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在当前加密货币牛市中,每天都有数不尽的新项目和叙事涌现。历史经验告诉我们,在过去的每一轮引人注目的加密牛市中,总会出现至少一个能够真正打破界限的Web3产品,它们为行业带来大量新用户,成为圈外人士的谈资和入圈的第一站。从Axie Infinity的宠物游戏到Stepn的“边走边赚”模式,这些产品不仅实现了破圈传播,也恰逢行业发展的高潮。


数据不会骗人,成本高昂的链上数据更加不会,我们先仔细研究了一下权威的dapp数据平台——dappradar,根据DappRadar的数据,目前排名第一的产品是一个名为HOT Wallet的产品,这是一个基于Telegram的加密钱包小程序,活跃用户已达百万级别,构建于NEAR生态之上。

深入剖析这一产品,我们发现HOT Wallet让用户能够通过极简的操作直接登录并创建NEAR链上的钱包,并定期领取名为HOT的代币空投。HOT Wallet的快速增长得益于Telegram庞大的社交网络和用户友好的小程序功能,实现了全球范围内的病毒式传播。

进而观察,另一款名为Notcoin的产品同样采用Telegram小程序形式,在几个月内用户数量已超过2000万。Notcoin是由TON官方团队制作,在Telegram的俄语社区特别受欢迎。Notcoin的用户基数庞大,目前正通过MINT NFT的方式,逐步引导用户上链,这2000多万用户还有绝大部分未融入Web3世界。


我们还观察到Telegram生态正在迅速发展,出现了许多类似Notcoin和HOT Wallet的产品,一些基于Telegram的游戏产品也在不断演变。在这些产品中,基于Solana生态的MomoAI尤其引人注目,它仅用半个月的时间,用户数就飙升至50万,并且在炙手可热的Solana生态中,链上活跃钱包数迅速达到近10万,成为Solana生态中dapp排行的前三名。进一步观察,MomoAI背后活跃的Telegram社群和Twitter推广活动显示了其惊人的参与度,用户在聊天群里分享、交流,也尽其所能的推荐朋友加入,在推特和YouTube等社交媒体自发传播,这种火热程度让人不得不联想起前面提到的现象级的出圈产品。







In the current cryptocurrency bull market, countless new projects and narratives emerge every day. Historical experience tells us that in every remarkable cryptocurrency bull market in the past, there will always be at least one product that can really break the boundaries. They bring a large number of new users to the industry, become the talk capital of outsiders and the first stop to enter the circle. These products have not only achieved the spread of breaking the circle, but also coincided with the climax of industry development. We are very curious about the next one in this round of bull market. This is a key point that deserves our close attention and active layout. The data will not deceive people, and the high-cost data on the chain will not. First, we carefully studied the authoritative data platform. According to the data, the product currently ranked first is a product named, which is based on an encrypted wallet applet. The active users have reached millions of levels. We deeply analyzed this product and found that users can log in directly through minimal operations. Record and create a wallet on the chain and get a token named regularly. The rapid growth of airdrops has benefited from the huge social network and user-friendly applet function, which has achieved a worldwide viral spread, and then observe another product named, which also adopts the form of applet. In a few months, the number of users has exceeded 10,000, which is made by the official team in the Russian community. The user base is very popular, and the users are gradually guided to go online by means. Most of these tens of thousands of users have not yet integrated. These two cases in the world have aroused our great interest in the ecological potential. The anonymity and openness are highly consistent with the spirit of the company, and its friendly attitude towards it makes it the first choice for people in the industry to communicate daily. The social attributes of 100 million active users and the one-click login of small programs indicate that it is only a matter of time before killer applications emerge in the ecology. We also observe that the ecology is developing rapidly and there are many similar products and some game products based on it. Products are also constantly evolving in these products, especially those based on ecology. In just half a month, the number of users has soared to 10,000, and the number of active wallets in the hot ecology chain has rapidly reached nearly 10,000, making it the top three in the ecology. Further observation of the active communities and promotion activities behind them shows its amazing participation. Users share and communicate in chat groups and do their best to recommend friends to join Twitter and other social media to spread spontaneously. This fiery degree makes people have to connect. It is interesting to think of the phenomenon-level out-of-circle products mentioned above. As the fastest-growing ecology in recent years, many users have not really touched it, so we can see that there are a lot of tutorials in the group chat, which are naturally very valuable resources for ecology, especially leisure games, which are low-threshold products that kill time. With the rapid development of ecology, the introduction of a large number of users undoubtedly has the potential to become the next generation of phenomenon-level products, which makes me We are full of expectations. After in-depth investigation of the project, we found the secret of its success. Since, this team has been focusing on developing mobile applications with a global download of up to 10,000. As a project focusing on the next generation game platform, it won the global hacker champion in 2000 and 2000. This rare achievement reflects the team's deep professional accumulation and technical precipitation. Although the team has not disclosed the specific financing amount, its investor list includes some well-known venture capital companies such as Qianze. Friends, etc. This shows that we have a team with rich experience in product production and user growth. After personally experiencing the product, we also summed up the reasons for the rapid growth of the product. A cultivation game with the theme of alien trees is extremely simple and easy to use, which is suitable for users of different ages and regions. However, a rich fission reward and prop mechanism is designed in the game, and with the deepening of the game, new elements are constantly revealed for users, effectively enhancing the activity of users and the interest of the game. Taste has realized the rapid spread of the game in the world through carefully planned activities and community operations, and the game platform based on the long-term planning of the project has also stepped on the wave of the times. There are already many exciting labels on such a hot project that will still shine. Ecological games are all active addresses, and every one of them will make people want to lay out in advance. On the whole, we are full of expectations for the broken circle applications that have emerged in the ecology. Each product mentioned above has its own uniqueness, but its potential is impressive. We will wait and see how to play the cards well and how high it can be in the context of rapid ecological development. 比特币今日价格行情网_okx交易所app_永续合约_比特币怎么买卖交易_虚拟币交易所平台


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