3EX AI交易平台Space回顾 BTC再攀高峰 探索3EX爆仓险 是否真正实现无忧投资?

币圈资讯 阅读:39 2024-04-22 08:30:06 评论:0



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3月28日晚19点,全球领先的一站式AI交易平台3EX再次引领行业前沿,以“BTC再攀高峰,探索3EX爆仓险,是否真正实现无忧投资?”为主题,成功举办了一场精彩绝伦的Twitter Space专场活动。此次活动不仅吸引了大量关注数字货币投资的参与者,还特邀了业界知名的嘉宾,包括二级市场研究员Nilsen、3EX策略研究员KAI、资深量化策划师MillionMiles以及独立研究员洛桑顿珠,共同探讨了加密货币市场当前的热点问题及未来发展趋势。此外,此次Space活动还有互动和抽奖环节,为参与者准备了赢取丰厚奖品,增加了活动的趣味性和吸引力。







在继续深入探讨比特币市场的未来趋势之后,3EX的Twitter Space活动转向了另一个引发热烈讨论的话题:在当前充斥着各种“土狗币”和概念项目的市场环境中,这些现象到底是为加密货币投资者带来了惊喜,还是成了一种惊吓?

















  1. 分散投资:不把所有资金投资于单一资产或市场,而是通过分散投资到不同的类别,如现货和AI策略收益等,以降低风险。

  2. 定期平衡投资组合:根据市场变化和个人投资目标定期重新平衡投资组合,确保其符合投资者的风险承受能力和长期投资目标。

  3. 采用止损策略:设置止损点可以帮助投资者限制潜在的损失,在价格下跌到某一预定水平时自动卖出,从而避免更大的损失。

  4. 长期持有和定期投资:对于长期增值有信心的资产,采用长期持有策略,并通过定期投资(如每月固定金额购买)来降低市场波动的影响,利用市场的波动性进行成本摊平。

  5. 使用衍生品进行风险管理:通过使用期权、期货等金融衍生品来对冲风险,保护投资组合免受不利市场变动的影响。



随着本次3EX Twitter Space活动的圆满结束,我们再次见证了3EX作为全球首家一站式AI交易平台的创新力量和前瞻性。通过率先将GPT强大的AI能力应用于数字资产交易领域,3EX不仅成功地为用户提供了便捷、智能、高效的数字资产交易体验,而且还开启了数字资产交易的全新篇章。





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It is the first one-stop trading platform in the world to realize strategy customization, parameter adjustment and profit-loss analog signal execution strategy through dialogue, with single key, documentary transaction to help agents pull new ones to help users make money, and the world's leading one-stop trading platform once again leads the industry frontier, and successfully held a wonderful special event with the theme of climbing the peak again to explore whether the explosion insurance can really realize worry-free investment. This event not only attracted a large number of participants who paid attention to digital currency's investment, but also invited well-known in the industry. Guests including secondary market researcher, strategy researcher, senior quantitative planner and independent researcher Lausanne Dunzhu discussed the current hot issues and future development trend of cryptocurrency market. In addition, there were interactive and lucky draw sessions for participants to win rich prizes, which increased the interest and attraction of the event. The in-depth discussion around five core issues was aimed at providing participants with first-hand market analysis, investment strategy and risk management knowledge to ensure that in the ever-changing market, Can make a wise investment decision? Is the recent violent rise of the market a signal of the beginning of the callback or the beginning of going to Jinding? With the recent sharp fluctuation of bitcoin price, many investors and market observers are trying to interpret this phenomenon. Does this indicate that Bitcoin is about to usher in a large-scale callback or that we are in the early stage of bitcoin going to its Jinding? The guests have reached a consensus on this issue, although the price fluctuation of Bitcoin has aroused widespread concern in the market. On the contrary, guests generally believe that the current market situation is more like a stage in the middle of a bull market, which means that the value of Bitcoin is expected to continue to rise. This view is based on the growing confidence in using Bitcoin as a long-term investment tool and a safe-haven asset, and the expectation of sustained growth in demand for Bitcoin, especially from institutional investors. The guests further pointed out that although the market may fluctuate in the short term, these fluctuations should be regarded as the trend of Bitcoin. Natural phenomena in the journey of higher value: they encourage investors to focus on long-term trends, use modern trading tools and strategies to optimize investment decisions, and obtain stable returns through transactions such as platforms to protect themselves from adverse market fluctuations. Second, is the concept of local dog everywhere a surprise or a fright? After continuing to explore the future trend of the bitcoin market, the activities turned to another topic that sparked heated discussions. At present, it is full of various local dog coins and concept projects. Whether these phenomena bring surprises or scares to cryptocurrency investors in the market environment has touched a sensitive and complicated cryptocurrency market, which is confronted with the proliferation of emerging projects and investors' psychology. A large number of new projects have emerged in the market, and each project tries to attract investors' attention through unique narratives and concepts. However, it is followed by a substantial increase in risks, especially when there is no substantial value behind these projects. Experts cited some famous cases, such as the donation escape incident with Red God, which not only exposed the fragility of the market, but also reflected how the weakness of human nature would be exploited when the artist's behavior was too artistic. Facing this market phenomenon, experts stressed that it is very important to return to the basic principle of value investment, and chasing short-term high returns in this bull market while ignoring the value and sustainability of the project itself may bring significant financial risks to investors. On the contrary, in today's rapidly changing encryption. The trading technology in the money market stands out with its unique ability, providing investors with a powerful platform that can not only automatically execute the trading backtest data, but also generate strategies based on template indicators and text descriptions. This comprehensive set of functions opens up new possibilities for investors, enabling them to obtain stable returns in a complex and changeable market environment. Question 3: With the changeable market, the next sector will be the one that will be pulled up next. The experts focused on the potential growth points of the current cryptocurrency market, especially the decentralization of the sector track, personal and real-world assets, and their views provided investors with an important insight into the future market trend. The guests collectively looked forward to the future development direction of the cryptocurrency market, especially focusing on the sector track and real-world assets. They agreed that with the continuous improvement of technology and the expansion of application scenarios, The plate is expected to become an important growth point in the market, especially in improving the safety and efficiency of blockchain and developing smart contracts. At the same time, the track, as a new field to explore personal data rights and build decentralized social networks, is expected to be a hot spot for future development, which is expected to reshape the operation mode of social networks and personal media. In addition, the field of combining blockchain technology with real-world assets not only brings stability to the encryption market, but also provides it with tokens. In view of the new growth opportunities, these sectors are considered to be the key driving force for future market growth, opening up a new path for investors seeking diversified investment and steady growth. After in-depth discussion on the potential growth sectors in the market, the discussion of the guests naturally turned to how to realize effective capital allocation and risk management in these promising fields, especially in the volatile market of digital asset trading, to find ways to protect investors from extreme market waves. The mechanism of dynamic influence is particularly important, which leads to our next discussion. How does this innovative insurance mechanism help investors manage risks and grasp growth opportunities in a highly volatile environment? Question 4: What is the risk of transaction explosion and what are its characteristics? Question 4: The guests shared their views and significance on this innovative insurance mechanism, with special emphasis on how it can help users encounter unpredictable markets. The guests agreed that the risk of trading documentary warehouse explosion was a breakthrough insurance mechanism, aiming at providing users with compensation for the loss of the first warehouse explosion, which significantly reduced the risks in the trading process. They emphasized how the insurance could enable users to experience and learn the process of trading documentary without taking risks at all, especially for beginners, which was a great advantage to gain actual trading experience at zero cost. During the further discussion, the guests elaborated on the ways to obtain the risk of trading documentary warehouse explosion, including obtaining and completing the first documentary transaction through platform activities. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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