V神台北畅谈坎昆升级、AI、Crypto 和社交

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作者:Karen、Kean;来源:Foresight News

Vitalik Buterin在ETHTaipei 2024大会上谈到了坎昆升级、量子计算威胁、AI与加密货币、以太坊再质押、去中心化社交等热点问题。

他提出了新的概念框架「Rainbow Staking」,认为去中心化社交可以解决网络效应问题。他也谈到了以太坊如何应对量子计算威胁,并认为AI与加密货币结合可以带来多种好处。再质押是一个有趣的想法,但也存在风险。加密货币行业可能会出现更多的NFT和Meme。建议新开发者找到明确的方向,积极参与社区并做出实用的东西。

在今日开幕的 ETHTaipei 2024 大会上,Vitalik Buterin 接受了多家媒体的采访,就坎昆升级、量子潜在威胁的应对、AI & Crypto、以太坊再质押、去中心化社交等热点问题分享了自己的观点,并对非英语母语者、新区块链开发者提出了建议。

除此之外,Vitalik Buterin 还讨论了以太坊质押的中心化风险,并提到了一个新的概念框架「Rainbow Staking」。

该框架能以即插即用方式集成进一步「协议服务」的正确接口,以最小可行发行(MVI)为目标并对抗占主导地位的 LST 取代 ETH 作为以太坊网络货币的出现;通过提供差异化服务类别的竞争性参与,增强个体利益相关者的经济价值;以及助力实现 SSF(单时隙终结性)。

以下为 Vitalik Buterin 针对媒体问题的回复:


您在 Farcaster 上的活跃度好像要比在 Twitter 上更高一些,类似 Farcaster 这样的去中心化社交应用真的能与 Web2 社交应用竞争吗?或者说能够颠覆社交模式吗?

Vitalik Buterin:是的,我认为社交领域的一个有趣之处在于它具有网络效应,但同时也具有反网络(anti-etwork) 效应。Twitter 是一个汇聚了各类人群的平台,但同时也是那些真正令人厌烦的人的聚集地。我发现 Farcaster 也已经积累了足够多的用户,而且还很有趣,在这个平台上我能获得更高质量的互动,虽然它还有待完善。

我认为,即 Twitter 可能会区分高质量的内容和人群、低质量的内容和人群,许多人批评这些机制,包括管理和蓝 V 认证等,认为它们可能成为一种集中化的工具或特权,服务于特定观点和特定群体。

而 Crypto 空间以及许多非金融应用程序,如以太坊,从根本上解决了这个问题,试图解决这类信任问题。去中心化社交真正能够解决这种问题。

关于 Farcaster,还有一个重要的特点是,它不是一个服务器,而是一个共享的平台。


我认为这绝对可以成为人们开始尝试创建自己的客户端并添加有趣新功能的地方。例如,你可以想象人们 Farcaster 上发布自己的社区笔记,或者发布各种基于 AI 的研讨甚至预测。

在 Farcaster 上,你可以想象人们创建自己的机制来识别高声誉参与者和低声誉参与者等。不同的群体可以采用不同的方法。所有这些事情可以由不同的客户端完成。

另外一件让我兴奋的事情是,我觉得 Farcaster 这个应用特别实用、丝滑,用起来也足够简单,并且正在被一些非加密人士使用。我认为这是许多应用所没有做到的,这也为其他同类应用程序打了一个样板。

Dencun 升级

Dencun 升级如何为以太坊生态系统做出贡献?本次升级是否比预期得要好?

Vitalik Buterin:Cancun 升级的目的是大幅提高可扩展性,并大幅降低 Layer2(尤其是 Rollups)交易费用。

该升级通过在每个区块内创建一个独立的数据空间来实现这一目的,这些数据不能被 EVM 访问,这很重要,因为这也意味着当客户端验证以太坊区块时,他们不必同时访问该数据。

我们已经看到,过去一周 Layer2 的费用大幅下降,再此我需要提醒大家,随着用户和区块数量的增加,这些费用可能会再次增加,因为用户和交易会增加,但这仍然是一种相当显著的可扩展性提升升级。

关于第二个问题,这取决于你对「好」的理解。从技术角度来看,升级进展顺利,比以往任何分叉都要好。然而,使用量有点低,目标是每个区块包括 3 个 blob,但平均使用量只有一个 blob。我认为随着时间的推移,使用量将增加,但目前对于 Rollups 来说,这确实是个好消息,因为会非常便宜,但我期待未来几个月使用量会增加。



Vitalik Buterin:量子计算威胁方面,我认为有几个方面需要考虑。

首先,以太坊基金会已经意识到量子计算的潜在威胁,将会有一些相关标准和准则。从技术角度来看,我们已经有了针对每个容易受到量子攻击的领域的抗量子算法。例如,量子计算机可以破解现有的椭圆曲线签名,但我们已经有了多种抗量子算法,如哈希函数、Winternitz 签名等。

另一个问题是如何应对量子启用对整个加密货币生态系统的影响。在这方面,我们需要使以太坊共识层变得抗量子攻击。工程上会有一些挑战,因为我们目前的方法在很大程度上依赖于使用高效的 BLS 签名。

而任何基于量子的方法都会更加低效。这也是我一直在推动首先采用 8192 个签名数的原因之一。我们需要给自己更多的调整空间,以应对可能需要的低效算法。与此同时,研究人员正在全力以赴地优化、测量和基准测试后量子替代方案。



在您看来,将 AI 与加密货币相结合有哪些好处?这会如何重塑行业?您在 2 月份讨论了 AI 在调试代码中的作用,可以能提供更多关于 AI 如何在加密和以太坊中使用的想法吗?

Vitalik Buterin:AI 和加密货币当今时代两个非常重要的技术趋势。有这样一句话,AI 倾向于集中化,而加密货币正在努力实现去中心化。这两者之间存在某种互补关系。但问题是,我们能否从这种概念转变为实际的应用示例,以一种对两者都有意义且具有生产力的方式进行使用。

其中之一是,AI 参与预测市场以太坊上其他类型的市场,基本上可以使市场更加微观化,并创建可以在其中发挥作用的 API。

另一个是将 AI 作为钱包的一部分,以帮助用户理解他们正在与之交互的加密环境。

第三个是利用密码学,包括 ZK、SNARK、MPC 等,将 AI 嵌入进去,以创建安全、强大且保护隐私的 AI 模型,使其成为链上应用的中心参与者,无论是 DApps 还是 Oracle 等其他形式。

然后第四个是,如果成功了可以将其用于其他领域的 AI。


另外,还有一个应用是,AI 能够进行滚动调试代码,当前加密领域面临的最大挑战之一就是代码错误和漏洞。而一个有希望的可能性是,AI 能给大大简化使用形式验证工具来证明代码集满足特定属性的过程。



Vitalik Buterin:再质押确实是一个很有趣的想法,但有可能出现的风险是,需求会被集中化的参与者接管,还有各种系统性风险以及对以太坊验证者集的影响。我知道有一些项目在进行研究一些不同的方法,到目前为止,我只是在观察这个领域,期待看到未来的发展。

从加密货币的发展和演变来看,让你感到最惊讶的是什么?你认为再过 5 年,加密货币行业将会是什么样子?

Vitalik Buterin:NFT、Meme 代币的发展最让我感到惊讶。技术方面是零知识技术的快速进展,这比我们预期的要快得多。



Vitalik Buterin:我认为最重要的一点是,要让自己有动力参与并持续参与,可以真正开始加入并成为社区的一部分。找到一个明确的方向,然后去做出一些真正「能用」的东西,比只想不做重要的多。你也可以尝试以写作的方式加入这个领域,这是一种推动自己的方式。


Vitalik Buterin:首先,如果你具备一定水平的英语技能,翻译一些内容是有价值的,还可以汇总一些信息,或者积极参与一些协议(社区)的共建,因为很多协议都在尝试欢迎来自世界各地的更多参与者,或者为成为投票者或徽章持有者。

    At the conference, the author talked about the threat of upgrading quantum computing in Cancun and the decentralized socialization of cryptocurrency Ethereum. He put forward a new conceptual framework that decentralized socialization can solve the problem of network effect. He also talked about how Ethereum can deal with the threat of quantum computing and think that the combination with cryptocurrency can bring many benefits. Pledge is an interesting idea, but there are also risks. There may be more cryptocurrency industries and it is suggested that new developers find a clear solution. To actively participate in the community and make practical things, I was interviewed by many media at the conference that opened today. I shared my views on some hot issues such as how to deal with the potential threat of upgrading quantum in Cancun, and put forward suggestions for the developers of new block chains for non-native English speakers. Besides, I also discussed the centralization risk of Ethereum pledge and mentioned a new conceptual framework, which can integrate the correct interfaces of further protocol services in a plug-and-play way. Aiming at small feasible distribution and fighting against the dominant substitution, as the emergence of Ethereum network currency, the economic value of individual stakeholders is enhanced by providing competitive participation in differentiated service categories and helping to achieve single-slot finality. The following is a decentralized social response to media problems. Your online activity seems to be higher than that on the internet. Can decentralized social applications like this really compete with social applications or subvert social models? Yes, I think so. One interesting thing about the communication field is that it has network effect, but it also has anti-network effect. It is a platform that gathers all kinds of people, but it is also a gathering place for those who are really boring. I find that enough users have been accumulated and it is also interesting. I can get higher-quality interaction on this platform, although it needs to be improved. I think it is possible to distinguish high-quality content from people. Many people criticize these mechanisms, including management and blue recognition. Zheng and others think that they may become a centralized tool or privilege to serve specific viewpoints and groups, and space and many non-financial applications, such as Ethereum, have fundamentally solved this problem. Trying to solve this kind of trust problem and decentralizing social interaction can really solve this problem. Another important feature is that it is not a server but a shared platform, so in principle, you can use your own client, and your client can read or write the same content. All users on this network can see it. I think this can definitely be a place where people start to try to create their own clients and add interesting new functions. For example, you can imagine people posting their own community notes or publishing various based seminars and even predictions. You can imagine people creating their own mechanisms to identify different groups such as high-reputation participants and low-reputation participants. All these things can be done by different clients. The thing that excites me is that I think this application is particularly practical and simple enough to use, and it is being used by some non-encrypted people. I think this is something that many applications have not done. It also sets a model for other similar applications. How can the upgrade contribute to the Ethereum ecosystem? Is this upgrade better than expected? The purpose of this upgrade is to greatly improve scalability and greatly reduce transaction costs, especially by creating an independent number in each block. To achieve this goal according to the space, these data can't be accessed, which is very important because it also means that when the client verifies the Ethereum block, they don't have to access the data at the same time. We have seen a sharp drop in the cost in the past week, and I need to remind you that these costs may increase again with the increase of the number of users and blocks, because users and transactions will increase, but it is still a quite significant scalability upgrade. Regarding the second question, it depends on your understanding and skills. From a technical point of view, the upgrade is progressing smoothly, which is better than any previous bifurcation. However, the usage is a little low. The goal is to include one in each block, but the average usage is only one. I think the usage will increase over time, but this is really good news for me at present, because it will be very cheap, but I expect the usage will increase in quantum computing in the next few months. How do you think Ethereum will deal with the urgent problem of the threat of quantum computing and how does this affect the wider cryptocurrency ecosystem? In terms of computing threats, I think there are several aspects to be considered. First, the Ethereum Foundation has realized the potential threats of quantum computing, and there will be some relevant standards and guidelines. From a technical point of view, we have anti-quantum algorithms for every field that is vulnerable to quantum attacks, such as quantum computers, which can crack the existing elliptic curve signatures, but we have already had a variety of anti-quantum algorithms, such as hash function signatures. Another problem is how to deal with the whole cryptocurrency ecology. The influence of the system In this respect, we need to make the Ethereum consensus layer resistant to quantum attacks. There will be some challenges in engineering, because our current method depends to a great extent on the use of efficient signatures, and any quantum-based method will be more inefficient. This is one of the reasons why I have been pushing to adopt a signature number first. We need to give ourselves more adjustment space to deal with the inefficient algorithms that may be needed. At the same time, researchers are making every effort to optimize the measurement and benchmark post-quantity. Sub-alternatives Generally speaking, we need to comprehensively consider many aspects, including adopting anti-quantum algorithm to adjust the quantum alternatives after the consensus layer research, in order to meet the security challenges of quantum activation to Ethereum and the entire cryptocurrency ecosystem. What are the benefits of combining with cryptocurrency in your opinion? How will this reshape the industry? You discussed the role of debugging code in January, can you provide more ideas on how to use it in cryptocurrency and Ethereum? And cryptocurrency is two non-modern times. There is a saying that there is a tendency towards centralization and cryptocurrency is trying to decentralize, but the question is whether we can change this concept into practical application examples and use them in a meaningful and productive way. One of them is to participate in forecasting the market. Other types of markets in the ethereum can basically make the market more microscopic and create an encrypted environment that can play a role in it. The other is to use cryptography to help users understand that they are interacting with it. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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