比特币现货ETF后时代 链上数据揭示真实供需关系

币圈资讯 阅读:37 2024-04-22 08:59:02 评论:0



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图 自2024年1月11日至今(3月10日完整数据)中心化交易平台BTC净流入/流出(单位:BTC)


图 自2024年1月11日至今矿工钱包地址BTC净流入/流出(单位:BTC)


图 自2024年1月11日至今Bitcoin Spot ETF净流入/流出(单位:BTC)



图 3月11日中午12点BTC减半一览图



图 近3个月BTC非零资产的钱包地址数


图 BTC区块链浏览器大额资产转账


图 非流动性和长期持有者的供应分歧






图 黄金在现货ETF前后对比
数据来源:Ash Crypto




At the beginning of the month, the Federal Reserve released a semi-annual monetary policy report. With the market's expectation of interest rate cuts rising in January, the price of gold reached the highest level in, and the market value reached a new high only every other day. After the spot bitcoin passed, it can be regarded as a watershed. After two months, the financial promoter is accelerating the maturity of the encryption market, which also makes this market more complicated. However, as an honest indicator reflecting the real situation of the market, the data on the chain shows that the polarization trend of investors is increasingly emerging, just as the Ou Ke Cloud Chain Research Institute is in front. The countdown to the approval of bitcoin spot application is one day, and the United States will not easily let go. It is said that the new market is ready to go, and the original market is more firm. This paper analyzes the market from the perspective of supply and demand and market distribution based on the data on the three-way chain. From the supply side, as of the time of publication, according to statistics, there are currently more than one centralized trading platform in the outflow state, and the total amount is as high as about the figure. From the date of the month to the date of the month, the net inflow and outflow of the complete data centralized trading platform. In addition, we can also see that the reason why miners continue to sell is mainly to liquidate before the next halving. The next halving of mining will become a mining reward. From the reduction to the wallet bound to cryptocurrency miners as of the time of publication, it is calculated that there are about one net outflow on the land during the period from the adoption to the present, that is to say, the decrease from the exchange and the miners' two major suppliers is probably one. Here we have calculated the number of net outflows because the net outflow data includes the miners themselves. The difference between the demand for hoarded coins and the actual dug-up figure shows that the net inflow and outflow of miners' wallet addresses has been at the demand side, although the situation of gray-scale continuous selling has been discussed in the market, because the statistics of various data sources will be biased and the time for institutions to update the spot will be biased. According to the comprehensive calculation of the data, the scale of funds entering the market through the spot channel has reached US$ 100 million, compared with when the spot is allowed to trade, the net flow has reached the local closing time. The total amount of incoming goods is about $10,000, which makes the market in short supply. At present, the gap has reached more than 10,000. However, the real source of supply is miners. Although there are outflows from other channels, such as exchanges, this is not a sustainable source of supply. The net inflow and outflow from the unit data source since the date of the month will halve the newly generated supply after about a day. According to the set, the reward will be halved after each block is generated until the annual block award is the highest. The total amount of the final issue is constant at 10,000 pieces, which is different from the previous halving. According to the statistics on the chain, the cost of this innovation contribution to the ecology has reached a part of the income for miners. In the future, with the development of ecological innovation and application and the solution to the expansion, the income of miners will also increase, which also slows down the actual pressure that miners have to sell in order to cut the mining cost, which means that the situation on the supply side is different from the previous halving. The pressure of selling to the market is reduced. Miners are more willing to hoard coins rather than take them out to supply the market. Figure 1: Half at noon. Data source 2: Market distribution is transferred to the chain. If we assume that most new investors enter the market because of the spot, the non-zero addresses in the chain can be given priority to the old investors by default. According to the number of non-zero addresses on the data chain, it shows an obvious upward trend, which means that the number of addresses for storing assets is increasing, not just for increasing address mutual. From this, we can see the signs of transfer. The number of wallet addresses of non-zero assets in recent months. The data source is more detailed and specific. You can also go to the blockchain browser to check the real-time dynamics and large-scale transfer. From the data, we can see that the frequency of large-scale transfer in recent days is also increasing. According to statistics, the number of large-scale asset transfer data sources transferred to this long-term storage is increasing at the rate of 10,000 pieces per quarter, which is a new number being mined. This will be the transformation of long-term investment, which will further tighten the supply and may be strengthened when the half is approaching. The price base map is illiquidity and the supply divergence of long-term holders. The long-term holders turn to the chain, which shows an expanding trend in terms of both the number of addresses and the amount of funds. According to recent reports, the locking rate for long-term investment has exceeded the new supply, which means that although new ones are still being mined, more investors hold them. Instead of selling or trading three gold, we also look at scarcity. In addition to the data on the chain, it shows that the supply is in short supply, and the scarcity also makes this trend different from the legal tender supply, which depends on the central bank and the supply of precious metal assets, including gold, which is limited by nature. Since its birth, the total supply of ten thousand yuan has been stipulated by its basic agreement. When it comes to scarcity, we have to mention that gold is often used for analogy with natural resources because of its high mining cost. Limited and so on, the assets that are considered to be in short supply, especially in the case of dealing with inflation and war, are more prominent, so they will be called a model of fear trading. Therefore, the historical performance of the gold market is often used to compare and analyze the market. In terms of performance, since the first gold spot was approved in, the price of gold has continued to rise in less than a year, but it took a long time for Huang Jinhua to be widely recognized. It took only a year, although the market continued to heat up, what we need to consider is that gold has an important historical position in the financial field. In, Britain adopted the gold standard system for the first time and brought gold into an important part of the monetary system. The data sources are compared before and after the spot. When discussing the uniqueness of digital gold, besides its material scarcity, its uniqueness in the financial system is also worthy of attention. The decentralized design enables it to be held outside the traditional financial system, and there are also billions of them. People with bank accounts provide opportunities to enter the global financial system. With the development of the market, the decentralized nature makes the participants diversified and the relationship with the traditional financial market deepened. There is a close relationship between the complexity of the market and the acquisition of data. In this context, the analysis and acquisition of data on the chain is more convenient than that in the traditional financial market. The data on the chain comes from the node networks all over the world and has the characteristics of public books, so that anyone can conduct market analysis and statistics in real time without relying on centralized institutions. This decentralized nature brings transparency, fairness and ability of data. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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