AW Frontier:Realms 生态系统终极指南

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如果你是 WASD 的长期读者或忠实的全链上游戏玩家,你可能听说过 Loot Survivor,这是由 Bibliotheca DAO 在 Starknet 上开发的一款 Rougelike 生存游戏。


Realms 不单代表了孤立的全链上游戏,还代表了横跨 Starknet 及其 L3(与 L2 相融合的 L3)相互关联的生态系统。



  • 该项目的历史

  • 管理 Realms 生态系统的两个主要实体

  • 第一款主网游戏《Loot Survivor》的概述和我的想法

第二部分将更加关注 degen,我们将探讨:

  • Eternum

  • 生态系统的代币和 NFT

  • 潜在的风险、机会以及我是否看好 Realms


Realms 于 2021 年 8 月推出,作为基于文本的 NFT 系列 Loot 的衍生品。

该项目的第一个版本是同名的 Realms NFT 系列,这是一组 8000 个(每个 Loot NFT 一个)数字领地,每个领地的铸造价格为 0.03 ETH。

最初,这些 NFT 用于以太坊 L1 的链上策略游戏,称为 Realms: Eternum。

不过由于数据存储成本高、同步时间长以及维护自定义索引器的困难等问题,Bibliotheca DAO(管理 Realms 生态系统开发的 DAO)决定转向在 Starknet 上构建 Eternum。

在首发之后的熊市中,Realms 通过将自己打造成全链游戏项目,证明了它不仅仅是一个 Loot 衍生品。

除了第二款游戏《Eternum》,前面提到的《Loot Survivor》也于 2023 年 7 月在测试网上发布,并于 2023 年 11 月初以预发布的形式部署到了 Starknet 主网。

Bibliotheca DAO 还为 Dojo 的开发做出了贡献,后者进一步推动了 Starknet 上全链游戏的更广泛发展。

Dojo 是一个“引擎”或框架,基于它可以更轻松地使用 Cairo 语言(用于 Starknet 智能合约编程的语言) 构建全链上游戏。

最后,他们采取了重大举措,将 Realms 生态系统扩展到两款自有游戏之外的第三方。

这包括 2023 年 9 月份推出 Frontius House ,以及随后通过 Genesis Grants 计划向生态系统中的 10 个项目分配 1,000,000 $LORDS(稍后会详细介绍)。


现在我们已经了解了 Realms 的历史背景,接下来让我们看一下 Realms 生态系统中的两个主要实体。

Bibliotheca DAO

你可以将 Bibliotheca DAO 视为“ Realms 的以太坊基金会”,因为它们是负责开发其两款自有游戏(前面提到的 Loot Survivor 和 Eternum)的实体,并帮助制定生态系统的战略方向。

DAO 由 $LORDS 代币管理,这是 Realms 的原生代币,我们将在第 2 部分中仔细研究它。

目前,Bibliotheca DAO 使用 Snapshot 进行链下治理。

不过,DAO 计划将治理过程完全转移到链上,并实施投票托管系统,$LORDS 持有者将能够质押其代币,以获得参与治理的权利,并直接向生态系统中的不同资产流动性池注入流动性。

Frontius House

最近在 Realms 中兴起的一个二级组织是 Frontius House。

Frontius House 由 Bibliotheca DAO(即 $LORDS 持有者)监管。

它负责通过将 DAO 资源分配给希望在生态系统中构建的第三方项目来帮助扩大项目范围,使其超越 Loot Survivor 和 Eternum。


如前所述,为了启动这一过程,Frontius House 举行了第一轮 Genesis 赠款,向通过社区投票选出的 10 个项目分发 1,000,000 个 LORDS(约 9 万美元)。


  • Arcane Assembler:一款使用 play-2-die 机制的咒语制作游戏。

  • Loot Royale:由 BladeDAO 打造的 PVP 大逃杀游戏。

  • Rising Revenant:一款探索游戏,玩家可以建造前哨站并尝试赢得头奖。

  • Risk of the Realms:棋盘游戏 Risk 的链上改编版,以 Realms 宇宙为背景,并使用 Dojo 构建。

  • Call The Banners:一款社交游戏,玩家可以组队、攻击和寻宝。

  • Crypts and Caverns:Lootverse NFT 的生成式链上地图。

  • Kist:该项目旨在创建一个框架,用于在 Realms 生态系统中构建黑客马拉松项目。

  • Loot Herald:一个媒体部门,旨在制作关于 Realms 生态系统的内容。

  • Instaswap:用于在 Starknet 上 Swap ERC-1155 代币的 AMM。

Loot Survivor

现在我们了解了 Realms 的历史和组织,让我们看看第一款生态系统自有游戏:Loot Survivor。


Loot Survivor 是一款 Rogue Like 的游戏,你的目标(顾名思义)是在后世界末日的世界中尽可能长时间地生存。




有 75 种不同类型的怪物,面对其中一种时,你将有两种选择:

  1. 尝试逃跑并可能避免受到伤害

  2. 战斗并冒着失去健康或死亡的风险

如果你选择选项 2 并杀死怪物,您将获得 XP 和金币。



《Loot Survivor》目前可以在测试网和主网上玩,尽管后者是游戏的“预发布”或者叫有限版本。

该游戏在测试网上是免费的,但要在主网上玩一局 Loot Survivor,必须支付 25 $LORDS,即按当前价格计算约为 14.5 美元。

这些 $LORDS 代币的一部分将作为奖励重新分配给游戏排行榜上排名前 3 玩家(即生存时间最长、得分最高的玩家)。


尽管在主网上发布不久,《Loot Survivor》已经获得了超过 100 小时的游戏时间的巨大关注。

该游戏合约在所有 Starknet 上的 Gas 消耗量上也名列前 5。


总的来说,我很喜欢《Loot Survivor》,并认为它的游戏玩法很有趣。








此外,在实施 Arcade 帐户(支持免签名的一次性钱包)后的几个月里,Loot Survivor 的用户体验得到了显著改善

尽管如此,我不认为《Loot Survivor》是成品,在游戏玩法和用户体验方面都有改进的空间。





在主网上玩 Loot Survivor 游戏之前,你必须等待一定数量的区块确认。

尽管这样做是为了防止机器人,但我发现这很令人沮丧,因为我必须等待 6 分钟多才能开始。

此外,如果你在进入迷雾之间等待时间过长(大约 6-7 分钟),还会受到延迟惩罚。

虽然我理解减少机器人攻击的初衷,但我认为现在的方式同样令人沮丧,因为你基本上只能在一次会话中完成一款游戏(可能需要 30 分钟或更长时间)。

回顾:Realms 的历史、愿景和实体


Realms 于 2021 年 8 月推出,并发布了受 Loot 启发的同名 NFT 集合(稍后会详细介绍)。

从那时起,该生态系统在去中心化游戏工作室和研究实验室 Bibliotheca DAO 的管理下不断发展。

DAO 专注于开发“Realms World”,这是一个由互连的全链上游戏网络组成的自治世界。

最初,Realms 生态系统仅由 Bibliotheca DAO 和 Eternum(以前称为 Realms:Eternum)组成。


如今,Realms 不仅由 Bibliotheca DAO 和 Eternum 组成,还包括:

  • Loot Survivor:一款 Rogue Like 生存游戏,可在 Starknet 主网上体验。

  • Frontius House:为 Realms 中建设的其他项目提供资金和资源的实体。

  • Dojo:使用 Cairo 在 Starknet 上构建的全链上游戏框架,Bibliotheca DAO 是该框架的贡献者之一。

Realms 生态系统内还正在构建许多其他项目,包括:

  • Arcane Assembler:一款使用 play-2-die 机制的咒语制作游戏。

  • Loot Royale:由 BladeDAO 打造的 PVP 大逃杀游戏。

  • Loot Underworld:Realms 的地下城探索游戏,由 Endless Crawler 和 funDAOmental 合作开发。

  • 0xMississippi:一款 PVP Rogue Like 游戏。

  • Rising Revenant:一款探索游戏,玩家可以建造前哨站并尝试赢得头奖。

  • Loot Autochess:(顾名思义)类似国际象棋的自动对战游戏。

  • Risk of the Realms:棋盘游戏 Risk 的链上改编版,以 Realms 宇宙为背景,并使用 Dojo 构建。

  • Call The Banners:一款社交游戏,玩家可以组队、攻击和寻找宝藏。

  • Crypts and Caverns:Lootverse NFT 的生成式链上地图。


现在我们解了 Realms 生态系统,让我们深入研究 Eternum。

Eternum 是一款使用 Dojo 构建的策略游戏。


要玩 Eternum,你需要拥有 Realms NFT(稍后会详细介绍)。

我一般不喜欢这种模式,因为它设置了很高的进入门槛(截至撰写本文时,其底价为 0.55 ETH)。


Eternum 尚未上线,但过去曾在 Starkent Katana L3 上进行过 alpha 测试以检查其经济系统。

在背后,虽然游戏将在 Starknet 上运行,但游戏数据将记录在以太坊上,以增强去中心化和不可变性。

Bibliotheca DAO 选择在网络上构建其独特的功能,如 Cairo、STARKS 和链原生帐户抽象,以帮助改善用户体验。

Eternum 的另一个有趣之处是它的理念和目标,即构建一个“永恒的游戏”,Bibliotheca DAO 在其最近的黑皮书中对此进行了解释。

本着这一精神,Eternum 用来帮助实现这一目标的一些设计原则包括:

  • 持久

虽然玩家会设定目标,但 Eternum 不会有明确的终点,并且旨在无限期地持续下去。

  • 玩家控制的治理

Eternum 的治理由 Realms 持有者执行,调整激励措施并确保 Eternum 不被任何单一实体控制。

  • 完全上链

Eternum 的逻辑和状态存储在链上,提供透明度和不可变性。

总的来说,尽管我担心入门门槛,但我迫不及待地想看到 Eternum 在主网上线以及这些原则付诸实践。

Realms 的资产

现在我们了解了 Eternum,让我们更深入地了解为其提供动力的资产以及更广泛的 Realms 生态系统。

Realms NFT

Realms 是以太坊主网上 8000 个 NFT 的集合。

每个 Realms 都有自己的地图,说明其地区、城市、河流和地形,同时拥有不同的资源储备。

Realms NFT 在生态系统中发挥着关键作用,它用于:

  • Bibliotheca DAO 的治理

  • Eternum 中的游戏玩法

  • 提供对生态系统游戏的早期访问

Realms NFT 也可以质押以获得 $LORDS 奖励。

这些可以每周 43.75 或 49 的速度获得,具体取决于领取奖励的方式。

该系列的一个有趣之处是它们在其他 Realms 游戏中的潜在用途。

例如,根据 Realms Discord 服务器中的消息,BladeDAO 可能希望通过使用 NFT 在其游戏 Loot Royale 中生成地图和物品来集成 NFT。


$LORDS 是 Realms 生态系统的实用代币。

如今,除了作为 Realms 质押者的奖励发放外,该代币主要在 Loot Survivor 中使用。

Loot Survivor 采用“链上街机”模式,玩家必须存入 25 $LORDS(14.5 美元)才能玩一局。

然后,这些代币的一部分会通过 Play-to-Die (P2D) 机制重新分配给游戏中得分最高的玩家。

不过,根据黑皮书,$LORDS 可能会通过 Realms 协议的启动经历重大转变。

如果这些拟议的变更得以实施,持有者将能够将其 $LORDS 代币锁定为 veLORDS,从而赋予他们将代币释放直接分配到整个生态系统中不同流动性池的权利。

此外,拟议的设计将用新代币 dLORDS,dLORDS 可以燃烧以换取 $LORDS。

正如你可能在 X 上看到的那样,$LORDS 最近大涨,自 12 月 1 日以来上涨了 580%。

在我看来,除了对 Starknet 的普遍兴趣外,这次上涨是由于 DAO 拥有的代币流动性从以太坊主网迁移到 Starknet 本身的 Ekubo DEX。

其他 NFT 系列

目前 Realms 生态系统中还有另外两个 NFT 集合。



如果你是第一个在 Loot Survivor 中遇到新野兽的玩家,你可以铸造一个链上艺术收藏品。

Golden Tokens

一种 NFT 系列,每 24 小时为持有者提供一场免费的 Loot Survivor 游戏。

看好 Realms

总的来说,我看好 Realms 的未来。

对我来说,该项目代表了 AW 领域的一次独特实验,因为它使团队能够在相互关联的游戏生态系统中进行构建,而玩家则可以对其管理方式拥有发言权。


此外,我也渴望看到随着生态系统的不断发展,Realms NFT 和 LORDS 代币如何被使用。



Realms 确实拥有这一点,Discord 非常活跃,当然还有众多项目和人员在其中构建。


If you are a long-time reader or a loyal full-chain gamer, you may have heard that this is a survival game developed by the Internet, but what you may not know is that this is just the tip of the iceberg, because the game and the entities behind it are gears in a larger machine, which not only represent the isolated full-chain game, but also represent the interconnected ecosystem that spans and blends with it. This is an ambitious vision, and today we will begin to understand it. This ultimate guide will be divided into two parts in this article. In the first part, we will discuss the two main entities of the project's historical management ecosystem. The first part is an overview of the main network game and my thoughts. In the second part, we will pay more attention to the tokens and potential risk opportunities of the ecosystem and whether I am optimistic about history. The first version of the project was launched as a text-based series of derivatives in June. This is a series of the same name. The casting price of each digital territory is the initial chain strategy used for Ethereum. However, due to the high data storage cost, the long synchronization time and the difficulty in maintaining the custom indexer, the decision to manage the development of the ecosystem turned to be built in the bear market after the launch. By building itself into a full-chain game project, it was proved that it was not only a derivative, except for the second game mentioned above, which was released on the test network in June and deployed to the main network in the form of pre-release at the beginning of June, and contributed to the development of the latter, which further promoted the full-chain. The broader development of the game is an engine or framework, based on which it is easier to use the language for intelligent contract programming to build a full-chain game. Finally, they have taken major measures to expand the ecosystem to third parties other than the two own games, including the launch of the year and the subsequent allocation of projects in the ecosystem through planning. Later, we will introduce the historical background of the organization in detail. Next, let's take a look at the two main entities in the ecosystem. It can be regarded as the Ethereum Foundation, because they are the entities responsible for developing its two own games mentioned above and helping to formulate the strategic direction of the ecosystem, which is managed by tokens. We will carefully study its current use for offline governance in the first part, but plan to completely transfer the governance process to the chain and implement voting custody system. Holders will be able to pledge their tokens to obtain the right to participate in governance and directly inject them into different asset liquidity pools in the ecosystem. A secondary organization that has recently emerged in China is supervised by the immediate holders. It is responsible for helping to expand the scope of the project by allocating resources to third-party projects that want to be built in the ecosystem, and this includes game infrastructure and educational resources. As mentioned above, in order to start this process, the first round of grants was held to distribute about 10,000 US dollars to 20 projects selected through community voting. These projects are a spell-making game using the mechanism, and an exploration was made from the created escape game. Gamers can build an outpost and try to win the first prize. The on-chain adaptation of the board game is based on the universe and used to build a generative on-chain map that social gamers can attack and treasure in teams. The project aims to create a framework for building a hackathon project in the ecosystem. A media department aims to produce content about the ecosystem for use in tokens. Now we know the history and organization. Let's take a look at the overview of the first ecosystem-owned game. As its name implies, your goal is to survive in the post-apocalyptic world for as long as possible. For this reason, you need to play the role of an adventurer and venture into the so-called fog. When you enter the fog, you will either be unscathed or encounter monsters. It is not surprising that monsters are the real bane of your survival because they want to defeat and kill you and eliminate you from the game. When faced with one of them, you will have two choices to try to escape and possibly avoid being hurt. If you choose the option and kill the monster, you will get both gold coins and gold coins, which can help to prolong your survival time, because the game allows you to upgrade one of the six attributes of adventurers as shown in the figure below and buy items or potions separately. At present, the background can be played on the test network and the main network. Although the latter is a pre-release or limited version of the game, the game is free on the test network, but if you want to play a game on the main network, you must pay about US dollars at the current price. Part of the money will be redistributed as a reward to the top players in the game rankings, that is, the players with the longest survival time and the highest scores. This mechanism is called that although it has gained great attention for more than an hour of game time soon after being released on the main website, the game contract is also among the top in all the consumption. Generally speaking, I like it very much and think its gameplay is very interesting. I like the strategy of this game very much because there are many different ways to build your adventurer, such as you. You can become very aggressive by trying to hire every monster you see, or you can take the opposite approach and try to escape every time you encounter a monster. However, as in many times in life, the best way may be to strike a balance between the two. You can also allocate experience and gold coins in various ways to implement your game plan, such as optimizing brute force by increasing strength or giving priority to mobility by enhancing charm. I think this strategic depth is helpful to make swimming. The play becomes more interesting and increases its replay value, because each game will be different from the previous one. I also like the style of the game very much, because I like the monster's design, color scheme and scores. In addition, the user experience has been significantly improved in the months after the implementation of the account to support the signature-free disposable wallet. However, I don't think there is room for improvement in the gameplay and user experience of the finished product. First of all, I think the encounter may be more attractive. Now when you encounter the monster, you can only. Choose the attack or escape option and then wait for the transaction confirmation to see the results. I am very happy to see the team add some animations or images to make this waiting more suspenseful and visually exciting. My biggest complaint about the user experience is the waiting time. Before playing games on the main network, you have to wait for a certain number of blocks to confirm. Although this is to prevent robots, I find it frustrating because I have to wait for more than minutes before I can start. In addition, if you wait for too long in the fog for about minutes, you will be punished for delay. Although I understand the original intention of reducing robot attacks, I think the current way is equally frustrating. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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