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如果我们仔细分析这些ETF的回报,会有一些有趣的发现。比如在过去12个月中,这18只人工智能ETF中,只有4只的回报超过了同期的标普500指数。其中一些人工智能ETF的回报惨不忍睹。比如有一只ETF叫做First Trust Nasdaq Artificial Intelligence and Robotics ETF(ROBT,资金规模5.5亿美元左右,从名字即可看出该ETF专门投资人工智能和机器人赛道),其过去12个月的回报比同期的标普500指数落后了19%。另一只ETF叫做WisdomTree U.S. AI Enhanced Value Fund(AIVL),其过去12个月的回报比同期的标普500指数落后了13%。

Buying a special investment in artificial intelligence can ensure that the portfolio covers as much as possible. Different companies will minimize the probability of missing a certain company. What is the hottest investment track in the year? I am afraid that most readers will choose artificial intelligence. Since the announcement at the beginning of the year, many of us have been screened by various videos and small movies automatically generated by artificial intelligence. Of course, how artificial intelligence can improve productivity and how much revenue it brings to related companies seems to be an open question, but it is still an open question to artificial intelligence. Smart gold diggers selling shovels have earned a lot of money. The market value of NVIDIA, the market leader necessary for production, has exceeded one trillion dollars, ranking third in the world, second only to Apple and Microsoft. The legendary story of its founder Huang Renxun has also been reported by major media. As an ordinary investor, how can we get a share of this wave of scientific and technological revolution? I believe this is one of the most concerned issues for many readers. Undoubtedly, the most direct way is to buy a company in NVIDIA a few years ago. Stocks, but the problem is that we can't go back in time to buy stocks that are bound to soar in the future. In fact, in the field of artificial intelligence, there are thousands of investors who can think of betting on artificial intelligence tracks through Invista a few years ago. It may even be considered whimsical, so for many individual investors, another way is to buy stocks that specialize in artificial intelligence. These companies will not only invest in one or two companies, but will choose dozens. Buying more shares of companies can ensure that the investment portfolio covers as many different companies as possible, and the probability of missing a company will be minimized. Of course, even if it is only focused on investing in artificial intelligence, the number is very large. This is because artificial intelligence itself is a very broad concept, because it is the hottest investment theme in the last two years. Many companies choose to approach artificial intelligence and add artificial intelligence to their products, services or company promotion. A report released by the British venture capital company in shows that there is a start-up artificial intelligence company in Europe, only one of which is really doing artificial intelligence research and development. In other words, about the companies that claim to be artificial intelligence are doing business of selling dog meat just to rub off the popularity of artificial intelligence. Secondly, if we dig deep into the scope of artificial intelligence, we can further subdivide it into industrial automation, non-industrial automation, printing language generation, automatic driving and so on. It is no exaggeration to say all this. Some sub-sectors are highly related to artificial intelligence, and the companies on the track can all be classified as artificial intelligence topics. Based on these standards, as of June, we can find about many artificial intelligences. If we only look at the scale of fund management of more than 100 million US dollars, then this number will be reduced to only about one. The investment strategies and emphasis of these industries are different, but they are all based on the artificial intelligence investment theme. The purpose is to help investors get the return on investment brought by the scientific and technological revolution led by artificial intelligence. If I If we carefully analyze these returns, we will find some interesting findings. For example, in the past month, only one of this artificial intelligence has exceeded the S&P index in the same period, and some of them have terrible returns. For example, one of them is called the capital scale of about 100 million US dollars. From the name, it can be seen that the return of this special investment in artificial intelligence and robot track in the past month is behind the S&P index in the same period, and the other one is called that its return in the past month is behind the S&P index in the same period. I must be surprised that I have bet on the right track. Why is the return of the hottest artificial intelligence industry not as good as the average return of the stock market? The main reason behind it is that the return of artificial intelligence stocks is very different. From the percentage of return of company stocks, the biggest winners are NVIDIA and Ultramicro Computer. In addition, the share prices of large-cap companies like Amazon, Microsoft and Meta-Universe Platform have also soared because of the concept of artificial intelligence, which means whether investors can finally. The key to getting a good return on investment lies in whether his portfolio includes NVIDIA, Amazon, Microsoft and other stocks and the proportion of these stocks. By the end of last year, the weights of NVIDIA, Amazon, Microsoft and Metauniverse in the S&P index were as high as respectively, and the return of the S&P index in the past month by the end of last year was as high as about, which came from the above-mentioned technology giants, while those who specialize in investing in artificial intelligence tracks may not be as highly concentrated on investment weights as the S&P index. This is mainly because the target of these investments is a track, not one or two companies. If you want to ensure that the whole track is bought, then you need to distribute the bullets evenly among as many companies as possible, instead of concentrating all of them on a few companies. This is why many artificial intelligences limit the maximum weight of any invested stock to or fund managers will intervene and rebalance it when the market value weight of a stock exceeds this ratio. Sell some high-weight company stocks and buy some low-weight company stocks to bring the weight distribution of the portfolio back to a more evenly distributed equilibrium state. This operation can ensure that investors will not miss the whole track, but it will drag down investors' returns when they encounter super-monster stocks like NVIDIA. From the above analysis, we learn something. First, it is much more difficult to invest and make profits by choosing the track and industry, even if it is to buy the artificial intelligence track correctly. Fund investors who specialize in artificial intelligence industry may not be able to beat the market, and may even lag behind the average return of the market with great probability, which reminds us that we should leave a place for passive investment based on index in our portfolio at any time. Since it is difficult to beat passive investment, why not set aside a field in our portfolio, such as the total investment for passive investment? Second, it also shows that the threshold for active investment is very high, for example, some investors have to It is concluded that artificial intelligence is the outlet, but if your cognition is limited to this and you buy some artificial intelligence themes, in fact, it is far from high-quality active investment to get excess returns. Smart investors should have self-knowledge and understand how much effort it takes to get excess returns. Third, real active investment does not need diversification. The legend Buffett said on many occasions that he does not agree with diversifying his investment too much. Generally, it is enough for investors to buy at most one stock for a long time. Any investor's energy and cognition are bordered and it is impossible to master everything. Therefore, investors should have a choice to make themselves a certain. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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