非洲最大经济体货币崩溃 币安要背锅?

币圈资讯 阅读:44 2024-04-22 08:52:52 评论:0



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作者:Patricia Kowsmann、Caitlin Ostroff 和 Alexandra Wexler,华尔街日报;编译:Luffy,Foresight News

币安金融犯罪合规主管 Tigran Gambaryan 飞往尼日利亚首都解决一个问题:该国政府指责全球最大的加密货币交易所导致本国货币崩溃。


美国人 Tigran Gambaryan 是在尼日利亚被拘留的两名币安员工之一


据 Gambaryan 的家人称,尼日利亚当局拘留了 Gambaryan 和他的同事 Nadeem Anjarwalla,一位英国和肯尼亚公民,也是币安非洲区域经理。


尼日利亚是非洲最大经济体,人口超过 2.2 亿,此前曾多次面临货币危机。而这是加密货币第一次扮演主角。



近年来,尼日利亚人纷纷涌入加密货币,以保护自己的储蓄免受通货膨胀率飙升(1 月份达到近 30%)以及货币暴跌的影响。三分之二的当地人口生活在贫困之中。

根据 Chainaanalysis 编制的指数,该国的加密货币采用率位居世界第二,仅次于印度。据 Chainalysis 称,截至 2023 年 6 月的 12 个月内,尼日利亚人接收到价值约 600 亿美元的加密货币交易。



尼日利亚总统特别顾问 Bayo Onanuga 指责币安干扰了尼日利亚的汇率制定并取代了央行的角色。

他在 X 上的一篇帖子中写道:「我们国家应该禁止加密货币,否则我们的货币流失将持续增加。」


Nadeem Anjarwalla,币安非洲区域经理



Onanuga 告诉《华尔街日报》,币安正在与当局合作,讨论对尼日利亚的赔偿。




尼日利亚央行行长 Olayemi Cardoso 表示,加密货币平台被用来操纵市场。

他表示,就币安而言,去年有 260 亿美元的资金流经币安位于尼日利亚的平台,这些资金的来源和用户是央行无法充分识别的。Cardoso 没有透露这个数字的来源。



币安发言人表示,该公司要求所有用户经过严格的身份验证。虽然他没有对 260 亿美元的数字发表评论,但他表示,鉴于用户可以用一种加密货币交换另一种加密货币,因此并非所有交易都与奈拉相关。他补充说,总交易量不应被误认为是流经交易所的实际资金。

他说:「我们正在与尼日利亚当局合作,将 Nadeem 和 Tigran 安全带回家与家人团聚。」 「我们相信此事将会得到快速解决。」


币安于 2017 年在中国成立,曾多次引起政府的不满。该公司长期以来一直在没有总部且受到监管机构监视的情况下运营,而是通过其全球网站提供未经许可的交易。

11 月,币安创始人赵长鹏辞去首席执行官职务,并承认违反美国反洗钱要求。该公司同意支付 43 亿美元的罚款,这是有史以来对加密货币公司征收的最大一笔罚款。赵长鹏目前正在美国等待审判。

尼日利亚证券监管机构去年表示,当地一家币安实体非法运营,被勒令停止服务。但用户继续可以访问全球网站 Binance.com。





币安首席执行官 Richard Teng 本人曾在监管机构任职,他去年接任时发誓要遵守规则并与政府当局接触。

据他们的家人称,39 岁的 Gambaryan 和 37 岁的 Anjarwalla 应尼日利亚政府官员的邀请于 2 月 25 日抵达该国首都阿布贾,政府官员要求举行一系列会议。

第二天,两人会见了尼日利亚央行、证券监管机构、国家安全部门和金融情报部门的官员。Gambaryan 和 Anjarwalla 的家人说,会议持续了大约两个小时,他们感觉取得了进展。




在担任美国国税局特工期间,Gambaryan 参与了加密货币交易所 BTC-e 关闭的案件,美国当局于 2017 年指控该交易所为犯罪活动提供便利。之后,他于 2021 年加入币安。

Anjarwalla 在 2022 年加入币安之前,曾在一家风险投资公司和 Uber 工作过。当年 12 月,他加入币安担任尼日利亚区域经理。

Anjarwalla 的妻子 Elahe Anjarwalla 表示,尼日利亚法院于 2 月 28 日发布命令,允许该国经济和金融犯罪委员会将 Gambaryan 和 Anjarwalla 拘留两周,等待调查。她说,他们及其家人尚未被告知调查的内容。


Gambaryan 的妻子 Yuki Gambaryan 表示,如果丈夫被允许,她每天会通过短信与丈夫通话两到三次。她说,为了她和两个孩子,他表现得勇敢。他们的两个孩子,一个 4 岁,另一个 10 岁。

「我最小的孩子每天都会问爸爸什么时候回家,经常走进 Tigran 的家庭办公室,因为那里有爸爸的气味,」她说。

Anjarwalla 的妻子 Elahe 说,有一位管家早上为 Anjarwalla 制作他最喜欢的绿汁冰沙。他告诉她他很快就要洗衣服了。在这套房子中,男人们可以看电视,可以去阳台抽烟。穆斯林 Anjarwalla 周一开始斋月禁食,Gambaryan 也加入了。

被允许时,Anjarwalla 会通过视频给 Elahe 回电话。他们不会讨论任何敏感的事情,而是试图让彼此平静下来。他与 11 个月大的儿子交谈,儿子开始学会丫丫地说,「爸爸」。他的第一颗牙齿开始长出,下周是他的第一个生日。

「我希望并祈祷他们能及时回来,」Elahe 说。

The author and the director of compliance for financial crimes of Coin 'an flew to the Nigerian capital to solve a problem. The government accused the world's largest cryptocurrency exchange of causing its currency to collapse. The Wall Street Journal said that the currency of Africa's largest economy collapsed. The American was one of the two employees of Coin 'an who were detained in Nigeria. The American was a former agent of the US Internal Revenue Service. In late February, he left his wife and children at home in Georgia with a small suitcase ready to have a sex with him. It was considered a short business trip, but it turned out that he hasn't come back yet. According to his family, the Nigerian authorities detained a colleague, a British and Kenyan citizen, and a regional manager of Bi 'an Africa. Bi 'an employee was detained in a guarded house. At present, he has not been charged with any crime, and the local government invited them to attend the meeting in Nigeria, which is the largest economy in Africa with a population of over 100 million. This is a plus. Secret currency plays the leading role for the first time. Wall Street Journal: The currency collapse of Africa's largest economy. The dollar value of cryptocurrency transactions in sub-Saharan Africa has to be backed up. In recent years, Nigerians have flocked to cryptocurrency to protect their savings from the impact of soaring inflation rate and currency collapse. Two-thirds of the local population live in poverty. According to the compiled index, the country's cryptocurrency adoption rate ranks second in the world, second only to India's. During the month, Nigerians received cryptocurrency transactions worth about US$ 100 million. Due to the strict control of foreign exchange banks by the local government, many residents sought refuge in the digital currency dollar-linked stable currency. The stable currency transactions essentially became a black market. The market exchange rate between the local currency naira and the US dollar was far lower than the government exchange rate. According to currency traders, the currency security was the most popular exchange and became the first choice to check the black market exchange rate. The special adviser to the Nigerian President accused the currency security of interfering with Nigeria. The exchange rate has set and replaced the role of the central bank. He wrote in a post last year that our country should ban cryptocurrency, otherwise our currency loss will continue to increase. The Wall Street Journal, the largest economy in Africa, has a currency collapse. The new government, which took office last year, tried to simplify the complex exchange rate system composed of various official exchange rates and give market forces greater influence on the value of the currency, but it turns out that the government believes that the value of the currency is between the exchange rate on the website of the currency security. The persistent gap is intolerable, telling the Wall Street Journal that Bi 'an is cooperating with the authorities to discuss compensation for Nigeria. Last week, after the detention incident, Bi 'an said that it would stop any services involving Nyala, which dealt a blow to its efforts to rebuild its business in fast-growing emerging markets. The Nigerian Communications Commission ordered telecommunications companies to restrict residents' access to the websites of Bi 'an and other cryptocurrency platforms. The governor of Nigeria's central bank said that cryptocurrency platforms were used. Manipulating the market, he said that as far as currency security is concerned, there were hundreds of millions of dollars of funds flowing through the platform of currency security in Nigeria last year. The source and users of these funds were not fully identified by the central bank. The Wall Street Journal did not disclose the source of this figure. The currency of Africa's largest economy collapsed. The Nigerian authorities restricted the exchange rate of naira against the US dollar before and after cryptocurrency websites. A spokesman for currency security said that the company required all users to undergo strict authentication, although he did not comment on the figure of hundreds of millions of dollars. However, he said that since users can exchange one cryptocurrency for another cryptocurrency, not all transactions are related to Naira. He added that the total transaction volume should not be mistaken for the actual funds flowing through the exchange. He said that we are cooperating with the Nigerian authorities and will go home with the safety belt to reunite with our families. We believe that this matter will be solved quickly. The company said in a blog post that the company allows buyers and sellers to trade with each other, so it does not set prices. When Naira fluctuates violently, the system will automatically. Suspend to prevent manipulation of the company, adding that businesses that try to manipulate the market will be kicked out. Coin An was established in China in, which has repeatedly aroused the government's dissatisfaction. For a long time, the company has been operating without a headquarters and being monitored by regulators, but has provided unauthorized transactions through its global website. Zhao Changpeng, the founder of Yuebi An, resigned as CEO and admitted that he violated the US anti-money laundering requirements and the company agreed to pay a fine of $100 million, which is an unprecedented levy on cryptocurrency companies. Zhao Changpeng, the biggest fine received, is currently awaiting trial in the United States. Last year, the Nigerian securities regulator said that a local currency security entity was ordered to stop its service because of its illegal operation, but users can continue to visit the global website Wall Street Journal, the largest economy in Africa, where the currency collapsed. Currency dealers in the street held US dollars and Nigerian naira sources Bloomberg News. In developing countries, the use of dollar-stabilized currencies surged in Turkey, Argentina and Russia, and it was actually beautiful. In the economy with scarce yuan, local people have turned to cryptocurrency exchanges and the stable dollar coins they provide as an alternative to abide by the rules. The CEO of Bian himself once worked in the regulatory agency. When he took over last year, he vowed to abide by the rules and contact the government authorities. According to their family members, years old and years old arrived in Abuja, the capital of Nigeria, at the invitation of government officials, and held a series of meetings. The next day, they met with the securities regulator of the Nigerian central bank, National Security. Officials from all departments and financial intelligence departments and their families said that the meeting lasted about two hours and they felt that progress had been made. Unexpectedly, however, they were then escorted back to the hotel to pack their bags and taken to a guarded house. The Nigerian authorities did not give any reason. The Wall Street Journal, Africa's largest economy, the currency collapsed. In recent years, the exchange rate of Nigeria's naira against the US dollar was involved in the closure of cryptocurrency exchanges while working as an IRS agent. After the American authorities accused the exchange of facilitating criminal activities in, he joined Coin 'an in and worked in a venture capital company before joining Coin 'an in. His wife, who joined Coin 'an as the regional manager of Nigeria in the same month, said that the Nigerian court issued an order on, allowing the country's economic and financial crime commission to be detained for two weeks pending investigation. She said that they and their families had not been informed of the contents of the investigation. In the detained house, they were allowed to use mobile phones occasionally, but their wife, who was always under the supervision of guards, said that if her husband was allowed, she would talk to her husband by text message two or three times 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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