重新解读 “冷门公链” TON 的跨生态互联

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作者:Lydia Wu;来源:MintVentures



Source: DefiLlama, CoinMarketCap




Source: DefiLlama, CoinMarketCap, Nansen, Token Terminal






Source: Lydia @Mint Ventures

从内容到服务,Trading Bot助力Web3存量转化

Web2的Supper App微信通过推出服务号和小程序实现了从内容到服务的生态扩展,Telegram也遵循了类似的思路,通过推出企业账号和服务型Bot巩固其作为移动端流量入口的地位,其中Trading Bot备受加密用户的青睐。

Trading Bot 赛道自2023年以来发展迅猛,是熊市之中为数不多有真实需求和现金流的产品之一。熊转牛后Bot赛道的吸金效应得到进一步放大,Banana Gun, Unibot等头部协议的日营收超过20万美元。目前除了极少数部署在网页和Discord,大部分Trading Bot都通过Telegram进行交互。

Source: https://dune.com/whale_hunter/dex-trading-bot-wars

现阶段Trading Bot交易和TON关系不大,主要是借助Telegram的Bot模块接入以太坊和Solana,但Bot的火热很大程度上助力了TON生态的市场教育和用户心智培养。当加密用户开始习惯于Bot这样的新交互方式,体验TON生态内其他非交易类产品的心理摩擦将会显著降低,辅以完备的链上身份系统和支付模块,TON在理论上可以构建一个自洽的内容包装和价值转移系统。

集市模式的探索:TON的Bot宇宙和Mini App商店

目前TON生态的许多产品看起来只是简单的Telegram Bot入口+H5网页,搭配跳跃刷屏的Telegram群组,令人仿佛置身一个热闹到混乱的大集市。




The author's source introduction The decoupling of the classical public chain concept and the figures on it seem to show conclusively that the total market value of a giant unpopular public chain has been among the highest in the first hour for a long time, but the transaction volume has always been below the new high, and only the pre-valuation that can't be ranked in the public chain has reached an astonishing double that of Ethereum. In the past few months, we have witnessed and modularized the decoupling of the public chain concept defined by Ethereum, and the narrative of the chain is weak. The market has accepted the name of the chain and realized that this change has accelerated the release of the public chain in the name of the network. In order to understand the potential market in an unorthodox position, the number of daily activities and monthly activities that are no longer framed as the standard classical public chain narrative and closer to the user side may also be taken into account. Recently, the monthly activities reported by the founder to the Financial Times have exceeded 100 million, and the estimated monthly activities and trillion market value that are being compared are only the same. The user groups are concentrated in Asia, Europe, South America and the Middle East, and the demand for peer-to-peer payment is strong, which is an ideal group to be converted. If the author's own growth can be achieved, the users introduced during the year will be able to effectively support the new paradigm of valuation creation, which is based on the split of content packaging and value transfer distribution mode, and open up the incremental market. In an article last year, I combed the three stages of the creator's economy, in which the simplest blockchain logic is adopted and the centralized content creation distribution mode is adopted. This mode is still the mainstream at present, but it is still a speculative tool rather than a creative carrier. The process of ecological inspection made me gradually realize that the packaging function of content rights governance, which is also a traffic path based on attention, may be more naturally replaced by the channel advertising payment system. It is the middle form of this idea to package group chats into assets, but the content is difficult to expand and the economic model lacks sustainability. Compared with the ecology based on which many projects are still trying to find application scenarios for assets, it has built a more friendly product experience and value for developers, creators and users. On the one hand, the network further divides the distribution mode into business forms, middleware wallet settlement, which reduces the understanding and operation threshold of creators and users, on the other hand, it also enriches the creators' income sources. Advertising is divided into WeChat, which helps to transform the stock from content to service, and realizes the ecological expansion from content to service by launching service numbers and small programs, and also follows a similar idea, and consolidates its position as a mobile traffic portal by launching enterprise accounts and services. Favored by encrypted users, the track has developed rapidly since. It is one of the few products with real demand and cash flow in the bear market. After the bear turns into a bull, the gold absorption effect of the track has been further amplified. At present, the daily revenue of the head agreement exceeds US$ 10,000. At present, except for a few deployed on the webpage, most of them are connected to the Ethereum through interactive transactions and little relationship, which has greatly helped the ecological market education and the mental training of users. Getting used to this new interactive way to experience the psychological friction of other non-trading products in the ecology will be significantly reduced. With a complete online identity system and payment module, in theory, a self-consistent content packaging and value transfer system can be built. The universe and shops that explore the market model. At present, many products in the ecology seem to be just simple entrance pages with jumping screens, which makes people feel like they are in a lively and chaotic market. What players do in the project is just keep clicking. Hit the gold coins on the screen in exchange for points. You can also join the team of celebrities such as founders or send red envelopes to friends for drainage. With brainless gameplay and viral spread, you have captured 10,000 players in a week. At present, the number of players exceeds 10,000. In the pre-market trading shortly after going online, the current highest turnover is a transaction with a purchase of about 100 million points. As the darling of encrypted celebrities, the function launched in June is hailed as an amazing innovation. However, this function is manifested in the mobile terminal with higher traffic distribution density. Although unsatisfactory users can do a little sum operation, if it is their turn to have a more complicated interaction, even the simplest small game will be a big challenge to their eyesight if they want to complete it in a small box that occupies less than one third of the screen of the mobile phone. In contrast, it is rarely mentioned that the combination of sum has already completed the almost senseless jump from the chat box to the semi-native application, and the somatosensory speed of calling out the application is even faster than that of WeChat applet. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台

Telegram在2015年6月推出“不可以自定义界面样式”和“客户端不直接和服务端通信”的Bot功能。基于该功能构建的Trading Bot不是独立应用,而是代理界面,所以响应速度受限、难以多交互并行。

2022年4月,Telegram推出Mini App,让开发者可以完全掌控用户界面并且“客户端直接和服务端通信”。Mini App提供了更友好的交互和更强的组合性,并且可以无缝衔接钱包等基础设施,适合多样的Web3产品部署,甚至可以取代所有移动端网页。

推出Mini App后,Bot也没有退出历史舞台,而是起到了“传达室”的作用,作为用户交互的第一入口串联起多个Mini App。

Source:TON x Fans | TON心粉
Source: Lydia

现阶段部署一个Bot和Mini App的难度并不高,用户可以在Telegram @BotFather 频道通过问答形式快速设置自己的Bot,也可以在@DurgerKingBot 体验设置完成后的Mini App虚拟点餐体验。



在公链性能过剩的时代,一款游戏在以太坊L2、Solana还是BSC上玩,体验不会有太大差别。而一款强社交属性的游戏(比如棋牌或其他party game),在Telegram上一键分享组队或是等待网络上的陌生人随机匹配,两者的体验将相差甚远。

Tap Fantasy原本是Facebook上的一款MMORPG游戏,进军Web3后在BSC和Solana链上吸引了超过70万名玩家。2023年8月,作为TON生态首个Launchpad TonUP的首个IDO项目,Tap Fantasy的代币$MC在半小时内售罄。2023年11月,Tap Fantasy正式推出基于TON的新版本,由Web3游戏孵化公司Pluto发行。新版本玩家人数3个月突破60万,链上玩家超过1.6万。由于运行良好的游戏内经济体,代币$MC相对TON的汇率从0.2上升到1。

Pluto孵化的新游Catizen是一款结合了AI的元宇宙养猫游戏,2024年3月7日上线删档测试,五天便积累了超过16万名玩家和1.3万名链上用户。Catizen还与TON生态内头部 meme $FISH展开合作,测试结束后将向$FISH持有者进行空投。

Source: Tap Fantasy TON version dashboard
Source: Catizen dashboard



  • $NANO: 第一个TON20铭文,为TON生态带来了2000万次交互和3.6万个独立铸造地址

  • $GRAM: 得名于被SEC叫停的Telegram Open Network原生Token,首次利用Telegram小程序前端执行部署、铸造和转移

  • $TONOT: 以6.1万独立铸造地址和5.7万持有者打破了$NANO保持的记录,支持铭文-NFT-Token间的转化,产品规划还包括游戏内货币、DID以及质押挖矿等


  • $NOT: Notcoin即将在3月底或4月初空投$NOT代币,盘前交易正在TON生态的NFT交易市场Getgems上进行

  • $REDO: 概念来源于Telegram创始人Durov参加抗议活动时的手绘,是TON生态目前市值最高的Meme

  • $FISH: Ton Fish是TON生态首个社交meme,目前的持有者超过1.8万

  • $TPET: Ton Fish生态Meme,fair launch持续到3月26日,将作为游戏Ton Pet: Tik Ton的主要代币,$FISH和NFT持有者有机会获得空投


XTON是TON生态首个引入多链流动性的Launchpad,团队成员来自TON基金会。XTON将在Q1完成主网上线和代币销售,Q2启动第一个项目。顺应XTON的愿景,TON生态将有机会完成Web2 社交巨头和Web3 EVM世界的双边流量接轨。



Source: https://www.tonstat.com/




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