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2024年2月2日,香港财经事务及库务局局长许正宇表示,政府认为有需要把虚拟货币场外交易所 (OTC) 纳入监管,并将于短期内就拟议的监管框架展开咨询,期望市民和持份者踊跃表达意见。




根据香港证券及期货事务监察委员会(SFC)于2023年6月发布的《证券及期货条例下有关提供虚拟资产交易服务的许可制度》,所有在香港提供虚拟资产交易服务的平台都需要向SFC申请许可,并遵守相关的法律法规和监管要求。目前香港已经有两间持牌虚拟资产交易平台(HashKey和OSL)透过牌照升级,可向零售投资者提供比特币 (BTC) 和以太币 (ETH) 交易服务。此外,还有多家平台正在申请许可或处于过渡期。SFC表示,将根据市场情况和投资者保护需要,不时检讨和完善许可制度。




·  线上平台:通过网站、社交媒体、聊天软件等网络工具,连接买卖双方,提供撮合、托管、清算等服务。

·  线下店铺在实体店面提供现金换加密货币或反之的服务,通常不需要实名认证或其他合规要求。

·  ATM机:在公共场所设置的自助设备,可以用现金或银行卡购买或出售加密货币。






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·  缺乏有效监管:目前香港对于虚拟货币OTC商家没有明确的监管框架和要求,这导致了一些不规范和不合法的行为。例如,部分OTC商家涉嫌诈骗、洗钱、恐怖融资等犯罪活动,损害了投资者利益和社会秩序。一些诈骗团伙通过有关联的OTC交易店吸引零售投资者的资金。

·  缺乏行业标准:目前香港的OTC商家没有统一的行业标准和自律机制,各自为政,导致了市场的混乱和不公平竞争。例如,部分OTC商家为了吸引客户,提供高额回报、低廉费用、无限额度等条件,诱导用户进行不理性交易。另外,部分OTC商家也存在信息不透明、服务质量低下等问题,影响了市场的公信力和效率。

·  缺乏用户保护:目前香港的OTC商家没有为用户提供足够的保护措施和救济途径,用户在遇到问题时往往无法得到及时和有效的解决。例如,部分OTC商家没有对用户进行身份验证和风险提示,也没有建立完善的投诉处理和纠纷解决机制,用户在遭遇欺诈、延迟、错误等情况时难以追究责任或索赔。另外,部分OTC商家也没有对用户的隐私和数据进行充分保护,导致用户信息泄露或被滥用。






(3)基于“相同业务、相同风险、相同规则 ”的原则,持牌人如提供法定货币汇款服务,须申请金钱服务经营者牌照。持牌营运者不得提供其他服务,包括任何形式的虚拟资产顾问或转介服务、提供虚拟资产衍生工具或其他金融产品(包括但不限于质押、借贷及保证金交易)。


(1)为确保牌照申请人与本地有充分连系 ,以便当局作出有效监管和监察,申请人必须是(i)在香港成立并有固定营业地点的公司,或(ii)在其他地方成立而在香港根据《公司条例》注册的公司。














Hong Kong pays attention to the supervision of virtual currency. Xu Zhengyu, director of the Hong Kong Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau, said that the government thinks it is necessary to bring the OTC market of virtual currency into the supervision, and will start consultation on the proposed supervision framework in the near future, expecting the public and stakeholders to express their opinions enthusiastically. We are not sure how short this short period will be, but we are sure that virtual currency will usher in a compliant era in Hong Kong. As an established international financial center, Hong Kong has always been relatively open to the new thing of virtual currency. Liberalization and tolerance Hong Kong does not regard virtual currency as legal tender or financial instrument, but defines it as a virtual asset, and takes corresponding regulatory measures according to the activities and risks involved. At present, the supervision of virtual currency in Hong Kong mainly focuses on two aspects: one is the supervision of virtual asset trading platforms, and the other is the supervision of over-the-counter traders. According to the permission of providing virtual asset trading services under the Securities and Futures Ordinance issued by the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission in June, However, all platforms providing virtual assets trading services in Hong Kong need to apply for permission and comply with relevant laws, regulations and regulatory requirements. At present, there are two licensed virtual assets trading platforms in Hong Kong, which can provide bitcoin and ethereum trading services to retail investors through license upgrading. In addition, many platforms are applying for permission or are in a transitional period, indicating that the licensing system will be reviewed and improved from time to time according to market conditions and investor protection needs. Previously, Man Kun lawyers have written many articles. Chapter I will share with you articles related to the supervision of licensed transactions in Hong Kong. One article tells us about the licensing system of virtual currency transactions in Hong Kong, and the other article tells us how virtual currency funds can comply with the exhibition industry in Hong Kong. In this article, we mainly talk about the supervision of virtual currency merchants in Hong Kong. How many virtual currency merchants are there? That is, institutions or individuals that provide OTC services. OTC refers to the trading of cryptocurrency on platforms or channels outside the exchange, which usually involves OTC transactions of cash or other legal tender. There are several forms of online platforms that connect buyers and sellers through online tools such as websites, social media chat software, etc., and provide services such as matchmaking, custody and liquidation. Offline stores provide cash for cryptocurrency in physical storefronts or vice versa. Usually, there is no need for real-name authentication or other compliance requirements. Self-service devices set up in public places can buy or sell cryptocurrency with cash or bank cards. According to rough estimates made by law enforcement agencies in Hong Kong, there are about one OTC store of physical virtual assets in Hong Kong. Including the operation of over-the-counter trading shops operated by ATMs, and about 10 online active providers of virtual assets trading services, most offline shops and machines generally do not need to trade, and it only takes a few minutes to complete, which provides convenient, flexible and private trading methods for cryptocurrency users, especially welcomed by mainland users. Why do you say that although China explicitly forbids the business of virtual currency exchanges to be carried out in China, it is amazing that according to data, Chinese mainland is still global? The fourth largest cryptocurrency trading market, however, because of the mainland policy, the bank cards are frozen more and more frequently, so more and more old players in the currency circle will choose to go to Hong Kong to deposit and withdraw money freely. Why should there be two sides to the supervision? When businesses provide users with convenient and private channels for depositing and withdrawing money, they are abused by criminals. One of the people involved in the case was Chen Xiaolong, chief executive officer of cryptoleopard, a virtual currency service provider. The suspect was arrested by the Hong Kong police. On the whole, there are three problems in virtual currency, namely, the lack of effective supervision. At present, there is no clear regulatory framework and requirements for virtual currency merchants in Hong Kong, which has led to some irregular and illegal behaviors, such as some merchants suspected of fraud, money laundering, terrorist financing and other criminal activities, which have damaged the interests of investors and social order. Some fraud gangs attract retail investors' funds through related trading shops, lacking industry standards. There is no unified industry standard and self-discipline mechanism for businesses in Hong Kong, which leads to chaos and unfair competition in the market. For example, some businesses induce users to conduct irrational transactions in order to attract customers, such as high returns, low fees and unlimited amount. Other businesses also have problems such as opaque information and low service quality, which affect the credibility and efficiency of the market and lack of user protection. At present, businesses in Hong Kong do not provide enough protection measures and relief channels for users when they encounter problems. For example, some businesses fail to authenticate users and give risk warnings, and have not established a perfect complaint handling and dispute resolution mechanism. When users encounter fraud, delay and errors, it is difficult for them to pursue responsibility or claim compensation. Other businesses also fail to fully protect users' privacy and data, which leads to the disclosure or abuse of users' information. How does Hong Kong supervise virtual currency? The Hong Kong government set up a licensing system for over-the-counter trading service providers of virtual assets. According to the legislative proposal, all over-the-counter trading services of virtual assets, whether through offline physical stores, including ATMs or online website services, need to be supervised. The types of virtual assets that can be bought and sold by customers can be covered by at least one virtual asset trading platform licensed by the China Securities Regulatory Commission, as well as tokens for retail investors. After the implementation of the proposed stable currency issuer licensing system, the stable currency issued by issuers licensed by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority and the HKMA is based on the principle of the same business, the same risk and the same rules. If the licensee provides legal tender remittance service, it must apply for a money service operator license. The licensee shall not provide other services, including any form of virtual asset consultancy or referral service, and provide virtual asset derivatives or other financial products, including but not limited to pledged loans and margin trading. What conditions can? Sufficient to apply for a licence. In order to ensure that the licence applicant has sufficient connection with the local authorities for effective supervision and supervision, the applicant must be a company incorporated in Hong Kong with a fixed place of business or a company incorporated in other places and registered in Hong Kong under the Companies Ordinance. If the service provider operates in the form of a physical store, the applicant must provide the appropriate business premises. If the service is provided online, the information such as the office address and mailing address of the local manager and the place where the account books and records are stored locally should be provided. Which institution is responsible for compliance with the licence? Anyone who engages in spot trading services related to any virtual assets in Hong Kong. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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