价值投资已死 MEME永生?

币圈资讯 阅读:33 2024-04-22 08:29:04 评论:0



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除了感慨 “币圈一天,传统金融一年” 的涨幅和收益之外,不少「老韭菜」都在讨论一个问题:“这一轮周期MEME币的发力为什么这么早?” 按照过往几个周期的板块轮动来看,当一个新概念和新叙事的热度达到顶峰之后,伴随着MEME币的接力,繁花散尽,是牛市终章的序曲。但在这个周期中,板块轮动顺序却似乎被重新编排,MEME币不按套路出牌,在这一轮周期的初中期就成为了主线。




1.1 MEME概念的由来

每每说到MEME的诞生和起源,Richard Dawkins都绝对是一个绕不过去的人。

在1976年,Richard Dawkins在其开创性著作《自私的基因》中首次提出了MEME这一概念。在《自私的基因》的最后一章中,Richard Dawkins引入了“MEME”这个概念,将其定义为文化传播的单位,类似于生物遗传中的基因。MEME可以是旋律、想法、服饰风格、语言习惯、技术或其他任何文化传播的现象。它们通过模仿从一个人传播到另一个人,从而在人类文化中复制自身。MEME的成功和生存,就像基因一样,取决于它们的复制精确度、持久性以及其对于宿主的“吸引力”或效用。


随着互联网和社交媒体的兴起,MEME成为了全球文化交流的重要组成部分,其传播的速度和范围远超Richard Dawkins 的初衷。今天,MEME以其幽默和讽刺的形式,不仅快速传播娱乐和信息,还在塑造公众意见和文化现象方面发挥着重要作用,特别是在加密货币和区块链技术领域,MEME的影响尤为显著。

值得一提的是,为了纪念 3 月 26 日Dawkin的生日,社区特别推出了名为“Dawkoin”的MEME币,Dawkin在社交媒体上分享了这个消息,没有表现出抗拒和反感。

1.2 比特币是最早的MEME

“ 从某种意义上来说,所有加密代币都具有MEME含量,只是含量不同,50%以上的是常态。”这是区块链行业最早一批媒体蓝狐笔记最近发表的观点。如果按0-100来看,以pepe、doge为代表的MEME含量在99.9%以上;AI有90%MEME含量;BTC L2有80%MEME含量;Defi有30-50%MEME含量。





也有人说MEME币是「注意力经济」,越能吸引人注意力的MEME币就是越好的MEME。经过15年的发展后,在价格突破 71,000 美元的历史新高之后,比特币市值已跃升至 1.398 万亿美元,超越白银(1.379 万亿美元),跻身全球第八大资产。比特币所代表的加密货币总市值百分比达到了 49.8%,比特币在加密行业占据着强大的主导地位。



1.3 铭文与NFT:MEME的「衍生品」

既然MEME可以看做是基因的一种表现形式,那MEME就一定会有分化,这在前文中提到的MEME起源Richard Dawkins的《自私的基因》中也能找到一定的理论基础:MEME和基因在传播和演化机制上的相似性,两者都通过复制过程传递,都经历选择压力,且在一定条件下会发生变异。

回顾币圈MEME币龙头,DogeCoin最初作为比特币的一个轻松版的概念而创建,以流行的“Doge” MEME(一只名叫Shiba Inu的狗的图片,配以内心独白式的文字)为其标志。它的创始人没有想到这个基于笑话的货币,会被马斯克「青睐」,并最终成为如今市值最大的MEME币。

加密行业经历了十二年之后,已经有了一套惯有的逻辑,创造出新概念和新叙事后的项目方们,与VC机构们拥抱捆绑,「撸毛」刷空投预热之后,再各种做局让二级接盘。这波牛市也是只有 TIA 和 SOL 才算符合老韭菜心目中的好项目 —— 有团队、有好 VC、Binance 上线、赛道有炒作的预期。


从诞生起,「铭文」就天然带着「公平发射」和「first is first」的社区精神,而这也恰巧是MEME的slogan。从 3 月份诞生开始,偏见就紧紧伴随着比特币生态,但其似乎一直没有放弃说服所有人:「如果你有偏见,那就让比特币生态涨到你没有偏见为止」。

打一张 ORDI(1 张包括 1000 个币)成本在 2 到 3 美元,按现在 1 个 ORDI 60 美元的价格计算,目前一张的价格为 6 万美元。一年过去了,如果至今没有卖出,按现在的价格计算,这是一笔超过两万倍涨幅的投资。

而铭文其实不是MEME的第一次变异和衍生,MEME的多样性在NFT赛道也可以体现。作为上一轮周期最大的新叙事,NFT也经历了一轮牛熊,NFT 龙头BAYC一度跌破 13 ETH,更不要说更多没有资本支持的NFT艺术家如今的境遇,因此他们也在为自己寻找各种出路。


除了这种更广泛形式的衍生,我们也能在一些更具体的MEME上看到系列的文化衍生,比如Pepe the Frog。

这张图像最初只是漫画家Matt Furie在2005年的一本在线漫画中的一个角色,但随后它演变成了互联网上一个广泛认可的MEME象征。不同于那些有明确创作者背景的MEME,Pepe the Frog背后聚集了一个由无数匿名艺术家组成的社区,他们创造了各种各样的Pepe形象,这些形象在不同的文化语境和社交媒体平台上扮演着多样的角色。

Pepe the Frog的演变过程展示了MEME文化中的一种独特现象:一个单一的图像如何能够催生出一个庞大而多样化的文化生态。这种文化衍生并不仅仅是复制原始图像的简单行为,而是一个涉及创造性重构和文化再解释的过程。



2.1 币圈是情绪和叙事的放大镜




MEME天生有着传递情绪的作用,从狂热到恐慌,以幽默、讽刺甚至是夸张的形式,MEME 能迅速在社区之间传播,引发情感共鸣,从而在无形中影响了市场的走向。





2.2 MEME不需要公链,公链需要MEME


其中最有代表性的就是Solana 联创Anatoly, 去年的Solana 社区年度峰会开幕当日,正值西方万圣节当天,Anatoly 以一身绿色恐龙装扮出场,成为了峰会上最独特、最引人注目的存在。Anatoly 站在众人面前,自我介绍道:「I’m Anatoly, and I’m a silly dragon」,说完这句话,Anatoly 不好意思的笑了,整个会场的观众也被逗笑。



而现在也能看到TON链和Base链也都蠢蠢欲动,想要在MEME币的交易流动性中分一杯羹,TVL均创新高,链上活跃度和链上交易量也都有了指数级的增长,而TON 基金会也公开宣布在招聘 MEMECOIN 生态负责人。

2.3 我们终于对各种概念祛魅了吗?

最近的一个段子:“看到 zk+DEPIN+rollup+ai 这些概念叠加,币圈的VC便按捺不住兴奋之情”,这个段子的背后也让我们不禁思考:我们是否真的对加密货币领域的各种概念进行了深入的理解和祛魅?


“反正也看不懂,还不如炒MEME” 社区的老韭菜显得力不从心,新韭菜就更不懂了。一轮轮流水般快速迭代的币圈叙事下,反而MEME文化却长盛不衰。BOME 上 Binance 的神速让更是让许多加密项目「破防了」,辛苦耕耘了几年还没能上所,但 BOME 三天就做到了。

回到最近社区常常做出的发问:“区块链的终点是MEME吗?” 抑或是 “价值投资已死,MEME永生?”。虽然这些问题的提法显得绝对,甚至有些极端。但不得不承认,十年内区块链最大的作用仍是投机炒币,或许是一句实话。

And ended the crazy pull-up of the market, and once again experienced and witnessed another round of rich gold rush. Although the heat wave has not completely subsided, the market has temporarily recovered some calmness. In addition to feeling the increase and income of traditional finance in the currency circle one day, many old leeks are discussing a question: Why did this round of cyclical coins exert its strength so early? According to the plate rotation of the past few cycles, when the heat of a new concept and new narrative reached its peak, it was the sequence of the last chapter of the bull market with the relay of coins. However, in this cycle, the order of plate rotation seems to be rearranged, and the currency does not play according to the routine, which has become the main line in the middle school of this cycle. In the theory of value investment, currency and local dog currency have always been marginalized, even in a bubble-filled currency circle, but in fact, many people do not understand what is the difference between currency and local dog currency. From the dog pattern to today's inscription, it has become a unique cultural symbol and communication way in the currency circle, so these seem ridiculous and even. How did the absurd cultural elements gain such a prominent position in the encrypted world? This paper will discuss the relationship with the blockchain and its influence on the encrypted currency culture, that is, the origin of the concept of gene. Every time it is mentioned, the birth and origin are absolutely unavoidable. In his groundbreaking book selfish genes, this concept was first put forward in, and it was introduced in the last chapter of selfish genes, and it was defined as the unit of cultural transmission, which is similar to the genes in biological genetics. Melody, idea, clothing style, language habit, technology or any other phenomenon of cultural transmission. They spread from one person to another by imitation, so their success and survival in human culture depend on their replication accuracy, persistence and its attraction or utility to the host just like genes. In more common words, it can be a subculture formed after a wide spread, and money is one of the ways to value this subculture. With the rise of the Internet and social media, the mode has become an important part of global cultural exchange, and its spread speed and scope far exceed the original intention. Today, it not only spreads entertainment and information quickly in the form of humor and satire, but also plays an important role in shaping public opinions and cultural phenomena, especially in the fields of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. It is worth mentioning that in order to commemorate the birthday of March, the community specially launched a coin called "Coin" to share this elimination on social media. Interest does not show resistance and disgust. Bitcoin is the earliest. In a sense, all encrypted tokens have content, but it is normal that the content is different. This is the opinion recently published by Blue Fox Notes, the earliest media in the blockchain industry. If the content represented by it is above the content, it can be said that Bitcoin is the earliest. We all know that Satoshi Nakamoto invented the Bitcoin system on a small server in Helsinki, Finland, and excavated it. The first block, also known as the Creation Block, the first bitcoin was also announced. Technically speaking, bitcoin is the key to open the door of the blockchain, relying on technologies such as cryptography, distributed storage consensus mechanism, etc., which have gradually matured in the past half century. But now people mention bitcoin not only to discuss its technical algorithm, but also the philosophical meaning behind Bitcoin, the first successful cryptocurrency. The anonymous founder Satoshi Nakamoto and the spirit of confronting the traditional financial system have given it the significance of transcending technology. Therefore, from this point of view, Bitcoin itself is the earliest. It represents the pursuit of power freedom and system change. This symbolic significance transcends its function as a currency and has become a symbol of cultural and social movements. Some people say that money is an attention economy, and the more attractive it is, the better it is. After years of development, the market value of Bitcoin has jumped to trillion dollars, surpassing silver trillion dollars and becoming the eighth largest asset in the world. The percentage of the total market value of cryptocurrency in the table has reached that bitcoin occupies a strong dominant position in the encryption industry. With the adoption of bitcoin and the rise of bitcoin ecology at the beginning of this year, more and more traders and investors are returning to their original nature and re-injecting their attention and liquidity into bitcoin ecology. Bitcoin is the most attractive token in the encryption industry. From this perspective, bitcoin is not. Since inscriptions and derivatives can be regarded as a form of expression of genes, there must be differences. This can also be found in the selfish genes of origin mentioned above, and the similarity of genes in the transmission and evolution mechanism can be found. Both of them are transmitted through the replication process and will undergo selection pressure and mutate under certain conditions. Looking back, the coin circle coin faucet was originally created as a relaxed concept of Bitcoin, with a picture of a popular dog named with inner monologue as its symbol. Its founder did not expect that this joke-based currency would be musk. Favored and eventually became the currency encryption industry with the largest market value today. After twelve years, it has already had a set of customary logic to create new concepts and new narratives. After all this, the project parties and institutions embraced and tied up, brushed the air and warmed up, and then made various games to make the second-level takeover. This bull market is only a good project in the mind of the old leek. There is a good team and speculation on the track. While all this should continue according to common sense, the track has experienced a series of variations and derivatives. Showstopper's inscription was born. The appearance and popularity of all the inscriptions in the bitcoin ecology were completely unexpected. Since its birth, the inscription naturally has a fair launch and a good community spirit, which happens to be the case. Since its birth in January, prejudice has been closely accompanied by the bitcoin ecology, but it seems that it has never given up convincing everyone that if you are biased, let the bitcoin ecology rise to the point where you are unbiased. The cost of each piece, including one coin, is calculated at the current price of one dollar. Ten thousand dollars a year has passed, and if it hasn't been sold yet, it's an investment with an increase of more than 20,000 times at the current price, but the inscription is actually not. The first variation and derived diversity can also be reflected on the track. As the new narrative with the longest cycle in the last round, it has also experienced a round of bull and bear bibcock once falling, not to mention the current situation of more artists without capital support, so they are also looking for various ways for themselves. From the recent explosion, we can also see that the cultural value brought by money to the holders can also be fed back. Although the form presented is different, it is essentially the same as 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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