ETH L2数据一览 为什么L2的二级市场机会越来越少?

币圈资讯 阅读:48 2024-04-22 09:27:29 评论:0



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作者:Eric SJ,研究员 来源:X,@SJ95E

先说结论:板块的资金注意力被不断稀释,资金共识紊乱,市场情绪下难以捕获优质价格筹码 据数据网站的公开信息,目前ETH L2市值200多亿,并且这个增长趋势相信也会随着未来以太的一些升级与调整保持稳定 但这种增长不一定会带来足够的Alpha收益

近日STRK登录二级市场,从市场共识的角度看对其看法是较为割裂的,从当前 #Binance的盘面看,走势并不算多么符合情绪预期 虽然我认为其长期的发展会具有高增长潜力,但从一级市场到二级市场的板块过渡趋势看,后续还有着足够的明星L2登录,这在整体上,虽说总的市值会进一步提高,但板块内的资金共识也会被分走。

“肉多狼更多”的现象用来形容L2这个赛道可太形象了,目前整个赛道,比较知名的8个L2就占据了98%的占有率,剩余的部分都是一些L2小币去分 一超多强是不足以形容这个赛道的。

而后面明星L2的逐步登录,不仅会对现有项目造成一定的分流,还有更进一步地挤压这些未被市场关注的L2生存空间 放在用户的角度,未来如果我要投一个L2的项目,我该怎么选才能有跑赢Beta收益? 目前都只能打问号,这就是问题所在: 1.正常逻辑下,选小市值,确实是有高增长的潜力,但正如我上面所说的,前面几个L2,个个强地可怕,当下的板块小币,拿什么打?而且打完一个还有一个... 2.而押注市值较大的几个,各自的差距又不是特别的大,市占率也都相差无几,一波行情就能追平的程度,这怎么选? 3.即使以TVL的增长趋势看(一年时间总共翻了3倍以上),我们现在也很难选~

放在去年,无脑选龙头ARB、OP都不会出任何错,当时市场可选择的二层,好选多了 放到现在,从我个人的角度出发:因为我自己本身持有OP,是主仓位之一,加上是比较好的价格,所以这部分是不动的,其他的小仓位,零零散散的一些这啊那搞来的二层币,会找机会出清了归集一下资金 之前很多朋友都让我看各种二层,推荐的基本面都还行,但好标的≠适合买,从这波STRK上线看,二层叙事一个接一个,我们很难像之前那样在二级市场捡到多优质价格的筹码了,即使它刚上线 赔率,在我这是押注标的的首要原则。小市值里面的L2过于难选了,明星L2的Alpha收益也在不断随着新星上线、总体预期的降低而降低

=就好像DEX赛道一样,因为商业模式同质化的缘故以及板块的竞争环境,我们很难真的说哪个DEX就真的非常值得长期持有 =现在的L2及未来一段时间的L2板块,就是处于这个格局

"难选,就不要选了,换个赛道” (社区 @4ceLabs )


The author, the researcher, the source, the conclusion, the fund attention of the plate is constantly diluted, and it is difficult to capture high-quality price chips under the disorder of fund consensus. According to the public information of the data website, the current market value is more than 100 million, and this growth trend is believed to remain stable with some upgrades and adjustments of Ethernet in the future, but this growth may not necessarily bring enough income. Recently, from the perspective of market consensus, the views on it are relatively fragmented, and the current trend is not very reasonable. Although I think its long-term development will have high growth potential, there are still enough stars to log in after the transition trend from the primary market to the secondary market. On the whole, although the total market value will be further improved, the consensus of funds in the sector will also be divided. The phenomenon of more meat and more wolves is used to describe this track, which is too vivid. At present, the well-known individuals in the whole track have occupied the share, and the rest are small coins. It is not enough to describe this race. The gradual login of the stars behind the road will not only divert the existing projects to a certain extent, but also further squeeze the living space that has not been paid attention to by the market. From the user's point of view, in the future, if I want to invest in a new project, how can I choose to win the game? At present, I can only ask questions. This is the problem. Under normal logic, choosing a small market value does have high growth potential, but as I said above, the previous ones are all terrible. What can I do with the small coins in the current sector and what can I play after playing one? There is one bet with a larger market value, and their respective gaps are not particularly different. The market share is almost the same as that of a wave of market. How to choose this? Even if the growth trend shows that the total time in one year has more than doubled, it is difficult for us to choose it now. It will not go wrong to choose the faucet without thinking last year. At that time, the market had more choices on the second floor. Now, from my personal point of view, because I hold one of the main positions and the price is better, this part is not available. Some other small positions are scattered, and the second-tier coins will find opportunities to clear up. Before collecting the funds, many friends let me see the fundamentals recommended by the second tier, but the good targets are suitable for buying. Looking at the second-tier narratives one after another from this wave, it is difficult for us to find many chips with high quality prices in the secondary market as before, even if it just went online, odds are the first principle of betting targets. It is too difficult to choose stars in the small market value, and the income is constantly changing. The overall expectation of the satellite line is lowered, just like the track. Because of the homogenization of business model and the competitive environment of the plate, it is difficult for us to really say which plate is really worth holding for a long time. If it is difficult to choose in this pattern, don't choose another track community Ethereum. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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