并且早先也获得过500美元的项目融资。点击阅读

The comparison of the article "Re-pledge track continues to heat up" represents the development of the project. On April, the liquidity re-pledge agreement of Ethereum rose more than $100 million, of which the monthly increase of over $100 million was the first, followed by $100 million. The popularity of the previous re-pledge star concept project continued to drain the narrative, which led to the rapid development of many similar projects. Last year, the upgrade of Ethereum Shanghai led to the rise of the liquidity pledge track, and after a period of development, the re-pledge game evolved. Click to read the details of the upgrade of Ethereum. With the much-anticipated upgrade, we are at the cusp of a major evolution of the Ethereum blockchain ecosystem. This update marks a major progress. By solving some of the most urgent challenges in the ecosystem, such as unlocking the scalability of the first layer and enhancing the security of node operators and verifiers, click to read what it is and why it is important. In the Ethereum ecosystem, we have replaceable tokens and uses for digital cash use cases. An irreplaceable token for the use case of digital collections, but what if you can perfectly integrate the two here? This integration is the purpose of creating a new experimental token standard. In today's article, let us take you to quickly understand the standard and the basic knowledge of the first project built using the standard. Click to read the future prospect of cattle or bears. Last week's airdrop handed hundreds of millions to the earliest users of the aggregator, but should airdrop recipients hold these tokens? In today's question, two analysis. The teacher holds the opposite view and builds a bull market and a bear market case for the future performance of the token. Click to read. The founding team takes you to know deeply that the online community sale plan was carried out on the day of the month, and it is one of the hottest projects in the decentralized public infrastructure network field. It has always maintained the position of the largest decentralized bandwidth trading market, with the highest number of users and node resources in the industry. In the dialogue with the team, it discussed the practical problems they solved and other decentralized storage providers. The differences are how they respond to the scalability challenges, their growth strategies and their thoughts on the best use cases. On a wider scale, click to read Mujie Bitcoin is replacing gold. The CEO said that since the launch of the Bitcoin exchange trading fund, investors have started to switch from gold to bitcoin, which has been rising relative to gold. Now there is a more convenient way to obtain bitcoin. We think this substitution phenomenon will continue on the company channel with the chief future master. In the conversation held on April, Righteousness said that click to read and understand a new bitcoin layer protocol, which represents a great progress in expanding the ecosystem of bitcoin layer, and focuses on enhancing privacy and efficiency through state chain, which can realize offline transfer and settlement of bitcoin without sacrificing the custody and security of the owner's funds. This layer protocol uses state chain and blind joint signature technology to promote instant and free transactions, providing a novel method for the scalability of bitcoin. This week, we will analyze the increasing demand for stable coins in the current cycle and reach the highest market value so far. We have studied the overall market value of all stable coins in each cycle and their respective market values. Finally, we have deeply studied the expanding stable currency field that generates income. Click to read what the in-depth investigation of mining by the US Department of Energy means. Is it alarming that the US Department of Energy is conducting a deeper investigation into bitcoin mining? More specifically, the Energy Information Administration, the statistical agency under it, will conduct an investigation in the next six months to review the electricity use of miners in the United States. This will be done after an emergency data collection request is issued next week. In view of the wording of the emergency order and the current government's critical attitude towards cryptocurrency, many people are worried that the collected information will be used to formulate policies that may have harmful effects on the mining industry. In its public documents, the Energy Information Administration mentioned mining from cryptocurrency. Possible public hazards as the reason for collecting data, click to read what is special about the eco-trading aggregator contested by exchanges. Many mainstream exchanges, including, announced the launch of the eco-trading aggregator. Earlier on the same day, it was officially opened for a time. As a recent hot project, the discussion degree of the project in the market increased by about ten times, from $100 million to $100 million per month. This year, the daily trading volume of the project exceeded for many times and it also won the project financing of $100 million earlier. Click to read. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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