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提及预言机赛道,大家想当然会以 @chainlink 马首是瞻,但随着新性能公链的崛起,各类新模块轻量化项目的涌现,预言机赛道也开始内卷起来了。

最近,市场又出现 @API3DAO 杀死Chainlink的声音,API3到底做啥的? OEV Network真的会重溯MEV预言机市场?接下来,基于科普+商业竞争视角,谈谈我的理解。

-如何理解API3的First-party Oracle?






本质上,预言机网络充当了第三方中介平台的角色,所以 API服务节点的作用和发挥空间会相对有限,而预言机平台本身越权威反倒会陷入“中心化”的质疑漩涡中,这几乎是一对不可调和的矛盾。

@API3DAO  提出的第一方预言机,其实就是去掉了预言机平台“预处理”的中间环节,直接连接数据源和项目方。




不难看出,API3切入的正是一个更加分散、灵活的预言机Oracle长尾市场,以激活API服务节点的综合运维服务能力为切入点,用更加web3 Native(轻量化+模块化)的方式来搭建预言机需求方和供应方的桥梁。如何做到呢?


1)Airnode 为API节点服务商提供一套从搭建预言机节点到连接项目方的基础infra,让API节点可以较低成本且轻量化的方式部署预言机服务,过简化的配置和管理流程,让原本不熟悉区块链技术的API提供者也能轻松成为预言机节点运营方;

2)dAPI相当于一个去中心化的DAO组织,API节点使用签名不断从数据源采集并更新数据,而数据需求方智能合约则可以安全、透明的调用数据,并按需付费,整个dAPI的管理运维由去中心化的DAO组织提供,通过Staking 和Slash的奖惩机制来透明化安全治理;

总的来说,API3试图用轻量化的基础infra服务和DAO Staking奖惩机制来构建一个去中间链的预言机市场。而成熟的Chainlink,有超级拥趸的客户群体,有稳定的价格预处理方式,也已经是无法撼动的存在。

API3商业战略思考和Celestia掀起DA War不断抢夺以太坊的layer2 市场一样,毕竟Chainlink不可能服务全部的智能合约客户,毕竟总有一部分轻量化客户更注重成本和性价比,毕竟总有客户需要更及时且定制化的数据源服务,毕竟总有API节点想探索更全面丰富的业务方式等等。



-OEV Network是对MEV的升维魔改?

最近API3基于Polygon CDK构建了一条layer2公链OEV Network,如何理解该公链的应用场景呢?众多API节点拥有Update数据的权限,在DeFi场景下,若智能合约触发某个价格点,清算人可以选择购入用户质押的资产,从而待价格稳定后获得套利价值。

正常情况下,清算人其实就是API节点服务商,毕竟他们有权限更新智能合约协议价格,在OEV Network的治理模式出来之前,这个清算行为可能是混乱的,API节点可能会为了获得清算权而抢先更新数据,多个API节点为了强夺清算权,可能会加剧市场价格的“波动”,原本客观数据的供应方变成了可能扰乱正常市场秩序的套利者,显然变味了。


OEV Network相当于一套规治理机制,规定了当dApps用户的仓位临近清算时,可以参与dAPI3网络的拍卖,出价最高者获得下一次预言机数据的Update权,从而获得清算的MEV利润。



2.0版本的MEV索性把MEV的存在透明化,既然MEV机会始终存在,那么干脆就明牌,有了MEV套利机会,API节点服务方就竞拍参与清算,而竞拍收入,OEV Network则会把利润分给dApps协议的用户,相当于原本从用户身上攫取到的价值,现在又返还给了用户。



其实不止API3尝试以此升维方式为MEV正名,正在酝酿中Flashbot 2.0也在尝试讲述类似的故事,毕竟MEV的存在有损链上用户的公平权益,把服务小众获利转变成惠及大众的商业格局,着实能打开一片新天地。

Note:预言机赛道战略卡位着实太重要了,#Link  #Pyth #API3 #Band 等等,虽然Chainlink垄断了一大部分市场,但预言机赛道的纷争一直都在,而且必定会有黑马跑出,值得长期关注。

When it comes to the prophetic machine track, everyone will take it for granted, but with the rise of the new performance public chain, various new modules and lightweight projects have emerged, and the prophetic machine track has also begun to roll up. Recently, there has been a killing voice in the market. What will it really do? Next, I will talk about my understanding based on the perspective of popular science business competition. Usually, such prophetic machine services are predicted by the data source exchange, data acquisition node service provider and data processing center. The destination and other components are equivalent to building a bridge from data sources to blockchain applications. The Oracle node multi-pipeline collects data from different channels simultaneously, and the Oracle network coordinates the processing, verification and aggregation of these data to reduce the error, and finally feeds the price to the terminal intelligent contract demander. At present, there are two key points in the Oracle workflow. The more data collection nodes, the richer, more accurate and decentralized the collected data sources are, but the nodes do the work of ascetics and can only collect data mechanically for excavation. The more intelligent contract parties are connected to the network of the mine Oracle, the more centralized the price processing of the Oracle will be. The greater the intervention in data, the higher the trust cost of the end customers. In essence, the Oracle network acts as a third-party intermediary platform, so the role and space of service nodes will be relatively limited, and the more authoritative the Oracle platform itself will be, the more centralized it will be. This is almost an irreconcilable contradiction. The first-party Oracle platform is actually removed. The intermediate link of preprocessing directly connects the data source and the project party to the node, realizing the role of being the master, upgrading the operation and refined development based on the collected data, enhancing the service ability of the node, collecting more customized data sources and serving the special needs, and for the terminal project party, directly cooperating with the node at a lower cost to customize and develop the special data needs more flexibly, thus providing necessary predictions for its innovative application products. It is not difficult to see that it is a more decentralized and flexible long-tail market of Oracle that is cut into. It is to activate the comprehensive operation and maintenance service ability of service nodes as the starting point to build a bridge between the demand side and the supply side of Oracle in a lighter and modular way. How to do this mainly includes two core components, which provide a set of foundation for node service providers from building Oracle nodes to connecting project parties, so that nodes can be deployed in a lower cost and lighter way. The simplified configuration and management process of Oracle service makes it easy for providers who are not familiar with blockchain technology to become Oracle nodes. The operator is equivalent to a decentralized organization node, which uses signatures to continuously collect and update data from data sources, while the smart contract of the data demander can safely and transparently call data and pay on demand. The whole management and operation is provided by decentralized organizations through a reward and punishment mechanism. In general, it tries to use lightweight basic services. And the mature customer group with super fans, the stable price pretreatment method and the unshakable existence of business strategy thinking are the same as the market that keeps robbing Ethereum. After all, it is impossible to serve all smart contract customers. After all, there are always some lightweight customers who pay more attention to cost and cost performance. After all, there are always customers who need more timely and customized data source services. After all, there are always nodes who want to explore more comprehensive and rich industries. Service mode and so on is not so much a killer as a powerful supplement to divide the market together. As for whether the end customers prefer stable and mature services or prefer low-cost and flexible service options, it depends entirely on the market. In my opinion, it is very difficult to threaten in the short term, but in the long run, the choice of blockchain application market that is becoming more and more modular is also very interesting and right. Recently, magic change has built a public chain. How to understand the application scenarios of this public chain? Many nodes have data. Permission in the scenario, if the smart contract triggers a certain price point, the liquidator can choose to buy the assets pledged by the user so as to obtain arbitrage value after the price is stable. Under normal circumstances, the liquidator is actually a node service provider. After all, they have the right to update the price of the smart contract agreement. Before the governance mode comes out, this liquidation behavior may be chaotic. Nodes may update the data first in order to obtain the liquidation right. Multiple nodes may aggravate the fluctuation of the market price in order to seize the liquidation right. According to the fact that the supplier has become an arbitrageur that may disturb the normal market order, it is obviously stale, but there is actually no way to curb the direct connection of nodes to smart contracts. The project side is to reduce platform intervention and enhance market-oriented operation. No third party can effectively intervene in the arbitrage and chaos in the market, but it can only be restrained through the governance mechanism, which is equivalent to a set of rules. The governance mechanism stipulates that when the user's position is close to liquidation, he can participate in the online auction, and the highest bidder gets the next advance. Why do I say it's right to gain the profit from liquidation? The original version is actually a market-oriented natural node. In the process of cooperation with smart contracts, there are bound to be some market fluctuations. By default, the nodes that monitor the liquidation point will compete for the cake first. In this case, the market will derive a kind of pipeline to deal with all kinds of liquidation needs, which will make some nodes take arbitrage as the main complaint point, which obviously deviates from the open market service. What about the original intention of a good end customer? The version simply makes the existence transparent. Since the opportunity always exists, there is simply an arbitrage opportunity in winning numbers. The node service provider will participate in the liquidation on the auction, and the auction income will distribute the profits to the users of the agreement, which is equivalent to the value originally taken from the users, and now it is returned to the users. This actually opens up the commercial pattern of the market. What used to serve minority arbitrageurs has now become an opportunity for the general public to benefit. In fact, it is more than trying to upgrade the peacekeeping side. After all, the existence of the brand name is detrimental to the fair rights and interests of users in the chain, and it can really open up a new world to change the profit of serving the minority into a business pattern that benefits the public. It is really important to predict the strategic card position of the machine track, etc. Although it monopolizes a large part of the market, the dispute over the machine track has always been and there will be dark horses running out, which deserves long-term attention. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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